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Jungwoo let out a long breath from the relief of seeing his friends. "You guys have no idea how happy I am to see you."

Chunja and Chanmi walked up next to Jungwoo with surprised faces.

"There's something seriously wrong with this forest," Chanmi brought up, adjusting her glasses.

"So, you guys don't know?" Kun asked.

Chunja cocked her head in confusion. "Know what?"

"This forest is haunted by the spirits of a satanic cult," Yuta answered.

"It's haunted?" Jungwoo clamped a hand over his mouth. "We need to find a way out faster."

"Did you four really risk coming in here to find us?" Chunja asked, growing more nervous with the knowledge of the forest.

"All of us did," Taeil put in. "We came to get you out."

"Good luck with that," Jungwoo exhaled sharply, kicking a small rock away. "That's what we've been trying to do all evening."

"You said everyone came to look?" Chanmi brought up. "Where are they now?"

Kun shrugged. "We have no idea. We were separated from them."

     "So..." Chunja bit the inside of her cheek. A cold shiver ran down her spine. "We're all stuck in this forest? Seperated?"

     The group was silent for a couple of seconds. "Yes, that's correct," Kun finally confirmed. "We were just running because something was watching us." Kun glanced behind them. "I think we lost it."

     Chunja rubbed her temples in stress. "This is awful," she whined. Jungwoo rubbed her back comfortingly.

     Chanmi scanned the trees as they stood completely still. There wasn't even a slight breeze in the air. Above, the stars and moon shined clear in the sky, but nothing showed any signs that pointed them out of the forest.

     Suddenly, something caught her attention. The slightest voice. Chanmi strained her ears to hear it better, but the noise started to grow louder and more audible.


     She sucked in a large breath. "Do you guys hear that?" Chanmi asked the group.

     They all quietly listened, but gave her a confused look.

     "I don't hear anything," Yuta replies. 

     "Someone just called my name." Chanmi looked off into the distance, hoping to hear it again.


     She jumped at the call. "There it is again! That's Doyoung's voice!" Chanmi didn't even think twice before running in his direction.

     "Wait, Chanmi!" Chunja yelled.

     "Doyoung!" Chanmi shouted into the trees.

     The others ran after her, fear building in their guts as they started to lose sight of Chanmi.

     She pushed through branches and tall weeds to follow the sound of Doyoung's voice. "I'm over here!"

     She came upon a part of the forest where the trees were less dense. Doyoung stood in the middle of trees, looking around. Chanmi ran up to him and hugged him tightly.

     "Thank the world I found you," Doyoung sighed, holding her close. "You have no idea how worried I was."

"Really?" Chanmi asked. She was relieved and felt her heart skip a beat from his caring words. "I'm thankful to have found you too."

Doyoung pulled away from their hug and looked into her eyes. A smile spread on his face as his cold hands cupped her cheeks. Chunja lightly grabbed onto his arm. "I love your glasses. You know that, right?"

Chanmi began to blush. "Why are you saying this?"

Doyoung didn't answer her. He only moved closer.

Chunja and Kun led the group as the continued in Chanmi's direction. "Is she crazy?" Chunja exclaimed.

"I didn't hear anyone call out her name," WinWin put in. "What if the forest is getting to her?"

The six came to a less dense part of the forest. Two figures stood close in the middle. Chunja clamped a hand over her mouth to muffle her scream when she could clearly see the scene.

"Chanmi, what are you doing?" Kun questioned in horror. The rest went pale.

Chanmi slowly reopened her closed eyes, expecting Doyoung's face to be inches from hers. However, she froze at the sight.

Instead of Doyoung, a cloaked person stood in front of her. Eyes white and dead with gray rotting flesh.

Chanmi let out a chilling scream as she fell backward and started to push herself away. The cloaked figure began walking closer as blood flowed down their arms and splattered on the dead leaves. Blood covered Chanmi's hands from when she grabbed their arm thinking it was Doyoung, causing her to slip on the leaves as she crawled away.

"Get the hell out of here!" Kun ordered, pushing WinWin into Yuta's arms and motioning the others to run. Kun sprinted over to Chanmi and picked her up off the ground to get her to run away with them.

Tears were streaming down Chanmi's cheeks in fear. Kun kept a hand on her shoulder to urge her onward in the direction the others ran.

"I-I swear, Kun," Chanmi struggled to speak. She coughed and gritted her teeth. "I thought—I thought it was..." she trailed off to try and steady her breathing while running.

"I know." Kun glanced in her direction. "It's the forest. We can't trust it."

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