Chapter 32 I Nominate Leonardo!

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Unedited. Really sorry! I have to go somewhere, and I'll be home late. I don't want to keep you guys from reading. Cover/Banner by silentgrace -->

Chapter 32: I Nominate Leonardo!

The packing for the camping trip had been a struggle. Of course, most girls had bags full of make-up, different outfits, curling irons (don't even ask), feminine items, and other stuff. I, on the other hand, had two huge, stuffed bags. One had my necessary things for camp (clothes, water bottle, bug spray, mase, pepper spray, sleeping bag, etc). The second had all the prank materials--glue, red paint, feminine items, make-up (stole some of Cate's), a cam recorder with different sounds, a halloween outfit, etc.

Now, the only problem was that I needed more people in on the plan. It wouldn't work out at all with just Piper and I.

The day before the trip, Piper and I ended up pulling aside Jenny at the end of the day. I still wasn't too sure about letting her in on the plan, but Piper insisted that we had no other option. And she was right. Jenna could get all the girls on the camping trip on our side. Mind you, since only the AP students were going, the group was going to have smart people at that.

"What do you two want?" Jenna demanded as we stood in the girls' bathroom.

"We have a proposal," Piper said. Jenna gave us a confused look.

"Do you want to help teach the male population on the camping trip a lesson?" I asked her.

Jenna raised an eyebrow, nevertheless, said, "what are you planning?"

Piper grinned. "A revenge."

"Mother nature will bring 'joys' to the guys," I added.

Jenna slowly smiled. "Sounds interesting. But why do you need me?"

"First, are you in or not?" I asked quickly.

"In," she immediately replied.

"Good. We need you to get all the girls on our side. No one, and I repeat, absolutely no male can know about this," I said solemnly.

"Got it. That's it?" asked Jenna.

"Well, we also have a small 'myth' that guys should be convinced might happen," I hesitantly said. Jenna waited me to fruther explain. "We will do that tomorrow."

"Wait, what is the myth?"

"We'll text you. Just talk to the other girls," I said, glancing around once in a while. Good thing, girls rarely came to this bathroom. It was the worst girl's bathroom in the school.

"All right.," Jenna complied.

"Good. Talk to you tomorrow, then," I said, keen on getting out of there fast. Jenna wasn't the person I liked talking to the most even if we were having a decent conversation. I started dragging Piper away when Jenna said something.

"Why are you guys trusting me?"

I looked over my shoulder at her and shrugged. "No other choice. Don't ruin it Jenna. This a foolproof plan."

"I won't. Some of these idiots need to understand how irritating Mother Nature can be."

"Glad we can all agree on something," said Piper with a smile.

"Be prepared for tomorrow. Nothing can go wrong, okay?" I said.

"Okay," Piper and Jenna said in unison.

It was going to be a special day, tomorrow.


We all rode a school bus to camping location. It was about a two hour ride, but with a lot of work. All the girls took the back seats kicking out the males (there were only 8 of them anyways). Jenna and the girls all had the myth I sent them. Now, we had to convince the guys to believe it.

Once we reached our place, there were two people waiting for us. An older man with a young guy. Both had black hair but different eye colors. The younger one had light blue eyes while the other man had green eyes.

"Boys and girls," Ms. Kalesse, my AP Bio teacher, called us to attention. "This is Cesare DiCiaro," she pointed towards the smiling older man. "And his son Leonardo DiCiaro. They are here to help guide us." The younger one (probably 20ish) smiled at all of us.

"Leonardo DiCaprio!" some girl said from the back. There were a bunch of laughs from everyone. I didn't laugh, though, because more important things were on my mind.

"He's cute," Piper whispered to me.

I gave her a look and replied, "Forget him. We have to get on with the plan as soon as possible. It's five pm."

She rolled her eyes. "You just won't let me enjoy the sight."

I blinked at her, and then examined the so called "Leonardo DiCaprio." He was decent looking--I mean I couldn't care less about the guide at the moment.

"Ooh someone's checking out the guide," a familiar voice whispered right next to my ear. Irritated, I turned to find Lucas standing right behind me, with a small grin. His chest was barely six inches away from my back.

"Go away, Crowell!"

The group started moving towards where we would be staying. I walked off quickly, dragging Piper with me.

"Aw, why did you snap at Lucas? He wasn't even being mean," Piper said, shooting Lucas sympathetic looks over her shoulder.

"Just shut up. Now, I have another small plan," I said in a lowered tone.

She looked at me curiously. "What is it?"

"In order to be more convincing, we need to let one of the guides in on our plan," I told her quietly.

Her eyes widened, but she nodded nonetheless. "I nominate Leonardo," she grinned.

I rolled my eyes and followed the group to the camping grounds. Three huge tents were set up. One for girls, one for boys, and one for teachers.

"Pink for girls, blue for boys, and white for the teachers," Leonardo smiled. "My father and I live quite close, so we'll be staying home."

"Aw," some girl said in a disappointed tone. There were a lot of snickers.

"Dana, behave," the Environmental science teacher scolded.

"It's all good," Cesare DiCiaro spoke up. "Mind you, I will not be able to stay long. I have to go home right now, but Leo can show you around. My wife is waiting. It's out thirtieth wedding anniversary."

There were a bunch of awes and all that unnecessary drama. Cesare DiCiaro grinned and waved. He left his young son in charge.

Piper's wish was going to come true: I was going to have to let Leonardo guy in on the plan.


Piper and I talked to the rest of the girls about the small plan. Half of them wanted to go corner the "hottie" while the other half said he can't be trusted. I agreed with both sides. We couldn't really trust a guy, but if he was in, we would be more convincing to the rest of the guys.

"I'll go talk to Leonardo," Piper said once I said we should just try.

"Sandy should go," Jenna said from her sleeping bag. Everyone looked at her. She rolled her eyes and said, "Sandy is the only one who actually knows what she's doing. Plus, she can't blame us if anything goes wrong and she was the one who did everything."

"So true," Piper said. "Yeah, I will probably mess up. Leo is just so cute..."

I gave her an irritated look. "Stay here, and I'll be back as soon as possible," I told them.

Of course, I had to do every goddamn thing. Everyone just liked testing my patience. I walked out of the tent and looked around. The guide was talking to one of the guys. Once they finished talking, I walked over to him.

"Can I talk to you?" I said quietly. He raised an eyebrow but nodded. "I think it would be better if you came in there," I said pointing to the tent for the girls.

"Sorry, I can't, unless there is some emergency," he told me.

"It's definitely an emergency," I said dead serious. He and I had different definitions of "emergency."

He nodded and followed me inside the tent. The girls had been loudly chatting but dropped silent when they saw the guide.

"What's the emergency?" he looked at me.

"We need your help in something but you have to promise you won't tell anybody," I replied. The rest of the girls nodded in agreement.

"What is it?" he asked, now looking suspicious.

"First, promise you won't tell anyone whether you join us or not," I said.

He seemed to think about it for a long time until he said, "Promise. I promise not tell anyone whatever you are about to tell me."

"Great," I smiled, mostly in relief. "Now, it's pretty simple. We just wanna scare the guys. We have a myth or a scary camp story that we want the guys to believe is true."

"Interesting. Do tell me the story," he said with a small mischievous smile. His head was slightly tilted to the side as he waited for me to continue.

"We have it all written up, and we can text it to you," Piper answered for me.

"That is, if you want to join our plan," I added.

"I don't know if I want to go against the guys. Bros before-"

"Look, they have been irritating us all for the past week," I said cutting him off. "Jokes, stupid comments, and inconsiderate remarks--we're just telling them a scary myth." And something else that Leonardo needn't know if we wanted him to take our side. I looked at the girls for support. All of them put on pleading, puppy dog faces.

Yeah, I wasn't going that extreme.

Leonardo looked at us with a debating look. I could tell he wasn't sure whether he should do it or not. "Why do you need my help?" he finally asked me.

"Because it will make the story more convincing," I replied truthfully.

He took his time making up a response. "Fine. I'm in."

I grinned along with the rest of the girls. This was going well.

The boys had better watch out.


Everyone was gathered around the campfire. The girls were nervous but controlled themselves well. Only some of the girls were going to pretend to know the myth. I wasn't one of them since I hated lying about things.

I gave a small nod to Jenna to start talking as everyone seemed at ease. She took the hint and made eye contact with Leonardo.

And the fun began.

"Hey Dana, have you heard of that myth?" Jenna said a little loudly.

"Which myth?" Dana said feigning confusion.

"The one about Mother Nature coming every full moon," Jenna explained.

"Oh that one." All right, Dana didn't need to look dumb. I think she realized it too because she continued, "Isn't the myth something about Mother Nature specifically meeting men?"

"What are you two talking about?" Ms. Kalesse asked confused.

"I think I know the myth they are talking about?" Leonardo piped in.

"What the heck are you all talking about?" Lucas said. He looked like he was feeling left out.

That's all we needed.

"Well, the story ages back to," Leonardo hesitated. I slightly glared at him and he continued, "to twelve B.C." I just hoped the science were bad at history and mythology.

"Go on," said Julian. All of the boys had stupid, confused looks.

It was hard for me to keep from laughing. Piper nudged me when she saw me silently laughing. I kept my eyes down as Leonardo proceeded.

"Myth states that once a month, every full moon, Mother Nature comes to visit men who undermine women," said Leonardo. "Mother Nature's face has been said to be framed by dark, glowing leaves. She pays a visit to leave a curse on those men."

"What rubbish!" Julian said with an outraged look.

"That's stupid," one of the other guys said. The boys were in agreement and in disbelief.

"It's a myth, right?" I piped up.

"Of course," Leonardo said with a small smile.

"Wait, isn't today a full moon?" Piper asked.

"Yes, it is," Ms. Kalesse answered.

"Well, I hope none of these had undermined women and offended them," shrugged Leonardo. He pointed around at the girls and the teachers.

I saw a bunch of eye rolls from the guys.

"Yeah okay," Lucas said flatly. "Mother Nature loves me too much, so I doubt she'll be visiting me."

"That's what you think," I said under my breath. This Mother Nature will be going especially for him.

"It's a myth. Screw it," Lucas said getting up.

"Anyone who refuses to respect Mother Nature will definitely regret it," said Jenna shaking her head at Lucas.

"All right, let's not get carried away," Julian said, attempting to make peace. "It's simply a myth. I reckon Mother Nature has enough time for us."

"I'm sure she does. You're all a bunch of inconsiderate jerks," I said. I couldn't let all the guys be relaxed and calm, and simply brush the myth off.

"You're the one to talk," retorted Lucas.

"Excuse me?"

"Inconsiderate jerk, huh, Evans?" Lucas said rolling his eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him. "You know what? Never mind." He walked off to the guys' tent.

Well, he was something.

"I think it's time we all go to bed. Big day tomorrow," Ms. Smith said. Everyone stood up and prepared to go their respective tents. Leonardo gave me a wink as he headed to his own place. His help had been greatly appreciated. I would probably notify him that tomorrow.

"Sandy!" Piper's voice broke my thoughts.

"We have to get you ready!" Jenna said adding on.

"Damn, I forgot," I said as I came back to my senses. I ran to my bag and pulled out the costume for Mother Nature. It had been pretty expensive but worth it.

"All right. Girls, come on!" Jenna said once she saw all the supplies.

The girls ended up helping me get ready in the dark. The teachers had told us to stop messing around and go to bed. The struggle had been real. I was in a long red and green gown. There was face paint all over my face and arms. The make-up just stayed there. It was going to be used for the guys. The girls helped me into the huge headpiece that was a frame almost. It rested on my shoulder, poking out peacock feathers that were glow in the dark. I was red and green. More like Christmas than Mother Nature. I mean I even got colored lens for tonight--they were bright red making my eyes look creepy. I wonder what the actual Mother Nature thought.

The girls were going to aid me as I was going to give my speech and "gift" to the guys as Mother Nature.

At approximately midnight, I, Cassandra Elizabeth Evans, walked to the boys' tent as Mother Nature. The other girls--my munchkins--carried all the supplies behind quietly.

The boys had no idea what was--or rather who was coming for them.

May Mother Nature be ever in my favor tonight.



-Whatya think of the chapter? Whatya think of Leonardo DiCaprio? Cute? Sweet? And Cassie seemed to be excited for this.

What did ya think will happen? Lucas or Julian? Btw, all guys are gonna be unhappy.

Anywho, how is life?

I just wanna say a big thanks for all the votes and comments, you all have been leaving! It really means a lot!!!




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