Chapter 13: Down the Leader Hole...

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Ladia kept sliding down...
"Oof!" She hit a bump and rolled out of the slide onto her back, staring at her surroundings that were upside down. She rolled onto her stomach groaning. "That was the worse ride ever."
"Oh quit yer bellyaching, you could be out there about to get killed you know. I'm saving your hide, Zania."
"Still Leader, it kinda hurts."
"The fall was nothing personal against the new order."
"It kind of felt personal."
"Well, it was not. Now, tell me... why do you have the Moon Stone?" He rubbed his scaly skinny hands together, trying to catch a glimpse of the ever so famous stone of legend
"I ran, it was the only way to stop them from hurting me or the kid I was trying to put on the right path."
"It wasn't the only way."
"No, it was! It was either that or retirement."
"You live the rest of your life in luxury."
"There's no such thing..."
"What? What do you mean? My friends went into retirement. What do you know about it?"
"I know that there is no such thing and that if you aren't being a Guardian in active duty for sometime, you aren't allowed to leave. You then become null and useless. But the thing is, I assume that the new Elders wouldn't like that now would they? They must have some plan to get rid of all these useless beings..."
"Oh no, I know exactly where. But it means we'd have to go back up to face... them."
"I'm not leaving this place."
"No! Never again! Not after what happened to my kind by those monsters!"
"But Leader-"
Something was clanking its way down the slide. Once it hit the bottom, both the Leader and Zania jumped back, expecting a bomb but upon closer examination it was a ball that contained a transmission.
"We should look at this somewhere else, we don't want them to know where we are hiding out, true?"
"Good. Now, let's go."
They headed out on their journey. Unsure of what they would find.


I wonder how Ladia is doing. Is she okay? Have the Guardians caught her yet? What's going on!? Peter hated being in the dark about all this, true he genuinely liked Ladia but she was like a coin. One side was her when she was helping him, the Ladia he knew- the other side was when she wasn't helping him, the Zania he didn't know. It was confusing her whole backstory, much more confusing then any of the comics he read before especially not any of the good ones. "Ugh," he hit is head against his headboard, "Why am I the one to be mixed up in all this stupid crap? I'm a nobody, why am I one who needs saving from a Guardian? Especially, one like Ladia- I mean Zania." He shut down his computer and quickly go this shoes on, he had decided. His friend needed help. He admired Ladia very much and was sorry for what he had done to her. He needed to find her and help her get back her job. If his memory was erased in the process then so be it. He had a good life, for the most part. His parents wouldn't care, he had a very limited friend-base, and no girlfriend so it was perfect. He was going to risk his life for a girl he had very strong feelings about.
Platonic feelings and other ones.
Here I come Ladia- I'm going to be your knight in shining armor.

And how very wrong he was...


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