Despairingly Fateful Encounter

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Welcome back to what is sure to be the last normal chapter. 

I can't believe the fact that many people these days believe this about non ultimates. They are often compared to ticks, mosquitoes, and leeches, that do nothing more then "fatten themselves on the blood of those that are truly special." Why anyone believes this I have no idea. I would never think this. And so despite the fact it was dangerous and illegal, the supposed academy of hope known as Hope's Peak set out to create what they would call a perfect individual. Someone I would describe as someone, whose talent is talent itself. 

I can't believe it that Hope's Peak would ever do this. The Hope's Peak that is beloved by the world over. That is a lie, I try to hide my true feelings. But I can't keep this to myself any more. Hope's Peak deserves to die if it continues like this. But even so. I would never have to make that happen. Sorry for talking like that, back to the story.

The day after I had discovered that mysterious door with Junko, I was in the classroom with everyone else. We were finishing up with moving our things into boxes and getting ready to take them over to the new building for the new school year. Hayami sighs as she puts the last of her painting supplies into a box. 

She was going to miss this classroom. It had been here where lots happened. It had been here that we all first met. We played games together, and gotten all horny together due to Hiyoko's shenanigans. Here is where we helped Mahiru and Fuyuhiko get over deaths of Sato and Natsumi. And for me and me alone it is where I recovered from Hajime's disappearance, and Nagito's suspension. 

This school meant a lot to all of us. And to think that it has done some horrible things. The future is coming soon and I am going to regret going to somewhere in a about a weekish.

"Hey guys. Have you ever wondered what would've happened if we hadn't come to Hope's Peak or met Ms. Yukizome?" I ask no one particular as I lean on my old desk. "Well, if I hadn't met Ms. Yukizome. I would probably still not talk to anyone and would not know how fun it is to play with everyone." Chiaki says as she looks my direction and smiles. 

"I agree Chiaki. But at the very least I have gotten some great photos of us all together. I hope that we will be able to have more of these great times this year." Mahiru says as she puts a photo album in her box. "Yeah with friends like you guys. School is really fun. Imagine that." Akane says happily. "I guess that hanging out with you losers hasn't been the worst thing ever." Fuyuhiko says quietly under his breath. "You all seem to be what I would call singularities." Gundham says in his normal fashion. I also now want to know what that word means. Note to self, look up the word singularities. 

"Yeah aside from Mikan. You all seem really nice." Hiyoko says as she laughs and pokes her fingers together. This statement then caused Mikan to start crying slightly. "Being here has taught me that we are all people who are constantly changing. And the unity we have showed makes Ibuki happy." Ibuki says as she punches up into the air. 

"Helping others to create great things is what I am best at. And Ms. Sonia being here made me realize that." Kazuichi says as he leans back on his desk. "I truly believe that we all love it here. Hope's Peak is what brought us all together. And it makes me happy that we are here today." Mikan says happily as she wipes the tears from earlier off her face. "INDEED! It is my duty to support people. AND YOU ALL ARE AWESOME!" Nekomaru yells and surprisingly doesn't say sh*t. 

"I have seen this as a time to serve and fight for us all. And you all make me smile." Peko says as she smiles for the first time ever. "I may not understand much about this place and your archaic traditions. But you all have helped me broaden my perspective on this wonderful world." Sonia says as she begins to cry in happiness. "Oh Ms. Sonia. Don't cry." Kazuichi says as he holds out his hand. 

"I am just happy to be around so many cute girls. But you all are so wonderful too." Teruteru says and I internally say ew. "Hey guys by the way. Where is Ms.Yukizome? I haven't seen her today." I ask as I notice she isn't in the room. "She is in the faculty office, getting ready to move, too. She may not be able to make it today, I hear." Peko says as picks up her box. 

"Hey guys. You almost done?" Mikan asks as she puts the last of her stuff in her box. "Yeah, well I think that we can probably move these into the new classroom tomorrow." Chiaki says as she tapes her box shut so that it would be easier to carry. "That sounds like a good idea Chiaki. Well I am done. Does anyone need any help?" I ask as I set my box down on the floor next to me. "Yeah Hayami. Can you pass Ibuki that speaker?" Ibuki asks as she points to a speaker on the desk next to her. 

"Ok Ibuki. Here you go. Does anyone else need anything? If not, I'm done so I be heading out." I ask as I hand Ibuki the speaker and she puts it in the box. "No." "No thank you." "Nope." "Nah I do not." I nod as I grab my box and head to the door. "Ok, see you guys tomorrow. Bye!" I say as I walk out the door to my dorm.

Once I reached my dorm room, I went inside and set down my box and opens it to look through it. I find within the box a lot of stuff that I forgot I had. I find a painting of one of Mahiru's photo. It was of the class at our New Year's Party. That was such a fun party, and then at midnight everyone especially me were really happy. 

The reason I was so happy was because it was my birthday, but I wasn't entirely happy. Normally I would've been happier, but my birthday coming around....just made me feel more sad that Hajime was basically gone from my life for now. 

Yeah know how I said for now, we can get to that later. I also found a picture I made of the Hope's Peak Student Council. Which is weirdly good timing as Ultimate Student Council President, Sōshun Murasame sent me a text. I read over it and it said. 

Hey Hayami. I was just wondering our treasurer just graduated. You are one of the most hard working members of the student council. So I was wondering. Would you like to become the new treasurer? 

I smile as I begin to reply. 

Sure Sōshun. I would love to, also I found this picture that I made of everyone together. Here it is. 

I put the picture in the message and sends it off. I walk back over to the box and pull some of my full sketchbooks. "Hey I remember these, what is this?" I ask myself as I turn to a page with a drawing of Hajime, Hikari and me. 

"Oh right I drew this at the beginning of last year." I sigh as I close the sketchpad and set it on my book shelf with some of my other full books. I smiled as I grab a cup of pomegranate green tea and sat down at my desk. I pull out my journal and begins to draw pictures of bunnies.

The next day everyone in the class had moved their stuff to the new classroom in the other building. Once we were all set up, we saw Ms. Yukizome come in to start the class. "Okay, this is the new school building! Starting today, it's where you'll study and enjoy your youths! Now, let's work together again!" Ms. Yukizome says and we all agree with her. 

"Uh, Ms. Yukizome...When is the idiot coming back?" Akane says as she gestures toward Nagito's box with I had brought. "Uh I've heard it should be soon...You must all miss him." Ms. Yukizome say as she scratches her chin. "Yeah, I want him back. Even if he could be little weird sometimes. He is really nice once you get to know him." I say happily. 

"Sure Hayami, but for me nah not really." Kazuichi says as he looks at the ceiling. "I hate that guy." Hiyoko says. "Non, non" Ibuki says as she appears to want to start laughing. "Not at all." Teruteru says as he flexes his hands in confusion. "D-Don't be like that! Nagito is part of the class!" Ms. Yukizome says as she reaches down her desk for a book. "Tomorrow, there won't be any homeroom. There's a ceremony in the courtyard for the new building's opening. Make sure that you don't sleep in and miss it!" Ms. Yukizome says as we all agree with her and I quietly sigh as they are doing so.

I just really miss Nagito. And it upsets me that the others don't want him around. Aside the events of the morning, the day went on quite normally. Once I was done in class I went back to my dorm room to eat and then rest for tomorrow.

I woke up early the next morning and even if I had a while until the ceremony started I decided to get dressed and head there early. I was leaving my dorm room to the courtyard when I ran literally face first someone because I wasn't paying attention. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry. I need to do a better job of looking where I am walking so that I don't do it again." I say as I help the person to their feet. 

 She has short, layered, bobbed black hair and freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her eyes were bright purple and she had the school uniform on. "It's fine." I look across from her to see a familiar face. "Junko, what are you doing here? Also do you know this girl?" I ask as I point to the girl that I slammed into a minute ago. "Oh don't mind my big sis. Hayami meet Mukuro Ikusaba., The Ultimate Soldier" Junko says as she points toward Mukuro. 

"Well it is nice to meet you Mukuro. By the way Junko what are you guys doing out here so early. The opening ceremony and opening of the new building doesn't start for an hour." I ask politely. "Oh well, we were just looking around the campus for something. And Junko wanted to get it done before the ceremony." Mukuro says. 

I nod as I continue on my way. But little did I know that, I had just made a mistake. The mistake of letting them go off to do something. The opening of the new building began in about an hour and how do I put this in the nicest way possible. It was very very boring. That is all that happened for me today. I am sad that it is boring. But whatever. Soon is what will come to be known as The Biggest, Most Atrocious Incident in Hope's Peak High School's History.

Well that was the new chapter. And just in case you were confused by that scene near the beginning with everyone. I based their lines off of their win condition in their free time events. And so as I mentioned earlier this is the last of normal around here. 

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