Chapter 2: Training for the Exam

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A/N: So I want to announce that the voting ended on July 7th and to my surprise 11 people voted. It was a close run. Mina had 3 votes, Jiro had 3 votes, and someone voted for a fem. Todoroki.

However the winner for the main love interest was...

The mystery girl! Don't worry if you didn't get the girl you wanted.(Story of my life) I'll be working on another story, but I want to know if you guys and girls would like it.

It's another my hero academia story. In this one you're quirkless and try to prove to the world you don't need powers to be hero you only need heart and dedication to protect others. Now this is another Male reader insert, but before I start it do you want me to make it? If so please comment on this page and let me know.

Well that should be everything. Oh I almost forgot.

Thank you so much! 2 chapters, a character bio, and a voting list got me here and I can't thank you enough. Well that's all for now. Don't forget to add this book to your reading list and follow me for more updates.


3rd POV.

It was the next morning which meant that school was officially over. Y/N is seen sleeping on the couch with a smile on his face while Hopper is seen playing videogames with the sound off. Some of the curtains are open so the sunlight can creep into the house. Y/N starts to wake up as he yawns and stretches with smile on his face.

"Morning Hopper." Y/N said. "Morning kid. How'd you sleep?" Hopper asked not turning away from the T.V. "Great, but we need to talk." Hopper stopped playing and looked at Y/N who had a serious look on his face. "What's up? Is something wrong?" He asked with worry in his voice.

"We've got work to do." Y/N said. "W-What kind of work?" Hopper asked Y/N then looked out the window. "We've got 10 months before the entrance exam for U.A. We need to get me fit and ready for it." Y/N said. "I'm way ahead of you. I already printed out a plan that'll help guarentee you pass." Hopper replied.

"Then let's get started." Y/N said as he went to change into more casual clothes.

(Lots of timeskips inbound)


3rd. POV.

We see Y/N running through a park with his hood up. You can see Hopper under the hood holding a stopwatch in his... paw? Hand? Whatever. He's holding it. Don't ask how. As Y/N is running he passes a familiar kid with green hair carrying a box while following a scrawny man on a segway.

As Y/N passes them he trips a little bit, but he catches his balance and continues with his training.


Y/N is now at a junkyard and is punching an old punching bag at an incredibly high speed.

(Y/N is heavy and scout is the punching bag)

When Y/N throws the last punch he decides to take a break and grab a drink. He walks over to his bag and opens it only to be disappointed to see that he forgot his water bottle. "Oh that's just...wonderful." He states. As he lies down and closes his eyes a shadow covers him. As he opens his eyes he sees the figure holds a water bottle over his head. "Here. You look like you need it." The figure said. Their voice was feminine and gentle, but also cheerful.

"Thanks." Y/N says as he grabs the bottle. As he sits up and takes a quick drink. When finished he turns around and now has a better look at the person.

To some people she may just be cute or average, but to Y/N this girl is the most beautiful person he ever laid eyes on.
Y/N is now just staring at this mysterious girl in awe. "Um. Are you ok?" The girl asks in worry. "Beautiful." Y/N whispers to himself. "What was that?" "Oh um. Thank you. For the water I mean." The girl begins to giggle at Y/N's awkwardness. "Well you're very welcome. After all you do have a lot of work to do. You know with training and being the black rider and all."


Did I hear that right? Did she say black rider. Calm down Y/N. She doesn't have any proof so just play it off. "What are you talking about?" "Oh don't think that I don't know."

3rd POV.

She then pulls out a phone and shows Y/N a picture of him mid way through the transformation angled so you can see the side of his face. Y/N now starts sweating bullets with a serious face trying to still play it off.

"You know there are people with quirks that allow them to look like other people right?" Y/N said while looking away. "Wow. And I thought I was nervous." She said. "I don't know what you're talking about." Y/N said. "It's ok. I'm not going to tell anyone."

Y/N was now more confused and even more cautious. Who wouldn't want to expose the identity of the black rider? There's a large bounty on him. Y/N then thinks to himself. 'Ok she seems too young to be a hero so she could either be wearing a wire or she's trying to set me up.' "Hey relax. I just want to thank you." She said. "Huh? What do you mean?" Y/N asked. "Well let's see? You saved me from some thugs, you healed up my ankle, and you got my groceries."

"Wait that was you!?" Y/N exclaimed." "How can you not remember!? You saved me only a few days ago!" She replied. "You think you're the only girl I saved that night?" Y/N asked. "Ha! So you admit that you are the black rider?" 'Well there's no point in denying it anymore.' "Fine. I'm the black rider. So what now?" Y/N asked.

"Now you need to head home, get some rest and have a hot meal." She responded " "What are you my mother?" Y/N asked "Nope, but I am going to help you train." She said. Y/N was beyond confused. This girl comes out of nowhere, shows evidence that he's the black rider, and is now willing to help him train? This kinda of stuff only happen in anime and fanfics...

"Wait a minute. Why are you helping me? None of this makes sense." Y/N said. "Well to answer your first question. Why not? And to answer your second question things don't have to make sense in order to do a good thing. I know you're a good person and I feel that I owe you for helping me. There's nothing wrong with that." She said. " Well if you're telling the truth then at least give me your name." " Oh! That's right I never told you. My name is Aiyami Samāzu. It's nice to officially meet you. Um what's your name?" She asked. "Y/N L/N. And it's nice to officially meet you."

Thus began the strange, but sweet friendship between the two. Y/N told Aiyami the reason he was training was to get into U.A. She was all for it since she got into the support department through a recommendation. Even though she doesn't have a quirk she still managed to get in and her skills in programming gadgets were phenomenal. She even said her best friend made all the gadgets she programmed. Said she called them her "babies".

As time passed Y/N and Aiyami grew closer together. She would take care of him when he pushed himself too much and he would make her smile when she worried. She even met Hopper who 'approved' of her presence. Days turned to weeks as weeks turned to months.

There was one week before the entrance exam started and Y/N couldn't ignore his feelings anymore. He had to tell Aiyami how he felt.


Y/N and Aiyami are seen walking on the beach the wind was calm, the waves were gentle, and the birds were... well.

Ignoring that the two were talking about how excited they were to be going to U.A. Y/N was more nervous than ever. "Wow. It's such a beautiful evening." Aiyami said as she looked out towards the horizon. When sh was asked if she wanted to walk on the beach she decided to wear this cute sundress with a hat

Y/N, naturally was a blushing mess. "H-Hey Aiyami? There's something I need to tell you." Y/N said. As Aiyami looked at him with a smile on her face Y/N took a deep breath and looked her dead in the eye. "I- I want to thank you for everything. You've done so much for me and I don't think I can ever repay you s-so..." Aiyami didn't know what was happening. For the first time Y/N was stuttering while talking to her. This never happened before so she was worried that something was wrong. As usual she worried about Y/N and wanted to know what was wrong. "Y/N is something the matter? Did I do something wrong?" She asked. "N-No! That's not it at all. You see that's just it. You've done nothing wrong this whole time. I just wanted t-to ask you..." Y/N was at this point a nervous wreck. He quickly bowed and yelled. "I give you my life if you give me yours!"

Aiyami was silent. The wind blew her hair across her face so it couldn't be seen. Y/N is frozen not moving. His eyes begin to get misty as time passes. Thinking she's going to reject him he straightens up. His head down with his hair covering his eyes he turns around and before he walks away he says with a sad smile "Sorry. That was a bit much huh? Forget I said anything. Let's just enjoy the walk."

Before he walks away he feels a tug on his sleeve and looks to see Aiyami holding it. Her head is down  and the hat is covering her face. "Don't." She whispered. Y/N is confused and turns back to face her. She is now starting to shake. Y/N hears a sniffle and his heart breaks. He just made the girl he's in love with cry because of something he said. However before he can say anything Aiyami looks up at him with tears in her eyes and shouts "Don't throw away your life to save mine! I don't want you to Leave me!

Silence from both of them all that is heard is the sound of waves and the wind in the air. Tears start to come from both of their eyes as they embrace each other crying. Not knowing that they felt the same brought pain, but also happiness to the both of them. You see Y/N felt responsible for taking care of Aiyami by getting stronger to protect her while Aiyami wanted to get more skilled in order to keep him safe and not risk his life too much to protect her.

'To love is to pain as life is to death' one cannot exist without the other and the fear of the latter to occur is always going to be unsettling, but it's better to stay strong than to stay scared and these two are going to fight through that fear to the end.


A new day is upon us as the sun shines. Today is the day of the entrance exam. Not a cloud in sight, birds are singing flowers are blooming, and children playing with their parents and friends. Inside a certain house we see a door cracked open with a ray of sunlight shining from inside. We see a bed with with two people sleeping in it.

(no the didn't do the deed you freaking perverts.)

Y/N is beginning to wake up as his eyes begin open he looks towards his chest to see Aiyami cuddled up against him with a smile on his face. He looks to his night stand and sees his clock say 5:30a.m. He looks back to Aiyami and gently shakes her trying to wake her up. "Hey. It's time to get up." Y/N whispers to her. "Noooo. Just a few more minutes please." After a few minutes trying to get her up Y/N heads to the kitchen and sees Hopper making breakfast...somehow with his...paws? "Morning." they say to each other. "Breakfest is on the table. If you want seconds they're almost done." Hopper points out. As Y/N begins to eat Hopper asks him "Are you sure you don't want me to come with?" "Hopper I can't always rely on you I have to get stronger myself just like you told me." Y/N says. Hopper smiles and continues cooking.

Aiyami is seen walking into the kitchen with messy hair and pajamas and sits down in front of her plate of food. "So. Are you ready for the exam?" She asks. Y/N nods with a confident smile on his face and determination in his eyes.

A few minutes pass and Y/N is now dressed and ready to go. Hopper wishes him luck as Y/N is about to walk out Aiyami rushes to the door stopping him. He turns around smiling as she blushes. "Be careful ok? And do your best." She tells him he leans forward and kisses her on the lips. "I will." And he walks off.

What is to come at the exam. Will Y/N pass the exam and get one step closer to his dream or will he fail and fall into despair. Only time will tell.

Next time on Hazardous Hero:

Enter the Robo Rampage

I want to thank you all again for all of your support. I wouldn't have gotten here without you. Sorry for the wait and see you all next time.

Why are you still here?

Go away and read something else the chapter's over.

Fine! Fine! I'll give you something to look at just give me a second.

Here we go.

The next Kamen rider has been announced.
Kamen Rider Keanu!

Now go away.

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