chapter 6: jamie

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chapter 6


       I'm not naming names, but some people have already started regretting the seance the moment everything is set up. No, it's not me. Despite what Sawyer might think, I do enjoy spooky things so long as it doesn't catch me off guard. If I'm willingly getting involved with the seance, then there's a small chance I'll chicken out.

       You know, unless we accidentally summon an evil spirit. Then I'll be long gone and hiding in a place nobody, not even an evil spirit, can find me.

       "Why are you suddenly wanting to back out?" Jerome asks. "This was your idea in the first place."

       "Just because it was my idea, it doesn't mean it's a good one," Nolan says. "I sometimes used to get the idea that I should just completely drop out of school and stay locked in my bedroom forever. Is that a good idea? No. So I should be allowed to leave."

       "You can't leave," I say. "We need a sacrifice."

       "H-Huh?" Nolan asks.

       Reno sighs. "Way to make him want to stay."

       "Yeah, if my husband is going to be the sacrifice, I will also be leaving."

       "There isn't going to be a sacrifice," Sawyer says. "Jamie just likes to dramatize every little thing. And I think we all know if there is going to be a sacrifice, the ghost will probably go for the most annoying one. So most of you will be safe."

       "I'd like to know which one of us you think is the most annoying," I say, though I'm pretty sure I know what the answer is. I don't know if I should be insulted that Sawyer finds me annoying, or proud that he finds me annoying. After all, it's hard to get him annoyed. If anything, this is an accomplishment.

       I sit down on the floor where we're planning on starting the seance. Well, at the very least, where I'm planning on starting the seance. I still don't know if Nolan is actually going to back out of it, and from what I've got to know about Jerome, he will probably follow Nolan.

       Yeah, so, maybe I shouldn't have joked about a sacrifice. And yeah, Sawyer is probably right. If there is a sacrifice, it will most likely be me. I'm not even going to deny it.

       I look at everyone else. "So... Seance or no? Because I did a lot of work setting this up."

       "You did not do a lot of work," Reno says, though he sits down on the floor as well. "You put, like, one candle on the floor before you proceeded to check out Sawyer for majority of the time."

       "I did not," I say. "I put two candles on the floor before I started checking out my fiance. Learn to count, geez."

       "Jamie," Sawyer says. "I think you're the one who has to learn to count. It was one. You were about to put the second one on the floor, but then you smelled it and refused to let go of it. You're still holding onto it right now."

       I look at the candle in my hand, not even noticing I'm still holding onto it. I quickly place it on the floor in front me. "No, look, two. So are you going to take part of the seance?"

       Sawyer sighs and sits down beside. "I'm only taking part of this so you don't get into any trouble."

       "We're starting a seance. There's going to be trouble."

       "Okay, then anymore trouble than you should."


       Weisz is the next to sit down. "I know I said I'm only here to be alone, but I know well enough that Reno will probably blackmail me to try to get me to join."

       "You make it sound like I'm a bad boyfriend," Reno says. "You're right, but you don't have to say it." Reno then whispers something in Weisz's ear, which made Weisz blush profusely.

       Weisz gently shoves Reno away. "S-Stop that."

       Jerome looks at Nolan. "So... Are you wanting to run away? Because I would totally understand if you want away. And, you know, I'd have to go with you so you don't feel alone."

       "It kind of sounds like you're chickening out too," I say. "You can admit it, you know. You don't have to hide behind your husband."

       "I am not," Jerome says. "I am being a supportive husband. I can't just leave him be in the motel all alone during a power outage. That would be so rude of me."

       Nolan hesitates before he sits down on the ground. "I... want to give it a try."

       "Awe," I say, looking at Jerome. "You can't hide behind him anymore."

       Jerome glares at me as he sits down beside Nolan. "I guess we're doing this. How do we even do a seance?"

       Everyone looks over at Reno, who asks, "Why is everyone assuming I know how to do a seance? I feel like you're all judging me because of my looks."

       "Or," Weisz says, "and this is just a wild guess, it's because you're the one who knew how to set it up. Chances are if you know how to set it up, you know how to conduct it."

       "That's... a fair point. Okay, just follow my lead, but don't be disappointed if we don't come up with anything. This is all for fun because we're stuck in Hayside and there's a power outage."

       As it turns out, it's not just for fun. The moment it starts, two of the candles are blown out despite there not being a single breeze in the room. At first, I want to blame someone, but everyone looks as freaked out as I feel, and I sure hope none of them are good enough actors.

       "Okay, that's... That's fine." Reno relights the candles. "We'll try again, though if the candles keep going out, we might have to put a stop to the seance."

       "I hope it goes out then," Nolan mutters.

       None of the candles go out this time, much to Nolan's disappointment. Something else happens, though. A lamp on one of the nightstands suddenly topples over, clattering onto the ground. And with how it was set on the nightstand, there's no way it could have fallen without so much of a nudge.

       "Nope, no thanks," Nolan says. He sits behind Jerome and hides his face in his back. "I am done. I am not here. Goodbye."

       "Nolan, again, this was your idea," Jerome says.

       "It was a joke idea, and you should have realized that."

       "Hey, at least ghosts didn't show up," Weisz says.

       "Physically?" I ask. "Because, yeah, I think the candles blowing out and the lamp falling is a sign that a ghost did, in fact, show up. Look on the bright side. This is even more proof that this place is haunted."

       "How is that a bright side?" Sawyer asks. "If anything, it just means we're more screwed because we don't have a way out until tomorrow."

       "So in other words... Have fun sleeping tonight, everyone."


reno probably said "oh, i will" before winking at weisz like the menace he is.

even jamie was like, "i 100% meant it in a sexual way"


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