Chapter 30.

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"Ow," I groaned, laying on my back and staring at the blue sky.

"C'mon, I told you have to keep your arms up as a defence," Tilly said, helping me up. I grasped her hand, and got to my aching feet. This was my first time even trying to train. So far, Tilly was kicking my ass. It was so embarrassing. I mean, I guess I maybe expected too much of myself because I figured, Oh hey, I'm a royal so I guess it will all just come naturally. 

Yeah, I was wrong.

My back was on fire, my arms were exhausted and my feet were aching. It's been 4 and a half hours and I feel like dropping dead. 

I groaned in my head. I felt like a weenie. 

"Alright, remember when I threw you over?" She asked. I frowned, putting my hands above my head so I could catch my breath.

"How could I forget?" I say with an edge to my voice. She chuckles.

"Well you have a fast recovery. You haven't gotten any punches or kicks in but I think I can fix that," she smiled deviously, glancing at the house to where Ryder and a few others sat inside.  My father was standing on the porch, watching everyone train. All around me people were just fighting, and they all seemed like professionals. What did that make me? I was below amateur.

"What?" I asked absentmindedly, but a fist the face sent me reeling, and I landed on my butt, seeing stars.

"What the hell?" I shouted, holding my cheek. She walked over, standing above me. The light hit her fiery hair, making her look intimidating. 

"What are you going to do about it huh?" She growled with a smirk. Why was she suddenly so different? Frustrated, I slid my leg, attempting to trip her but she merely jumped, and did a crazy karate move in the air, and had my neck pinned by her arms. She was choking me!

Gasping for air, I clawed her forearms, trying to tear away from her.

"Tilly," I rasped, my voice coming out hoarse.

In a second, my father's eyes were now locked with mine, genuine worry fillling them. 

Okay, time to think fast. I struggled to get another breath in before I clamped my jaws on her arm. She let out a shrill squak before letting me go, making me fall to the ground. I desperately forced the air back into my lungs.

"Not bad I suppose. Interesting, but not bad," She remarked, getting up and rubbing her arm. Annoyed, I stood up, dusting myself off.

"What the hell was that for?" I grumble.

"Hey, do you know if your mate is a virgin?" She suddenly asked quietly. A deep anger rose within me as my wolf let out an inner growl. I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"Is Justin?" I challenged. Why was she acting like such a bitch?

"I'll go and ask him if you want," She said with a wink.

I let out a growl, allowing my rage to take over. Within seconds I grabbed her neck and thrust her to the ground. Her eyes were wide as she struggled to breathe.

"Don't you ever talk about my mate like that. Ever!" I growled. Suddenly I was pulled back by strong arms. Confused and shocked, I squirmed in fright.

"Hey, it's me Mitch, calm down," he whispered in my ear. Realizing it was someone I knew, I took a deep breath. I felt so violent. Fear swept over me when I looked over at Tilly, who had Justin helping her up. On her neck  was an already forming green and purple bruise. 

A reminder of what I once did at school began to haunt my mind. I hit that girl. And I didn't stop. I didn't want to stop. If Mitch didn't pull me off Tilly, would I have . . . I shake my head and feel myself wanting to be alone.

"Get off," I mutter. Immediately, Mitch steps away.

"Hey, that was good!" Tilly said, with an awkward grin.

"Are you serious? I could've . . ." I asked her, with an open jaw. Her eyes were light and her face was off, as if trying to hold together. Her eyes were wide and her fingers were fidgeting at her sides. 

[She's afraid of us] My wolf's voice suddenly whispered in helplessness.

"How about we call it a day?" Tilly asked with a gentle smile. She was forcing it. I could tell. Though a part of her was being genuine, another part of her - perhaps small - was fearful of what I had just done to her. I gulped and nodded. All I wanted to do was cry in a room. A room with Ryder in it. 

"Thanks for the," I cleared my throat awkwardly, "lesson."

Tilly turned to me and shrugged with a half smile. Justin's dark eyes scanned me before his brother - Cade appeared at his side, seeming confused. It was my turn to force a smile. I turned on my heel, walking past Mitch, making my way up the the porch.

My feet shuffled through the grass with ease as I fought the urge to cry. I thought back to when I was close to killing that girl in class, and was sent to the office. When Tilly brought up my mate's virginity, it sent me reeling. Was he . . . a virgin? As much as I wanted to believe he wasn't, let's be honest here. He's good looking, and I know nothing of the guy he was before I came into town. The principle . . . she mentioned a girl when I was sent to her.

Rebecca? Ruby? Rosaline? Rose . . Rose! That was her. Why hadn't I asked Ryder about her sooner? Who was she? Did he maybe have old feelings for her?  

Well for starters, between getting kidnapped and realizing I was a princess wolf, I suppose I haven't had the time to ask him about her. But, should he have told me? Am I prying? I decided it was time to sit down, and have a nice little chat about this Rose girl. And hopefully I could forget the fact that I could have seriously injured  Tilly.

Okay, short chapter I apologize I so sorry

I'm so tired

And I'm having guy probz omg shocker foreal me having guy issues wtf why


i'm going to bed. 

Again I'm so sorry for this really short and boring chapter! I'll try to post soon! Comment and vote? Okay nightaldjfakldjf;aklfj

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