Chapter 9 I, Cassandra Evans, will never...

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Chapter 9: I, Cassandra Evans, will never...

I glared at Lucas with pursed lips. First, bullying, and now he had to blurt out my surname. Things weren't looking good for him.

"You're from the Evans family?" Joseph Crowell asked still in surprise. I looked at Lucas, who didn't dare meet my eyes. Then, I turned my gaze back to his grandfather and nodded.

"Cassandra Evans," I replied.

"Well, this is a first. Is your whole family here?" he asked, looking past me.

I shook my head and answered, "Nope. Just Cate and I. But we're just about to leave."

Right after I find my sister.

"Oh no, no. The party just started! You guys can't leave already. I must catch up with the Evans'. The last time I talked to someone from your family was about thirty years ago!" The old man seemed a little too excited. Not the reaction I would expect.

"Mr. Crowell, I'm really sorry, but I have to leave, though I'm sure my sister won't mind chatting," I replied as politely as I possibly could.

"Sandy--" Lucas tried.

"I'll see you later," I told him with a nod. He was definitely going to see me later. He still had to pay for blackmailing me. Him and Julian. Lucas gazed at me suspiciously, which I responded with a small smile.

Old Mr. Crowell looked between us and raised an eyebrow.

Crowells were something.

I frowned and walked away shaking my head.

"Ev--Sandy! Wait!" Lucas called behind me. I walked faster. Jogging every morning for thirty minutes for the past four years really paid off.

Some people gawked at me, and then past me at Lucas who wouldn't stop calling my name.

I avoided eye contact and kept my head down.

Bad idea.

I bumped into someone . . . again and almost cried seeing one of the triplets.

Macey Crowell.


Her mouth had formed an 'O' for some reason. She looked down at her dress where sauce stains formed on her stomach.

The plate in her hand holding fried fish fell to the floor, making a loud clink noise.

I backed up a bit as I saw her turn her eyes on me. I wasn't intimidated by her or anything. It was simply the fact that she smelled like the fish she had spilled on her torso.

But with my luck, I stepped back into Lucas. My back touched his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me. His face pressed against the side of mine and he whispered in a low voice, "You don't need an excuse to be in my arms."

Instantly, I elbowed him hard and broke out of the grip, still stuck between Lucas and Macey. While Macey smelled like fried fish, Lucas reeked of Axe perfume.

Realization dawned on Macey's face when she took a good look on my face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Trust me, I asked myself that question at least eleven times today," I replied shaking my head slightly.

"What happened to you?" Lucas asked.

He took a step forward and looked over my shoulder at his sister.

I rolled my eyes and stepped to the side. I was hoping he would use his brain and just step around but guess not. He still had his crimson tie in his hand. He put it around his neck and just did a simple knot.

"She made me spill the fried fish over me! Now, I have to go get more for grandpa! Plus, change my outfit! Sandy Evans, you're so paying for this!" Macey screamed.

Her words went in one ear and out through the other.

I gave her a blank look.

"Is it like a Crowell tradition that if one thing of yours gets ruined or destroyed by someone, you go and pick on them?" I asked. Lucas didn't meet my gaze and Macey gave me a confused look. These bullies.

"What's up with you? Anyways, I deserve an apology," she huffed.

"We don't always get what we want, Macey. I'm out of here."

Shaking my head, I sauntered around her and made my way to my car.

"Cassandra Evans, you better get your butt back here and apologize this instant!" Macey shouted behind me.

I stopped walking and turned back around. People were staring, now. I saw Julian standing off to the side with a glass of wine. He raised his eyebrows at me, but I turned my attention to his cousin.

I met her eyes and replied, "I don't even apologize to my Mom. What makes you any more special?"


I was hoping to be able to return to my car without any more interferences, but nope. 

"Sandy, wait for me!" Lucas yelled behind me as I got out of the house.

It was going to be a long walk to remember. Not to forget the fact that I still needed to call Cate.

"Go away," I said dryly.

Lucas caught up.

I knew I should have stayed home, today. This Crowell party was ridiculous.

"Sandy, just listen to me," Lucas pleaded.

"Give me one good reason why?" I snapped meeting his gaze.

"Because . . . I just wanted to apologize," he answered with his eyes looking anywhere except me.

"Oh yes, of course. And to what did I do to deserve this apology?" I said with mock pleasure. "And for what, if I may ask."

"You like to make things so difficult, Evans. I wanted to apologize for today." He rubbed the back of his neck looking awkward and nervous.

"Why are you apologizing to me? Say sorry to Avery! Use your common sense!" I said outraged. Some people really needed to use their brains once in a while.

"I will! I was saying sorry for calling you . . . names."

"You know, Lucas, we're no longer in middle school. Your words mean nothing to me," I retorted. What I had said could have been taken two different ways. He had said some mean things in middle school. Unfortunately, some habits follow through till high school.

"What are you trying to say?"

I sighed in annoyance. "I'm leaving."

With that said, I unlocked my car. "Evans, the party isn't over," Lucas called.

"It is for me," I shouted back not bothering to turn back.

"There's still the dancing and . . . stuff." I didn't reply. He wasn't getting the message that I didn't want to be associated with him or near him. "I was hoping for a dance with you."

A dance?

I stopped in my tracks and let out a humorless laugh. "Lucas Crowell, get this engraved in your mind. I, Cassandra Evans, will never be with with a Crowell. Especially when the Crowell is you," I said bitterly as I tried to control my anger.

All memories of how he had said a similar thing behind my back came back. I tried to calm myself and think of a distraction. Piper had told me to think of a cookie in order to control myself. Yeah, she's weird. But thinking of a huge, chocolate chunk cookie was distracting.

Lucas looked at me angrily. We were about ten feet away.

"Fine, Evans. I see how this is. Fine," he repeated and turned around.

I turned back as well and made my way to my car.

Well, so much for attending a party.

The first and last time, hopefully.


Last night had been nothing less than a disaster.

First, Julian had failed. Second, my little stunt with Macey Crowell had apparently been observed. Third, Lucas wasn't on my best terms. Not that he ever was, anyways. Fourth, Cate had gotten drunk. Fifth, she sat in jail waiting for Jimmy to bail her out. Sixth, both Cate and I made the headlines. 

Technically, I was only mentioned in there for being at a Crowell party and getting on the wrong terms with people. I was mentioned to have an "attitude problem." Please. That was the people's problem, not mine.

Cate, on the other hand, was labeled as some troublemaker or deliquent or something.

I sat in my house waiting for my older brother, Jimmy, to show up with Cate. He was an adult so he could help get her out. I was still seventeen.

Honestly, I wanted Cate to stay in jail for a little bit. She needed to learn. I would never bail her out if she decided to act like a hooligan and get drunk at the party. Not to forget the fact that she had been driving under the influence. And she has yet to get her driver's license.

Last night, I had told Cate to get a ride from one of her friends. She had been fine with it. Her and her friend had been fully drunk. Cate drove her friend's car due to the fact that the other girl being completely wasted. They ended up getting stopped by a cop because of Cate's horrible driving.

So much for having a younger sister.

"We're home!" I heard a male voice shout cheerfully. I sat in our family living room alone. Petrina had off on Sundays.

Jimmy and Cate entered the house with wide smiles plastered over their faces. Jimmy had one arm around Cate's shoulder. I had forgotten how close they were.

"Sandy! Cate's here!" Jimmy said, nodding his head towards my sister.

"Really? I couldn't see," I said sarcastically.

"Still the same, aren't you?" Jimmy plopped down on the couch next to me. His unkempt brown hair was getting in his eye almost hiding his huge, light brown eyes. A trait we shared.

"What are you talking about? You saw me last Saturday, dimwit. Anyways, what happened? Why did you bring her back?" I asked quickly.

Cate gave me a glare.

"Nothing much. She just has to pay a fine and complete fifty hours of community service. A fair punishment," Jimmy shrugged.

He flipped on the TV and started going through different channels.

"Jimmy! She went to jail! You're acting so calm about it."

"Well you know, Sandy, I'm not in the mood to argue. I come home once or twice a month to see you two. It would be nice to spend a more peaceful and happy family time. I know you don't care at all, but I do. Try to be more considerate. If you had just given Cate a ride . . . ," he told me.

"Fine. I'm leaving," I replied as I stood up and grabbed my coat.

I still had to meet Julian.

"What are you doing?" asked Jimmy.

"'Trying to be more considerate,'" I said and gave him a fake smile. I proceeded my way.

"You don't have to leave, Sandy. I--"

The door slammed shut interrupting Jimmy's sentence.


"No, no, no! You can't make me! I refuse!" I told Julian as we stood outside the place he wanted me to see.

He rolled his eyes and tugged on my arm. "We're going inside whether you like it or not," he told me as he pulled my elbow.

"You can't make me!"

"In that case, you will simply have to accept the fact that parents play a tremendous role. They put together the family. And there's always love. Between the parents and siblings. One big happy family," Julian said with a smile.

"No." I crossed my arms and stood there pissed off at Julian.

He was being an idiot. This place couldn't teach me anything.

"Come on, then. Let's go inside. Let me show you!"

"Let me beat you up!" I mimicked his tone.

"C'mon, Cassie. They're only giving us an hour," he pleaded.

I huffed and finally nodded. He gave me a wide grin and gestured for me to join his side as we made our way.

I took one last look at the board that read the name of the place before going inside.

Butterfly Orphanage.


Ooh whatya think of Cate's situation?
Any Lucas supporters still out there?

Julian supporters?

Oh does anyone know how to tie a tie? I used to but forgot o_O

Anyways, happy reading.
Do your thing as I did mine.


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