Chapter 5: A test on the first day!?

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A/N:Now before I start I have a few announcements to make.

First: The poll is over for the main enemy. The winner is...

Kamen rider Eternal!

Now some of you wanted Ryuga as well so I'll add him in, but he'll probably be cross-z's opponent at the same time.

Second: I want to thank all of you for reading my story. My motivation doesn't just come from ideas that pop into my head, but also you the readers as well. The more people that read my story the more inclined I am to make newer and even better chapters. So once again, Thank you.

Third: I am also working on another story. This one is a Monster hunter story. I'm a huge monster hunter fan and saw that many of the stories on Wattpad are crossovers. None of the ones I found are original. Since the world of Monster Hunter is difficult to turn into a one person story I decided to make an original story in the monster hunter world. I won't officially publish it probably until after a major arc in this story. That means I'll make a character bio and an info page before I start.

Would you like to see at least the prologue or not? Please tell me in the comments.

I would finally like to tell you that I don't mind criticism. If it's going to help me make my story better let me know what could be changed as long as it's not too big of a change to the point where it's not even my story anymore.

Well that's all for now. Please don't forget to vote and comment on my story and if you're new add this book to your reading list. Also if you want follow me for more updates and information on my book.

And now, please enjoy the story.

3rd. POV.

The new school year begins and you know what that means. Drama~. Y/N is seen getting in his new school uniform as Hopper is seen making breakfast. Y/N finishes getting ready as he heads downstairs into the kitchen rushing to eat. "Slow down or you'll choke." Hopper said. *cough* "Told ya." Hopper tells Y/N as he passes him a glass of orange juice.

Y/N takes a large drink and hits his chest as he swallows his breakfast. "Thanks for that." he says. "No problem. Now do you have everything you need?" Hopper asked. "Yes mom. I have everything." Y/N said jokingly as he walks to the door. "Good. Have a nice day Y/N." Hopper tells him. "Thanks. I will." Y/N responds as he heads out.

We see Y/N now walking to the school of his dreams. As he's walking someone grabs his arm and wraps around it. Y/N looks and sees his girlfriend smiling at him. "Morning. You excited for the first day?" she asked. "I'd say I'm more nervous than excited." He replied.

As the two kept walking the eventually made it to the front gate. When they got inside they were in awe of its magnificence. "So I guess this is where we split up." Y/N states. "Yeah, but we still get to see each other afterwards everyday of the week." Aiyami tells him. "See ya later" However before she goes Y/N grabs her hand. She looks at him confused. "What's up?" She asks.

Y/N just looks at her and leans closer and closer to her until their lips meet. Aiyami is in shock as her eyes are wide and her face is as red as the rabbit full bottle. Y/N pulls away and says with a gentle smile on his face "See ya later." Now many of you may be wondering 'What brought this upon all of the sudden?' Well to answer your question it's simple. He loves her and is always thankful to have her be apart of his life. This was his way of saying thank you for everything.

As Y/N begins to look for his designated classroom he begins to think about the kind of classmates he's going to have. He stops and looks up and sees the sign for the door. "1-A huh? Guess this is it." He says to himself. He goes to open the door, but notices how big it is. "Quirks. People come in all shapes and sizes now." As he goes for the door someone shouts to get his attention. "Excuse me?" Y/N turns and looks to see a familiar green haired boy run up to him.

"Sorry, but do you know where class 1-A is?" He asked. "Yeah. You're standing in front of it." Y/N tells him.   Y/N opens the door and sees a whole bunch of people around his age. One of them is a familiar friend from the entrance exam. "Please remove your feet from the desk." He said. You recognized him as Iida.

Y/N looked around and saw your classmates. All of them had different types of quirks, but one of them stood out to him. A boy with purple hair and a uniform one size too big trying to hide himself from others.

(This is what he looks like.)

No one seemed to notice him so Y/N approached him. "Hi there." He greeted the boy. The boy jumped at Y/Ns' greeting. "H-Hello." the boy stuttered. "I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you. Y/N said. "I-I'm Hachimara Takamasu." he replied. "Well how are liking U.A. so far Hachi?" Y/N asked him. "W-Well it's new for me t-that's for sure." Hachi told him. "Is something wrong Hachi? You're stuttering." Y/N asked. "I'm just not used to so many people. Also that guy in the front of class kinda scares me." Hachi explains. 'Poor guy must have social anxiety. But then how or why did he go here?' Y/N thought to himself. "If you're here to make friends you can pack up your stuff and leave." said a voice. Y/N recognized it and looked at the front door.

"Aizawa, I see your still as lazy as ever. Aw you're even using the sleeping bag I got you. You do like it." Y/N said out loud. "Runt, I see you haven't matured at all since I last saw you." Aizawa said. "Yeah yeah good to see you too." Y/N stated. Aizawa then got up and out of his sleeping bag evolving into the beautiful butterfly that he is. He walked to the desk at the front and pulled out a gym uniform. "Welcome to U.A. hero course change into these and meet me outside in the training field." he said.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi riders: Look like cinnamon buns and can kill you

Y/N pov.

After everyone got changed we all met up in the field for a quirk assessment test and got a speech from uncle ending with the words 'lowest score will be expelled.' Luckily I know he didn't mean it since he said the same thing to me once in the past. Still I have to give it my all. I have to see how strong I've gotten and how much stronger I have to get.

The first test was a speed test. I was racing against Iida whose quirk already gave him an advantage so I started using mine to absorb the nutrients in the ground. Black smoke can be seen under my feet. When the timer starts I bolt it towards the finish line. *beep-beep* '4.27 seconds' the machine announced. Iida followed  soon after. "I must say your quirk doesn't stop amazing me. You can heal wounds and become stronger and faster then before along with heightened senses. You truly are amazing." He told me. " Hey your pretty amazing too. Your speed increases not only by your quirk, but also your leg muscles." I replied.

The rest of the test were pretty normal after that. A grip test, side steps, long jump. All of these are like normal tests however everyone did amazing in their own way cause of their quirks and how they used them, but one guy wasn't doing so well. The kid with green hair who I found out was named Midoriya or Deku to the blonde bomber man. After all of the tests one was left a ball throw. First up was the bomber man. and he threw that thing far. I don't think I can even beat that. After that was some brunette. All she did was toss it in the air and we all looked at it as it flew away. Uncle Aizawa showed the measurement device he had.

She got infinity. She didn't even try. Next up was Midoriya and he was a nervous wreck. He threw the ball only a couple meters. 'Dammit uncle. Can't you be nice to your students this year?' He used his quirk on the kid and restrained him talking about what his quote on quote "future" looks like with his power. After his speech about having a useless quirk he deactivated his quirk and Midoriya was unsure about what to do. He then had a look in his eye that said 'I can do this. I will do this.' As he was about to throw the ball I noticed the tip of his finger started to glow slightly. *Boom* The ball went flying with so much force the dirt got kicked up. Midoriya told uncle that it his hand doesn't hurt as much. From the corner of my eye I saw Uncle smile. 'Well I'll be damned. This kid actually surprised him.' Bomberman didn't like this. His anger got the best of him and he rushed Midoriya, but uncle stopped him and deactivated his quirk.

After that little event next was Hachi. Now from what I've been seeing he either doesn't have a quirk or he hasn't been using it. When he got the ball he was a nervous wreck. He was shaking, his breathing was unsteady, and he was just frozen in fear. After a few seconds he closed his eyes and started taking deep breathes. When his breathing was back to normal he opened his eyes, but something was different about them. He gave off this feeling that even made me uneasy. Suddenly all of the muscles in his body became so tense that you could see the veins. As he reeled back his arm he looked like he wanted to kill something. When he threw it the ground beneath him cracked. 

Then *BOOM* the ball was thrown with such force you would think that the ball would be destroyed. After a few seconds Hachis' muscles loosen. He blinked and the look in his eye was back to his timid self. 'What the hell kind of quirk is that?' Aizawa showed us the device. 947.2 Meters. Damn. I'm up next now.

3rd. POV.

As Y/N went up he took the ball and started to take deep breathes. "I'd recommend you all take a few steps back. Being this close is dangerous." Aizawa said to the students. As they did that Black smoke began to come from all over Y/N. As this was happening the other students started to wonder about him and his quirk. "What's he doing? " asked a girl with pink hair and skin. "That would be his quirk. Though it looks like it evolved ever since the entrance exam." Iida said. "What exactly is his quirk?" Midoriya asked. "I'm not sure myself, but it does involve that smoke." Iida replied. "It's called symbiotic gas." Aizawa told them. "What's that?" asked the brunette girl. "He absorbs the nutrients from organic and now apparently non organic material and apply them to him to become stronger. It also works backwards. He can also apply them to someone or something and restore and repair it." Aizawa explained. 

"How exactly do you know so much about him Mr. Aizawa?" Asked a girl with a pony tail. "I know a lot about all of you. However to make this simple, I trained he was found. That's also why he calls me hiss uncle." Aizawa said with a slight grin on his face. "What do you mean found?" asked Midoriya. As this was all happening the smoke from Y/Ns' body was returning to his body. It may look like nothing changed, but the ground was pitch black and decayed and if you look close you may notice his hand turned pitch black as well as his veins which were visibly the same.

'His hand is pitch black could that be a modification to his body from his quirk?' Midoriya thought to himself. Y/N reeled his arm back time seemed to slow down as he did this. The ground that was pitch black shattered as if something hit it so hard it could make a crater. Y/N threw the ball with so much force everyone was pushed back from the force. Shockwaves could be seen in the sky from the throw. The only sound that could describe it was a tank cannon firing. After a little while Aizawa got back up and looked at the device and then showed it to the students. *1,738 meters* "No way!" they all shouted. They had looks of disbelief and amazement on their faces. Y/N looked at his hand as it returned back to normal. He makes a fist and smiles to himself. He didn't think he would do so well.

After the test was over Aizawa showed all of the students their scores from highest to lowest. Y/N got first place. Coincidence? I think not! (My story. My rules.) Y/N looked to his side and saw Midoriya looking defeated. Aizawa told them all that it was a lie, but said it nicely. "I'm surprised no one noticed this. Perhaps I should have said something." Said the girl with a pony tail. 'Yeah you should have.' thought everyone else. "I'm more surprised one of you figured it out." Y/N said. Everyone was dumbstruck looking at Y/N and the girl with the ponytail. "What? Did you honestly think U.A. would get rid of you on the first day? You all passed the entrance exam or you were recommended. That makes NO sense." Y/N said.

Timeskip bought to you by Gundam build

(Cool right)


School just ended and I'm waiting for Aiyami at the front gate. As I'm waiting Midoiya, Iida, and the brown haired girl whose name I found out is Uraraka all walk towards the gate. "Hello there Y/N." Iida said. "Hey guys. How are you all doing?" "Pretty good. Hey your quirk is amazing!" Uraraka told me. "Thanks you all heading home together?" "Yeah. Our homes are all on the way in the same direction." Midoriya told me. "Y/\N!" said a familiar voice. We all looked and saw Aiyami running towards us. "Hey Aiyami. You all ready to go?" I asked. "Yup. Oh are these your friends? It's nice to meet you. I'm Aiyami nice to meet you." she said. After the introductions we all went home.

3rd. POV.

As the heroes to be left the school grounds the camera switches to Hachimara in what appears to be his room. As he sits at his desk he lies down on his bed a voice speaks to him. "So how was school?" it asked. "It was alright I guess." he responds. "Kid you have to break out of your shell and going to this school is gonna help with that." the voice told him. "I know. It's just harder than I thought it was going to be." Hachi replies. "Well no one said it was going to be easy. Just rember..." the voice pauses as Hachi sits upright on his bed and pulls out a device and a bottle from under it.

"Strength and bravery can get you far, but friends can help get you even further." And the screen fades to black.

Who was talking to Hachi

What is this device

Is that another full bottle

What other secrets is he hiding

Find out next time in

Hazardous hero

A/N: I am so sorry for the lack of uploads. I want to work on this story, but personal things keep getting in the way of it. I still am working on this, but I feel like I have to apologize to you for my negligence.

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