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1) no cussing
2) no smut
3) don't control other peoples cHaracters!
4) no God modding
5)  don't make your charActer op or oVer powered
6) use grammer!!!
7) be nice
8) 4 warnings then your kickEd
9) if I say no to something please listen
10) we don't have time to be ceNtured around your character
11) 1 or 2 Ocs per person
12) my roleplay my rules! Obey please and folloW the rules and fill out the whole form
13) it kind of has a little stOry to it so please kinda play along
14) I am the only person that will be telling and cOntrolling other people so Don't try to be the boss around and also listen to me.
15) have FUN!
16) no pregnancy at all.
17) also if you have any questions comment down below or if you have any suggestions on any rules comment down below! Thanks! Have a nice day! BYE!!!

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