Chapter 49 Let's All Torture Cassandra Evans Day

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Warning: unedited + over 5k words

Chapter 49 Let's All Torture Cassandra Evans Day

Piper and I had been fortunate enough to make it out of there without getting caught. We bid goodbyes once we reached my place. She told me that she was home alone, so she had nothing to worry about.

But it had been a close call. Nevertheless, I finally had a relaxed and had a good night sleep. 

Julian and I were back on good terms. 

Julian's POV

I was content by the fact that Cassie actually made an effort to restore our friendship. If only she hadn't been so thick, she would have realized that I had been talking about liking her. Girls.

To her unfortunate luck, the alarms went off when she was escaping. That raised a lot of chaos. Fortunately, Cassie didn't get caught. My aunt and uncle were beyond frustrated and scared that something had been stolen. They made us teenagers stay in our rooms. I ended up calling Laura while everyone else looked for the culprit behind the alarms.

"Julian, what's wrong?" my sister's sleepy voice said on the other end.

I laid on my bed with a grin. "I'm happy."

"How lovely." The sarcasm in her voice was evident.

I frowned and clutched the phone next to my ear. "Wait till you hear what happened." She groaned but I ignored it and told her everything that happened tonight. 

"Wait, so you're saying that the girl played Romeo for you? She climbed your window?" Laura asked.


"You're still friend-zoned," she said flatly. "However, that was something. I can't believe she actually did that."

"Neither can I." I sighed.

"Good for you." She sounded tired. 

"Thanks. Laura, are you alright?" I asked sitting up. My sister was never really tired. She had her lazy moments but she sounded exhausted.


That response bothered me even more. "Talk to me. Actually, let me talk to Mum. She will give me a more clear response on your behavior." Plus, it had been almost a week since I had talked to Mum.

"I can't," replied Laura quietly.

"Why not?"

"She's ill." That explained why Laura hadn't handed the phone to Mum every time we talked for the past week. Mum being ill worried me. After Dad passed away, she consistently went through different health issues. Not good.

"Have you met with a doctor?" I asked concerned.

"Julian, she has been in the hospital for the past week!" 

My sister broke down crying on the other end.

Cassie's POV

Truth be told, I didn't know that someone trying to get into Crowell property was going to make the headlines. Attempted Break-In in the Crowell Manor: Will the Criminals be Caught?

When I saw the headlines Saturday morning, I wanted to hit my head against the wall. They found blood traces on the tree that Piper and I had climbed and blood traces on the ladder. They had my DNA. If only they had someone to compare it to. 

On Sunday, the idiot called Brandon did not show up once again, leaving me worried. The stress from the window-climbing-being-caught, school, and lack of people to communicate with was already there. No need to add another dilemma. 

Hell to the no.

To make my life worse, Cate made us both late to school on Monday. I was late to my AP Biology class on the wrong day—the one where everyone had to pick a body system to do a presentation on. It went something like this:

"Ms. Evans, so nice of you to join us forty minutes into class," Ms. Kalesse, my teacher, said with a fake, cheerful expression.

"My sister—" I didn''t get a chance to explain.

"Don't blame Cate. You could have left early and let her struggle on her own," she said with a pointed look as I settled down on my seat. "Now, since you are the last person here, you're getting the last human body system to research."

As I pulled my textbook out my backpack, I heard some snickers. "Which system?" I asked slowly. Cardiovascular? Respiratory? Immune? Endocrine? What?

"Everyone's favorite—reproductive system." Huh? Surely, she gave me an option to choose from. I was not talking about that.

I looked at her with a confused expression. "Do I not get a choice?" This was so not fair.

"Don't be late to class. Now, I have a laptops cart here. Grab a laptop and follow the rubric as to what I'm looking for. This project is due next week," Ms. Kalesse told me. I looked around and found my classmates either with textbooks or laptops. 

"What's the format?" I slowly asked. If she just wanted an essay, I could do that. Potentially.

"Oral presentation."



I ended up staying after class trying to convince my teacher to let me change my system. I was so uncomfortable just thinking about it. Talking was going to be a whole another story. 

"Sandy, you'll be fine. We're all mature here. My decision is fixed. You're only wasting your time arguing," Ms. Kalesse told me as her second period animals—I mean students came in.

"Alright." Disappointed, I walked out of there. I didn't know how I was going to talk about the anatomy and physiology of the human reproductive system. What was this? We didn't even do this project in my Human anatomy class!

Lucas met me outside the door as usual. We had second period AP Spanish together. When he saw my face, he frowned. "What's wrong? Why are you so red?"

I walked angrily next to him. Shoving the rubric in my hand in his, I said, "It's officially Let's All Torture Cassandra Evans day, today."

"Really? Can I join?"

I gave him a glare. "Don't. I'm not in the mood for an argument with you."

"Aw really?" When I didn't reply, he continued, "What's this rubric for?"

"The human body systems project," I answered as we entered our classroom and took our seats. Julian was sitting in the seat in front of mine. Lucas was in the next row, diagonal from my seat. 

"Cassie, are you alright?" Julian asked turning to look at me.

"Isn't her face all bright red?" Lucas said.

"Yes. Cassie, are you ill or—?" 

"I have to goddamn talk about the human reproductive system!" I said and covered my face with my hands. It sounded even worse admitting it out loud.

As expected, the boys burst out laughing. "Oh, so the red face isn't from anger. She's blushing," I heard Lucas tease.

"Shut up." I didn't blush. Nope. Nope. Nope. I was angry, hence my face burned. They even started telling the class about my luck. "Thanks for being so considerate, brats." 

They didn't get a chance to defend themselves as the teacher came in and started the class. I was thankful for that but it didn't go in mt favor again. Lucas, being the idiot he was, offered me his help for the Bio project.

"Evans!" he whispered. I looked at him tired. We were supposed to be writing an essay in Spanish. "It says on the rubric that you need a visual for the human body system."

"I know, Lucas. Don't remind me." I shook my head. 

"I can help for the male visual," he said smugly. His mischievous look told me what he was implying. I threw my pencil at him, hitting his chest. "What the—"

"Sandra!" My teacher's voice snapped us out of our thoughts. Darn, she caught me at the wrong time. "No quiero esos acciones en mi clase (I don't want these actions in my class)." What actions? "Un lápiz sólo se utiliza para escribir (A pencil is only used for writing)." 

"Pero (but) señora—"

"Sandy, get back to work. I don't need students being disrespectful to other students," my teacher said with a stern tone. 

Pissed off, I sat in my chair as Lucas gave me my pencil back with an apologetic look. I didn't understand how I was being disrespectful. It wasn't like I poked Lucas in the eye with my pencil. Never have I ever been called out by a teacher. Not in high school, anyways. I was actually hurt to a degree as to being called "disrespectful" out of all the things in the world.

I wrote the damn essay and was extremely content when the bell rang for lunch. Not in the mood to eat, I went straight to the library. I sat down in the back with a laptop from the laptops' cart. 

Another presence distracted. "Mind if I join?" Julian asked as he sat down next to me.

"Of course not. You can be a part of Let's All Torture Cassandra Evans day, too."

"Cassie, are you still angry over a simple project and Lucas's joke?" The stupid project. I winced as I thought about it.

"No, I'm not angry. I'm pissed off," I corrected. "You should leave me alone because I might say something wrong at this moment. I don't need another person yelling at me. Not you, anyways."

A dimpled smile came on his face. "Why not me?"

"Because I don't want you taking any more friendship breaks."

"That was only because I fancied—"

"Who?" I asked a little curiously.

"Someone," finished Julian.

"Give me a hint. Does her name start with a 'p?'" I guessed. Julian shook his head. Okay, so Piper was out. "'C?'" Julian had a small smile.

"Maybe," he shrugged.

"Cheryl! I knew it!" I said. My hate for her can be justified now. 

"Please. You're so thick," he mumbled getting up. "It's not Cherry and don't give her any false hopes or ideas. It took me a while to get her off my back."

"She was on your back?" I grinned.



"Let's go to lunch," he said changing the subject.

"Nope. I have work to do," I said shaking my head. 

"Looking at the human reproductive system?"

"Shut up and go away." I said turning to my borrowed laptop.

"Sure. By the way," I looked at him as he was walking backwards towards the exit, "your entire face turns bright red when you blush. It's cute."

"Cute like I'm acting like a little kid?" I joked with a small smile. I looked back at my monitor screen and started typing "Human Reproductive system facts."

"Let me re-phrase what I said. That red glow on your face and a smile on top of that can make hearts skip a beat," he said. I didn't want to look up at him. No one had ever said something like that to me. That was a little too much. "Better?"

"You should have used that on the girl you liked," I told him. "Would have worked." What was I saying?

I heard him let out a light chuckle. "Did it work on you?" Did it work? Slightly. "Don't lie. I know you don't like lying." 

"I don't have to. Go to lunch, Julian. And let your idiot cousin know that I want to kill him."

"Anything else Hermes can help you with?"


"Messenger of gods."

"Did you just call me your God? That's little too flattering." I grinned at him. 

He rolled his eyes and waved goodbye. 

I only grinned.



I was in the school library waiting for the last ten minutes of lunch to go by. I was looking around for a book when he—the idiot I wanted to kill—dropped by.

"Can I ignore you later?"

"Ha ha so funny." He wrapped his arms around me, pulled me back against his chest. He really needed to stop showering in his cologne. It smelled nice but a little too much. Rolling my eyes, I looked for something dystopian to read. "I missed you," he whispered, putting his chin on my shoulder. I winced. That window climbing had pulled a muscle. I wanted to tell him to get his chin away but then that would require unnecessary explaining.

"I didn't. Not after you got me in trouble," I told him as I grabbed a book and checked out the summary. Vampire novel. Nope. I put it back and grabbed another one. 

"I'm sorry that you threw a pencil at me," he said, his arms still around me, but he had moved his cheek against mine. What a relief to my shoulder. 

"You were the one trying to imply things."

"Like what?"

"Didn't you say that you could help with some visual?" I asked.

"I meant like finding illustrations for the male parts, you dirty mind," he said. I threw him a glare which he returned with a light kiss on my temple. 

"Yeah right," I said trying to pull away, but he wouldn't loosen his grip. "Lucas, can you let go? I am looking for a book to read."

"On one condition."


"I was wondering if you were free this Saturday."

I turned in his arms so that I could face him. "Why?" 

"So we can go on a date." He gave me a hopeful look and threw an unsure smile.

I shrugged. "I refuse to dress up."

Lucas blinked at me. "Is that a yes?"

"Should I reconsider it?" He gave me a dumb look. "Yes, Lucas. I said yes—" Before I could have said anything else, Lucas smashed his lips against mine, catching me off guard. He moved one of his hands to cup my cheek as he pushed me back against one of the book shelves. A book fell on our heads in the process, interrupting us. 

"Ow," we said in unison, clutching the top of our heads. 

"Look, another reason to hate books. They hurt!" Lucas bent down and picked up the book. He was breathing a little heavily just like me. Reading the title of the book, he said, "Damn you, 'Breaking Dawn.'" I said nothing and put the book back. The Twilight series was something I regretted ever reading. I should have said no to peer pressu—no, Piper pressure to reading it.


"Yeah?" He ran a hand through his hair.

"Give me some warning, at least, before you" I trailed off. Before he kissed me.

He grinned. "I did that last week and you ran away saying that you didn't want to exchange saliva with me." Oh I did do that. That was just me getting back at him for sweating on me after his game.

"Just give me a heads up in the future." I huffed.

"Okay, Sandy. Here is a heads up: I'm gonna kiss you on our date." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and ran a hand through my hair. "The date that I refuse to dress up fancy for?"

"Yup—wait, you don't even know where I'm gonna take you!"

"You're a rich kid. So, probably a dinner like the last date," I said and regretted bringing it up. Lucas and I were both quiet for a moment thinking about how I had set him up with Jordan and then been busted.

Lucas finally broke the silence. "You're in luck. This rich kid has other plans. Wear whatever you like. Meet ya Saturday at eight."

"P. M?"

"A. M." 


By the time Saturday came, I was too exhausted. I dressed casually in black jeans and a t-shirt but Gramma made me change the t-shirt with a plaid button down. A t-shirt was apparently "unacceptable." She even forced me to bring a light black jacket along just in case. That woman, I swear. She was more worried about the date than I was.

The worst part was when Lucas and I matched . . . well all except for shoes and the type of button down. He wore a plain white button down. He laughed it off and I just blamed Gramma. Since Lucas was driving, he suggested that I take a nap in the car. The ride was going to be long—about two hours. I refused. One did not sleep with soft lens in his or her eyes.

He had brought a bag of six (even though only two people were going to eat) glazed donuts and hot chocolate for each one of us, so I ate that while he drove. Both of us ate one donut each and shared another one. He had wasted a lot of food.

"Where are we going?" I asked with a yawn. 

"Three places. We have a tight schedule," he said checking his watch quickly. "It's a surprise." 

I said nothing more and looked out the window. I hated long car rides because they made me feel nauseous. This better be worth it.

When the car finally stopped, I looked at the large area in front of us. One look at the giant, colorful balloons told me where we were. I looked at Lucas. "Are those hot air balloons?"

He grinned and nodded. "I've always wanted to go on one. No one ever wanted to go with me."

"And then you thought I would?"

His face fell. "If you don't want to—"

"I didn't say I don't want to go. Come on." I rolled my eyes, opened the car door, and got out. Lucas followed the drill. Apparently, he had reserved one for the both of us. I was nervous anf excited to go on one of these. There was only one question running in my mind: what if a bunch of birds attacked it and popped the balloon?

Considering that I had never heard of that happening, I joined Lucas in the balloon he had reserved just for us two. There was one middle-aged man with us for safety purposes. 

"It's a chilly day," Lucas commented as we looked out at the view. I agreed and was happy to have brought that jacket. The balloon slowly rose. We were told it wasn't going to go that far up because of oxygen problems. But it was going to move around the area we were in.

"What if we fall?" I wondered aloud.

"Always the optimist, aren't you?" Lucas said rolling his eyes before he took my cold hand in his warm one (ironic since I was the one with a jacket on). "Don't worry." The balloon kept rising. I looked at the scenery below us. People were coming in for rides in the hot air balloons. The city got smaller. I felt like I was seeing something in like Sims or Cityville. 

"Lucas?" I noticed something interesting.


"Are those our houses?" I asked pointed to the small buildings that stood out. Lucas's mansion was much more conspicuous because of it's old castle-like built and architecture. Mine was more modern with bits and pieces of old architecture on the one half of the house.

"Apparently. That's such a bummer. I drove two hours only to see my own house," Lucas said with a disappointed look.

"Don't look at your house. Turn the other way," I told him.

He did just that. We spent the most of our hour arguing whether the city was prettier or the country side. I went with the country side because I had been brought up in the city all my life. I couldn't deal with the chaos and ridiculousness of the city. Country side sounded more peaceful. Honestly, I only picked country because I liked country music. 

Lucas said city life was better because we could have never met otherwise. He was only being a flirt. 

"You know, Lucas, sometimes I wonder one thing." We were holding hands watching a bridge filled with traffi. 


"What made you even bother with me?" I had to get it out of the back of my mind. Lucas gave me a confused and questioning look. "We've been going to school for so long together. You never approached me before. Why now? Towards the end of senior year?" I searched his eyes for an answer.

He made me face him while taking both of my hands in his. "Don't take anything the wrong way, please. The truth is that at first, it was all for a joke. Remember at the bonfire, that psycho or psychic told me not to hurt someone?" I slowly nodded as I recalled the weird woman. "I wasn't planning on really hurting you. Back then, I wanted you to maybe just date me to prove that I—Lucas Sebastian Crowell—dated the cold-hearted, antisocial Cassandra Evans." I tried not to get angry at him.

"Cold-hearted, huh? Not a 'heartless b—'" Lucas stopped me by covering my lips with his hand.

"Stop. I was kidding and being an idiot when I said that," he said solemnly. He removed his hand and eveloped my hands in his again. "Listen Sandy, I actually did fall for you. Hard. That camping trip—you legitimately forced me to admit it out loud that I liked you." I smiled a little. I had forced him. "There's that million dollar smile of yours," he grinned, his eyes lingering on my lips before meeting my gaze. 

What was wrong with the guys in his family? They liked my smile? It was probably because I hardly ever smiled ever since Brandon left. He complimented me a lot on my smile when we were younger.

"I don't know whether I should be mad at you or not."

"You shouldn't. Sandy, tell me how many times do I have to tell you my feelings, so that you can be convinced?" he asked with a genuine expression. "This whole thing started with me being an idiot guy who wanted to get you. Then, I see you spend all that time with my cousin which I absolutely hate, mind you. And then, the next thing I know, I fell for you. And right now, I really wish you would understand."

"You were jealous of Julian?" I asked surprised.

"I still don't like you spending time with him," he shrugged.

"You never said anythi—" Good thing, he was unaware of the window incident.

"Because I trust you," he said simply. I was taken aback by his words. Was this Lucas Crowell talking? "I don't want to force you to stay away from him or anything. It's not fair to anybody." He pulled me closer to him. 

"I'm glad to hear that," I said honestly. "I won't ditch you."

"Who would? No one can leave this sexiness," he said playfully. "We have to break up if you deny it."

"Let's break up then," I said serious. He gave me a flat look. Something jerked and I felt like we hit something. Lucas seemed startled as well.

"We've landed back on earth. Come back soon!" Our pilot said with a cheerful wave.

Lucas and I controlled our laughter and got out.

"Where to next?" I asked Lucas once we were back in his car.

"I wanted to go Go Karting but they were having some technical issues. So, right now, we are going to eat some brunch and then I have one more place before dinner."

We ate lunch at a tavern/restaurant. It was long and full of random talks. Our waiters were really decent and gave us the special meal—just extra chicken with hot wings to the side. By the time we were done, I was beyond full. Lucas paid because he complained how I had paid that one time we had dinner together—after I had done my Bloody Mary revenge. Memories.

The next place on the schedule—due to a cancellation of Go Karts—was something very "country," according to Lucas Crowell. He said since I was such an advocate of country life, he was going to take me there.

In the cornfield.

Cornfield maze.

"Lucas, really?" I whined as we entered the maze. We were surrounded by corn. Too much. It was a cornfield after all. "It smells so . . . soil-y."

He gave me a look as we turned left. "It can't smell like a spa, can it now? Stay close to me and I'm sure you can smell my cologne."

"As if that's any better," I muttered. He really wore an excessive amount of cologne. 

"What was that?" Of course he heard me. 


"Thought so. Now, left or right?" he asked as we stopped in front of a two way directions. 

"I'm ambidextrous but I prefer lefty," I said slowly. Lucas started to go left but I added, "So right we go. Gotta give right-y a chance to not complain."

"You're such a weirdo," he said shaking his head as we turned right. "But I still like you."

"Thanks. Was that an insult or a compliment?" I asked.

"Definitely a compliment, sweetheart," he grinned as he slid his arm around my waist. 

"You've such a skeptical character," I observed.

"Why are you doubting my character? I am a good person," he said putting his free hand over his heart.

"Never said you weren't." We had to stop there because we met a dead end. Taking a u-turn, we ended up in front of three different ways. "Now, what?"

"Let's go in the middle." He removed his arm around me and took a couple of steps forward, looking at the directions he didn't pick. "Yup, middle."

"Yes and end up in the middle of nowhere."

"Sandy, come on." He grabbed my wrist and dragged me along.

I was right about ending up in the middle of nowhere.

Let me tell you one thing: never go in an outdoor maze. Lucas and I spent hours inside, trying to battle knats and the scorching sun. We were so awful with our sense of direction. Dehydrated and tired, we had given up halfway. Lucas had even taken off his shirt. I could only take off my jacket which I used to battle the bugs. Guys were lucky. 

"It's not fair," I complained for the millionth time. 

"You can take off your shirt too if you want, Sandy," Lucas said as he leaned against the dead end corn stalk. We were sitting and waiting for help. "I won't look," he grinned. His face was burning red from the heat. Sweat covered his neck and face—same with me. 

"I could but no thanks. Plus, I'm not wearing any sunscreen, so no need to get burned."

He looked at me horrified and quickly put his shirt back on. "I forgot about that! Oh man, my body is gonna be ruined."

"There goes the sexiness you were talking about," I joked. "Maybe now I can get a reason to break up with you." He threw me a glare.

"Didn't know you went out with me because of my sexiness."

"Trust me, it wasn't."

We sat there burning in the sun until someone actually did come to rescue us. I was so happy when we finally got out of the damn place. 

"Here are some water bottles. You two forgot to bring them with you," the old man in charge said as he handed us some cold, plastic water bottles.

Lucas and I gulped down the water as we sat under the shade of a tree. "Lucas, I hate you," I said once I could speak properly again.

"I hate the country side."

"Hey!" Someone mumbled offended.

"Shut up," Lucas and I said simultaneously. Lucas even went ahead and drained half of his water bottle on his head. "My head is fried," said Lucas.

"Let's just go back home," I told him tiredly. Checking on time on his watch, my eyes went wide. "It's five! We were stuck in there for five hours!"

"One couple took seven hours. Don't feel bad," the old man told us.

"Lovely," I said feeling horrible. "Come on, Crowell. Time to leave." I stood up and Lucas followed looking exhausted.

"Wait, Crowell?" some woman said. "Lucas. Crowell. You're Lucas Crowell!"

Oh boy. Lucas shot me a death glare. "Thank you for letting us use your maze. We need to leave," I said quickly.

"Wait, one picture please!" some girl squealed. Lucas got surrounded by a mix of guys and girls. I stood off to the side letting him have his moment. It was already too hot and getting crowded by other people just added on the body heat.

"You should take one with Cassandra Evans," Lucas said loudly and pointed to me. My face fell. 

"Oh my god, yes! You were Bloody Mary! My idol!" I was soon surrounded by a bunch of people taking selfies with me. What was this world coming to? Lucas gave me a wink. Payback.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my girlfriend and I really need to leave soon," Lucas said loudly. "Please give us some space." Thank you, Lucas.

He grabbed my forearm and dragged us out of there. Once we were back in the car with the air conditioning on, I felt relieved. "I am never moving to the country side."

"Neither am I," Lucas said in agreement. He drove a little faster than the speed limit but I didn't care. "Once we get married, I say we live in maybe Italy for a while. What do you think?" he casually asked.

"Married? Italy? What the he—Wait, Italy?" I said backing. I've always wanted to go Europe, especially Italy.

"Yes. Wanna get married?" he asked meeting my eyes with grin for a second. 

"To you?"

"Worth going to Italy for, isn't it?"

"Lucas, let's just go home for now. Stop talking about getting married." I sighed. "This is our first date. You're getting carried away."

"I'm kidding . . . or am I?" I threw him a glare. "Just joking. By the way, we're going out to dinner right now."

"What? I want to go home!" I whined. 

He didn't meet my eyes but said, "You don't want to spend time with me?" He sounded hurt and disappointed. I sighed. He took it the wrong way.

"I never said that." I looked at him while he watched the road. "All that heat and dehydration wasn't good for us. I'll just shut up. Just take me to wherever you want. Gramma said to tell you to get me back home before midnight."

"Got it."


"I knew you were looking into maybe going into marine biology . . . so," Lucas said rubbing the back of his neck as he led me into the restaurant. I gave him a suspicious look but entered nonetheless.

The sight in front of me brought a huge smile to my face. "Underwater Experience" was written on a board to the side. I felt like I was in an aquarium. Turquoise blue color of the water surrounded me outside the transparent walls. There were tables set up for people to dine. I looked at Lucas. He was intently watching me as the manager walked us to a table near one of the walls. I was mesmerized by the fish and other marine creatures around.

"Wow." I looked at Lucas.

"Do you like it?"

"Very much," I grinned.

"Phew," he said looking relieved. "Just so you know, don't order any seafood. We're on the edge of a beach and I wouldn't trust the pollution going into the water and into the fish," said Lucas.

"Got it. By the way, how did you know I was looking into marine biology?" I asked him curiously.

"When we were doing surveys on our potential career choice last week, I saw you check off Marine Biology along with Business," he shrugged.

"Oh ok." I shrugged. Those surveys were randomly given to a bunch of AP students. "That was thoughtful of you." The waiter came just in time and took our order. 

It was a nice and peaceful dinner after a long day. After eating, Lucas asked me to take selfies with him with the fishes as background. It was ridiculous yet funny. 

It took us two and a half hours to get back to my house. The day went kind of good kind of bad and peaceful at last. I actually did enjoy my time. 

"It's ten minutes till midnight," Lucas told me as we got out of his car. "You wanna wait?"

"Lucas—" I walked over to his side.

"Okay, okay. I won't keep you any longer," he said, pulling me towards him. He was leaning against his car while I was leaning against him. "Thanks for going through the hot air balloon, the corn maze, and aquatics dinner with me."

"Thanks for bringing me to those places, though the corn maze was," I trailed off.

He gave me a smile. "Go Karts next time not the corn maze," he said thoughtfully.

"Next time?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He cupped my cheek. "What. You expect just one date? I need to start preparing for Italy," he said. "C. C. can't happen—"

I smacked his chest. "Can you stop with that?" 

He pulled me even closer to him. "Stop with what, C. C?"



"I have to go now. It's gonna be twelve soon."

I was about to pull away but he said, "Heads up, I'm gonna kiss you, now." He leaned in with a small smile on his lips. I moved my hands from his chest to his neck. Lucas's lips lightly brushed mine before he moved his hands to my hair. It only lasted for ten seconds before—



Author's note

How was it? Yay Lucas or nah? How was the date? I tried not to be too cliche.

Did you like the chapter?

What do you think is going with Julian?

Human reproductive sstem. One of my poor friends got stuck with that in AP bio. I felt so bad for her. I had the cardiovascular system. It was so cool.

Let me know what you think. Long chapter. Late update. So forgive me. 

Please keep



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