27. A Stitch in Time

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Please be okay.

I kept praying relentlessly to some unseen entity as I ran through the vaguely familiar streets. I wasn't sure where I was, but somewhere near the Academy. The streets were eerily empty, maybe from public fear due to the attack at the Carnival. 

Why, Zeph?

I could spend lifetimes trying to justify his acts. But was there any point? He was doing the right thing, in his head. And he was way too stubborn to let go. But how would he feel if he knew that the Hawks were being tortured because of him? No way he would want that. How did they even know it was him? Or be so damn convinced? I didn't see any of the origami that he leaves at the places that he strikes. I don't think he would, considering that it would be a clear giveaway as to who was behind it all. 

Strangely enough, while I kept glancing around nervously, waiting for someone to apprehend me, it didn't happen. Maybe they didn't care for me any longer, they had got whatever information they wanted. I cursed under my breath, my stomach knotting. What if the hawks were found? Because of me?

I sped up, panting with each leap. There was no way I would outrun them, was there? Maybe they would find it harder to navigate the underbelly. Maybe, just maybe, I would be on time. 

Just about half a kilometer away from the nest however, I realized how wrong I was. 

A rock slid down my throat. Multiple cars swarming the outside of the warehouse. The Peacekeepers. And soon enough,  a few armed men led a number of people outside in a file. I didn't have to squint to know who they were. 

I was too late. 

I ran over to where the Hawks were standing, each of them handcuffed, their faces pale. Even Zyra had her hands tied, tears streaking down her face. My stomach turned guiltily. 

"How the fuck did you get out?" one of the men said and quickly grabbed my hand. I pushed him away and balled my fists, glaring at the men. 

"You've got the wrong people," I said. "They didn't do anything."

"We haven't left the premises in months," Zia said, her voice trembling but her gaze steady. "We are just trying to live by. We don't even know what the fuck happened at the carnival."

"You'll start talking soon enough," a bulky, bald headed man said, spitting at his feet. "I'm just giving you a chance to come clean. Right now."

"We don't know what you're on about!" Josh said, struggling against his binds. "You can't just fucking arrest us randomly." 

"Under these circumstances, we absolutely can and will," one of the peacekeepers scoffed. "Do you realize what a massive breach of security it was? You are extremely lucky no one died." 

"It wasn't the-" I grunted as I felt a sharp jolt of pain on my shin and immediately crumpled to the ground, my blistered hands on the surface of the road sending tingles of agony up my arm. "What th-?"

"This is not about you. You need to stay in your own lane," one of the men said. "You...you will talk," he addressed Josh, walking over to him and slapping him hard across the face. Zyra started sniffling loudly. The man picked him up by the collar and glared at him. "Talk."

"I don't know," Josh panted as a trickle of blood streamed down his nostril. "I told y-"

The man pushed him away so he crumpled with a dull thud to the ground. He didn't move, his face scrunched up in pain. Jeff spoke up, his voice trembling. "What the fuck do you want from us? You have zero proof that we had anything to do with it."

Another loud smack as the man slapped him as well. 

"Stop trying to pin your incompetence on us," Zia said, her voice oddly firm. "Let us go. This is our city. You're not fucking welcome here."

The man glared at her for a few silent seconds before his eyes fell, much to my horror, on Zyra. 

"Maybe the little one will talk?" he said, walking over to her as Zia's eyes widened in horror. 

"You, tell me, did your friends do this?" the man asked, crouching in front of her. Zyra shook her head, her face grimy from the tears. "I need the truth, little girl. Or else..." his eyes flashed as he continued in a menacing voice. "Your friends will bear the consequences." 

"She's a child," Ziv said, glaring at the peacekeeper. "She has nothing to do with any of this. If you dare touch her, I will fucking rip out your kidneys, asshole."

"Bold claim for someone in handcuffs," the man said, spitting at him. Ziv recoiled as my own insides seemed to turn, repulsed. How long would they hold up under this? Did they really not know about what had happened? Maybe. Zeph had said he would act alone if need be. Was that why he was distancing himself from the Hawks? 

"We can do this all day," the man sighed, rising to his feet. "But I feel obligated to tell you, we have been told to use as much force as necessary to get a  confession." 

"Confess to what? We haven't done anything," Nyxa said, their eyes burning. "While you're here questioning us, whoever did this is probably fucking laughing at you!" 

"Who did it?" the man asked, rounding on them. "Who was it?"

Nyxa was trying very hard to put up a brave face, from the way their lower lip kept trembling. But for how long?

"Who was it?" the man screamed at their face and they flinched, a single tear falling down their eye. 

"I don't know," they said finally, their voice barely above a whisper. 

"A few days in the cell, and you would be telling the truth. Put them in the car," the man ordered finally. 

How was this happening? How was this real? If they got arrested, who was to tell what all they would have to endure? The peacekeepers seemed to have no mercy, no sense of rationality. They were even willing to hurt Zyra to get their way. And once in the prison, they would separate them. Question them isolated. For all their bravery, I wasn't sure they would hold up well when questioned separately. I had to do something. Anything. This was going too out of hand. 

"It's Seth," I said finally, my ears ringing. 

The peacekeepers turned to look at me. The man who had been questioning the hawks raised an eyebrow. "Seth?" 

"He...he used to live in the underbelly as well. He was part of some...some petty gang. I don't know...he robbed me once. That's when I heard his name."

I had to think quickly. Weaving steady lies as I went. I only had to remember everything I said. 

"How do you know?" the man asked. 

"He...he met me. I mean...he saw me. At the carnival. I wasn't sure why he was there but...now it makes sense."

I could see the hawks exchange glances between themselves. I wasn't sure if this would be enough to indict them. But maybe it would buy them time. 

"Where is he now? Do you know?" 

I gulped. "If I tell you...I...I need to be promised some form of protection. If he finds out who ratted him out-" I shuddered. "He will kill me." 

"You take us to this guy," the man said. "If your lead is found to be a fluke-" he pointed behind him to where the terrified hawks stood still. "-there will be consequences." 

I nodded, my heart hammering. Would it be enough of a distraction? Maybe. But what if it wasn't? What if I had made the situation worse than it already was? 

"Okay," I said. "Please...don't hurt them. They didn't do anything."

The man was quiet for a while, his eyes darting between me and the hawks before he seemed to nod ever so slightly. "We just need info on this...Seth."

I nodded in response, my fingers numb. "I'll take you to him." 


What the fuck was I thinking?

"Where are we?" the man said from beside me. I glanced out the car window and gulped. So far, I had only managed to drive them to random locations across the underbelly. And I was afraid they were getting suspicious. 

"This...is where he lives,"  I said, pointing to an abandoned building. "I don't think he's here right now."

"Are you just taking us for a fucking ride?" the man snarled and whipped me around to face him, his features contorted with rage. "Stop the car." 

The tyres screeched to a halt and the man leaned forward, his eyes flashing. "I swear, if you are lying to us, you will regret it awfully."

"I'm not lying," I said, my voice low but steady. "He has a number of places he frequents. He has to be somewhere ar-" 

I gulped as the man grabbed my wrist, so hard that I was afraid he would crush my bones. He grabbed my chin in his hand and glared at me as I spluttered. "Is this man a figment of your imagination?"

"No," I lied. "I swe-"

The violent slap across my face made the breath rush out of my lungs. The stinging pain on my face making my eyes water. 

"You think you're over smart? Taking us for a fucking ride?" 

Another smack. This time, I could feel the air whooshing out of my lungs. I doubled over, coughing, my entire body ached. I couldn't get myself to form any coherent words, the small car suddenly suffocating me. He grabbed my arm, twisting it behind me as I let out a yelp of pain. His grip got harder and harder, till I was sure he would dislocate my shoulder. 

"St-stop it, please! It hurts, it fucking hurts!"

I hated the way I sounded. I hated the tears that now streamed down my face. I hated that I was choking on a rusty metallic taste that felt oddly like blood. 

"He's fucking useless," the man said, his voice muffled. "We should send him back. Bring those mongrels in and question them. Maybe they wouldn't be so stubborn if they're alone." 

"They...they don't know...anything," I panted. "Please. I...don't know who did it, I know it wasn't them. They...they wanted to agree to the compromise. They do-"

Another slap, and I was pushed roughly against the car window. Maybe it was the impact of my head bumping on the glass, or maybe it was my brutalized body finally giving in to the plethora of injuries, but the moment I made contact with the hard surface, I mercifully passed out. 


I woke up in my room, feeling oddly rested. 

I was so surprised by the lack of pain that my eyes flew open. Was it painkillers? How was  I not in pain?

"Aster," my dad said. "How...do you feel?"

"D-dad..?" I was surprised he was even in my room, considering the utter chaos that was going around. "Shouldn't you be at the head of the investigation? Why...are you here?"

He sighed and sat at the edge of the mattress. It was then that I realized he was in plane beige robes, oddly casual for one of the Elders of the house. 

"I stepped down," he said finally, raking a hand through his hair. "Of course...they have wanted me to for a long time." 

"They...who's they? And...where is everyone? The hawks? Where are they?"

"They- are the other Elders," he said. "Ever since the entire...scandal with your mother, they had wanted me to step down."

"Scandal?" I had no clue there was any scandal surrounding my family. Especially, my mom. 

"Aster..." he sighed. "I may have...treated you unfairly in the past. But..."

"Because you knew I wasn't really your son," I said, the words tumbling off the tip of my tongue. He sighed and shook his head. 

"How long have you known?"

"Overheard you and Arthur at the Rise of Light," I said.

"You weren't really...involved with the scandal. But...people thought you were."

"What...what do you mean?"

"The woman who gave birth to you, she was my dear wife's companion. Servant, for lack of a better word. She found your mother when she was about two trimesters in, weak and malnourished. And sort of formed...a rather strange bond. I...I was afraid it was more than just friendship. Maybe still platonic but..." he trailed off, his eyes distant and glassy. "Either way, when you were born, the woman died due to complications. And my wife couldn't handle the heartbreak, gradually perishing. By that time...I couldn't tell everyone the truth. So..." he took a deep breath. "But...I suppose my bitterness never really left me."

"Who...was my dad then?" I asked, my head buzzing. 

"Some soldier from a foreign land. Your mother never mentioned. Except that he was the most handsome, intelligent man she had ever met. I have no clue where he is." 

I took deep breaths, my head spinning. 

"I'm sorry I kept this information from you but...with how things are, I might be executed."

I gaped at him, my heart sinking. "What...what?"

"Not officially, but whoever is elected as the new Lords would want me out. I assume they would have me assassinated. I just want you to know the truth from me before...it happens." 

"Because of the attacks at the square?" I whispered. 

He shrugged. "Hardly. They just need an excuse. I wouldn't be surprised if they themselves planned it."

"Is that why none of the House members were hurt?" I asked. 

"An emergency platform opened immediately, triggered by the smoke. We fell through it before the flames touched us. Its...always been there, just never come into use." 

"The...hawks. Where...are they?" I asked. 

"At the house I assume. Being questioned," he placed a hand on my shoulder. "You shouldn't go there."

"I...I have to," I rose to my feet, surprised by the utter lack of pain. "Did you do something...?" I asked. "I...I feel perfectly healthy again."

He nodded. 

"Oh...thanks," I responded, an odd bellowing silence between us. "Er...bye."

I turned, the awkwardness making my skin crawl. But just because he had cured me, didn't mean his equation was going to change with me anytime soon. And maybe our relationship was something I could gradually work on. But before that, I needed to make sure the peacekeepers didn't hurt anyone. 

I just hoped, I wasn't too late. 


Nearing the end now! Sorry for the silence. But hopefully the multi updates somewhat makes up for it! I'm hoping to complete this story soon, maybe two more weeks or so. How does everyone feel about that?

That aside, there should be some exciting news next week as well. Looking forward to that. And might start working on the story that's sorta been incubating for a while in my head now. Genre: Dark Fantasy. But much more different than what I've done so far. 

I'm curious to know what do you guys think about Zeph now? Is he still a rebel with a cause? Or now, without? 

And as always, thank you for reading!

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