Chapter 1

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Seven's POV

Uhh what's going on? Am I dead? I have no idea. Wait...I remember something. I remember what happened before. So that means I'm not dead, I'm still alive.

But why can't I move. I feel like I was being restrained into something on my wrists. I opened my eyes to only find pitch black. I barely can't see anything. Is it late? If it is my father is going to kill me.

I then hear footsteps coming from outside. As the footsteps gets louder, my heartbeat grew faster and faster. I even tried to struggle but I was chained to the wall behind me.

As the footsteps stop, the door suddenly slamed open revealing a person wearing that same yellow raincoat again.

It's her.

That vampire.

"Wh-what do you want?" Was all I could manage to say. She just smirked at me and said. "I don't know. What do you want?" What does she mean by that? Is she just messing with me? I looked so confused. "Hahahaha I was just messing with you." I knew it. "Anywas I want you to be my slave." She said.

WHAT!!! Is she crazy!? "Are you crazy!? I would never be your slave." I said, struggling but obviously to my attempt it did not work.

"Ahh I see how this is gonna work. Oh well, I guess I have no choise." And with that, she went towards me and grabed my colar. She pulled me near to her fangs as her fangs went near to my neck.

"What a shame that you said no. Oh well, this is just a waste of time after all." She said as her fangs went closer to my neck which is already touching my skin.

No. Not again. What should I do? I don't want to die. Not now. Father's gonna kill me. But how will he kill me if I'm already dead. But now is not the time. I need to think of a plan befo-

"Bye bye for you~" "Wait!" She stoped for a moment before looking at me. "So you made you decision. So what's it gonna be?" She said, smirking at me. I can't belive I'm doing this.

"O-okay...I'll be your slave. Only if..."

I can't belive this.

"You will never hurt my family."

"Family only?"

"Everyone in the village is my family."

It looked like she was thinking of something. "Fine. But..." okay there's more. "You will promise me that you will never live this place. Is it a deal?"

What am I going to do? I need to think this over. "You know Seven, we don't have all day. So what's it gonna be, is it a deal?" She said, grining down at me. does she know my name.

"H-how do you know my name?" "What is it gonna be, deal?" She said, craving for an answer. I guess I have no choise. I don't want my family geting hurt.

"'s a deal."

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