Chapter 41 I Am Dead Serious, C. C.

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Chapter 41: I Am Dead Serious, C. C.

I walked down to the cafeteria for lunch, not really feeling up to eating. Then again, Lucas wasn't worth skipping food for.

It was just my luck that the senior lounge was closed today for cleaning. I was going to have to sit in the regular cafeteria with the weird untamed animals that called themselves people.

I spotted Piper pretty quickly and we decided to take the table in the back. "How was your day?" she asked once we settled down.

"Interesting. What about yours?" I asked for the sake of politeness.

"It was okay. This morning when I was coming to school, I accidentally ran over someone's mailbox," she said with a guilty look.

"Did you try to fix it or at least let the people know?"

"Not really. I mean they can always fix it later. I was running late," she shrugged.

"Don't ever bring up something like this again. First, you run over someone's mailbox and then just walk away. That's a hit-and-run," I said outraged by her stupidity. People were selfish but this was ridiculous. "What if someone did that to you, Piper?"

"Just forget it. Never mind I said anything," she said pursing her lips.

Great, now Piper wasn't too happy. I was on a roll today, being miserable myself and making everyone else unhappy as well.

Soon, Megan joined our table, ready to start chatting. When she saw the moods, she kept her mouth shut and said nothing.

Julian and Cheryl followed right behind her. Great, she was still here.

"Hiya," Cheryl smiled at us all. I wondered how rude "biya" would sound as a reply. Then again, why would I be worried about how rude I was? Freedom of speech.

"Why looking so gloomy?" Julian asked us.

"Because I can't deal with people any longer. Why can't everyone just do the right thing for once? Is it that hard?" I asked angrily.

"No need to let your anger out on me," Julian said raising his hands in defeat. "Mind you, doing the right thing isn't always the easiest."

I looked at him. "Thanks for the vote of support, Julian."

"Cassie, you're upset. Let's just eat lunch," he said calmly.

I said nothing but went to open my bag. Might as well not waste the hand cooked meal made by my grandmother. She had put in a small sandwich, an apple, a water bottle, and a small, yellow bag of Lays chips. I only liked the water and sandwich. Apples were gross and Lays chips barely had taste aside from salt. Even food wasn't in my favor.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

I slowly looked up at the voice. A wave of confusion was on everyone's face as Lucas Crowell stood with a small mic in his hand. He hadn't been overly loud rather decent enough to be able to be heard all the way back here from the front of the cafeteria.

I turned my gaze down on my food as Lucas proceeded. "I won't take a lot of everyone's time, but I must get this done." He loudly sighed and begun, "I am Lucas Crowell. Grade twelveth. Age: seventeen. I am here today to make an apology. An apology that has been long overdue to one of my classmates."

"Oh boy," Megan said in a low tone. The whole cafeteria was dead silent, now. Julian and Cheryl were talking amongst themselves and looking at Lucas. I wondered what was going on there.

"In eight grade, I, Lucas Sebastian Crowell, made the most idiotic mistake. I called a girl--who I didn't know anything about--incompatible to be with anyone and...many rude, unforgivable things." His voice dropped with the guilt. "I didn't mean that. I'm dead serious, C. C. I didn't mean that."

Goddamn idiot had the nerve to call me that in front of so many people. Angrily, I finished my sandwich and drank some water.

"C. C.?" Cheryl asked, her eyebrows raised.

"No comments," I said, shaking my head.

"It was my fault to a degree that I didn't show you that I cared- that I care. I'm terribly sorry. I am sorry you had to deal with me after hearing so many terrible words from me." The voice was getting closer if my sense of hearing was correct. I hoped it wasn't. "I am sorry for all the times that I annoyed you (even though I was trying to impress you). I am sorry for yesterday with all that drama. I am sorry, Evans. Ireally am sorry."

"Where the hell are the administrators?" I muttered under my breath as Lucas stood at the end of my table. Every single eye in the cafeteria was on me now, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Do you forgive me, Cassandra Elizabeth Evans?" Lucas asked walking up the aisle.


He was putting me on the spot.

"Stop it, Lucas," I whispered.

"Do you forgive me?"


"I promise not to hurt you again."


"I promise not to give you a reason to hate me."


"Sandy, I promise I won't make you unhappy if you give me one last chance."

I looked at my friends who were all looking between Lucas and I, now. Cheryl had a really expressionless face as she examined Lucas. Julian was looking at me with a hard look. He was leaving me to make my own decision. Megan gave me a small pat. Piper shrugged.

"Please, Sandy," Lucas almost pleaded as he bent down in front me and looked me in the eye.

"I--I really hate you, you know," I told him. "I hate you for your mistakes--"

"Humans make mistakes," he interrupted.

"You make more mistakes than normal humans." There were many snickers from the students.

"I said I'll do my best," he said in a low tone.

"How can I trust you, Lucas?"

"Give me one last chance. All these people are witnesses," he said simply. "I really, really like you. If I mess up again, I will respect whatever you decide. Be my girlfriend."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. There were so many people making so many different comments. I heard someone yell at Lucas to find someone else. Someone shouted that he deserved a chance. My friends didn't say anything.


I met Lucas's warm, brown eyes again. "You really like making my life difficult." Then, I gave him a small grin.

His expression slightly changed as he asked, "Is that a yes or a no?"

"Yes," I smiled. Lucas's face lit up and he flung his arms around me. At least he hadn't kissed me. The cafeteria was full of "awes." I was ready to change my mind as Lucas wouldn't let go off me. "Lucas, come on, let go!"

He pulled back slowly, giving me a small kiss on the cheek before fully moving away.

"Thank you," he grinned.

"Brat," I mumbled.

He stood up straight and looked at the rest of the cafeteria. "Guys, thank you for being a wonderful audience. I have one polite request before I hand back this mic to the administrator who I borrowed it from. Please do not bother Sandy Evans or me. I am absolutely sick and tired of the gossip. I am not dating any of you freshmen girls so don't go around saying stupid things. As for the guys, stay away from my lady."

"I'm ready to kill you, right now," I told Lucas in a low tone. "'My lady,' seriously?" I asked him. Megan burst out laughing along with Piper.

"He sounds like Chad Dylan Cooper," Piper said.

I think Lucas heard her because he said one last thing in the mic: "Peace out suckers."

I legitimately face-palmed myself. He gave me a wink and went off to give back the mic. "Is it too late to change my mind?" I jokingly asked Cheryl and Julian.

"I don't think so," Cheryl said shaking her head. Julian ignored me and ate his lunch.

"Aw, Sandy, you just gave Lucas a chance. What's wrong?" Megan asked playfully.

"I'm trying to figure that out as well," I went along.

"Please excuse me." Julian stood up abruptly. "Sorry, I forgot I had to drop by one of the teacher's," he said with a shrug and walked away with his lunch.

"He waits till the last minute and ends up...being too late," Cheryl explained for her friend.

I just noddes. I hoped he was happy for me. He was telling me to try to open up and be nicer. I was trying here.


》》》Julian's POV《《《

I cut class.

I couldn't handle this. I tugged, pulled, and rubbed my hair. All that gel and haircut nonsense for nothing. Absolutely nothing.

A fool: Exactly what I was. A bloody fool. I sat in my car in the student parking lot, trying my best not to break anything.

Why did Cassie give him a chance? Why not me? Because I didn't openly show how I felt? Because I was too friendly?

What was wrong with me?

What did my cousin have that I lacked?

"Julian! Julian!"

I looked up to find Cheryl tapping at my window. Angrily, I pressed the side button which automatically slid the window down. "Open the bloody door, Julian!" commanded Cherry.

"Of course. Anything else?" I said sarcastically, not caring if I was being impolite. I unlocked the door of the passenger's side. Cherry moved around the front of the car and came to sit next to me.

"I'm sorry, Julie," she said. Her body was turned in my direction, and she was giving me an understanding look.

"I am an idiot."

"No, you're not."

"I should have downright told her how I exactly felt."

"That I cannot disagree with."

"Lucas took the opportunity even after being wrong so many times!"

"Julian, please calm down," Cheryl said patting my arm.

"Calm down? Damn it, Cherry! I have lost all hopes of her! You can't imagine how much it...hurts!" I nearly yelled.

"When you love someone, set them free," she softly replied.

"That is unjust. What if I refuse?" It was my temper and selfishness talking, now.

"You don't have another option, Julian. Be subtle. I'll assure that if that Cassie girl has some sense, she will realize how much better you are than your cousin."

"That'll take too long," I told her, leaning back. The scene in the cafeteria kept replaying in front of my eyes.

"No one said the course of romance was smooth," she shrugged.

"Did you plagiarize Shakespeare?"

"I actually used his quote as a template. I don't want you mopping around over one girl," she said with a smile.

"You don't understand, Cherry. I really do fancy her. It pains me to see her spend more time with another bloke. You can't imagine how much time I've spent with her!"

"Frankly speaking, I don't know, so I can't imagine. Why don't you tell me the full story, eh?" she suggested.

I looked at her and slowly nodded. "It started from my second day here in Pennsylvania..."

I gave Cherry every little story and detail, and any information I knew of. I had helped Cassie through many things almost like a guardian angel. Yet, she chose the mere human over me. I fell for her, but she didn't. After telling Cherry my depressing tale, I sat back.



"Why do you like her?"


"Give me reasons."

"She is intelligent and extremely honest. She tries her best to stay or at least appear strong. Her attitude is different and so is her perspective on things. She has her own reasons for the way she is. And last, I absolutely admire her smile," I slightly grinned. Cheryl gave me a bewildered look and awaited for an explanation. "When Cassie actually smiles, Cherry, she looked absolutely beautiful. It's extremely rare to have her smile, so when she does, it's a splended sight."

Cherry gave me a small smile. "I see, Julian. Those are her positive qualities. What about her faults? Use those as reasons to set her free."

I shook my head at her with a sad smile. "I don't prefer looking at the faults. Too many people in the world do that already. I needn't join that group. Cherry, I appreciate the help, but I don't want to forget Cassie. It has been almost three years since I actually liked someone to a point where it hurts."

She was silent for a long time. I didn't blame her.

"What if Lucas does something wrong?" Cherry stated. I looked at her for an explanation. "What if he breaks the promises he made to her?"

"Cherry, we're not--"

"I'm not suggesting anything, just presenting potential situations. Now that she gave him a chance, it will be damn difficult to win her over. That Cassie girl is complicated enough already!"

"I can't disagree. Mind you, I have one thing I will try: ignore her." As awful as it sounded, it was necessary. "As in not talk to her at all, for both of our sakes. Last time, I talked to her about, however this time, no. I need your help with that."

"Your wish is my command, Julie," she teased.



》》》Cassie's POV《《《

Lucas had his hand on mine even though I had told him to stop. He kept putting it back up. At the end, I ignored it and let him have his way. After all, this was his chance.

We sat in the library working on our Literature essay on stereotypes. We were researching our topics and jotting it down.



"So, the first soccer game will be next week. I was wondering if you could come and--"

"I'll go, but no wearing the Jersey stuff. No. Just no," I told him. I might as well get this cleared up.

"I'm fine with that. As long as you show up, it'll be great," he grinned.

"I always go to soccer games, you know," I said turning to looking at my computer screen.

"To see me."

"Uh huh. To see you lose against the other schools," I corrected. He took his hand off mine and gave me a flat look.

"Blame the horrible team mates," he told me. "But this time, I don't think we'll fail. Julian's in there, and we're gonna win this, right cos?" Both of us looked at Julian who sat on the computer that was in the row behind us. Cheryl sat right next to him like a bumblebee in her black and yellow outfit.

"Indeed we will," Julian grinned back at his cousin. Soccer jocks.

"How long have you been playing soccer?" I asked him.

"He's been playing since he was seven," Cheryl answered for him. Something she had been doing a lot for the past week.

"Interesting. Wait, Julian, how would you rate Lucas's soccer skills?" I asked with a grin.

Julian and Cheryl looked at me for a second before exchanging a glance. My smile faltered as I waited for an answer. Julian just ignored my question.

"Julian hasn't been here long enough to judge that," again answered Cheryl. Obviously, Julian didn't want to talk. He had been doing that a lot lately.

I gave her a forced smile and nodded. Turning back to my computer, I looked up random stereotypes.

"Sandy?" Lucas's hand was back on mine. "There's a party at my house this weekend--"

"Oh no. Not happening," I said pulling my hand away from his. "You have animals there. And your sisters hate me too much."

"No, they don't! And you call everyone who acts a little crazy an 'animal.' Wait, aren't humans animals? So, yes, I do have animals at my party. But you need to come!"


"Please," he said taking my hand in his.


He leaned closer to my ear and whispered, "I'll kiss you if you say 'no' again."

"I'll kick you if you did that."

"I'll take that as a yes, you're coming to my party."

"Why do I have to come?"

"Because I don't want to stay away from you," he said simply.

"Nice but no."

"Your friends--Piper, Megan, Julian, and Cheryl--will be there," he replied. That caught my interest. Julian would be there, and I can talk to him then! Maybe he was just still homesick. Maybe he was giving me space again. Maybe he didn't feel the need to be bother about me.

All in all, I decided one answer: "Fine. I'll be there."




PARTY WILL BE AWESOME XD I love drunk characters.

Guess who will get drunk and you got yourself a dedication.

Whatya think of the chapter? Julian loves her? What would u do in his situation?

Lucas was actually being a sweetheart, mind you.

Was Cassie--or should I Sandy--was her decision right? What would you do if you were in her situation?


Remember to



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