Chapter 22.

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"Me?" I asked disbelievingly. Tilly nodded, biting her lip.

"Zara, you need to understand that I consider you my friend, but in the end, I fight for my pack," Tilly muttered, before silently walking off, Justin following suit. Watching them dissapear through the crowd made me feel a sense of loneliness.

Was that . . . a warning? What was she trying to tell me that I couldn't figure out on my own? Something was definitely off.

"Blue Falls pack, Moonlight pack! Please gather in the backyard while Alpha Bryan and I prepare a speech for both packs!" Ryder's harsh voice rang out, and I could see he was in business mode. His eyes searched the crowd, which seemed to fill more and more as Moonlight pack began to arrive at Ryder's house. With one last glance, he returned inside the house.

I started to feel antsy in the crowd. Tilly's words rang out through my mind. I decided I'd go and find Em or the twins. Standing here on my own in a crowd full of people shuffling to get through the house and into the backyard made me feel odd.

It's like, I knew I was around people, but . . . it was like one person out of all of them was watching me specifically. I tried my best to lose the strange feeling as I shuffled through the crowd and into Ryder's house. I took a step, but managed to oh so nicely bump into someone.

 The person's blonde head whipped around, only to stare at me blankly. I internally groaned. It was Mitch. What was he doing here? Was he apart of Ryder's pack?  I had assumed as much.

I said nothing as his eyes glared at mine.

"Zara," He regarded as though my name left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Mitch," I retorted with the same venemous tongue.

"It's good to see you again," He said, raising his eyebrows. Remaining skeptical, I eye him up and down.

"Wish I could say the same," I replied. His dark blue eyes seemed to know something I didn't - reminding me of Tilly and Justin.

Mitch soon leans down, one hand in his pocket, the other reaching for my face. I stay frozen. He leans down, his breath fanning my ear.

"I'll see you later." He finishes with a tiny chuckle, before waltzing away in the opposite way the crowd is shuffling. Soon, I am now the only one left in the front yard. Mitch seemed to have dissapeared just like that! Scanning the area, I realize there is no sign of him. I sigh.

"Hey! Zara, what are you doing out here?" Em called, running down the porch and to my side.

"Uh . . ." I stammer. I turned my head to the disappearing woods, but there's still no sign of Mitch - although I can still feel his presence.

"Nothing," I reply. I decided I wouldn't tell Em for now. We had more important things to worry about.

She quickly grabs my hand, leading us to the through the house, and to the backyard. It seems like there's a thousand people in the backyard, and I really take in how big it is. I follow her as she walks down the steps and sits near the twins on the grass. I take a seat near Theo.

"Glad you could make it," Leo says flatly while his twin laughs at me.

"Shut your face," Em grumbles.

"So, what do you guys think the meeting is about?" Leo asks, quickly changing topics.

"Who knows? If you ask me, my money is on the rogues who attacked Moonlight pack. Maybe we're next," I interjected. I still wasn't ready to tell anyone about what Tilly and Justin told me. Maybe they were mistaken.

Em and the twins stare at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I ask, crossing my arms in defense.

Theo laughs to himself. "Nothing."

"I agree with Zara." Leo says. Theo slung his arm around my shoulder. I force a smile, because hey, what else can I do?

The crowd goes silent as Ryder and a man about 40 comes to his side. They look a lot alike.

"Bryan is Ryder's uncle. After Ryder's parents died, his uncle would come over pretty often to check up on him," Theo says before they talk. Ryder's parents died? He was an orphan like me? I could've sworn that when I went to live with Ryder after my mothers murder, the sheriff said Ryder had a dad. Confusion swept through me. Was I mistaken? For some reason I felt guilty that I didn't know this. Lately everything has been so focused on me that I haven't had much time to ask about Ryder. What else did I not know? Now the thought was knawing at my stomach.

"Blue Falls and Moonlight pack! You are all here to understand the situation in which Moonlight pack is now under!" Ryder's voice rang out through the crowd, everyone staring up at him. We all waited, anxious to hear what was to be said.

Alpha Bryan's dark hair was swayed back like a business man's and he wore dark denim jeans, boots and a green and white plaid shirt. He seemed strong and over powering.

"As some of you may or may not know, Moonlight pack was attacked by a large group of rogues," Alpha Bryan began, "and whilst this happened, they managed to burn our pack house down to the ground." Small whimpers or tiny sobs erupted from those in Moonlight pack. I saw Emily shake her head in pity.

"Therefor, the ones who survived the attack will be staying here, with Ryder's pack! Of course, complete respect will be expected out of all of you. Meanwhile, some of Ryder and I's pack mates will be doing daily boarder patrols while in wolf form. If anybody sees anything out of the ordinary, you are to tell me, or our beta, along with Ryder and his beta, Brandon! Do not go out at night! If you go somewhere, you go in groups of 4 or 5!" Alpha Bryan announced.

Fear tingled up my spine. The feeling of being watched overtook me and I found myself looking around as if someone would attack any second. The reality of the danger we were all in really sunk in. Plus, I wasn't a werewolf. How could I defend myself?

Ryder stood there, looking fierce and authoritative.

"We have one more announcement to make!" Bryan boomed. Ryder's eyes widened in shock as his head snapped to his uncle. Clearly he didn't know about this.

"We received a message from the head of the rogues. They have made it clear what they want, but not why!"

The crowd whispered and muttered.

"What could they possibly want?"

"All they want is to cause chaos!"

"Are they watching us right now?"

Someone's question reached my ears, having me even more on edge.

"And what is that they want?" Someone shouted from the edge of the yard. Alpha Bryan's eyes scanned the crowd, until they landed on me. His eyes were dark and hard, with a clenched jaw.

"Zara Harper," He said slowly, pointing a finger at me.

I felt my heart stop as I shrank back. At first the words were like bubbles under water and I began to question if this was really happening. Everybody's eyes turned to stare at me. Now I was staring at 400 pairs of eyes glaring or staring at me in wonder. Em and the twins raised a brow in suspicion at me. I looked around hopelessly at their prying eyes.

"Let's give her to them!"

"She's a human!!"

"She's not one of us!"

People shouted. I got defensive, standing up. Why would these band of outlaws want me? Were they possibly connected with the severed rabbit head, or the writing on the walls.

"Silence!!!" Someone's shrill voice shouted. Everyone turned to see Ryder with angry eyes.

"Before anyone says anything they regret, Zara, is my mate, and our packs future luna! Threats directed to her are threats directed at me as well!" He growled. My heart warmed at his words to protect me, but my stomach was still in horrid knots.

"This isn't good," Emily whispered to my side, though I barely heard her.

"No one is suggesting anything Alpha Ryder," Bryan began, although his eyes lingered on me in obvious distrust.

"No one is to harm Blue Fall's future luna!" Bryan said with authority, and I could tell that was what they called the Alpha Command. Many bared their necks in submission while others growled at me. I just wanted the ground to swallow me up. I knew Ryder's house was huge, but where did all these people expect to stay?

"Meanwhile, we have extra rooms here, yet the pack house located deeper in our woods has many more!" Ryder announced, clearly stating my thoughts.

"Meeting ajourned," Ryder spat.

"What about the rogues?! What are we going to do about them?!" A girl yelled, quite close to me actually.

"For now, everyone needs to recover. After our top wolves are healed, we'll send a message back to the rogues!"

"So we're risking our lives to protect a human!?" The same girl yelled, shooting me a look of hate.

"Yes!" Bryan boomed in anger, making the girl shut her mouth.

Everyone began to disperse, walking into the house or getting together with friends or family to get to the pack house. I frowned as many gave me dirty looks or whispered mean things.

"Well . . . uh . ." Leo murmured as they got up.

"The next few days is definitely going to be interesting, that's for sure," Theo said with a smirk. I gaped at him.

"Why would the rogues want you? I mean, your only a human . . . no offense," Em said with a sympathetic look while I gave her a flat one.

"Either way, I don't blame Bryans-"

"Alpha Bryan," Someone said behind me. I turned to see the devil himself. His hard jaw clenched again as he stared me down, Ryder following behind him.

"I-I'm sorry,"I stammered, my face heating up.

"Alpha Bryan, but you already knew that," He repeated, holding his hand out.

"Zara Harper, but you already knew that," I retorted, shaking his hand. He let out a deep chuckle.

"Uncle," Ryder muttered, coming up behind him. My panic and worry began to fade as Ryder inched towards us. I let out a relieved sigh as he grasped my hand in his, sending me a warm smile.

"We have a lot to discuss," Alpha Bryan said, his eyes locking on Ryder's. I sighed. That was just another way of saying "We need to talk" and everyone knows that's the worst thing to come out of a person's mouth.


I sat down in Ryder's business office. Ryder sat by my side while Alpha Bryan crossed his arms, leaning against the desk.

"Why do the rogues want me?" I immediately asked. Alpha Bryan let out a scoff.

"I wish I could tell you. But they made it fairly obvious it was you they wanted. Here," He said, pulling a small sticky note from his back pocket. I took it, but a strange and pungent scent filled my nose.

"No offense Alpha Bryan, but this paper reeks," I said as I began to uncrumple it.

"You can smell the rogue on it?" Ryder asked, giving me the eyebrow.

"Well, it's hard not to that's for sure."

Moonlight pack, we're so delighted to have . . . met you. Let this be a warning. You have something of ours. Or rather a kin of your kin does. And we need her back. And, if she's not returned to us within tomorrow's fornight, we'll be forced to take action. You wouldn't want that. See to it she is left in the forest at exactly 11:59 pm, when the moon is at its roundest. No one is to come, or both packs will suffer more than your homes have.


"What the hell?" I whispered.

"This was left on my doorbell after it was burnt down, along with the house. This was last night." Alpha Bryan revealed.

"I just don't understand why they'd want me," I whispered, rubbing my temples. Ryder slung his arm around me, bringing me close. I didn't even notice his fingers slightly rubbing my shoulder, where I let him mark me. It felt tender, but tingly too.

"This is the same stench that I believe covered the rabbit's head. Clearly it's the same band of rogues," Ryder replied.

"Yeah, smells the same to me," I regarded.

"Zara, this smell is only one a wolf would smell. Are you sure you're smelling this acrid scent?" Alpha Bryan cut in, his eyes narrowing. I bit my lip and nodded.

"That's incredibly strange . . ." He muttered.

"Maybe I just have super duper smelling abilities?" I tried.

"Either way, we must focus on the problem at hand. Tonight is the fortnight they spoke of."

"They're not taking her!" Ryder growled, shoving me farther into his arms. My heart began to pound.

"And they won't. Yet if we ignore this' we'd be fools."

"I think you should just give me to them," I murmured.

"What?" Ryder growled, his hand tightening on my arm.

"They said "return" me. That means I've been there before. And they want me "back". I feel like they won't hurt me. And plus, the pack will be safer this way. Both packs. Plus, I don't have to go alone. Someone could come with me, and hide. We could ambush them from around." I explained.

"No," Ryder growled angrily. His blue eyes swirled into darkness as he hardened his jaw and clenched his knuckles.

"Please, you have to have faith in me," I whispered, placing my hand on his cheek.

"I have faith in you. Just not them. I'm not going to give them the oppertunity to hurt you or kidnap you like before."

"You saw the note Ryder! Haven't you heard the saying "Kill one, save a thousand"?" I tried. He let out a snarl, and I realized that was the wrong thing to say.

"I have an idea. Not sure if you'd exactly like it uncle," Ryder muttered. I turned to him.

"Do explain," I said.

"We need to complete the bonding ceremony with my pack. But . . . what if we could temporarily get Zara to bond with your pack? She'd have access to more protection, and the pack would be safer," He tried.

"Ryder, you know that won't solve anything," I replied weakly.

"I will not risk your life."

"But just me being in this pack  is risking everyone else's lives! Don't you get it!?" I hissed.

"Although I don't agree with either of you, Alpha's are forced to make hard choices. And sometimes neither of them are right. However, Zara is right. She can take me or you with her, and we could ambush them from around. It'll be hard and require silence and stealth - yet I know my pack can do this," Alpha Bryan said.

"Over my dead fucking body!" Ryder hissed, standing up.

"Ryder, I know you don't like this, but really think about it. Your parents didn't leave this world and expect you to make mediocre and easy decisions for yourself. Think of your pack. And think of mine. This is a sticky situation no matter what choice we make."

Those words seemed to ring into Ryder's mind. I stood up, something inside telling me to comfort him.

"She could be killed," He replied, sounding weaker than I imagined. His voice was hoarse and scraggly. It broke my heart to see him so upset. Bryan's eyes locked on mine. He was basically asking if I knew what I was getting myself into.

The answer was no. But at this point, I'd do anything for Ryder and either pack. And that was all I needed.

"We'll complete the ceremony in an hour. She'll bond with my pack, and then yours. We're going to have to do the fast version," Ryder muttered.  I smiled, and brought myself up to kiss his cheek.

"Fast version?" I asked.

"Everyone cuts the tip of their finger, and you cut yours  as well. Theirs will be dropped into a small cup, and smeared on your cut. We'll do the same with Bryan's pack," He explained. It sounded gross but I nodded anyway.


"A small knife will be given to each of you to lightly knick the top of your finger! It must be bleeding, and a drop of blood must fall into the cup!" Ryder announced. The crowd nodded. I sat nervously on the porch steps as Alpha Bryan and his beta went around with a cup, allowing people to drop their blood into it.

"Thank you," I whispered to Ryder who sat next to me.

"Hm?" He asked.

"For letting the plan happen tonight. I know it must not have been easy for you Ryder." I whispered, placing my head on his shoulder. He let out a deep sigh.

"I don't like it at all. But I have to believe everything will turn out the way it should in the end."

I stayed quiet as the crowd dispersed and Alpha Bryan brought me a cup that was filled halfway with blood.

"There's one more twist," Ryder stammered. My eyes snapped to him as he lightly rubbed his head.

"You have to drink it."

"What?! I thought I just had to have my blood touch theirs!" I whined in disgust.

"Well you did, but for the bond to be stronger you need to ingest it. Consider this payback for when all the times you've run from me," He said, smirking. I could tell he was trying to make me laugh, but it wasn't working.

I took it from his uncle's hands. I stared at the red liquid lightly swishing in the cup. Oh God.

"Bottoms up," I shrugged as a tremor raced down my spine. I plugged my nose, ignoring the queasy feeling in my stomach, and brought the cup to my lips - the metallic scent hitting my nose. Tilting it, I leaned my head back and welcomed the blood into my mouth. At first, I tried not to gag, but as I took my first gulp, the sweeter it began to taste.  Suddenly, I unplugged my nose, the smell beginning to appease my senses.  The metallic scent and taste was gone, and it all tasted like sweetness.

"Jesus, is that normal?" Ryder's voice rung out. I began to feel disappointment when the cup became empty. I took a breath as Bryan pulled it from my hands.

"No. Yet neither is her senses." Alpha Bryan stated. I wiped my mouth, feeling disgusted with myself. I could feel tears brimming my eyes.

"Hey, hey it's ok," Ryder said as he pulled me into his arms.

Suddenly I began to get a large headache, and words and sentences became imprinted in my brain.

"Ah!" I shrieked, dropping to the ground and holding my head.

"What's going on?!" Ryder asked, but it came out like he was far away, though he was actually holding me.

"The thoughts and fears of our pack are racing through her mind. It should go away soon. It's a sign that it is working," Alpha Bryan said, leaning down.

So many people seemed to be screaming, sobbing, laughing or crying in my brain. It was like I was in a movie theater and I could hear 400 people talking or screaming with the volume on maximum power.

"Make it stop," I whined, pressing my head to the grass.

"It'll be ok, just look at me. Zara, look at me!" Ryder tried to comfort me. I barely looked up to see him worried. Another wave of people talking hit me hard, and so I emitted a groan.

"Why won't it stop!?" Ryder asked his uncle.

"She just took in both of our pack's thoughts. It'll take a little longer than normal. Zara, focus on us. On our voices and ours only. Ryder, keep talking to her!" Alpha Bryan commanded. I tried to listen to them but all I heard were a thousand different voices at once.

"Zara, remember when I first met you? And when we played tag in the woods? And that wolf that led you home? I was that wolf," He began to talk, and yet I could still hear all the voices.

"I knew I couldn't let anyone else have you. And when I found out Mitch had . . . well my instinct kicked in and now all I want is to protect you and keep you safe. You mean so much to me Zara, so please, seeing you in pain now hurts me too . . " And slowly but surely, the voices began to dim down. All I could hear now was Ryder's whimper.

I panted, shuffling to get up. Alpha Bryan and Ryder each held my arms, helping me up.

"Feeling better?" Bryan asked.

I nodded. "That was intense," I breathed out. Ryder let out a sigh of relief. Same with Alpha Bryan.

[Can you hear me?] one voice echoed in my head. I turned to Ryder who had a smile on his face.

"Did you do that?" I asked.

[I did. Try sending me something in the mind link,] He said, keeping a straight face.

I nodded.

[Uh, hi?] I tired.

"It works. Good. Now all you have to do to mind link someone is think of who you want to contact, and send them your message. Sometimes someone has a block on, and it's like you hit a brick wall and you can feel your message get sent back." Ryder stated. I nodded.

"Now it's time to get down to business. Alpha Bryan, how many are you taking with you tonight?" Ryder asked.

"Who will accompany Ryder, Zara and I tonight?!" Bryan boomed over the crowd who was watching us intently. Immediately, some raised their hands.

"I counted 25."

"I'll bring 30. We can't have too many nor too little." Ryder replied. Bryan nodded.

"Let's get ready."

Wow long chapter.


What do you guys think of the plan? Lame or nah? Who's this random Demetrius guy???

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