Chapter 7.

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pic of Emily to the side played by Elizabeth Gillies

Walking into school, I cautiously walked into the hallway, keeping my eyes zooming all around. I walked into the hallway with the writing and held my breath. The writing was gone! Poof, just like that! Was I going crazy? I noticed some people looking at me, one of them being Ryder, who was smirking at me. 

I frowned and turned around, leaving both him and the strange clean wall behind.

All throughout school, I couldn't shake Ryder and his smirk out of my head. I even got scolded during class for dozing off, which is something I don't normally do. I wasn't boy crazy, I didn't date, so why did I feel these things?

I walked a bit further but was stopped by two guys. They each had black hair, swayed left. Their eyes were both the same shade of brown and they were each well built.

"Uh, hi?" I said, making it almost sound like a question.

One smiled, and the other giggled. "Your Zara, Ryder's girl yeah?" One asked.

"Yeah." I said, then mentally slapped myself. What the crap? Ryder's girl!?!

"UH- I mean no!" I hissed, trying to make up for my awkward slip-up. The two laughed.

"I'm Leo." One announced. He was on the left, wearing a bro tank with green, yellow and black stripes along with khaki shorts and vans with long black socks.

"I"m Theo." The other said, with the same voice as his twin. He wore a tight white shirt, showing off his array of muscles. He had skinny jeans on and sagged a tad bit, and he wore grey vans to stop it off. They were each equally cute, but not as sexy as Ryder . . .

Whoa! Woman what are you thinking!? Great, I accidentally referred to myself as his girl, and now I'm calling him sexy. I have problems.

"So you aren't Ryder's girl?" One of them asked. I stared at him.

"I belong to no one." I said, becoming defensive of my womanly independence.

"Okay okay, I was just asking!" One said with a laugh. I stared at them.

They each sighed. One lifted his finger and pointed to himself. "Theo." He said like I was a baby.

"Leo." The other said. Leo was bro tank. Theo was skinny jeans. Okay, I'll roll off their clothes from that. I smiled.

"Sorry, your identical." I replied. They each grinned.

"Yeah, well I'm better looking than he is." Theo said and put his hand on his hips, balled into fists and looked up into the ceiling.

"Oh please! As if!" Leo said and pushed his brother.

"Okay, not to be rude, but is there anything I can help you out with or show you? I might not be that helpful, I'm new here, sooo . . ." I asked, very curious as to why they were talking to me.

"We just want to be friends. Is there something wrong with that?" Leo asked. I raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head. Suddenly, Sir Skinny Jeans walked behind me and unzipped my backpack.

"Hey!" I shouted. He pulled out a paper and read it. Jesus, talk about no personal space recognition!

"Sweetness. You have lunch right now, so do we. Let's go find a table to sit at. Maybe we can find Ryder." Theo said with a smirk. I sighed then blushed at the mention of Ryder's name.

"Uh okay, but I mean . . ." I replied dumbly. I didn't really have friends, and I wasn't supposed to have any.

"Listen, I can make it there on my own. I'll catch up with you guys sometime," I said. Leo turned to me, his twin doing the same.

"Nope. You're coming with us," They said in unison. I stared blankly at them, fighting with myself.

Should I really go with them? Mom tells me not to have friends. Surely there is a reason?

Well then again, my mom is a drunk prostitute. Yet when someone warns you not to stand out, it must mean something imperative. And that phone call this morning . . . But I've never gotten to experience friends before. I might get in trouble, but I can't go through high school without never knowing what it was like to have friends. So I saw this as my opportunity.

"Okay," I said tiredly and followed them.

We walked into the lunchroom and the place was loud, as usual. I sighed and sat down at a small table.

"Theo, Leo where- Oh! You're Zara right?" A girl asked me. I turned to her. She had black hair and was smiling nicely at me. Why were people wanting to talk to me now?

"Yeah . ." I muttered. She smiled. "Emily. But you can call me Em." She said. I smiled at her.

"I was wondering what these two doofus's were doing that took them so long!" Em shrieked. I blushed, somewhat embarrassed at the fact they were wasting their time on me.

"Well, we had to meet the girl Ryder is so crazy about," Theo whined. Em rolled her eyes.

"Jealous we couldn't give you as much love as we give Zara?" Leo cooed at her. I widened my eyes.

Em crossed her arms. "I don't give a rats ass what you twins do." And with that, the brothers laughed.

"Oh come one sweet heart, we have time for you too." Theo chimed along. For a second, Em's eyes softened, yet they returned to their normal state.

"You couldn't handle me anyways," She scoffed and turned her back from the twins, closing her eyes and tilting her head up. I laughed. I liked this group of people. They were funny and really nice. But why did they all the sudden just decide to meet me?

"Your so damn sexy when you pout," Leo whispered in her ear. Em's eyes shot open, a small blush forming on her cheeks, but she easily covered it up. I've gotta learn from her.

"Tell me something I don't know." She retorted with a grin as she sat down at the circular table.

"Theo has a naked picture of you in his sock drawer." Leo said as he sat next to Emily. Her face reddened.

"THEO!" She hissed. Theo put his hands up in defense and glared daggers at his brother.

"Leo took the picture!" The accused brother shouted.

"When we get to the house, I swear if I find any sort of picture of me in one of your guys's rooms, I'll tear off your genitals and feed them to the bunnies of the world. Capiche'?!" Emily hissed at the two. They each seemed nervous and started to pick at their food. I giggled.

"I apologize for the twins." Emily said with a cheery bright smile, making me smile as well.

We all started to eat and I couldn't even take one bite. I glanced all around the cafeteria for a sign of you know who, but found him no where. I sighed and took a bite of my pizza, also trying to forget the fact that the words were gone from yesterday on the wall.

"You ok Z?" Theo asked me. I nodded, not looking at him.

"Awe, it's Ryder isn't it? The girl is in . . . dare I say it - LOVE!" Leo joined dramatically, making me roll my eyes. Was it that obvious I had a slight crush on him? I wouldn't go as far as love, but I could see it in the future . . . as stalker-ish as that sounds. 

"NO! I finally have a girl to talk to. And dammit, only I get to hear the gossip and latest news on boys. So back off," Emily said and pointed her fork at the twins. They each smirked at eachother.

"Get ready Z, you'll probably being hearing a lot about us from Emily." Leo cooed. Emily's face hardened into annoyance. I smiled lightly. First off, the boys were funny and were always getting Em riled up. She also seemed super nice and fun to hang out with. Second, I kinda liked the nickname the twins were giving me, it made me feel like we were bonding.

I stopped eating, not that hungry. "I'll be right back." I regarded to the trio. They all looked up at me for answers, but I gave them none. They smiled as I walked away. As I got up I immediately got a little dizzy.

"You okay?" Emily asked. I glanced at her nodded.

I made my way out of the cafeteria, trying to ignore my dizzy spells. I made it to the hallways, where no one was at. Almost no one. There against one of the red lockers stood Mitch, his hands crossed and his foot against the locker. He was hot, no doubt, but he'd never have anything on Ryder.

"Mitch," I regarded as I walked forward.

"Zara," He said with disgust. "You know, I was hoping I could run into you," He said with a sugar sweet smile, making me grimace. Ew, sugar smiles are always the worst. It's when a person is at their bitchiest.

"Well, I'm here," I said and sighed.

"Honestly, I want to start over." Mitch said with a fake smile. So fake he made a barbie doll look like an average high school attendant. And that was pretty fake if you ask me.

He held his hand out and waited for me to take it. Feeling suspicious, I glanced down.

"Your legs are crossed." I said whilst narrowing my eyes. He chuckled. "Nothing gets past you, does it Zara?" He said with a smirk. A sexy one, but not in comparison to Ryder.

Why am I thinking of Ryder and his sexy smirks?! I pushed it to the back of my mind.

"No, nothing does," I hissed with venom leaking from my voice.


"What do you want Mitch? Your annoying me." I spat out tiredly and leaned against a locker to show my boredom and frustration.

"Oh nothing. I just want to do something I've wanted to do for a very long time. Ever since you interrupted my fight with that moron the other day," He said and took a step towards me. Feeling panic pool into my stomach, I stepped back. His evil glint in his eyes told me not to stop at just one step back. How about a gazillion?!

I turned around, but was too slow. Mitch's hand caught my wrist, with a lot of force might I add. It hurt so bad, I wanted to scream. But right now, I was too scared to scream.

"I hope this hurts." He whispered harshly before twisting my wrist even more. I let out a scream but am banged against a hard locker, making my back ache. The pain is excruciating and I feel like crap. My wrist is still being twisted into a different proportion, and now my back is in pain.

"You've ruined my life. My reputation. My status. Now I'm an Omega!" He spat and twisted my wrist even farther. A scream left my lips and left the halls echoing. What was he even talking about?!

I was thrown to the ground, my face colliding with the hard pavement. I felt like I was seeing stars. I heard footsteps and saw Mitch being lifted into the air. A ferocious growl left someones mouth, something that sounded dog-like.

"You hurt the Alpha's girl. Now, being an Omega will be one of your wildest dreams." 

"You have a death wish?!" It was a different, darker voice.

A blurry voice said. It almost sounded like Emily. I didn't know voices could be blurry until now. Like I was under water. Was I about to faint? If so, I was positive about a few things.

1). Mitch just broke my hand and maybe even my spinal cord.

2) I had no clue what an Omega or Alpha was. Sort of at least.

3) The sexy, husky and angry voice came from Ryder.

Then it went black.






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