The Worst Reunion by Chance

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Well I am back. This chapter shall bring the feels. Hopefully

So yeah, have conditions at Hope's Peak improved? No they have not. The "parade" still continues without mercy. And Mikan is still missing, I am beginning to really worry. It is now about a week later from when it began and people are fighting like crazy. People fighting like this it makes me feel sad.

Meanwhile away from the fighting we were all watching from the window of our classroom. To put it lightly, it isn't pretty.

"They got in again?" Akane asks as we look out the window. "The Reserve Course protests keep getting bigger." Chiaki says sadly. "Yeah, it is getting worse every day. Watching it just makes me sad." I say as I sadly stare out the window.

"You guys can't call that a protest." Ibuki says as she turns to face Chiaki and me. "In this school, which is our nation's hope, no student would demonstrate against the system. So this is a parade." Peko says as she leans back against the wall.

"What the heck? What kind of logic is that?" Kazuichi says as side eyes Peko. "It is not my personal opinion. That is the way the faculty explained it." Peko says looking at the floor.

"So they are sweeping this incident under the rug too. But by now what else should I expect?" I say quietly under my breath. "Tsk, some parade. I don't like it!" Fuyuhiko says and I internally agree.

"Forget about that. Did Mikan not come to school again today?" Nekomaru says and Hiyoko walks over to him. "Maybe that pukey pig ran off because the protests scared her..." Hiyoko says snarkily.

"But her stuff was still in her dorm room. I'm concerned." Mahiru replies and I can hear the worry in her voice. "I'm really worried too. Where did she heads off to?" I say sadly.

"Class! Don't just stare out the windows! You should look towards the shining future." Ms. Yukizome says as she walks into the room. "Ms. Yukizome, are we really gonna be okay? Ibuki is scared..." Ibuki says as she, Chiaki and I walk over to Ms.Yukizome.

"It'll be fine!But to be safe, don't go outside during the day." Ms. Yukizome says clearly trying to stay positive. "Huh? Will this really be okay?" Sonia asks hesitantly. "We shall have to leave it to security." Peko says. "I doubt that they will be able to do much." I say quietly still angry at Juzo.

"Ms. Yukizome, could Hajime have been caught in the protests?" Chiaki asks as I sadly look at my feet. "I'm sorry, I don't know about the Reserve Course right now." Ms. Yukizome says sadly.

"I see." Chiaki says. "I don't want to watch this go on any more. Even when I am not watching. Just knowing that it is going on makes me upset. Is there anything we can do?" I say as I look back up at Ms.Yukizome.

"Hayami. Right now I think that we should trust that it ends on its own. It would be a bad idea to interfere." Ms.Yukizome says as she walks over and gives me a hug. It was going to be a long day.

The next day we had still not managed to find Mikan and the "parade" just kept getting worse. And so we were all even Hiyoko seemed to begin to worry about her.

"We never did manage to find Mikan." Chiaki says sadly. "I have called her at least ten times but she has never answered her phone." I say nervously. "I used my connections to have someone visit her house, but it seems she hasn't returned." Fuyuhiko says showing that even he is worried about Mikan.

"My Twelve Zodiac Generals, could find no trace of her either!" Gundham says as twelve hamsters hang down from his arm. Even in a situation like this you are still a weird guy Gundham.

"S-Sure." Kazuichi says as we all hear the door open behind him. "You finally came, Pukey Pig!" Hiyoko says as she smiles. "I'm back, everyone." Nagito says as he walks through the door and I run and hug him along with that tears begin to run down my face.

"Nagito! I am so happy you are back!" I say between sobs as I let go of him. I look around the room to see sadness return to everyone's faces. "Long time, no see. I brought souvenirs." Nagito says as he reaches into his jacket.

"Not now." Hiyoko replies as sticks her nose in the air. "Who are you?" Nagito asks and I internally crack up. "Welcome back, Nagito." Chiaki says smiling before returning to frowning. "But we aren't in the mood to celebrate you return yet. Mikan's gone missing." Chiaki says sadly.

"Mikan?" Nagito says confused. "You'd better not say you've forgotten her." Akane says angrily. "What a coincidence! If you're looking for Mikan, I just saw her in the West District." Nagito says casually.

"What?!" Everyone including me yells. Next thing I knew "Ryota" had his hands on Nagito. "Sure it was the West District?" "Ryota" says clearly being serious.

"Huh? I don't remember you being this type of character..." Nagito says as I internally want to facepalm. "Ah! Never mind! Sorry! I got a little over excited..." "Ryota" says as he lets go of Nagito.

"I'm sure of it. Want to pick her up?" Nagito asks. "Yeah. I have to hear from Mikan why she isn't attending class." Chiaki says politely. "I agree, we need to go and find her." I say as I try to keep my composure.

"That's right!" Kazuichi says. "Jeez, what a pain." Hiyoko says as we all begin to walk out of the room.

I put a note on the door for Ms. Yukizome that says.Gone to look for Mikan. And I head off to catch up with the rest of the group.

The only thing I found weird was that Nagito asked to speak with Peko. Probably best not to worry about it for now.

Eventually we had made it to the front of the building. Being out there made us see the Reserve Course students on the fence. Literally they were trying to climb the fence to get onto the main campus.

We started running around the campus looking for Mikan and due to the fact it was a downpour. We ended up having to use umbrellas.

I know this isn't important but mine was green. I ended up walking around with Chiaki and Nagito. I was perfectly ok with this.

We were looking around at a statue of Hope's Peak Academy founder, Izuru Kamakura. It was ominous to say the least. "Mikan isn't here." Chiaki says sadly.

"Huh?" Nagito says confused. "Nagito, what is it?" I ask as I walk after him. "Ah, hold on." Chiaki says walking after us. "A statue in a place like this?" Nagito says.

"Well now that you mention it. This is a weird place for one." I say as I walk over to the side of the statue. "Hmm..." Nagito says as he touches the side of the base. And in the place he touches the stone moves in and falls backwards.

He then steps forward and I turn to see a secret passageway open up in front of Chiaki. "Nagito, Hayami! Huh? What is this?" Chiaki asks as she looks down at the passageway. "I appears to be a secret passageway." I say as we walked over to her.

"Wow. Finding a secret passage by chance... I really am lucky." Nagito says happily. "You didn't just know about it already?" Chiaki asks looking at us.

"Hardly, it was just luck. Chance." Nagito says as I begin to walk down the stairs. "Guys come on. We should check this out." I say as I hear their footsteps following behind me.

We walked down the stairs using my phone as a light source. "Why does a place like this exist at the school?" Chiaki asks. "Who knows." I say nervously. "But maybe they were studying something they couldn't let anyone know about." Nagito says as Chiaki looks up at him.

"They couldn't let anyone know?" Chiaki asks. "Like... human experiments, for instance." Nagito says creepily. "That could be a possibility, though I just dislike how creepy it is down here. It's making me very nervous." I say clearly uneasy.

Eventually we got to the end of the stairs and there was a door. So we decided to open it and look inside. What we saw there was something we wouldn't believe.

So as I was saying we opened up the mysterious door at the end of stairs. We looked at saw a person sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen and what looked like the interior of one of the student dorms.

"Is this...?" Chiaki asks as we walk inside. Clearly alerted to our presence the person in the chair turned around they were revealed to be Ryota.

Actual Ryota, what was he doing here? "Ryota? Have you lost weight?" Chiaki asks and I try not to laugh. "I... I haven't done anything." Ryota says nervous. "Huh?" Chiaki says confused. "I... I... I was just making anime. I... I haven't done anything!" Ryota yells.

"Down here? You are making it down here? That's weird." I say trying not to sound impolite. We all then hear a door on the other side of the room open. "Ryota! How's your progress?" Junko says as she walks into the room with a smile on her face.

Once I saw it was her. I wasn't very happy, I soon started glaring at her."Hey. We're visiting." Nagito says causing Junko to turn to our side of the room. "Who are you? Wait. Why does an outsider like you know about this place?" Junko asks as she stares at us with a smirk.

"Pure chance." Nagito says. "Chance?" Junko asks confused. "I have Ultimate Luck, you see." Nagito replies narrowing his eyes. "Oh? You? Well, not like it matters. Not like you can ever tell anyone about this place..." Junko says as her smirk turns to indifference.

"If you're counting on Mukuro Ikusaba to come and help you...don't." Nagito says bluntly. Oh so that is why he wanted to talk to Peko earlier.

Smart move Nagito, smart move. "How much do you know, upperclassman?" Junko asks smiling once more. "It was just chance... underclassmen." Nagito says once again being very blunt.

"I haven't done anything." Ryota says quietly before mumbling it over and over again. "Oh.. Hmm. I see. Sis is preoccupied, huh?" Junko says seeming not really surprised. "You see, this is for hope. To protect hope, I will do anything." Nagito says as he walks over to Junko and she starts to giggle.

"You think you can stop this despair?" Junko says as I walk over to be next to Nagito to see him pulling a gun out of his jacket.

Nagito then immediately points the gun towards Junko. "Nagito!" Chiaki yells from the back of the room. "I just happened to pick this up overseas... I brought it back as a souvenir." Nagito says happily.

"Wait! You can't! Killing is wrong, no matter what!" Chiaki yells. "Chiaki. I would normally agree with you, but Junko deserves everything coming to her." I say casually. "You're wrong, class rep. Didn't I say it? This is for hope." Nagito says before turning back to Junko.

"Hayami, so you are still alive. Well this won't matter. Also you, huh?" Junko says snarky. "In the end despair is only a stepping stone for hope. So, you are only a stepping stone for hope." Nagito says and I nod. "And?" Junko says indifferent.

"I wanted to test it... If a guy like me could kill you, you wouldn't be good enough to be a stepping stone for in order to make everyone's hope shine, you must be absolute despair!" Nagito says confidently.

"You really do love hope, huh? To a despairful degree." Junko says smiling. "I hate to say this but he seriously does. To point it can get a bit annoying sometimes." I say as I roll my eyes.

"I pray you can avoid me beating you, so you become a despair that makes them all shine." Nagito says as he seems to notice someone is behind him. He turns around quickly. Because I could hear it too, I joined him and before us I saw him.

The black haired boy from the Student Council Incident. Ok now I am just confused. "Who are you?" Nagito asks sternly. As he says that I look over to Chiaki and see her face for some reason appear to light up.

Next thing I knew Nagito pulled the trigger in his gun but it was jammed for some reason. "It's jammed?" Nagito questions as the boy moves up next to him. "If it's good luck, I have it too." He says as he grabs the gun away from Nagito.

Once he was a little bit more to the other side Nagito turned and the gun was fired. A bullet came and at full force hit Nagito in his chest. Chiaki and I watch in horror as Nagito fell to the floor.

Before I knew it tears were running down my face."Nagito!" I yell as we run up to him. "Hang in there, Nagito! Nagito!" Chiaki says nervously. "Are you ok?" We say in unison as Chiaki grabs onto him.

In his hand is his student handbook with the bullet in it. "The student handbook?" Chiaki questions as I stand back up confused. "He does have good luck." The boy says throwing the gun to the side. "Just as expected! You're great! Ah." Junko says as she spins our direction before stopping. Before she could say anything Chiaki looked up and said something I would have never expected. "Hajime...Right?"

Ok how would I describe my feelings on what happened? I was scared, nervous, confused, angry, and sad all at the same time. I guess that this is no time for smiles. Why must this be like this? Why can't we just have a normal school year?I guess it is almost time for the end, one thing is known for certain though. Chisa Yukizome and I Don't Smile.

Word Count: 2402

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