Chapter 33.

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while my laptop's keys aren't working and niether is the space bar sooo I'm really sorry D:

Oh kayyy

So I totally set up my friend with my crush's friend and they're dating now xD I can't help but feel maybe a tad accomplished. As for my crush and I . . . I sorta confessed that I wanted to kiss him and I'm so embarrassed and I feel awkward but oh whale now he knows whateva

I'm hungry.



Btw the grammar in this chapterisn'tvery good.

Zara's POV***

I thought about what my wolf had said on our way there. Brandon? Sketchy? Sure he was the beta and granted I hadn't seen much of him since I had met Ryder and the pack, but that isn't much of a reason to suspect he was well, worthy of being suspected for anything.

I ignored the feeling and focused on today.

"What's on your mind?" Mitch suddenly asked. 

"Eh, nothing really," I replied, crossing my arms. Trying to get the attention off from where this could go, I pretended to look at the car mirror. I shivered when I saw the new me, still getting used to these strange, new features. 

"Doesn't seem like nothing," He retorted with a smirk. I tore my eyes away from the mirror, and sighed.

"I can't help but feel like you don't want my company no matter what. I thought we resolved things," Mitch suddenly said, sounding disappointing.

I dug myself into my seat. I wasn't in the mood for this conversation.

"I dunno," I mumbled, looking out the window.

"Well, that doesn't help."

"Can we talk about it another time?" I asked him. He sighed, and turned the wheel.

"Sure, but we will talk about it," he said, pulling into a diner. 

"Thanks for the ride," I said, hopping out.

"No problem," He muttered. I didn't turn around to see him or anything but instead I kept walking forward. 

 I wanted to shake things off about Mitch and Brandon and focus on my father and I. I wanted answers about my mother. I needed to hear more about her. I had this burning curiosity to know her, and to have her here by my side. My real mother, not that sister of hers. I wanted a real mother, my mother. But it was too late, and even my childish wants cannot deceive that reality.

I walked into the diner, opening the door and glancing around. 

My eyes landed on my father's back where he sat at the bar on a stool. I gulped, feeling a little nervous. I made my way over to him. He turned before I sat down, looking me up and down.

"Zara," he regarded. Do I call him Dad? Father? Daniel even? Feeling awkward, I merely nodded at him before sitting next to him on a plush stool.

"I ordered you a strawberry milkshake. I remember you used to get them a lot . . . back in the day," He suddenly added, fumbling with his straw in his Dr. Pepper. Though I had regained my memory, it was like someone had just played a DVD with my past on it. It wasn't like I really, really remembered it. It was the only way I could describe it.

"Thanks," I murmured. 

"Do you want anything to eat?" He asked, turning to face me with those dark eyes that I didn't seem to inherit. I shook my head, but studied his face more. I must have  gotten my lighter hazel eyes from my mother, but it was clear I got my dark locks from Daniel, er . . . Dad. He had slight wrinkles and tired eyes. Just how old was he? Was he, like, immortal?

"Your milkshake," A cute little diner girl with blonde hair said, handing me the tall glass topped with whipped cream and cherries. I smiled politely at her.

"I have questions," I told my father, turning to face him. I decided, what the hell? Might as well just spit it out.

"I figured," He chuckled, facing me and placing his arm on the marble counter.

"Okay, first I want to know more about my mother, and what she was like. Then I want to know more about this NWC thing, and how me you know . . . phasing . . . will do anything, and what this marriage with Mitch will do and yeah," I stopped my rumbling, taking a deep breath. Anxious, I took a small sip of my milkshake, relishing in the taste. 

"We'll start with your mother. Well, she was a lot like you for starters. Her hair was-"

"Light?" I interjected. He gave me a brow rise. "How did you know that? I don't have any pictures of her," He added. 

"I had a dream and, I just pictured her with light hair I suppose," I muttered. 

"Well, it was a strawberry blonde with mixes of red. Beautiful coloring. Her eyes were a blue-green, and her skin was just as light as paper. Her lips were this heart shaped cherry red that no one could forget."

My dad closed his eyes, as if remembering her. I tried to picture her in my mind. She sounded like the exact opposite of a werewolf. Pale, pixie like. 

"She had this strange aura around her, and it just made people love the hell out of her. Her mouth ran wild and often like a strange fire. She was a natural born leader, always helping those who were weaker than her. She believed  that each day presented her with something new she could take advantage of."

I smiled, imagining her in my mind.

"Did you guys mean to uh, have me?" I asked. 

"No," He sighed. I frowned. I was an accident.

"But that didn't mean we didn't love you. We didn't think Caroline could even get pregnant. A royal werewolf  mating with a mere half werewolf, half human? The chances of pregnancy were slim to none, so we figured we didn't even need to use protection. Yet when we discovered she was carrying you, she cried, she just sat there and cried."

"Oh wow, that makes me feel great," I said flatly, slipping on my delicious drink.

He chuckled deep within his throat. 

"No, she cried because she'd always wanted a baby. And who not better to have one with than her one true mate? We'd been sneaking around with each other for maybe a couple months after I told her about my genes and what I was. But one night, the night of your . . . er, creation, we decided that we couldn't be apart. Nothing could stop us from there being an us."

I sat still as he took a deep breath.

"While she was pregnant, spies sent from the NWC were always trying everything they could do to kill her. It wasn't easy running from place to place, especially since she was pregnant and moody as hell," he laughed, as if remembering a time.

"I remember that there was once a straggly assassin that the Gregor family had sent, hoping to kill your mother, and let me just say she was not in the mood. She was about 3 months pregnant, and chased that little boy out with a spatula."

Suddenly the two of us bursted out laughing. I could see how I inherited my mother's spirit. Sobering up, I waited for him to continue to speak about the woman I wish I could've met her.

"Man, did she have spirit." He whispered, smiling into the distance. I smiled with him.

"She'd be proud of who her daughter had turned into," He added, staring into my eyes with ferocity. I held his gaze, realizing he really meant what he was saying.

"I know this will sound selfish but, I didn't even know her and I miss her," I confessed, feeling myself yearn for the presence of my mother. I never really grew up with a mother. Sure, Sicily tried, but her efforts of "trying" weren't exactly orthodox. 

"It's not selfish." My dad said, offering me a smile. I smiled gently back, setting the drink on the counter and fiddling with my fingers.

"I miss her more and more everyday. But I know she wouldn't have wanted me to go down other roads I could've gone down. She would just yell at me sometimes if I wouldn't smile at her jokes because she felt like I was a "Grumpy, brooding, wolfdick"," my father laughed. It was a sad laugh, not to be confused with jolly or happy. It was a laugh that showed he missed her.

"Is there some sort of, like, Valhalla? I mean, for," I slowed to a whisper, "werewolves?"

My dad laughed.

"Something like that. It's a common belief that there is a Moon Goddess. Many who do believe in Her believe She's the reason for soulmates, our nature, our senses. Some of our kind believe there is a heaven out there for us, some think we just go to normal heaven. There are many different beliefs in our society."

"Do you have to believe in her?"

"No, but in a sense it's unorthodox and also considered a form of Atheism."

"Okay, so okay . . So about the NWC?" I changed topics. I want to swallow as much information as I could about my new ways. "

They've been around just as long as the Royals have, perhaps even longer. It's run by a series of wolves known as Lycans. They're like a powerful government for our kind, but instead of a democracy, it's more an autocracy. If I could describe them, I'd say they're almost like a secret coven, consisting of the oldest most powerful Lycans."

"Oh my God this is all just like Twilight," I can't help but interject. My dad's eyes stare at me confusion.

"Oh, it's a movie, but anyway, continue," I mumble.

"Well basically like I said last week, they run things, and what they want, they get."

"But, doesn't anyone want to revolt or stand against them? They sound like they make themselves sound like saints, but from the small bits I've heard about, they're pure evil."

"Throughout history, there have been uprisings and rebellions. None have succeeded, but one did manage to go far. The Battle of Bainebridge. A group of werewolves from a small village burned down a building the council had recently opened as a new meeting ground. Of course the council took action immediately, and destroyed the villagers."

"That's coming close?" I gasped.

"A werewolf could think of rebelling, and before his words are spoken, the council would already know. Do you understand?"

"Unfortunately. How many are in the council? Like, is there a head-hauncho?" I asked.

"Sort of. There is the Head, consisting of a small group of Lycans that have been around for at least a millenia if possible. They make the ultimate decisions. There's a group of personal guards, enforcers and the ground workers. I've had the pleasure of coming into contact with all of the above," my dad suddenly smirked.

"How?" I asked, getting interested in hearing about my dad's tales of adventure.

"Well, there is a head guardian. Her name is Shin Versici."

"IS, or WAS?" I asked. I recognized the last name and realized it was a royal family member.

"Is. She's still alive, unfortunately. She's pretty incredible. Her wolf is sleek black, and she's got the face of a young girl, but in reality she's probably about 140 years old. The youngest gaurd member to make Head Guardian. I ran into while she managed to kill my closest cousin. I could never forgive her, and one of these days, I plan to get her back. She's a snake, she is," My dad spat.

"How old can you get? I mean, before you die. Wait, can we die? Am I immortal?" I started to breathe fast and heavily.

"Well, the oldest wolf I know is at the stunning age of 983. Old as hell, with the mindset of an immature 30 year old that one. He's just a  normal wolf, so I really don't know much about how old a Lycan can grow to be. I'm 201 as of a few months ago. We can die, but usually due to other things not involving age. As for you, I'm not sure. You're the only of your kind."

"My kind?"

"Product of a royal plus a bitten human."

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," I replied, sipping on my milkshake more.

"As for Mitch and the marriage for your protection and your phasing, I'm sure you know this a deep matter, yes?"

"Yes," I said, putting my drink aside, showing my full attention.

"Lycans can be challenged, just as Alpha's from other packs can be. When there is a mutiny of some sort, one can challenge the Alpha - usually a fight to the death in wolf formation. It's rare, but it has happened. Even within the council a few times has a Head member been challenged."

"What, so you think I could challenge one of the Head?" I asked in shock, wanting to fall off my stool. Two trillion year old werewolves with extra power vs. tiny little school girl me? No way in hell would that ever work.

"Not quite. There are other small regional packs around here with good status. I want Ryder to challenge other packs, and combine them as one."



"No, I said no. A fight to the death with my mate, are you insane?" I growled, raising my voice. I received a few concerned looks from those around us before I took a breath to calm myself.

"I don't expect you to understand the strength your mate has. Have you seen him in full force wolf?"

"Well, no, but I've seen him get mad and it's not a fun thing to watch, I'll admit."

"I don't think you understand just how powerful and feared Ryder Black is to other packs. Yes, he's practically a teenager, but his bloodline is pure. He's not a royal, but the purer a bloodline, the stronger the Alpha in that line. There have been 19 Alpha's in Ryder's family, leading to him being the 20th."

"So he's super strong then?"

"Correct. These other packs wouldn't dare trifle with him. Of course there are still alliances he can make before fighting becomes an option. It'd be difficult because again like I said, going against the council is both a terrifying and death wishing thing to desire."

"Where are you going with this?" I whispered.

"I believe that you could win in a battle with the Head, if you had support from those around you."

"So you do want me to challenge the Head. What would that solve?"

"It would solve the idea of them trying to kill you Zara. Plus, there hasn't been a new Head in ages. This could help the entire wolf community."

"How?" I questioned.

"As you can guess, the council is against intermating. Murders go around often if a wolf is mated to a human, or other race."

"So then they hate me that much more because at first I was technically human when Ryder found me." I groaned. I was getting him in so much trouble. Why did things have to be so complex?


"So I won't marry Mitch then, right?"


It wasn't a second later until my milkshake glass shattered and its contents splattered everywhere, and screams echoed around the room. 

"What's going on?" I yelled over everyone screaming and running out. My father slapped his hand in the milkshake, before grabbing me with the other one and pulling me down. Together, we scurried to the other side of the bar, hiding.

"Dad?" I whispered, feeling myself panic.

"Quiet," He hissed. The sound of people running out of the diner subsided. The air became thick and the silence, painful. Crouched low, I put  my hand over my mouth to calm my frantic breathing. Suddenly, the bell rang on the door, signaling someone walking in with heavy steps.

"Oh what do we have here?" A man said with a deep yet boyish voice. 

"Please-" an old man on the other side began to whimper, but the sound of a gunshot and a plop silenced him. My eyes widened in terror at the realization there was a killer in this room. 

"Oh Cainnnnes," The man cooed gently in a sing song tone. "Come out, come out where ever you are." He sang.

Woah so yeah I decided its time to for some action. 

Cliffhanger time weeheee ha

Thoughts on the chapter? 


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