chapter 2: reno

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chapter 2


       "Are you sure we're going the right way?" my boyfriend asks as he looks out the window. "I've been to the music festival before and this isn't the way I took."

       "There are multiple ways to get somewhere," I say. "I'm just following the GPS anyway."

       "I think the GPS is wrong."

       "Okay. It's fine. It says we'll be there in twenty minutes. It doesn't matter if we take a different route."

       Weisz sighs. "Okay..." He still seems unsure, but I think it's just because he's itching to get to the music festival. Like all trips he goes on, it takes him a long time to convince his parents to let him go, even if the past trips went along smoothly.

       My GPS tells me to make the next right, causing me to furrow my eyebrows as I look at it. Last time I checked, I would have to turn left, but that wasn't going to be for a few more miles. 

       Weisz must have noticed it as well because he asks, "Why did it reroute? Is everything okay? Are we still going to make it there?"

       "Hold on," I say. I take the right like the GPS tells me to before pulling off to the side, putting my hazard lights on. I scroll on the GPS to see if the route is still taking us to our destination. It is, but just with a few more minutes added to the route. "We're still heading there. Maybe there was just an accident or something so it changed our route to save time. Don't worry. Everything's fine."

       As it turns out 'everything's fine' was just my famous last words. I don't even make it another minute before the GPS suddenly shuts off. I don't know how to get to the music festival Weisz and I are heading to, so I pull off to the side once again to see if I can get the GPS working again.

       Not only does the GPS refuse to turn on, but my car decides to completely turn off as well. "Why'd did you turn off the car?" Weisz asks.

       "I didn't," I say. I try turning it on again and again, but it doesn't even start up a tiny bit. 
"Hold on, let me check to see if everything is okay."

       I get out of the car and head to the hood of the car. I open it and check everything, but the weird thing is that to me, everything looks okay. Sure, I'm not a professional mechanic, but I've worked with my dad long enough to be able to recognize surface problems. 

       Weisz gets out of the car and stretches a bit since we were stuffed in the car for a while. He walks over to me and looks in the hood. "Yeah, that looks complicated to me. So is everything okay?"

       "It looks fine," I say. "And we definitely didn't run out of gas, so I don't know what the problem is."

       "Uh oh," Weisz says. "If you don't even know what the problem is, then we're screwed for sure."

       "Weisz, I'm only seventeen, and I don't even work as a mechanic. I just help my dad out from time to time, so it's not like I know everything." I go into my car to grab my cell phone before I call my dad. 

       I know he's at work, but he still answers as soon as he can. "To what do I owe this pleasure, my dear child?"

       "Sorry for calling you at work, but we have a problem," I say.

       "Is everything okay? Do I need to drive down there and beat someone up?"

       "No, no, it's nothing to do with another person. My car just... randomly shut off. And it refuses to turn back on. I'm looking in the hood but I don't see any issues."

       "Hmm... Is there corrosion on the battery terminals?"

       "No, nothing. It shouldn't be the battery anyway since you got a brand new one for it recently."

       My dad runs by me a few issues that it could be, but whenever I check it doesn't seem to be the issue. It's like my car is just a goner, even though it shouldn't be. My dad an I did everything we could to get it up and running, and since he's a mechanic he's able to check up on it constantly. 

       "Do you need me to drive there to check on it?" Dad asks.

       "No, we're a bit far and you're still at work," I say. "We just made it into a town so we can get it taken into the shop or something."

       "Okay," Dad says. "Call me if you need anything."

       "I will."

       I hang up and start to look for a nearby car shop I can call. As I do so, Weisz asks, "So... We're stuck here for a bit?"

       I sigh. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I know how much you want to just get to the festival."

       Weisz shakes his head. "It's okay. It's not your fault the car just broke down. Besides, the festival doesn't start for another two days. It's a good thing we decided to leave a few days early."

       I smile at Weisz's ability to look at the bright side despite being a bit anxious on the car ride there. As long as the car gets fixed by tomorrow, we'll be fine.

       I find the number for the car shop and call them to tell them about my car. Unfortunately, they tell me that they already have a few cars to work on today so they won't be able to look at it until tomorrow, but they give me the address of the town's motel.

       After I hang up, I relay the message to Weisz, who is starting to look less optimistic. "Hey, everything is going to be okay," I assure. "It's just one day. We'll still have time to make it to the music festival, just like you said.

       Weisz nods. "Right. Yeah, you're right." Weisz looks around. "At least the town looks cool. And we didn't get stranded in the middle of nowhere."

        "Exactly," I say, heading to the trunk to get our luggage out before the tow truck gets here. "And to make it up to you, we can explore town and I'll buy you anything you want."

       Weisz gives me a small smile. "Thank you, but you don't have to make it up to me. It's not your fault."

       "I know, but I still want to make it up to you. Oh, I have my leather jacket with me. I can put it on when we get to our hotel room."

       Weisz glares at me, but his cheeks burn a bright red. "I do not have a leather jacket fantasy."

       "I proved you wrong in Paris."

       Weisz ignores me as he helps me take the luggage out of the trunk. Oh, how I love teasing him. 


soon the characters will meet. i just wanted to write everyone arriving to the town first, but then chaos ensures.

everyone pray for jerome, weisz, and sawyer, for their partners will tease them to no end.

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