Prologue ~ Akaki

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Memories flooded my mind though it was only that Sunday evening when I met him. I will never forget my stupidity of not deciding to punch his freaking face when I had the chance. How I wish to see him again---only to kick his gut. Ooh, when I see his face, I'll be sure to make it look possessed in a split second, but I hope his overprotective parents don't kill me for it.

Thing is, I really, really wanted to have fun. Until he came in and well, halted my fun. Aiko promised she'd wait for me, but even she had begged her inner self to leave. Poor Aiko, all of this hatred is for her. She's practically, no, is my sister. Parents knew each other since they were seven, and Aiko and I have since we were born. Same day, place, what are the chances? The odds? 

I know, crazy! Bizarre!

I'll introduce myself, though I don't want to. My name is Akaki Mitsu Janesei. Pronounced as if it were spelled, Akahkee Meet-sooh Jehnehsay. I live in Tokyo, Japan in my tiny little apartment, and every street corner without a building, smokers. Smokers, oh how I hate them. I'm not one to say I hate the person, no, no, not the person, the smoking of the person. Kind of like, you know, someone who's evil, but controlled, but the actual person may be as gentle enough to not even hurt a fly. (I don't enjoy fly-killers, either.)

And, I will introduce him. I never got the jerk's name, but he had some serious issues. He had punk clothing, a black hood, messy hair, shorts and black sneakers. But his eyes---his eyes haunt you the most. Staring you down like he's possessed like he really is an evil freak, his mind focused on ripping you to pieces by only looking in your eyes.

It was also easy to be me, I live a normal life. I have a year to do something with it, so I go out with Aiko most of the time. And... I'll introduce her too, as you may be wondering. I, my looks, a current, mystery...

She's your brunette, sea green eyes, and timid. Oh, timid. She'd be scared of her own shadow if it were that late where you could see it. But that's why I care for her so much, her getting teased, bullied, I'm sick of it! People call her an attention hog, total idiot, stupid, you name it! I---can't believe I haven't stopped her throughout all this time!

The streets are always filled with cars, traffic, sometimes negativity, maybe even.. hatred. The way people stare at you like you're not just another person in Tokyo. The endless smoking scent, what's wrong with a little smile?

But fine, you really want to know what I look like?

Okay, I'll give you my best description.

So, auburn hair, the color of crisp in bread, so perfectly made, then darken it a little bit. And black, pure black eyes. Pitch black. Lamp black. So dark you might not see your reflection in return, but maybe even your own guilt. Or flashbacks, of when you made a mistake. Crying. Sad times. How could you bare such? That's why I stay with Aiko, she won't judge me. No, she wouldn't. I trust her more than I trust myself. And I feel like an idiot, letting some guy take me from a ramen shack to away, a corner of the city, smoke. Smokers. People who curse. People who commit crimes. People who have no respect for me, an moron.

But Aiko, even after all she's been through, she encourages me. I nearly beat up those bullies for doing such things to her, but her voice is so soothing, so much to remind me no. She can stop my temper, and she does it all with her eyes. Eyes can do so much, giving a message, and divide that, see how much you can find.

Anger, happiness, sadness, jealousy, truth, guilt, lying---I could go on and on!

I'm currently in my bed, reading some book about a guy.

Oh my freaking---

It's an autobiography of him. Written by... my favorite author, Hitachi Ekatsa.


Have you gone insane?

Please, tell me I'm dreaming, only, this is a nightmare.

Please.... I beg God, please, help.........

Or maybe, he isn't that bad?

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