Chapter 1: A Rider, a Hero and a Nerd

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3rd Pov.

Y/N is seen waking up on the couch after his long night of vigilantism. He gets up from the couch stretching and yawning to the new day. The sunlight peeks through the curtains. Turning on the T.V. switching it to the news he walks into his kitchen to begin his day.

As he looks in the fridge he hears the news anchor talk. "In other new, the mysterious Black Rider vigilante has yet again struck fear into the hearts of criminals. This time he has captured three muggers in one night. The bounty for the Black Rider however has increased. Even though he goes after criminals he's still a non-licensed hero making him a vigilante. He may be keeping us safe, but he's still very dangerous. Please inform your local hero if you see him."

Y/N stopped listening after that. A look of sadness and worry appears on his face. Not only is he portrayed as a bad guy, but the people don't even realize that he's a kamen rider. "How can they say I'm the villain when I saved that woman?" he said as he gazed into his empty refrigerator. "Guess I should go shopping today." he said to himself. "Do you even have enough money?" a voice asked him. "Yeah. Aunt Nemuri sent me some a couple days ago. I'm just too scared to touch it." "Why?" the voice asked. "It's Aunt Nemuri. I don't know what she's been touching and I don't want to find out."

Y/N looks to his left to see a small black rabbit like creature.

"Well then put some rubber gloves on or something! I'm hungry, we need food, and I'm pretty sure you're just over exaggerating about your aunt." the rabbit said. "Hopper, she wears a skin tight body suit and when comes covers all she does is sit on my couch, watch my TV, eating my food. And to make it worse all she wears when she's here is sweatpants and a bra!" Y/N yells. "I fail to see the problem with having a woman over who instantly and willingly takes of her clothes in company of your own home. She's not even your real aunt so if you get lucky it's legal and not weird." Hopper retorts.

Y/N groans knowing there's no convincing Hopper about how weird his aunt is. "The problem is the more she comes over the more curious she'll get about my life which means she can find out about you which means she'll find out I'm the black rider." Y/N has been keeping this a secret from everyone for a year and a half now. And all this time the people have been giving him mixed feelings as the black rider.

"Ok. So what do we do?" Hopper asks. "Mabey the black rider should just disappear."Y/N says. "What!?" Hopper shouts jumping back a bit. "Think about it Hopper. I don't do anything significant to society. All I do is stop petty thugs at night. I help people, but they're all afraid of me because of who I am." Y/N explains.

Hopper gets a serious look on his... face? And tells him "Hey! Look at me. I am the captain now."


We seem to be experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by while we solve this problem.


"Hey! Look at me. You're a good kid and an even better kamen rider. Never tell yourself you're not good enough. A wise man once said 'Fear and doubt beget death alone. He who averts his gaze from his own faults cannot himself a true shield call.' What I'm trying to say is stop second guessing yourself and stop being afraid. As long as you keep them safe then you're a hero no doubt."

Those words meant more to Y/N than Hopper realized. With a determined look in his eyes and a smile on his face, Y/N knew he was right. "Thanks Hopper I needed this." Y/N said thanking Hopper. " Anytime buddy" Hopper said. "Come on. Let's get some food."

After a few minutes Y/N got changed into a more casual set of clothes.

( This is going to be your casual outfit)

As you head out the door, Hopper jumps into the hood and you head out.
"By the way. Who said that saying?" Y/N asked. "Gilgamesh." Hopper replied. "Really?" Y/N asks. "From Final Fantasy." "Ah."

Timeskip to after shopping

"What a steal! I didn't know that it was a bargain day." Y/N shouted with a smile on his face. "And to make matters better we got some time to spare so what's next?" Hopper asked while eating out of a bag of chips still in the hood. "Well how about-" *boom*

A sudden explosion caught both of their attention along with many pedestrians. Y/N runs to see what caused the explosion. When he arrives he sees what appears to be a sludge man in the middle of an alley surrounded by heroes. "Guess it was a gas leak or something." Y/N states as he begins to walk away. "Y/N! He's got a kid in him!" Hopper shouts. Y/N quickly turns to see a blonde haired kid being engulfed by the sludge man with a terrified look in their eyes.

Seeing this made something snap inside of Y/N. He was about to run out when he suddenly saw a kid with green hair run towards the villain. Y/N panicked and run into an alley across the street. "Hopper." "Right." Hopper then jumped out from the hood and burst into black smoke and turned into some kind of
belt with a red switch.

Y/N then placed the belt on his waist and put the switch into the slot on the left side. He pushed the blue button on the switch.

Hazard on

He then pulled out two bottles.

Shaking them and then placing them in the slots.

Super best match

Deciding to act fast Y/N jumped up to the roof with his advanced strength. He looked towards the criminal to see the green haired kid throw their backpack at the villains head. A notebook hit its eye cause it to reel back in pain. Y/N was shocked to say the least. He thought the kid was quirkless which is why they threw the bag, but what he was surprised about was seeing the kid still try to save the blonde kid when the heroes didn't. Y/N had a new found respect for the kid.

Rushing to the scene, Y/N jumped from roof to roof till he jumped and landed in the alleyway. "Look! It's the Black rider." "What's he doing here?" " Thought he only came out at night?" The heroes and civilians were surprised to see Y/N out in broad daylight. Y/N however couldn't care less about what the people thought. He was only focused on saving the blonde kid and protecting the green haired kid.

Y/N began to walk towards the slime villain staring directly at him unnoticed. The heroes were about to intervene, but the flames got in their way. Y/N turned the crank on his belt like device

Max Hazard on

Y/N then bolted towards the sludge villain at blinding speed and went straight through the villain taking the blonde kid with him landing safely on the other side of the alley. The sludge villain noticed this and then went to attack the green haired kid. Time seemed to slow down. The sludge villain raised its arm about to crush the kid when suddenly a large blur appeared in front of the kid getting hit in his place.

As the dust settles, Y/N sees the green haired kid unharmed and a large man with a familiar smile. "All might." Y/N said in disbelief.

All Might was saying something but, Y/N couldn't hear it. He did notice All Might reel his arm back. Y/N knew how strong All Might was so he grabbed the blonde kid covering them.

"DETROIT SMASH!" All Might shouted as he punched with such force the villain burst, scattering into hundreds of pieces. The force was so great Y/N had trouble not getting blown away. When the wind pressure settled Y/N looked towards All Might and noticed something hit the ground. When he looked it was a wet spot, but when he looked up he figured out what it was. "No way." Y/N whispered to himself in amazement. It then started to rain only in the alleyway. The people started to cheer at All Might and his display of strength.

The blonde haired kid started to wake up so Y/N lead them to a wall and carefully sat them down. As Y/N began to walk away he noticed the green haired bkid getting scolded by the heroes for doing something so dangerous. Y/N was getting upset that the kid was in trouble so he walked over to him. "Hey what's he doing?" "Why is he walking towards them?" The people were talking so much that the heroes noticed him.

"Hey. What do you think you're doing?" One of the heroes asked. Y/N remained silent as he walked towards the green haired kid and kneeled down to his level. "Um. H-Hello." the kid stuttered. Y/N still being silent lifted his hand scaring them causing him to close their eyes only to feel his their getting ruffled. "You're a hero kid." Y/N said. The kid had a look of wonder on thei face that soon turned to a frown as they looked down. "How can I be one if I don't have a quirk?" Y/N was taken back by this. Every kid wanted to be a hero. "You risked your life to save someone while others did nothing. You're a hero in my book." The green haired kid looked up in amazement as Y/N got up and started to walk away. As he walked past the crowd he pulled out a cellphone and a yellow bottle.

He placed the bottle in the phone and tossed it in the air. It flipped and transformed into a type of motorcycle.

"Whoa!" "That's incredible!" The people shouted. As he got on he heard the kid shout. "Hey! Wait!" As the kid ran up to him he looked at Y/N and asked " Did you mean it? Can I really be a hero?"
Y/N chuckled and responded " You risked your life to save someone. That's what being a hero is." And with that said Y/N rides off. The green haired kid smiles finding a new hero who has inspired them to follow their dream.

Unknown to the people a familiar woman is seen smiling in the crowd. "You really are something else." As she walked away.

On the roof of a building across the street we see an armored figure standing on the edge of the building looking at the scene. "Hm. So that's where it went. Well let's hope the league of villains can help me get it back." And the figure walks away fading away.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/N holding Hopper like a stuffed animal.

We return to Y/N's home and see him walking out of the bathroom and into the living room sitting down on the couch. "What are you playing?" He asks Hopper. "Dark souls 87 darkerest souls edition." He responds. "How far did you get?" "I'm stuck on the final boss."

"Well I gotta call aunt Nemuri so turn it down and shut up." "Roger roger." Y/N then walks into the kitchen and calls his aunt. As the phone starts ringing he begins to think about what happened today. Seeing that quirkless kid help the blonde kid. Seeing the fear in their eyes. Seeing all of those heroes do nothing as they suffered. 'Those aren't what heroes are supposed to be.' He thought to himself.

"Hello~?" Said a voice from the phone. "Hey aunt Nemuri." "Y/N!!! How's my favorite nephew!?" She shouted "I'm your only nephew." Y/N replied. "So how are you sweetie?" She asked in a sweet voice. "I'm doing alright. I just wanted to check on you." "Fufufu.~ My oh my Y/N. I know you love me, but you have to buy me dinner before you try anything." She teased. "Ha. Ha. Well I've also got some news." "What is it?" She asked. "Well i decided that I want to go to UA." ".........." "Aunt Nemuri?" After a few seconds Y/N hears a high pitched scream coming from the other end of the call.

"I can't believe it! What made you change your mind?" She asks. "Well alot has happened and I figured that I'd give it a shot." Unbeknownst to Y/N Hopper was listening to the conversation with a smile on his face.

After some time and attempts to calm his aunt down he walked out of the kitchen and sat down next to Hopper again. "Do you really think I can be a hero?" Y/N asked. "Yes I do." Hopper responded. Y/N slowly began to fall asleep on the couch until finally his eyes closed and his breathing was steady. Hopper jumped of the couch and laid him down. Grabbing a blanket he placed it over him as Y/N got more comfortable. "Good night kid." Hopper said as he turned the lights off.

What will the next day bring? Who was that mysterious figure on the roof? What was he talking about? How will UA change Y/N's life? Tune in next time on Hazardous Hero.

A/N: I want to let you know that I will be allowing a love interest. It will also involve the mysterious girl Y/N saved. I might add a bit of a surprise to her character later. The poll for Y/N's girlfriend will range from any of the girls from class 1-A. I will also allow a gender swapped. Comment on this and after the name is brought up just say yes in respond to it. If your girl isn't then put her name.

I would also like to point out

This was only with the prologue. Thank you for the support and don't forget to follow me and add this book for more updates. I might also be adding OC's so keep an eye out.

Thank you once again and I'll see you all later.

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