Chapter 3: Robot Rampage

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Y/N Pov.

I'm finally here. U.A. hero academy. I still can't believe I'm doing this, but it's the only thing I can think of to become a better Kamen Rider. As I'm walking other students from other schools are looking at me. I keep hearing girls say I look cute and guys saying I look weak. I have mixed emotions about this. As I'm walking I hear someone shout at me from behind.

"Excuse me! You with the black hoodie!" I turn around to see some guy with blue hair and glasses power walk right up to me.

"If you are here for the exam then why don't you have your uniform on? You should represent your school or at least wear formal attire!" He shouted I was going to tell him I was home schooled, but he just kept explaining how I should show the staff how serious I was about attending. After some time I got tired of his jabbering. "Hey! I was home schooled Einstein! I don't have a uniform!" I shouted.

He looked surprised to say the least. "I dearly apologize!" He shouted as he was bowing at a full 90° angle. "It's alright. You didn't know. I'm Y/N L/N." "My name is Tenya Iida of Somei academy. It is a pleasure to meet you." He tells me as we shake hands.

3rd. Pov.

After the two introduced themselves to each other they went on inside and found the auditorium where they went their separate ways. Y/N finds a seat near the back and waited for the announcement to start. Y/N wasn't paying attention since his aunt already told him ahead of time what the test was. He was zoning out until he heard a familiar voice shout out loud.

Excuse me! "You said that there are three robots when in fact the document says that there are five. What about the other two robots. If this is U.A. trying to lie to its students then I am thoroughly disappointed!" He shouted. Then he pointed at some kid who happened to be that moss head back with the sludge villain. "And you! Stop your mumbling. It is distracting the other students!"


I heard Iida yelling at moss head and something about additional robots. I looked at the paper we were given when we walked in and noticed the two additional robots as well. "Well the first one doesn't really give you any points. It's more of an obstacle you have to avoid. The second one however gives negative points." The spokesman said. "What do you mean negative points?" I asked. "Well this robot is going to get in your way and try to attack you. However we made it virtually indestructible.

'Then why put it in the exam!?' I thought to myself. After some more explanations and details on the physical exam it was time for the written exam. I'd say I passed with flying colors. Soon after it was time for the physical exam.

3rd. POV

Everyone was outside in front of a huge gate stretching and getting ready. As our hero to be saw this he decided to start using his quirk on the ground. 'Concrete is made up of different types of matter plus there's also the soil underneath it that I can use.' He thought to himself.

Over the 10 months of training Y/N figured out how to draw nutrients from nonorganic materials. It takes more time and is more difficult depending on how complex the material is. As he looks around and sees that no one has noticed him he began to let out the black smoke around his body. Y/N starts to absorb the nutrients in the ground and the air around him. He gets up and walks towards the gate. What he doesn't realize is the ground from where he was absorbing the nutrients is now pitch black and cracked. After walking a little bit he hears a loud voice. "START!" it shouted. Y/N being a quick thinker bolted towards the fake city. Looking around for some quick points to start off he found a few three and two pointers. Using his enhanced strength he dashed towards the robots and punched right through them.

Y/N kept doing this as he went deeper into the fake city. "Alright. If I keep this up I'd ought to have enough points to pass this test no problem." He said to himself. Suddenly as he's running in one direction a gust of wind pushes him back causing him to fall on his back.

"Ow! What the hell was that?" He asked himself. As he looks around he doesn't see anything. Once he gets up he turns around and sees something. A figure in red armor stands in the distance and just looks at him. Y/N then remembered the spokesman said that two robots are going to be put in the testing grounds to keep combatants from getting points.
Y/N is about to turn and run away, but the robot in red dashes up to him and punches him in the gut with such force Y/N is pushed back and hits a building.

Y/N struggles to get back up on his feet, but manages. As he begins to breathe heavily he gets a better look at his opponent.

The design of this robot is significantly different from the other ones. It has a more human design, but the red makes it look like it has additional armor.

Meanwhile in an observation room many different heroes are watching the students through monitors including
Y/N's aunt Nemuri who also goes by the hero name Midnight who had a look of worry on her face. As they are watching they noticed Y/N and are quite curious on how he's going to get out of his situation.

"Some of the examinees will rely on the quirks and brute strength to take down a large some of robots to gather points. Others use their speed and agility to move from one place to another in short periods of time. Others will observe from a vantage point to find the best solutions. These are the students that have a higher chance of getting in and we should look for." A small mammal in a business suite said. "Hey Midnight isn't that your nephew fighting the minus pointer robot?" A cowboy looking hero said. Midnight didn't say anything and just stared at the monitor of you getting your ass handed to you over and over again. She feels so helpless.

Confused the other staff members looked at only to be surprised that she's freaking out. She's shacking, gripping her seat, not looking away from the monitor, and judging from how she didn't respond she can't hear the others either. They try again and even wave a hand in her face, but she still doesn't react. With all of them now slightly scared they look to the monitor with you and the minus pointer.

Back with Y/N


This thing is way too tough to fight I've got to get out of hear. I'll try jumping up a building to get away. As I turned to a building I jumped up to a window ledge and went inside where I jumped out a different one and into another building trying to hide from the mechanical menace. Once I felt safe I peeked out of a window and noticed that I was closer to other examinees and ran for them. I figured that if I was in a large crowd the robot wouldn't follow. As I was running I saw Iida again and began to run towards him as fast as I could in my current condition.

3rd. POV.

Iida saw Y/N and was surprised to see him so hurt and scared. As he turned to go to Y/N a gust of wind passed Y/N. His eyes shrunk as he saw the same robot he was so desperately trying to escape from pull out some kind of gun and point it at Iida.

The machine pulled the trigger and shot him. Y/N was in so much shock that he didn't even hear the gun go off. All he saw was Iida on the ground not moving at all. Other people looked in horror and began to run away. Y/N stopped running and just stood there in shock of what happened. He began to shake, his breathing quickened and his heart pounding.

Suddenly large amounts of black smoke began to burst out of Y/N covering everything near him. The smoke spread out in a violent way. It was as if it was trying to rip the life out of everything around Y/N. Some of it got onto the minus pointers hand. The smoke began to retract back into Y/N and all that was left was a wasteland.

(Like this, but only a block and the sky is clear)

The minus pointer looked at its hand only to see that it's rusty and corroded. A small amount of black smoke is still swirling around Y/N as he slowly begins to walk towards the minus pointer.each step he takes the ground behind him turns pitch black and then to dust. "Bastards. All of you. Are bastards. Your just a machine so it doesn't matter if I rip you apart. Right?" Y/N says in a raspy voice. From the black smoke you see Y/N figure, but with the smile of a mad man.

You see Y/N only has three people in his life. Hopper, his aunt Nemuri, and his girlfriend Aiyami. He may have just met Iida, but he found respect for him when he showed how dedicated he was to becoming a hero. Y/N was about to take another step when in a flash he appears right in front of the minus pointer with his arm reeled back and punches it so hard it flies back creating a shockwave. Y/N then looks back at Iida and notices that there isn't any blood. He's not dead only unconscious. He doesn't see a dart on him so puts Iida on his back and begins to transfer nutrients to Iida.

As the black smoke begins to disappear from Y/N's body Iida begins to wake up and sits up. "What happened?" Iida asks. "The minus pointer got you. It's blindingly fast and incredibly strong. We need to get out of here. Iida nods and you both begin to run for the entrance.

Meanwhile with the minus point robot

It's seen lodged in a wall with a dent in its torso. Its visor begins to glow blue as it pulls itself out of the wall and turns a switch on its belt.

Max Speed

And with that it dashed off to find who almost beat him.

Back with Y/N and Iida they're seen running through the city destroying any robots on the way until they see a familiar figure standing in front of then. The minus pointer then pulls out a toy car?

"Iida, let me handle this you go on ahead." Y/N told him. "Nonsense. How can hope to be a hero when I can't even assist one person in the midst of danger." Iida replied. "You do realize fighting this thing will cause you to lose points right?" Y/N asked. "Yes. I am fully aware. However I'm also aware that you cannot battle this thing on your own so I will assist you in any way I can." Iida said. Y/N smiled and nodded as the both got into a fighting stance.

The minus pointer put the toy car on its bracelet and pushed and pulled it like it was a shift stick for a car.

Type: Train Heart

It transformed into a different form in front of the two and started two walk towards them. "Do you have a plan?" Iida asked. "I get its attention while look for a weak point." Y/N replied. He began to use his quirk on Iida causing him to feel stronger. "My quirk can temporarily enhance our physical capabilities for a limited time. Make it count." Y/N said as he ran towards the minus pointer.

Back in the observation room we see the staff with shocked faces seeing not only one, but two students fighting the minus pointer. "What are they doing!? If they fight it they're going to fail!" One of them said. "On the contrary Mic. Remember when the point system was made we made hero and rescue points?" A figure in the back said. "Of course I remember." Mic responded. "Well I decided to add another set with Nezus' permission of course. Team points." The figure said. "What are those?" Asked Midnight. " While it's true some threats can't be defeted on your own there's always a chance you can if you work together. These points are to teach students to put aside their differences and work together for the greater good." The figure explained.

Back to the fight

(Play music at top)

We see Y/N throwing a right hook at blinding speeds only for it to be blocked and countered with a kick to his stomach and sent back. Iida is circling the minus pointer trying to find a weak spot only for it to appear in front of him and try to hit him, but Iida moved faster and dodged it. Y/N dashes towards the robot even faster then before and slams into it ad they start to throw punches at each other only for them to dodge one anothers attacks.

The robot backed away and shifted the toy car only to jump and dive kick towards Y/N. He goes to block, but it's useless. The kick breaks his guard and the robot pushes off of him as it lands on the side of a building only to dive kick at him again. This goes on twenty times at high speed only for it to stop and land behind Y/N with him in a dust cloud.

Iida takes this moment to see that the visor turns off for a few seconds and turns back on. 'That attack must use up most of its power forcing it to restart.' Ioda thought to himself. As the dust settles we see Y/N covered in bruises from head to toe breathing heavily. He uses his quirk to speed up his recovery rate as the robot now turns towards him. Iida runs up to Y/N and tells him " Y/N, that attack it just did forces it to shut down and restart once it's done. If we can force it to do that attack again we can hit it with everything we've got before it starts up again." " That took alot out of me, but it's worth a shot."
Y/N responds.

All three are now in a standoff who will emerge victorious the two heroes to be or the mechanical menace. Only time will tell for this battle.

Y/N and Iida dash towards the robot as it does the same. They all collide, but
Y/N and Iida quickly recover and begin to barrage the robot with punches and kicks trying to force the robot to use its special attack. The robot retaliates with its own attacks. Both parties land hits on each other. Y/N and Iida are starting to get bruises while getting exhausted while the robot is beginning to get dents in its plating. They all throw one last hit that throws each other back.

Y/N and Iida noticed that the robot shifted the tow car on its wrist and gets into its stance. Y/N and Iida prepares to block while Y/N does so too while using his quirk to heal their wounds as bes as he could in his current condition. The robot jumps and begins its assault. Kick after kick the two boys struggle to hold their ground as Y/N's quirk begins to waver. Iida drops to a knee with his guard on the verge of breaking. While this has been going on Y/N has been keeping track of how many kicks the robot has thrown until suddenly.

*Clank* It lands behind them. Y/N uses the last of his efforts to put everything into one last attack by strengthening himself and Iida to the best of his abilities. "Now!" He shouts as Iida nods in response. They dash at the robot so quickly they create a shockwave that shatters any glass nearby.


They both kick the robot right on the belt. They put so much force into it that it breaks and they kick through it splitting the robot in half. As they skid to a stop the upper half of the robot falls to the ground and it explodes.

The minus pointer has been defeated.

(End music)

Back in the observation room the staff is in awe as two people who don't even know each other managed to take down one of the most difficult robots in the exam behind them stands the figure as it zooms in on him you see him crack a smile. As he turns around he tells the others."I want them in this school. Make it happen." And he walks away.

We cut back to Y/N and Iida as they're both kneeling breathing heavily. Iida shakily stands up as he starts to catch his breath when suddenly. *Thump* He turns around to see Y/N lying on the floor unconscious. He starts to freak out until he hears snoring coming from
Y/N. Relieved to see him ok and uses the last of his strength to hoist Y/N onto his back and make a mad dash for the entrance.

As he's running he sees a massive robot towering over the area and runs away only to see a familiar boy with green hair jump to tremendous heights and punch the robot so hard its head caved in. The boy then begins to fall to the ground. Suddenly a girl with brown hair floating on a robot head slapped him causing him to float right above the ground. She put her fingers together and gently dropped him before she lost her lunch. He tried to crawl when suddenly.


He falls unconscious. Soon a small woman in a nurse's outfit comes out and sees lying on the floor. She doesn't say anything, but we all know what she's thinking.

She kisses the boy on his head which somehow heals him. Soon Iida runs up to the old woman and asks for help. "Excuse me mam, but would you please assist my friend here?" As he shows he Y/N on his back. Lying him down the woman looks at him and then back to Iida and says. "There's nothing to worry about. He's only tired. As a matter of fact he barely has a scratch on him at all. Still he's out like a light. I'll have service bots take him to the infirmary." She tells Iida. Iida sighs in relief, but then looks at Y/N in wonder. 'We both struggled immensely with the minus pointer. How is he barely hurt?' He thought to himself.

Service bots showed up with  stretchers and placed both Y/N and the green haired boy on them and went of to the infirmary for treatment.


We see the sun is setting out a window. A pair of eyes flutter open. We zoom out and see Y/N with a.warm towel on his head as he begins to wake up. He looks around and notices and old lady that is ever so familiar to him. "Hey gran." He says with a slight smile on his face. "You need to start taking better care of yourself. I won't always be able to take care of you." She replies. Y/N chuckles at her statement. "Yeah I know. What time is it?" He asks. "It just turned 7:53." She tells him.

Suddenly loud footsteps are heard approaching the door. Suddenly the door slams open with a crying Midnight outside. "My baby!" She cries as goes to the bed only to be hit by the old womans' cane. "Don't even think about it. He's still recovering. You can hug him later." She tells her. I not gonna hug him. I just want to check a see if my baby's alright." Midnight pouts. "And by check and see you mean smother him in your bosom in the school?" She scolded. Midnight puffs her cheeks and looks away.

Y/N chuckles seeing the event unfold. He got up from the bed and looks to the two women argue. "Well I'm feeling a bit better so I'm gonna head home." He tells them. Are you sure? You could always stay with me at my place." Midnight says with smile. "Nah I'm good." Midnight sulks with frown and Y/N walks out.

As Y/N walks home a figure stands atop a roof with Chess looking at Y/N. "So that's the one you want me to attack during the infiltration?" He asks. "Yep, but I need you to force him to transform too. Think you can do that?" Chess asked the stranger. "I may be a master thief, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to fight. For my name

Is Lupin


Y/N makes it back to his home and notices the lights are on. He carefully goes to the door and sees it opened and suddenly *POP* The lights flip on and you see Aiyami and Hopper jump out. "Surprise!" They shout. "What is this?" Y/N asked. "Well we were worried that you would be stressed out by the exam so we thought we'd throw you a little party when you got back." Aiyami said. "But I don't know if I passed." Y/N said. "Doesn't matter. Taking the test itself is a big deal. And besides even if you do fail you can always try again or go to another hero school." Hopper told him. "You guys. Thanks for this."Y/N told them. "Now enough standing around. I cooked dinner and I want us to eat before it gets cold." Aiyami said as she walked into the kitchen. Hopper followed and Y/N was left at the entrance with a smile on his face. The fact that his friends are still supporting him even though he might fail brings him so much joy he finds another reason to be a hero.

'I'll treasure that happiness and protect that smile.' He thought to himself. He closes the door as the day ends.

Will Y/N pass the exam and get into U.A.?

Who is Lupin and what role does he play?

What is this infiltration that he spoke of.

Find out next time in

Hazardous Hero

A/N: hey guys. Sorry for the late update. I hope you liked this chapter. Right now I need 2 oc's. One hero that's in his 20's and a villain in his late 20's.

As usual don't forget to vote and add this book for more updates and if you're new to this story follow my for more information.

The next chapter may take a while due to needing new characters, but I want your opinion

Tenya Iida
Kamen Rider Drive

Would you want to see that? I may even add other riders permanently  from oc's. I'll let you know. Also

Hero or villain? You be the judge. Thanks for reading and I'll see you all next time.

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