Big Sister and Warriors of Hope

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We are finally back after a while. Sorry it took so long for me to update.

Elsewhere in Japan to be specific in a place called Towa City, there lived six children who called themselves the Warriors of Hope. And among them was a young girl by the name of Hikari Hinata: The Alchemist and the Li'l Ultimate Science.

Hikari was tinkering with a metal bracelet on her desk. "Yeah Nagisa I know, I'll be there in a minute. Just let me finish up on this." Hikari says as she looks over her shoulder at Nagisa Shingetsu: The Sage and the Li'l Ultimate Social Studies. "Ok, just hurry up. Monaca wants to see you in a little bit." Nagisa says from the doorway before walking away.

Hikari did one last thing to the bracelet before stopping and happily throwing her arms into the air in triumph. "I AM FINALLY DONE! HOORAY!! Ok I should probably go and meet up with Monaca...wait why am I talking to myself? Am I crazy? Maybe I'm crazy, yeah I'm a little crazy." Hikari asks as she slides the bracelet into the pocket of her lab coat.

Hikari smiles and heads out the door of her room to meet with Monaca Towa: The Mage and the Li'l Ultimate Homeroom. Hikari was happy with herself, mainly because she finally finished the invention she was working on. Especially since she normally prefers chemistry and physics over robotics, but the rest of the Warriors of Hope agreed that Hikari should make the bracelet. So naturally she agreed to do what her best friends asked.

After a minute of looking through random doors Hikari eventually finds the one Monaca was waiting behind. Hikari should really put up signs on the doors, or at least memorize what the building looks like. "Hikari, good to see you could make it. Please sit down." Monaca says as she gestures at a chair across from her at the table she was pulled up to.

Hikari nods and sits down. "What did you want to see me for Monaca? Does this have to do with the bracelet?" Hikari asks politely. Monaca rolls her wheelchair over to Hikari's side of the table with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Of course it is Hikari, did you manage to get it done? Monaca is so happy that you were willing to help with it." Monaca replys happily, throwing her arms into the air in joy. Hikari's mind was confused by this, was Monaca lying to her in a way? Because even if she didn't show it within Monaca Towa, Hikari could feel the presence of a dark malicious ink of darkness.

That darkness was one Hikari was all too familiar with, as she had to deal with those kinds of people every time the demons she had lived with for most of her life. After their demise Hikari felt happier but knew that because of them she had lost things and people she loved forever.

Hikari dropped the idea and went back to focusing on the conversation after feeling Monaca tapping her shoulder. "Hikari are you listening to Monaca?" Monaca asks and Hikari nods. "Oh yeah I'm sorry, I was just zoning out for a minute." Hikari said nervously rubbed the back of her neck.

"Oh ok, Monaca understands. Hikari thank you again, Monaca wants to make you cookies as a thank you for your help." Monaca says happily and Hikari is just confused. Hikari didn't seem to know Monaca could make cookies, but she was just hoping that the cookies would at least be good.

Hikari was about to answer Monaca when she began to hear piano music and realized it was the cellphone Hayami got her during her last visit. Hikari saw it was Hayami calling and answered.

Hikari: Hello, what is it big sis?

Hayami: Hey, I just need someone to talk to. Can I come over to you and your friends' place for a while, tomorrow? Things with Future Foundation are driving me nuts. Everyone here is freaking crazy, I need a massive break.

Hikari: Of course do you know where we are?

Hayami: Towa Hills in Towa City, right?

Hikari: Mhm, see you in a little while big sis. The others will be happy to see you.

Hayami: I hope so, I really like your friends after all. They all are such good kids despite what has happened.

Hikari: Yeah Big Sis. I love you by the way.

Hayami: I love you too, Little Sis. See you tomorrow.

Hayami hangs up and Hikari directs her attention back towards Monaca. "Was that Big Sis Hayami you were talking to, Hikari?" Monaca asks, leaning on the table between the two girls.

"Yeah it was, she said that she will be coming by in a little while because she needs some time to breathe away from those demons at Future Foundation. Said that all of them were making her crazy." Hikari says as she squeezes her arm nervously.

Monaca spins her wheelchair around in a circle while throwing her hands in the air in joy. "Yay! Monaca is so happy Big Sis Hayami will be coming back soon!" Monaca says happily.

"Hikari, if it's ok with you. Monaca is wondering if you can go let the others know Big Sis Hayami will be back soon?" Monaca asks and Hikari nods.

"I'll do that, I was planning on letting the others know anyway." Hikari says as she turns to leave the room. Monaca soon formed a demonic smile on her sinistery sweet face. "We have missed you Big Sis, and soon you will understand our plans and will finally feel the despair that Big Sis Junko always wanted." Monaca darkly says with as she closes the door and rolls away.

With Hayami

Hayami had hung up from her call with Hikari and had left the hallway. As she walked away to her room within the base so that she could prepare to leave the base in the middle of night while everyone was asleep. "This is the right thing for me to do, I don't belong in the Future Foundation...I am a horrible person." Hayami mumbles to herself as she begins to stuff a bunch of her belongings in a large bag.

A few sets of clothes, her phone, wallet, and notebooks. "I leave tonight, just a few more hours. I'll see you soon Little Sis, I'll see you soon..." Hayami says as small tears begin continue to fall down her face. 

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