Chapter 39 You Don't Need Julian Any More

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Chapter 39: You don't need Julian Any More

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Give me one good reason why, Crowell."

"Sheesh, Sandy, I have given you a whole list of reasons already!" Lucas complained and proceeded to eat his lunch. He had decided to join our lunch table, today. Lucas Crowell was sticking around me too much after that field trip. Piper sat with an amused look, watching Lucas irritate me.

"You're 'attractive, smart, changed, athletic' and--never mind, all that doesn't count," I told him, omitting the last reason.

"And what?" Piper asked.

"Go on, tell her," Lucas nudged me. When I made no effort, he smirked and told Piper: "I'm a good kisser."

Piper giggled. I gave her a glare, and she shut up. "Wait till all the girls hear about you two, especially the fan club," Piper said excitedly.

I exchanged a look with Lucas before turning to Piper. "Guess what I've been hearing all day. 'Back off my man,' 'is it true there is something going between you and Lucas?' 'Lucas would never date you,' and the last one was 'I'm dating, Lucas, so don't get your hopes up, Sandy,'" I told Piper.

"Gossip," muttered Lucas, munching on his pizza slice. He hadn't even known the girls who told me they were dating him.

"But what is your status?" Piper asked curiously.

"I don't know," Lucas shrugged and then nodding in my direction, he added, "Ask her."

"I said I would give you a chance to prove why I shouldn't hate you," I replied. "Meaning that right now, you are not even on my friends list."

"Ouch," Piper said.

"She's mean," Lucas told her. "I am being nice. I gelled my hair all cool. I am trying. Sandy is still so cold." She laughed and I rolled my eyes just as we got two new...well old but new people join us. Megan and Julian sat down across from Lucas and I with Piper.

"Finally, some sane people," I said, feeling relieved by more company. Had to balance out Lucas.

"My lunch got changed to this one. I'm glad to find some sane people, too," Megan told, though she slightly shook her head at Lucas.

"I am simply here because I couldn't stand any more gossip at Lucas's table," Julian said, looking down on his lunch. For some reason, he hadn't really talked to me since...since he told me to tell Lucas the truth.

"Gossip! That reminds me--" Megan began looking between Lucas and I.

"If you are bringing up anything about him," I interjected, pointing to Lucas and then myself, "and me, don't."

"Oh." Megan said nothing else.

Lucas and I spent the rest of the lunch arguing about ridiculous things. The group across from us mostly ignored us until Piper called us to attention.

"I forgot to ask! Do you guys want to do the five k run on Thursday," she asked.

"I'll do it like I do every year," I told her.

"What's it for?" Megan asked, looking at Piper.

"Raising money for some charity I can't remember. Five k is five kilometers, so like three some miles," shrugged Piper.

"I'll do it," Megan said.

"Ditto," Julian muttered quietly. He didn't look up or contribute anything else. What was wrong with him?

"I'll do it," Lucas piped up. "Just because she's doing it," he nudged me. The spoon in my hand from the pudding I was eating fell. Lucas backed away immediately. "Sorry."

"That was the last bit of the pudding!" I always saved the best for last and now, the table had the best. I reached my hand up and messed Lucas's hair.

"Hey! My hair!"

"That's what you get."

"Not fair."


The next three days went by really slow. Lucas either spent his time being considerate or a full pain. Piper found it "cute" how I was controlling myself around him. I mean I didn't even yell at him when he got us in trouble in Spanish class for talking in English. Lucas really was something.


I looked to my side to find Lucas leaning against the locker next to mine. "Yes?" See, I was being polite.

"So, you know how the running thing is tomorrow?"

"The 5k?" I had my head shoved in my locker while he talked.

"That. I was wondering if I could maybe--I mean if we could go," he scratched the side of his head and continued, "for ice cream or dinner or...well anything afterwards."

Slowly, I shifted to take a look at him. He wasn't messing around rather he seemed genuine. I weighed my options before giving him an answer. "Since you asked nicely, yes. Ice cream sounds fine." I closed my locker and dumped in the psychology textbook in my backpack. I put my bag on my back and stood up straighter.

Lucas gave me a surprised look before smiling and leaning closer. "Great, then," he said.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Lucas," I said giving him a small pat on the chest--a signal to back away.

"No goodbye kiss?" Apparently, he didn't take the sign.

"We're hardly even friends. Don't cross the limits."

"Not like I haven't kissed you before," he said leaning closer. I gave him a slight push again and shook my head. "Fine! I'll see you later," he said flatly.

"Yup," I nodded.

Before I could turn and walk away, Lucas grabbed my forearm, leaned in, and whispered, "Sorry for the pudding." He didn't wait for my response rather walked away.

"I didn't mean to mess up your hair either," I called after him. I really didn't. It was just the moment and the anger. A couple of other people were also around the hallway. The ones who had heard me gave me weird looks. Lucas was about eight or so feet away, standing with a smirk.

"Consequences of a great kiss," he winked and walked away. I ended having unwanted attention to myself.

He was such a...ugh!


On the other hand, Julian was completely avoiding me. Aside from a normal hello or an answer to one of my direct questions, he had nothing else to say. Even on the day of the marathon, Julian kept away from me. What was the problem? Did I mess up? Was he not feeling well?

I talked to Piper about it, and for once she seemed right.

"Sandy, nowadays, who's always around you?" asked Piper. We stood waiting for the race to start near a big tree. It was a nice, warm evening. I wish. In reality, it was a chilly, windy day of March, but nothing I wasn't used to running in.

"Lucas," I slowly replied.

"You're all set. You don't need Julian any more."

"What?" That was the most ridiculous thought ever proposed by Piper.

"He probably is distancing himself, too, so he won't create any problems for you."

"How would he create problems by being near me--"

"Sandy," she sighed, shaking her head. "He is leaving you and Lucas alone. Everyone knows Lucas likes you. As for you, the feelings are too complicated. Julian is probably just staying away, so you two can work it all out. Plus, something else."

"Something else?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Never mind. That's just a theory for me to know. I gave you the more rational answer."

"Basically, because of the fact that I am giving Lucas a chance, Julian backed away?" I asked for clarification.

"I think so."

"That's stupid!" I said feeling outraged. "I'm gonna go talk to him. Idiot!" Piper had a stupid smile on but didn't say anything. She waved me goodbye.

I walked around looking for Julian but couldn't spot him.

But he couldn't hide from me when we were going to be running.



"Julian!" I called as I ran up to his side.

He had been either going exceptionally slow or exceptionally fast. He wouldn't even look at me which made me angry. Everyone else was still behind. Lucas was being lazy, taking his time, running and stopping.

"Yes, Cassie?" Julian said looking straight ahead as we jogged.

"How are you?" I didn't even know where that came from. I had hardly ever asked anyone this question.


"I wanted to talk to you," I began.

"Now isn't the time," he replied, picking up his pace.

I matched his and tried not to let in any anger. "Did I do something wrong, Julian?"

Now, he looked at me before turning back. "Of course not," came his curt reply.

"Then why are you behaving like this?"

"Like what?"

"Like you want me to leave you alone. Julian, you won't even look at me!" I stopped in my tracks.

He ran only a little bit before stopping and turning around. "I am giving you some space, Cassie!" he said with an outraged expression. "Why are you making a fuss out of it? Do you want me to meddle in your business more?"

"Space?" I said in a lowered tone. "I just--I don't know why you are getting angry. All I wanted was to clear everything up. Didn't wanna lose 'a friend over a useless thing.'"

"You're right," he said as if he had realized something. "Can't lose a friend."

"Piper said you were staying away because I was giving Lucas a chance."

"She's partially correct," Julian said not meeting my eyes. "There are other...Cassie, let's run, and I'll clear some things." I gave him a look before joining his side. Our running began yet again, however this time, we were calmer. "I was giving you space, so you and Lucas could have everything settled and cleared. That and I haven't been feeling too...well, frankly speaking, I want to return back to Spain."

"What? Why?" Was there anything wrong here?

He gave me a look a look nevertheless replied, "Because I'm homesick."

"Oh." That made a lot more sense. But all that homesickness came now? "Do you need any advice, now, Julian?" I grinned at him slowly.

"Any thoughts?" he said showing a small dimple. It was nice to see some happiness in his expression.

"I say you stop ignoring everybody. Go back to your Mr. Nice-Gentleman attitude. Key to success. Actually, pretend you actually wanna be here, and you're all set," I shrugged. My breathing was heavier now from all the running and chatting.

Julian didn't seem too bothered. The sad reality was that I was the one who jogged every morning. Then again, I never had someone to chat with while going around the neighborhood.

"I see," was all he said. For some reason, I still felt that we weren't completely fine.

We jogged quietly for a while before I asked, "Are we okay, now?" I didn't want him to be mad at me for no reason. Especially, since he had been there at my worst. "Like I don't need to make up for anything? I swear if you were giving me space because of Lucas, I'm gonna be really pissed off."

"Relax, darling. It's really nothing," he said. There was definitely something.

"Don't call me that."

"Okay." He looked dead serious as he stared right ahead. "We'll be finishing soon. Prepare to lose, Cassie," he gave me a grin and picked up his speed.


We ran. And ran. Ran until we reached the finish line, crossing it simultaneously. The trouble came with the prize for the first place. I said Julian could have it since I won the race three times already (Honestly, I was just trying to get him to not be angry at me or anything). Julian chose this opportunity to be back to being his gentleman self and refused to take the bag of goodies.

"Aylmer, stop it and take the bag," I finally said.

"I would prefer to be called by my first name," he said flatly. "As for the prize, we can divide it."

"Hand over all the Kit Kats or anything related to it," I told him.

He narrowed his eyes at me before taking the goodies bag from the judge. "I'm keeping the 'Almond Joy,'" he replied flipping through the bag.

"I'm allergic to coconut candy, anyways, so you can keep it."

He handed me the Kit Kats and Hershey chocolate bars. We were both set, eating our shares of the chocolates. Julian and I stood waiting for other participants to finish up. Our friends were one of the last ones to finish.


Lucas was the biggest drama queen, saying that soccer season was starting soon, and he had to save his energy for that. Megan and Piper just said they were happy to be done. Everyone made their way towards the parking lot. I hung back with Julian to ask him something. I was just about to talk when a loud voice called, "Julian!"

Both of us looked us to find a girl our age standing a couple of feet away. I only had time to take in her auburn hair as she flung herself in Julian's arms.


"Cherry!" I heard Julian say. Cherry? What kind of a name was that?

She was giving him a tight hug (it was really noticeable, so that's why I could tell). She even gave him a small kiss on the cheek. I awkwardly stood to the side, trying to figure out who this girl was. Took them long to finally separate.

"I can't believe you're here!" she said in a conspicuous British accent. Interesting.

"Same for you, love. Been two years almost?" Love? That's what he called--calls her? Wait, he said it had been two years. Were they like Brandon and I?

"Of course! Not one call!" she said giving him a playful smack on the chest. Julian was grinning like an idiot. "Laura talked to me, but you never did."

"Chatting with you at two in the morning isn't my ideal night," he replied.

"Twit," she muttered grinning.

I slowly turned and started backing away. Now, it was great that friends reunited or whatever, but I didn't know her...nor did I want to know her.

"Cassie!" Damn. I turned back and looked at Julian. "Leaving?" he asked. Cherry was looking at me curiously.

"Yeah. I just remembered I have to go meet up with Lucas." It wasn't particularly false. Lucas was indeed taking me out to ice cream, unless he changed his mind. "And you can catch up with your friend," I told him.

"Friend?" Cherry looked at me and then Julian. "Girlfriend," she corrected. I blinked at her in did Julian. She burst out laughing before taking a step forward and extending her hand. "Only joking. I'm Cheryl. The outstanding best friend of this bloke. Pleasure to meet you," she smiled.

I stared at her hand and slowly shook my head. "Nice to meet you. Sorry, my hands have chocolate on them, so I would rather not..." I nodded at her extended hand.

"Oh I understand," she said withdrawing her arm. Julian just gave me an amused look but said nothing. He was happy all of sudden, now, with this girl being here. Half an hour ago, he was almost yelling at me. "And your name?"

"Cassandra Evans."

"Cassie," Julian told her. She had a weird look upon hearing the nickname, nevertheless she caught herself.

"I prefer 'Sandy,'" I said. Damn. I didn't know why I said that. Julian gave me a confused look but said nothing.

"Very well then, Sandy," smiled Cheryl. "Julian makes up these ridiculous pet names. Cherry?" She rolled her eyes, sympathizing.

Before anyone could have said anything, Lucas came over. Julian did the introductions and Lucas politely went along. After chatting a little bit, Lucas claimed we should leave soon. "Coming or nah?" he asked me. I blinked at him. "Ice cream," he nudged.

"Ice cream?" Cheryl perked up at the name. Lucas looked at me and I shrugged.

"Do you guys wanna join us?" Lucas asked.

"We don't want to intrude--" began Julian but Cheryl cut him off.

"That would be fantastic!" She was so full of energy.

"Great. We'll all meet there," Lucas said. "You okay, Sandy?"

I nodded and gave him a forced smile.

Something felt wrong. I couldn't point out what.


》》》Julian's POV《《《

As Cassie and Lucas left, I turned to my close friend.

"Cherry, what exactly are you doing here?" I asked her. Mind you, it was fantastic to see her after so long, but it wasn't simply a coincidence.

She gave me a flat look. "Laura. I was actually visiting the States with Dad, and your sister happened to chat with me. She mentioned something about her brother--my best friend--being smitten by someone named 'Cassie,'" she grinned.


"Well, since you've always helped me in my love life, I might as well return the favor," she replied.

"That won't be necessary. Didn't you see? She likes my cousin."

"Hardly. I can tell you one thing, Julian: Cassie--Sandy didn't seem thrilled by my presence."

I sighed. "That's because I had an argument with her today. I was--I am genuinely content by your presence."

"So, she was jealous," she pointed out.

"People do get jealous when they have to share friends."

"Right. Are you convincing me or yourself?"



I gave her an irritated look. "Don't call me that. Also, what plan did you and Laura make up for me?"

"I'll tell you on the way," she replied, grabbing my arm and dragging me.

"On the way? To where?"

"Ice cream!"


<<<|Author's Note|>>>

OMG CHERRY/CHERYL!!!!!!! Cassie's got competition or nah? Julian happy?

Isn't Lucas cute? He got a kiss...indirectly XD

Any predictions?

Cassie is a Capricorn, coincidentally (haha not really coincidental cuz I am Capricorn myself), but I just checked her horoscope. It IS THE PERFECT ONE FOR HER! But Julian's is wrong :/ so that sucks.

What are your horoscopes?




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