Enter the Black Rider

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3rd pov.

It's night time in Japan and the streets are quiet. We see a quirkless woman walking down an alley to get back home after shopping for groceries. Behind her a two large men with what seems to be blades coming off of their bodies. The woman notices the sudden sound of more footsteps behind her moving faster and faster. She begins to panic and starts moving at a faster pace.

She looks behind her to see to large men with creepy smiles on their faces. She runs as fast as she can to the end of the alley only to see a third man waiting at the exit with that same creepy smile on his face as he walks towards her. She stops and looks behind her to see the other two men walking up to her. She slowly walked back until she was up against a wall.

So much fear was coursing through her  as she slid down the wall. Her eyes were shut as tears were flowing down her face. Praying for a hero to come save her. "Please someone. Help." she whispered. The leader looking man heard her and laughed. "Oh. We'll help you."


The three men and the woman were startled after hearing the mysterious voice. The leader ordered one of the lackeys to cover the womans mouth while the other goes in the direction of the voice. "Who's there!?" The leader shouted. As they cautiously walked into the darkness of the alley.

"Go check over there." The leader pointed to the left side while he walked to the right. It was pitch black and quiet. Almost too quiet. The leader walked closer to where he thought the noise was only to see a can roll towards his feet. He began to worry that mabey a hero was there only to sigh in relief when a stray cat followed the can to play with it.

"Mabey I'm hearing things?" he said as he began to walk back. "Hey! Find anything!?" he shouted, but there was no response. "Hey! What are you doing!?" As the leader walks towards the direction of his lakey he sees him just standing there. He goes to reach for him only for him to fall back unconscious with black smoke coming off of him. The leader hears footsteps coming from in front of him. The steps keep getting closer and closer and closer until the just stop. The leader looks up and squints to see into the darkness until a red and blue light shines in front of him and a black hand grabs his mouth pulling him into the shadows.

Back with the woman the other lackey is getting a little restless. His partners are still gone and he's getting bored. "Well since they're taking so long why don't we get to know each other a little more. Suddenly a brick is thrown and hits him in the face causing him to stumble back. The woman takes this opportunity to run from the man and hide behind a dumpster. The man collects himself and looks in the direction the brick was thrown from.

"Hey! What the hell!?" he shouted. He didn't get a response so he decided to walk into the darkness. The woman looked over the corner of the dumpster and tried to make a run for the end of the alley only to trip and fall over some boxes dropping her bag. The man heard this and looked over to see the woman on the ground. "Where do you think you're going?" He walked towards her as she backed away.

He was about to grab her when he suddenly started to hear steps. Not bothering to look behind him he said "About time. Did you guy find anything?" When there was no response he looked behind him to see a tall dark figure walk towards him. "Hey! Who are you!?" The figure didn't respond only to continue walking. The man got into a fighting pose in response to the approaching figure.

The man then activated his quirk which turned his fingers into blades. Thinking the figure was a hero he charged at it slashing all over its body. With each cut sparks and a black liquid seeped from its body but, the figure didn't even budge. The man stepped back scared. "What the hell?" The figures helmet glows and a red and blue light appears on it. The figure then grabs the man's face and black smoke then begins to come off of its hand. The man struggles to get the hand off but, to no avail does it work.

The man then begins to move less with each passing second until he stops moving at all. The figure let's go of the man as he falls to the ground. The woman now terrified tries to get only to notice her ankle is sprained. The figure walks towards her facing her. The woman closes her eyes and feels a cold metal on her ankle. She opens her eyes and sees the figure holding it with the black smoke going into it.

She was about to scream when she noticed that the pain is lessening until she doesn't feel it anymore. The smoke retracts back into the figure as he stands up lending her his hand. She hesitantly takes it and stands up. The figure walks towards the bag she dropped and picks it up. He walks over to the woman and hands her the bag.

She looks down to see the the produce is all in it. She goes to thank the figure, but he's already dissapeared. The woman then pulls out her phone and calls the authorities. The police later arrive and arrest the men. "Are they dead?" She asked one of the officers. "No, but they are unconscious. Whoever helped you was very skilled. They have no cuts or bruises on them." the officer told her.

After giving her statement the woman is seen walking back home. She can't get the strange man out of her head. Who was he? Will she ever know? The woman kept thinking about it until she made it back to her apartment. She looked at the moon wondering about her mystery savior only to notice something or someone on the roof of a building look directly at her with the moonlight shining behind him making a clear outline.

With a smile forming on her face she whispered to him. "Thank you." As if he heard her he nodded and jumped from the roof to another alley and reappearing riding a motorcycle into the darkness. Disappearing just as mysteriously as he appeared. The woman then walks into her apartment knowing someone is watching over her.

A Black Rider.

We now cut to a teenage boy on the same bike pull it into a garage and closing it. He twists a cap like object the the bike and it flips and folds until it turns into a smartphone and lands in the boys hand with a bottle right next to it. He walks into his house and fall onto the couch. Falling asleep once he makes contact.

Who is this boy? What is this power he has? How did he acquire it? Is he a hero or was it just coincidence that he was at the same place as the woman?

Tune in next time in
Hazardous Hero.

I hope you all enjoyed the prologue to my new story. I always enjoyed My hero stories and I'm a huge kamen rider fan so I thought why not make a mix. The idea to make this kind of crossover may not be original but, it works so well. I hope you enjoy this story as much as my other story. Till next time.

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