Today is the day

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Igneel's P.O.V

Today is the big day, I'm so excited to see the reactions of the children. I'm sure they will pretty upset, but over all I think they will forgive us eventually.  I met up with Jude to finish the preparations for our children's wedding, and a brilliant idea popped into my head. Against Natsu and Lucy's wishes, they won't see each other until the bride is to walk to the alter. I ran quickly to where I have heard Jude was last, to see him peeking through the certain which his daughter was using in order to get ready. 

"Jude I have a wonderful idea!" I exclaimed as I entailed Jude in on the "plan". 

Lucy's P.O.V 

This can't be happening, there must be some way out of this! I grew more frustrated by the second, due to the maids that were zipping me into my dress. Why is it that life will not let me enjoy happiness? A tear slips down my cheek to be wiped away by Virgo. I look at her and smile sadly. 

"I believe this will work out for the better princess. You may even fall for him later down the road." she says rubbing my back comfortingly. I finish off my outfit with some high heels to match with my dress. I have to admit that I look stunning, I just wish that Natsu was my groom. 

I give a little twirl checking myself out in the dress. 

'I wonder who is Natsu's lucky bride.' I wondered to myself, oh what I would give to switch places with Natsu's future wife. I walked to the corner of my stationary tent to retrieve my bouquet a tiara. 

"At least Father remembered my dream wedding plans." I cheered myself a bit, even if I don't have my ideal groom, I rather not be depressed and not try to enjoy myself for the better. I walked over to the tent opening peeking out a bit to get a glimpse of my surrounds. My Father catches sight of me and excuses himself from one of his co-workers. 

"You look beautiful Lucy, Just like your Mother." I responds as he reaches me, caressing my cheek.  I smile and lean into his hand, I look up him to him,witnessing him shed a few tears himself. 

"Father don't cry, you'll make me cry!" I exclaimed quickly wiping both his and my tears away. 

"I can't wait to walk you down the aisle, I wish you luck with your new life Lucy." He lifts up my hand lightly and kisses the knuckles. I give a little giggle watching him stand back up straight. 

"Ma'm they are ready for you." a servant informs my Father and I. I nod kindly at him and face my father, allowing him to loop his arm through mine. 

Natsu's P.O.V 

I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but feel miserable. I pulled off my tie and replace it with my scarf, that looks a lot better, I smile a little bit. If I have to marry this mysterious bride, at least I have my comforter: My scarf. 

I slip my hand through my hand and let out a sigh. 

"What's wrong Natsu? This is suppose to be a happy day." My father walks in, I glare at him.

"I finally fine a bride like you have been asking of me, and you wouldn't let me marry her. You went ahead and arranged a marriage. I wonder why I'm mad." I reply sarcastically. My father gives me a sad smile and rubs the back of his neck.

"I guess I did that, didn't I?" I glare more and walk away to the tent opening. I began walking to the alter not wanting to be near my father at the moment. I wonder how Luce is taking this? Is she smiling? Will her husband make her happy?  A sinking feeling drags my stomach down, a tear escapes my eyes. I look up at the sky and think of how life would have went if I was to marry Luce instead. Her gorgeous smile lightening up the day as she cheerfully helps me raise our children. I smile a little bit, I snap out of my thoughts as I heard people standing up from their seats. 

'Oh no! It's beginning,' I began freaking out 'what am I going to do without Luce?' I felt my best-man rub my back giving me a reassuring smile.  I smile lightly back at Gray, to stop him from worrying. I was scanning the guests when something caught my attention from the corner of my eye, it was blonde. I looked in the direction of the aisle to see the bride, I double take, It's Luce! I began tearing up, I wouldn't have to live a life without her. Her father hands her off to me and takes his seat, I smiled at him and lock eyes with Luce. I smile brightly and tears began pouring out of my eyes. 

Lucy's P.O.V 

I began walking down the aisle to the music only looking down at my shoes. When my father and I reached half way down, my father bumps my shoulder telling me to look up. I follow his instructions and saw Natsu! I let the tears flow and continue watching him. I reach the alter and hold hands with Natsu as my father takes his seat. I lock eyes with my GROOM, I smile waiting for the ceremony to begin. 

" Dearly beloved, we gather here today to join Lucy Lucky Heartfilia and Natsu Entherious  Dragneel in holy matrimony. Anyone who objects speak now or forever hold your peace." There was a small silence, Natsu and I look around hoping no one objects. After a minute Natsu and I give a sigh of relief. 

"Then we will continue, Do you Natsu Dragneel take Lucy Heartfilia to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" I look over to Natsu waiting for his answer.   

"I do" he exclaims, the guests laugh at his excitement. The priest turns to me.

"Do you Lucy Heartfilia take Natsu Dragneel  to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" I smile and look at Natsu with a bright smile

"I do!" I chirp, Natsu squeezes my hands happily and smiles brightly back at me. 

"Then the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss-" instead of letting the priest finish Natsu pulls me in for a kiss. The guest clap and cheering. We pull apart and hug each other tightly and began walking down the aisle holding hands to the reception hall. 

*Time skip brought to you by Happy needed a fish* 

I sat down next to Natsu after finishing a dance with my HUSBAND, I don't think I will ever get over that term. Our reception was coming to an end with the hours of dancing and eating. I am so very happy to find out that Natsu was my mystery groom, to think I thought my father was a bad guy for keeping this a secret. I look over at Natsu smiling, I guess quiet a bit of time passed by, Natsu was waving his hand in front of my face, grabbing my attention. 

"Oh, sorry." I say looking away blushing. Natsu chuckles and grabs my chin to make me look at him. 

"Why are you sorry, I'm all yours." he smiles, at his comment my whole face explodes with color. Natsu leans in slowly hoping to get a kiss out of me, he was about an inch away when we hear our fathers walking over to us. 

"Hey save that for the honeymoon." Igneel says cheekily. My father laughs along with Igneel while Natsu and I pull apart blushing. 

"So how do you like your surprise?" My father asks us. Natsu and I look at each other before answering.

"you guys are mean, but thank you." Natsu responds shaking my father's hand. 

"Anything for our kids," Igneel says " well we better set you on your way to the honeymoon." 

"Where are we going?" I ask, Igneel smirks before looking at my father. 

"We are sending you two to Paris, you will be spending a week there. Everything is paid for and taken care of, you will be leaving tomorrow at noon." My father say. I squeal and jump on my father.

"Thank you , thank you, thank you, thank you!" my father sets me back down on the ground laughing.

"You're welcome." I smile and walk back to Natsu, he wraps an arm around my waist. We say our goodbyes to our guest as we walk to the limo taking us to our new home, that our fathers supposedly bought for us as a wedding present. Natsu and I climb into bed hoping for time to speed up, I can't wait for tomorrow! 

"Good night Mrs. Dragneel." Natsu says kissing me. 

"Good night Mr. Dragneel." I respond back, cuddling into his chest falling into a peaceful sleep.  

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