Future Foundation...Or So They Are Called

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Chapter One time. YAY!

Where did we leave off last time? Oh right we got it, it has been two years since the Great Tragedy had began and two years since the 78th class locked themselves inside of Hope's Peak Academy for safety. Hayami was becoming annoyed with the whole crazy situation to say the least. Like seriously how is it possible that the Future Foundation is this oblivious to what is going on within their own ranks.

Hayami is thinking that very thing to herself in a bathroom within the "secret" Future Foundation base. Yeah why Hayami was for some reason in the bathroom there at around 8:00 pm but she was. And no one seemed to be around to care anyway, so Hayami didn't really care.

Hayami had changed some since she joined Future Foundation two years prior. Hayami had grown her hair out to knee length and she had dyed it a dark chocolate brown to the point where it appeared black to the naked eye.

Hayami also was now more likely to get pissed off by random things. But the thing that was most obvious to those who paid attention is that Hayami would lose her complete act to control herself emotionally and physically if anyone that she loved or felt a connection with was threatened. Yeah she kinda had a short fuse.

Hayami had also started to hate certain people that shall remain nameless all over again. Along with that, Hayami also has learned a lot about self defense from watching other members in battle. These being specifically Sonosuke. Therefore Hayami now understands how to use a blade without injuring herself. Hayami's personal favorite technique she has learned from watching is knife throwing, and due to knowing how to kinda shoot a crossbow from the incident that we shall not elaborate further on.

(Author-San: Student Council thing in case you were confused on what I meant.

Hikari: Author-San seriously?

Author-San: Yes seriously Hikari. Now don't interrupt me again. )

And finally Hayami was unlikely to spill blood unless absolutely necessary. Like for example Hayami would only kill someone if there was no other way out of the situation. Hayami did however sometimes like to prove her point by throwing a knife at someone, normally in said person's face.

Also Hayami hadn't given up her habit of eavesdropping and spying on others from the shadows. Which her now darker hair helped with.

Hayami knew that Future Foundation members all had their dirty little things they kept to themselves, and Hayami was getting annoyed that these things were somehow still secrets.

Let's give an example, well other than Chisa Yukizome being a brainwashed Ultimate Despair.

There is Ruruka Andoh and Seiko Kimura who still hate each other's guts from the whole being expelled from Hope's Peak incident.

Along with that it had become clear to Hayami from her eavsdropping on him, Juzo Sakakura has a huge gay crush on Kyosuke Munakata. As much as Hayami hated Juzo with a passion. She still kinda shipped them, calling it Juzosuke.

(Author-San: That is their actual ship name. Seriously...if you don't believe me look it up)

At the very least Hayami could say that her secret was probably worse than most of the others combined. Well at least it would be in the other members opinions if it got out. Hayami didn't care if any of them found out, she was just doing what was truly right in her opinion. Hayami wouldn't regret any of her actions from now until the end of time, it was her choice.

Hayami Hinata would fight her hope and the hope of those around her, even if everyone's hope is slightly different. In the end Hayami will fight for the future that she wants, that's what makes her different from the rest of the Future Foundation.

Because everyone's hope can be different. Hayami thought about the fact that her hope is always going to be different than the world's hope. But here is another thing that Hayami knew deep down inside. Even if the world is happy, it's meaningless if she isn't happy. In a way Hayami is both hope, and despair, it all depends on who you ask.

After a few minutes Hayami finished in the bathroom and headed back through the Future Foundation building to finish something up in making sure the food for the next month was supplied.  Hayami was just told it was kinda the only time they would be able get it done. Hayami eventually passed the door to the conference room and could hear some weird stuff inside. Hayami didn't get what was happening in there, but she could only guess it was some kind of meeting. Some stuff that made Hayami upset.

Ruruka: I still don't understand why we are holding this secret meeting so late anyway.

Ryota: Yeah, Ruruka is right. Also why didn't we tell Hayami about this?

Juzo: Who cares why we didn't invite her?

Chisa: Well it is kinda mean that we didn't at least tell her to not show up politely, instead of you know....?

Seiko: Doing this behind her back?

Chisa: That would be it.

Koichi: Yeah, we all know how sensitive Hayami can be about these things.

Kazuo: We are well aware of that Kizakura. Now care start off this little meeting Munakata?

Kyosuke: Yes lets begin. So the reason we have met is to discuss what to do about the Ultimate Despairs. As the riots and destruction that is being caused is only getting worse. And no matter what we try, we are just failing to stop it.

Ruruka: Yeah we all know that Munakata. Do you have a point?

Sonosuke: Yeah.

Kyosuke: Yes I have a point, I have an idea on how to find them. We use Ms.Hinata.

Great Gozu: What do you mean we would be using Hayami?

Kyosuke: It's exactly what I said, she seems to like them. We could blackmail her and force her to tell us where to find them.

Seiko: That sounds wrong. Hayami has been nothing but good to us for the past two years.

Miaya/Usami: Yeah, if we were to do that then we would be no different than the villains we know the Ultimate Despairs are.

Kyosuke: Does anyone have a better idea?

Everyone: .....

Kyosuke: I rest my case.

Ruruka: Munakata how do you even want to do this?

Hayami now has tears rolling down her face and was no longer paying attention to the meeting inside the nearby room. Hayami contemplates opening the door or just walking away. In the end Hayami decided to open the door and confront the others head on. Hayami opens the door and she is not happy with them...like at all. In fact Hayami was pretty pissed off.

Hayami throws the door open and stomps with anger into the room, leaving almost everyone inside in either confusion, shock or guilt. The other heads of Future Foundation stare at Hayami as she walks over to the table and slams her hands down onto said table enraged.

"HOW COULD YOU GUYS WANT TO DO THAT!? You guys are supposed to be the Future Foundation, humanity's last hope for the future! And you would rather use your members for your own benefits instead of trying to find the best solution for everyone!? SOME HOPE YOU GUYS TURNED OUT TO BE!!" Hayami yells out in anger. Yeah this is short fuse mentioned before. 

"Hayami, calm down. There is no need to yell." Miaya, well Usami said from the screen in front of the small blue haired girl. "Yeah, let's talk about this Hayami." Chisa says as she walks over and wipes Hayami's tears from her face. Hayami angrily slaps Chisa's hand away.

"What is there to talk about anyway!? It is clear from what you said before that there is no way that you will give me a choice in your plan!! AND JUST SO YOU IDIOTS KNOW THIS GOOD AND WELL I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE MY FORMER CLASSMATES ARE!! IF I KNEW I WOULD'VE SAID SOMETHING BY NOW!!" Hayami angrily yells as she throws a knife from her bag at the vice chairman.

Kyosuke ducks just barely missing the knife. Hayami gives an icy glare towards the man along with Juzo and Ruruka. Hayami then goes to pick up the knife from where it had gotten stuck in the wall.

"You should be happy I was being lazy with that throw. Consider this a warning. IF ANY OF YOU GUYS GET IN MY WAY OR TRY TO USE ME AGAIN, I WON'T HESITATE TO SHOW THE ENTIRETY OF JAPAN WHAT YOUR TRUE COLORS ARE!!" Hayami says as she picks up the knife and sets it back in her bag before heading for the door.

As Hayami is about to head out the door the Great Gozu speaks up."Hayami we're so-" "Don't bother trying to change my mind or following me. I want to be left alone right now. Bye." Hayami says coldly before walking out the door and closing it behind her.

Once Hayami leaves the Future Foundation heads still within the conference room. Those branch heads are left to wonder in shock and confusion on what they have done to their sweet and mostly harmless thirteenth branch leader. Kazuo finally speaks up with a few simple words. "What did we just do?"

So that was chapter one of the story. I'm planning on bringing in Hikari in about two or three chapters. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. See you guys in the next chapter 😃

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