Chapter 26.

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Hi guys

People that are without a parent often dream of meeting them. Or at least they wander. It doesn't matter who you've lost. You're curious. What do they look like? What are they like? Do they look like me?

Why aren't they here with me?

Those questions often fly around in my head, along with others.  But when you believe that for 19 years you're dad ran off and committed suicide, well, what else could you expect?

No one moved. Or spoke. All I could feel was the breeze brushing against my numbing skin. Only short breaths were heard.

"Do you have nothing to say to me?" The man - known as Father - said. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. 

"I must say, you take a lot of me in you. And your mother, but . . . mostly me." His short dark hair was swayed a bit to the side of the breeze picked up. His eyes were dark, and he held an authoritative demeanor just like Ryder. Was it possible he was the one in charge of these rogues? I began to feel sick again.

 I felt my anger and confusion grow. What did he know about my mom? What was he doing here? Why did he leave us? Why is he back? While one side of me wanted to believe he wanted me - his daughter - back home with him, my logical side told me shut up and stop dreaming.

"Why?" I whispered. His eyes narrowed before he let out a sigh, looking at the ground. The man next to him smirked, and stood oddly still. 

"Oh, Zara, you and I have so much to catch up on. I must say I'm impressed with the young lady you've become," He said with amusement in his eyes. A small thumping noise came out of my throat.

"What would you know? You've been missing the years of my life," I retorted. I felt Ryder grasp my hand, but it felt numb. I couldn't focus on anything right now. I knew we had bigger things to focus on, but he was the only thing catching my attention.

"Oh I keep tabs on my family. Ryder didn't tell you?" He asked, with mock surprise. Shock edged through me as I turned to stare at Ryder, who's jaw hardened, and wouldn't look my way. My heart began to pound even harder.

"It's not true. It's not. It isn't, right? Tell me you didn't know he was alive," I asked him with confidence, but when he said nothing, my heart sank. How could he not tell me? He knew my dad was alive, and wouldn't even tell me? I began to feel my nails grow again.

Immediately, I wretched my hand from him. 

"Zara, please let me explain-"

"I don't want to here it!" I snap, focusing my attention back on my dad. I hear him chuckle. Making me angry.

"What do you want? Why are you here?" I demanded.  He grinned, and the scary doctor man next to him did the same. 

"Zara, do you remember Harvey? I suppose not, I mean,  he hasn't seen you since you were a very little girl. You call him Uncle Harvey, remember?" He asked, gesturing to the man who seemed as though he had no inkling as to what was happening. The man . . . Dad . . narrowed his eyes at me.

Suddenly a shrill tremor ran down my spine and I froze as my head began to play a movie.


"Uncle Harvey, Uncle Harvey! Again! Again, again again!" I screamed, waving my chubby hands in the air.

"Zara, I'm gettin too old for this madness!" He yelped, although he put me back on his shoulders and we continued to race through the house.

End of flashback**

I groaned in pain, and grasped my head, kneeling on the ground. 

"What's happening?" Ryder demanded in his Alpha tone as he bent down to my side. He placed his arms around me.

"B-but he kidnapped me . . . he . . . he wanted to do something bad . . I thought he was going to kill me!" I panted. How could I have forgotten that he was my uncle? Why didn't I remember anything? I stared at my newfound Uncle and began to remember him more and more. 

"Oh, Zara, I never would have hurt you," He said, with a sympathetic look, although his eyes screamed "crazy". I gaped at them. What's happening?

"Why do you want her?!" Ryder shouted in a raw voice. 

"Well," My father started, kicking a rock, "she is my daughter. You sit here, day by day, thinking life is as easy as opening an envelope. Zara is not meant for this life. She has potential. One that needs to be used - once and for all," His voice began to get deeper as he spoke, and suddenly, the bushes behind him began to rustle. 

"If you think you're taking her, you're in for a surprise old man," Ryder growled. 

"Oh, I'm not the one who'll be surprised boy," My father grit out. Harvey . . . Uncle Harvey . . . let out a high pitched squeal and laugh combined, lolling his head back. Fear coursed through me as I realized he'd totally lost his marbles over the years.

I blinked hard. What else did I not know? Why was a chunk of my life missing? Why was this all happening now?

Out of the bushes appeared large wolves, but they weren't normal. They stood on hind legs, and were at least 10 feet tall. Their paws were almost like hands, and they had an awkward hunch. Their snouts were long. Many growled and snarled as they stood tall. I gasped. There must have been at least 50 just by seeing them all.

Maybe I was new to the werewolf world, but surely these creatures weren't meant to be normal? How could Ryder and Alpha Bryan's pack handle them?

"How about this, boy. Either you hand her over to me in one piece, or I take her by force. You choose." Harvey suddenly growled in a low voice. 

"Go fuck yourself," I hissed, getting up from the ground. 

"Suit yourself," My father said with a sadistic grin. A huge man wolf leaped  into the air, oddly running on all fours to reach us. 

Suddenly, Ryder jerked his up and let out quick wolf howl, before shifting in place into a huge midnight black wolf. If you blinked, you'd miss it. 

Then from behind us, a large mass of normal seeming wolves charged, running past me. I stood frozen, and then the battle began. 

Snarling was heard, and I watched helplessly as a man-wolf fell to the ground with one of Bryan's pack wolves biting at it's neck. I found my fingers twitching my sides, wanting to do something. Wanting to help. Wanting to fight. Wanting to kill. 

It was a new and unknown feeling. And yet despite the fighting, it seemed as though for a second, time slowed down and I focused on myself. Why would I have this feeling of wanting to fight as well?

I didn't have time to think of the answers as to why, because I felt myself get pummeled to the side. I flew into the air before I hastily landed on the hard dirt beneath the leaves of the dark forest. 

As I was flung down like a rag doll, my hands scraped the dirt to help my impact. Stunned, I turned on my back to see my father over me with a determined look on his face. My eyes widened in fear as he straddled me, trying to keep me pinned down.  I brought my hands up to his face to push him off, kicking fiercely. One of his hands wrapped around my neck, squeezing. I struggled for air as my lungs began to burn. I thrashed my head to the side, searching for any wolf that could help me, but many of Ryder and Bryan's pack wolves were being defeated. The huge man-wolf creatures stood over them, pinning them down. My eyes searched for Ryder as I felt the grip on my neck tighten. 

I pressed my hands up to push him off, but strength wasn't on my side, and I felt the energy drain from my body as oxygen was refused passage through my nose or mouth.  

"Welcome to the pack dearie," He whispered in my ear, before something was plunged into the side of my neck, causing a strange feeling of warmth to flow through my body. It started with my arms, then down to my fingers. Then my pelvis, down to my toes.

I let out an ear piercing scream as I felt like lava was seeping into my veins. I was still being held against my will as all the fighting continued. I shut my eyes and let continued to emit shrill screams of agony. I opened my eyes, and the forest around me seemed green, like night vision. I blinked before everything was a blur of red, oranges, and greens - heat vision. I blinked once more and it was all black with white outlines of all the wolves. I shut my eyes, terrified.

"What's happening to me?!" I rasped as I felt like I'd been stabbed by sowing needles in my bones. 

"Zara!" I could hear someone yelling for me in the distance. 

I couldn't turn my head. A rush of strange itchiness began to etch into my body, and it soon became unbearably painful. I reached my arm to scratch the other, but my father held it down.

"Stop, it hurts!" I wheezed, but he did nothing but continue to pin me down. 

I closed my eyes and waited for the very thing that seemed to always follow me around. 


A surge of air hit my lungs, causing me to rapidly open my eyes - which seemed to return to having normal sight. I looked to my left to see a large black wolf, fighting a huge silver and white one. I felt the need to attack something. Something was telling me to fight. But I couldn't. Something was happening to me! But what?!

The fighting sounded like bubbles underwater, and I began to see two of everything. Two trees. To wolves. Two man wolf creatures. Dizzy, my head lolled back onto the dirt as a strange black began to fade out everything around me.





[My eyes opened in a heartbeat, and all I could see was white around me. Like I was in a room with all pure white walls caging me in. Or like it was white wallpaper. 

"Where am I?! What's happening?!" I suddenly called out. No response. After a while I began to walk. I don't know where. But I just began to walk. 

"Please, someone!" I called, but my voice echoed around - making me feel even more alone. 

"I don't know what to do," I whimpered, feeling the urge to cry.

"Do not cry," A soft female voice lightly cooed from somewhere. Surprised, I anxiously looked around. 

"W-who are you?" I asked, seeing nobody around me.  

"It's more of a who are you question," She replied. I furrowed my brows and wrinkled my nose. Did I not just ask that? Was it supposed to be a riddle or something?

"Please, I want to get back to . . ." The fight. Was it still happening? Am I dreaming? Am I . . . dead?

"I'm aware. But before you can return to the world you know, you must know yourself first," The voice replied gently.

"Know myself? What the heck does that even mean?!" I hissed, becoming annoyed. I froze as a familiar tremor was sent down my spine, and a movie played in my head


"Daddy, where's Mommy?" I asked in a soft voice. His glazed eyes peered at me before a forced smile cracked onto his face. He bent down, picked me up, and set me on his shoulder. 

"Oh baby, Mommy had to go somewhere," He replied. I studied his tan face. His hair was messy and he had a beard coming on. 

"Where is she?" I asked. 

"It's a beautiful place called Heaven," He replied.

"Is she waiting for us to see her?" I asked with wide eyes. A genuine yet sad smile broke his features. 

"Yes babygirl, she's waiting. And she always will be."

End of Flashback---

My head spun as a memory ran through my head.

"What was that?" I asked, but I got no answer, instead, only another tremor. I braced myself again.

Flasback #2 ---

"That's it, that's it, just like that!" Dad said with a proud voice. I laughed as I fought my opponent, sweeping him on his feet. 

"Hey, I'll be right back. You two teens don't do anything crazy," He said with a laugh before he walked to the other side of the gym.

I smiled. "Daaad, I'm only 14," But he walked on and ignored me.

"So, you're good - for a 14 year old," The boy said. He seemed about 15. I looked up and smiled. His shaggy blonde hair shook. His warm smile sent a shiver down my back. 

"I know," I replied with a grin. "I'm Zara, by the way." I held out my hand with boldness. 

He smiled, and grabbed my hand. 


End of Flasback #2 ---

I gasped as I came to, recovering from the memory that shook me violent. 

"Mitch! How can that be?! I .  . . I met him when I was a little girl. But how-" I doubled over as another tremor raked my spine. I let out a wretched scream.

Flashback #3 ---

"Dad? Where are we going?" I asked as the car continued to drive on through the rain. 

"I can't tell you right now. But here is what I am going to say," He said tenderly as we pulled into a parking lot. The building in front of me was large with multiple sad windows. 

It read, "Children's Home for the Abandoned,"

"Dad?" I asked, getting nervous. I looked at him for support and comfort but only sadness was reflected in his eyes.

"Just know that no matter what - I love you Zara. Never forget that. 

"But Dad, is this a sick joke or something?" I asked him with my eyes glossing. 

"I wish it were. Sweetheart," his voice cracked as he glanced at me,"Our world is no longer safe. I can't be with you anymore. I'm doing this for you."

End of Flasback #3--

I took in a deep breath of air. The words seemed to echo around me. 

"No more, please,"  I whimpered. But my prayers weren't answered by the voice. Another tremor left me weak.

Flashback #4 ---

"Mitch? What are you doing here?" I asked as my voice cracked. Mitch was hanging out the window, only the moonlight allowing me to see. 

"I'm getting you out of here Zara," He whispered, glancing around the room.  I looked back at the kids sleeping soundlessly.

"But, why? It's been a year," I mutter.

"Because Zara, you don't belong here. It's dark, dreary, and sad here. You deserve to be in the sunlight, enjoying and living life," He said, struggling to hold on.

A warm tear slid off my face as a I smiled. 

"Okay," I whispered. I lifted one foot, then the other through the window. I glanced down to see a dumpster at least 20 feet beneath us. Smirking, I jumped off - enjoying the adrenaline pumping through my veins. The air whipped my hair up and my cheap and tattered blue night dress before I landed in the pile of garbage. I glanced up to see a figure falling, before landing right next to me.

"We did it," I smiled. 

"Let's go!" He whispered, grasping my hand, jumping out, and leading us through the dark alleyway. 

End of Flasback #4 ---

That one made my head pound. I doubled over, keeping myself up on my knees and palms.

"Your past helped to mold who you really are. Who we really are. You're life as you know has been a jumble of lies. A theater show. Something that never really happened. Everything up until you were 16 last year, was a lie."

At those words, my stomach twisted and a strange feeling bolted up my throat, and I realized I was throwing up.  My life was a lie? How was this possible? The memories seeped into my mind and I began to remember more. 

"No," I whimpered in a raspy tone, but another flashback was about to begin. "Please," I cried, but of course I was ignored.

Flashback #5 ---

"Stay away from her!" Mitch shouted. I growled, standing behind him as Uncle Harvey and my father stood in front of us.

"You've put her in grave danger! You do not realize what you've done Mitchell!" Father shouted in anger. 

"You left me! You don't care about me!" I screamed as warm tears fell down my face. 

"If you only knew Zara," His voice became soft. 

"Harvey," He snapped, causing our attention to focus on my uncle.

"Do it now," 

Before I knew what was happening, Mitch transformed into his grey wolf, and tried to attack, but he was easily flung to the side by my uncle - who had incredible strength. I stumbled backwards in fear.

"Mitch!" I called in fear, watching him tumble across the forest floor.

Using this to take away my attention, someone  jabbed something sharp into my neck, making me lose sight of everything.

End of flashback #5---

I found myself shaking and crying. Everything I knew wasn't real. I had a different past. And I was beginning to remember small chunks. It was so painful, all of it.

"Why? Why show me this?" I asked between sobs.

"You need to understand who you are. And what you are," the voice cooed. 

"WHY!?" I screamed.

"If you want to go back - which we need to-"

"We?" I asked in confusion. She ignored me. 

"Then you have to be aware of your bloodline. Your mother - is not your mother. Your father however does remain biological," She began. 

"What does this mean? Why is this happening?" I asked, choking on a sob. 

"Look up," She snapped, much clearer. Distraught, I glanced up, and got to my feet. 

In front of me was a large, golden mirror with wolves sculpted on the top.  

Terror ran through my veins like icy water. 

Staring back at me in the mirror was a lifesize wolf, with odd grey and brown patters, and matching brown eyes that I had. I moved my head to the side. The wolf copied my movements. 

"Welcome, Zara Caine, to the life of wolves."




















If you comment your thoughts then you get to find out in the next  chapter >;)

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