Chapter 6: Old Friend New Partner

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A/N: So it has come to my attention that I have to be honest with you all I haven't been doing so good recently. I've been going through a rough patch and my post rate has dropped significantly. Now there is no need to worry. I'm not depressed I'm just tired and having some trouble coming up with ideas. So here's the plan. I'm going to finish up this arc, take a step away from the book, and focus on the gunpla book. I HAVE been working on it and it will be alot easier to do. I'll come back to this after a while and then I'll pick up at the next arc. I feel like this is more organized and will be alot easier to manage instead of focusing on multiple things at the same time.

I'm sorry that I left you all for so long. I can't promise that it will be significantly better, but I'll try my best.


This doesn't mean that the story will be discontinued or something. It only means chapters will most likely take significantly longer to make.

I appreciate the support you all have been giving me, but right now all I need to do is take a few steps back and breathe. This "break" will most likely be  a couple weeks or if I'm lucky only a couple more days.

I'm sorry, but this is just how I see it. It's a problem that I have to deal with. I hope you all understand

Thank you.

3rd pov.

We see Y/N talking with Hachi and the rest of class 1-A socializing before class starts. Suddenly Aizawa tells them to take their seats. "Now for today you're going to have a special instructor." Aizawa says. Everyone is curious as to who it is. "I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might shouts as he leans into the room from the door. Everyone starts to geek out. Y/N on the other hand has a neutral look on his face. '*sigh* As usual Uncle Toshi has to do everything over dramatically.' Y/N thought to himself. "Now then for today in the hero course we are going to be doing Combat Training! Everyone was getting hyped. Well except for Midoriya and Hachi. There were beyond nervous.

"Now before we go any further we have another student here who just arrived here yesterday. Come on in." Aizawa said. As the doors open everyone looks to see a boy with white hair with a blue streak and blue eyes.

"Hey. The name Daito Kachimuhashi. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." He introduce himself. As everyone was polite Y/N stood up from his seat and walked up to Daito. They were just staring at eachother. No one made a noise. Suddenly the two hugged eachother. "It's great to see you again Daito." Y/N said. "Same here bro. How long has it been?" Daito asked pulling away from the hug. "I don't know. Somewhere around too long and not long enough." Y/N said as the both laughed. "You two can catch up later. Y/N return to your seat. Daito you can sit behind Miss Ashido. As they both did that All might returned to his speech.

"As apart of being a hero you have to be capable of fighting not only in the open, but also in enclosed spaces and how could you be a hero without these." All might presses a button and slots on the wall open revealing suit cases with numbers on them. "Inside these suitcases are the hero costumes you requested when you got in. Grab you designated number and get changed then meet us in training area 3." Aizawa told them.

Timeskip brought to you by:

As everyone got dressed into their hero costumes they all were walking down the path towards the training area. "They say the costume makes the hero so consider this your next step to being the next generation of heroes." Yelled All Might.

As every one was in their costumes three students were yet to be seen. Suddenly footsteps could be heard coming from the tunnel. Emerging from the tunnel was Hachi in his hero costume which consisted of a black hoodie with purple lines and black gloves.

Following Hachi was Daito in his hero costume which was a strange suit that had an overcoat and a chain along with a mask where only his eyes can be seen.

And finally out came Y/N in hero costume had a type of combat suite that had a skull mask and a 'red x' on it.

"Wow your hero costume looks incredible." Hachi said. "I'll admit it's impressive." Daito said. "Thanks. Some of the parts to it are interchangeable for different types of situations and environments." Y/N said to them.

After everyone was present, All Might explained the training for the day. A bomb was hidden in the building. The villains have to protect it and the heroes have to capture it or the villains within a time limit. "Wait a minute though. There's an uneven number of students how will this work?" Y/N asked. "Well normally there would be one uneven team, but we recently came up with a solution solve this problem. Ah! And here they are." All Might said.

Everyone looked back into the tunnel to see a boy with brown hair and a military looking coat on.

"Hello everyone. It is a pleasure to meet all of you." They said. Everyone looked at the boy in confusion except for All Might and Aizawa. "Who are you?" Asked Daito. "My name is Delta. I am an Independent adaptive combat unit or I.A.C.U. for short." The boy replied. "Delta here is the first android created by U.A. His sole purpose is to help you all improve in the hero course." All Might explains. "Help us how exactly?" Uraraka asks. "Delta has the capability to copy your fighting style and analyze your quirks to find the perfect solution to counter it forcing you to try and find new ways to use your quirks." Aizawa explains.

After all of that the students were put into random teams. Y/N was teamed up with Daito as Hachi was teamed up with Delta and what a surprise for their teams to be against eachother.

Y/N pov.

After our teams were made we waited to be called out and see if we were villains or heroes Uncle Aizawa told everyone something that even I didn't expect. "Y/N, Delta, Daito, and Hachi. I want your two teams to go first. Y/N, you and Daito will be the villains while Hachi and Delta will be heroes." He said. "Um Mr. Aizawa. Why are they going first before everyone else in matched up?" Uraraka asked. "Normally it would be randomized, but since these four have the most experience they'll give you a good idea of what to do and expect in this training regime." Uncle Aizawa told everyone. After the explanation Me and Daito went inside the building to protect a fake bomb.

As me and Daito were setting up the bomb on the top floor we made a plan to baracade the door and hide the bomb in the back of the room. "So how've you been? It's been like what? 7 years?" Daito asked me. "7 years, 3 months, and 15 days, but who's keeping track." I told him. "Really?" He asked me. "No. As for how I've been. I met someone."  "No." "It's nice." "Well I'm happy for you man." "Thanks. So what's the plan?" I asked. "Well what's Hachi's quirk?" He asked me. "Muscle Tension. He still feels pain, but he hits alot harder and moves alot quicker, but something else happens. It's like he's a different person." I explained. "I'll keep that in mind." He said.The buzzer went off and the match began.

Meanwhile the Hachi and Delta

"Um. Do you have a plan?" Hachi asked Delta. "I believe that you will be most effective against Daito since both your and his quirk are draining were I can adapt to Y/N's fighting style. We should also focus on causing them to hit eachother. Communication is key here.
3rd. Pov.

As Hachi and Delta start walking into the building Y/N and Daito begin to set up defenses. Daito takes anything flammable and places them by the entrance of the room where the bomb is while Y/N uses his quirk to absorb the nutrients in front of the room to not only weaken the floor, but also splits them between Daito and himself.

While this is happening Delta takes point and Hachi follows close behind. As they climb the floors of the building the students in the observation room are curious on what will happen. "I wonder what will happen?" Mina said. "One thing is for sure they're taking this as if it was a real situation." Todoroki stated. "You're right, but do you know why?" Aizawa asked the class. "Isn't it because this is a type of test?" Midoriya guessed. "Partially. Daito and Y/N have been training their whole lives with pros on how to handle similar situations since they were kids. Many of the faculty including Aizawa and myself have been some of the ones that trained Y/N while Daito was trained by pros from America. Delta was programmed to understand how to be a perfect hero. As for Hachimara he has been in many stressful situations such as hostage situations. The mental stress caused him to develop a separate personality when he uses his quirk. It's still not fully understood, but we hope to help him break out of his shell." All Might explained.

This surprised the class that those four students were so far ahead of the rest of the class. What they didn't know was the past that they hid from them.

Back to Hachi and Delta they've reached the top floor. As Delta steps close to the final door the floor gives way and he falls to the floor below. Hachi looks down and yells. "Delta! Are you ok!?" "I'm fine! Proceed on with the plan and be careful! I catch up as soon as possible!" Delta replied. As Hachi looked to the door he began to use his quirk which caused his muscles to bulge and his height increase. As he walked to the door and kicked it open blue flames suddenly erupted from the inside of the room with so much force they pushed Hachi back, but that didn't stop him. As Hachi run through the flames he started to feel tired. He noticed that Y/N was using his quirk and began to panic. Hachi was about to pass out, but with the last of his strength he clapped his hands with such force that the flames and the gas dispersed. Y/N and Daito had surprised looks on their faces. Hachi easily managed to stop their assault. However he passed out after that. All that was left was Delta. A few minutes pass and Delta charges into the room at blinding speeds towards the bomb. He is just about to touch the bomb when a black blur slams into his side causing Delta to slam into a wall. Delta looks up and sees Both Daito with flames jetting from his wrist and Y/N with back smoke coming from his hand both pointed towards him.

"I give up." Delta stated as he held his hands up. Daito and Y/N both look shocked. "What!?" Both Y/N and Daito yelled. "HERO TEAM WINS!!!" Shouted All might from the speakers. "Aw man we didn't even get started." Daito complained. "My plan was flawed. There was no way I could have beaten the both of you." Delta explained.

While this was happening Hachi was still on the ground. Even though he wasn't moving he was still conscious for what happened. 'We didn't even stand a chance.' He thought to himself. Hachi was in such deep thought he didn't realize that he was being picked up and carried on Y/N's back. When he came to all four of them were walking down the stairs. "How?" Hachi asked Y/N. "How what?" "How did you win so quickly?" "Well for starters Daito and I have a lot more experience in this then everyone else. Second is our quirks. My quirk absorbs nutrients to increase my strength while Daitos' quirk allows him to burn the molecules around him to increase his flames. So if we mix them together he can create flames as long as I keep surrounding him with nutrients." Y/N explained.

"Look Hachi just because you lost now doesn't mean you'll always lose from this point on. You just need to take "this" lose and find out what you did wrong and where you need to improve. No one's perfect. We all have flaws. That's what it means to be human." What Y/N said may have ment nothing to some people, but to Hachi it meant more to him. To Hachi it meant that even if his best wasn't good enough that did'nt mean that he wasn't good enough. Hachi is timid for a reason, but now he has someone who inspired him. A beacon, a role, model, a friend, A HERO.

Timeskip after all of the other fights is brought to you by my new gunpla book cover.

Coming soon!!!


After Midoriya busted up his arm I offered to help heal it up, but gran told me she had it under control and to get ready to go home so here I am rock you like a hurricane. I'm just kidding. In al seriousness me and Daito are chatting with eachother when all of the sudden Hachi runs up to me panting as if he was running a marathon. "W-Wait Y/N." He said. After a few seconds and took a deep breathe and bowed. "Please train me!" He shouted. I was shocked, but Daito had a smile on his face. After thinking about it it could work I would just need to make a schedule for him. Little did I know he was a nervous wreck. "S-sorry. That was stupid to say. Forget it alright." He started to walk away. "This weekend work with you?" I asked. "Huh?" "Does this weekend work for you? School is gonna be taking up most of the time and I still need to know some things on how to improve your skills. So how about you come over this weekend?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Yeah! That works just fine!" He replied. Well then I'll see you later." And me and Daito walked away. As we were and arm slithered it's way around mine and a voice i recognized said. "You know that was really nice of you." "Thanks babe." I said as i looked to my left to see her smile.

As we were walking Daito and Aiyami introduced themselves to eachother and we all parted ways. Aiyami went home Daito went home and I went home, but for some reason I felt like someone was watching me. As I looked behind me I saw someone wearing a white suit and top hat looking at me from a crowd of people and as soon as someone walked in front of him he vanished. "Who the hell was that?" I have a feeling something bad is going to happen real soon.

Who was that person?

What's going on?

What other mysterious individuals are watching from the shadows?

Only time will tell in

Hazardous hero!

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