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(Hey there I'm back, welcome back to read my second attempt at this whole...... thing, hopefully I can actually make some improvements in the writing and the story editing, now some things I have left similar are that the character is still a hitman and he dies in a similar situation but slightly different, anyway hope you like it and please enjoy)

He never saw it coming, all he remembers was his "father" calling an emergency meeting for the family, everybody present, he genuinely thought it was just another day and another meeting of no importance but sadly this was indeed an important day, he knew it as soon as he was stabbed in the chest

Everything became a blur, he fought back punching, kicking, even using the knife he was stabbed with, he took some of them down but it still wasn't enough for every cut he gave, he received 2 more, eventually his body couldn't continue and he fell bleeding on the floor

Josiah was never afraid of death, after all death is a hitmans best friend, but bleeding out on a carpet surrounded by his "family" members, some hurt and others dead in the floor with him, sent a sense of dread down his spine with only one question going through his mind


He just couldn't understand, he did everything for them, every kill, every shot, every stab, every injury, every broken bone, every punishment he received, he did it all for them, just so he could show his belief of his family, so he could be loved by them


His injuries were deep, he was losing a lot of blood, so many knifes, he knew this execution method "death by a thousand cuts", the Chinese sure had fun back in the day, he still had a knife embedded in his left shoulder.....everything hurt he wanted to cry but Josiah was just too tired to even think about it


Josiah tried with his last bit of strength to raised his head at least to try to go with a semblance of dignity but what he saw completely shattered him

His father's face without any hesitation or doubt watching him die, those bored, uncaring eyes were making his blood boil after everything he had done, he was deemed nothing more than trash and to be thrown out for reasons he didn't even know


Josiah finally reached his boiling point he left out a roar of pure unrelenting rage, grabbed the knife embedded in his left shoulder and with adrenaline pumping through his entire body he stood up and lunged himself at his "father"

They were in a strange embrace, it almost looked like a one armed hug if they'd ignored the knife that was being plunged deep in the man's back over and over again until both fell to the floor side by side

"Father" and son together bleeding on the floor, Josiah felt a small smile on his lips as he watched his "father's" shocked face looking at him in fear he really wanted to laugh, it was the greatest feeling he ever felt at the moment almost magical but all he did was give him some last words:

"Try to forget me now"

After his final words Josiah once again felt tired but he decide to embraced it he kept his eyes open so he could see his "fathers" terrified face a couple more seconds and with a bloody smile on his face the darkness overtook him

That is how the life of the assassin Josiah ended

Sadly for him, death is only the beginning

Josiah woke up falling from the sky he saw everything going slowly surrounded by red light and clouds, soon his confusion turned to pain as flames started to engulf his body

Every single part of his body was being burned apart, skin was turning scarred to ash before his eyes until there was none left but his flesh but the pain didn't stop there his bones and flesh were also changing he felt bones snapping, bleeding and reshaping themselves

when the pain finally came to an end Josiah was able to breathe , he keep falling for a few more minutes, he saw a giant pentagram carved into the sky, he saw a giant city were he heard random a cacophony of sounds: a mixture of people, gunfire and explosions and finally he saw the ground approaching at a fast rate


he hit the ground breaking the dirt in a crude version of his body shape, Josiah stayed in the hole for an entire minute trying to regain a sense of control over this entire situation and he decided to stand up only to see a forest of dead trees with a bunch of body shaped craters on the ground just like his

Josiah stood up and started walking towards the noises where he hoped to find some sort of civilization only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw a sign that read:

                           WELCOME TO HELL
                population: all the disappointments
(That means you)

to say Josiah was confused would be an understatement he just couldn't believe his eyes, hell was real? and he was standing in the entrance of it?, he was just blank the only thing he could do was keep walking trying to proses what was happening

He didn't know for how long he was walking around until he bumped into someone making them fall to the ground and breaking him from his........concentration

"Are you fucking blind?!" Josiah looked at the person he bumped into and his confusion reached critical heights because in front of him was a hammer head shark with arms and legs, insulting him, the shark man wore a 50's suit it was really disheveled, he also was very drunk and angry

"HEY ARE YOU ALSO DEAF DUMBFUCK?" The shark man yelled getting in Josiah's face, all of which was just giving him a headache and he was not in the mood for whatever was happening at the moment

"Excuse me" Josiah said pushing the shark man to the side and continued walking away he didn't get very far, the shark man suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder and punched Josiah in the face making him fall face first to the floor once again and started kicking him

Josiah mind was blank as he was getting hit flashes of his last moments with his family, the uncaring face of his father came back to him and he went from blank into pure red, he caught the leg before it kicked his head and


Twisted it breaking the bone making the shark man fall on his ass crying in pain "YOU SON OF A BITCH IM GOING TO KI..." only to be kicked in the face by a very angry Josiah

"Shut up"

Josiah said while approaching the downed shark man who was sniveling in the floor bleeding from his nose holding his broken leg when he looked up and saw a the very angry shadowed figure of Josiah, the shark man opened his whimpering mouth "p-p-please you d-do.." only to be punched making them lay on the ground

But Josiah didn't stop there he continued to punch the shark man in the floor, he paunched until his hand hurt, he paunched even when felt blood starting to hit his face, he continued punching until his "fathers" face was nothing but a bloody forgotten memory

Josiah finally stopped all he could hear was his ragged breath and feel his tears running down his cheeks he stayed silent for a minute before deciding that crying wasn't going to help him

He went to wipe his face when he noticed something on his hands: "fur?" Yes his hands had turned into fur covered claws "what?" he stood up confused of what he was seeing and realized he needed to find a mirror

searched for an any kind of mirror when his eyes landed on a display of TV's walked in front of it and he finally saw himself "what the fuck" Josiah no longer looked like a human man now he looked more like a........bat

To his dismay he realized he was still wearing the suit he died in it even had the holes were he was stabbed, his skin now had short amber fur, he also had what looked like thin leathery skin connected from his wrist to his hips but the biggest part of all was the change of his face, his mouth became a short snout with a dark pink nose while his mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth including two long fangs that were an inch longer, his ears were long fluffy triangle that reached the top of his head, his eyes were more rounded and big while the color changed from dark blue to a very bright red and with a shade of light yellow outside the pupil

He looked at his blood covered claws once more when he finally realized "Im dead" this was no nightmare this was his punishment, he started walking without a destination looking around seeing people that looked like snakes, birds, fish and other types of animals at least he isn't the only one that looks ridiculous

He also saw a bunch of fucked up shit while walking around like two people setting a house on fire, a dude that looked human without eyes eat another person in the middle of the street and a man who was full on jerking off while terribly hiding behind a bush.....Josiah had honestly seen worse

He finally came to a stop when he saw a bar across the street and he realized this was his "life" now, he looked like a weird bat, all he had was a destroyed suit and with no one to help him

He took a deep sigh and started walking towards the bar

What happens now?


We see the man himself, Matrixdexter, in his room and let's be honest it looks like a tornado flew through it clothes all over the place and a trash can that is on fire while Matrix dressed in his comfy piyamas looks like a homeless crackhead man with undiagnosed mental disorders but in this special occasion he looks rather happy "and publish, well there it goes my second attempt, let's hope this time it's good"

He said to himself like a crazy person he stood up from the floor where he sleeps and after some stretching he decided to look back at his phone "maybe I should start the second chapter" he was about to press to add another chapter when he heard

"OR you could make a new story" a person said right next to matrix making him jump "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" he said grabbing the knife he always carries in his underwear

"I'm a new story idea you just had" the strange person said without a hint of sarcasm or fear before matrix could respond anther person appeared "how about a shipping story?" They said with a bright smile

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Matrix yelled taking out his SPAS-12 he always had "I'm a new shipping story idea" matrix just looked more perplexed at the situation "which characters?"

"Toph and zuko" the person said with a knowing and teasing tone "oh yeah, I always thought they would be good together" Matrix in a thoughtful expression "of course you do, you're always thinking  and that's why we will always be here with you" said another person that popped out of nowhere

More and more started to appear making matrix room even smaller when he looked down at his phone and pressed add new chapter........ once again it was just him and his phone in his room for now

(Well hey there it's been a while since you've seen me, not going to lie I have been very excited and scared to publish this and I have to ask:

Did you like it?

Did you hate it?

I have been trying a new "writing method" that I saw on other stories, I don't know if I did it good I think I got the POV stuff wrong but I think it looks nice

also did you saw the omake stuff I don't know it was a spur of the moment thing I thought it would be funny to give you guys some insight into how my brain works, if you like it maybe I could do more but about the story

Well I'm happy that you were able to read it till this point and thank you for giving me your time see you again in another chapter, GOODBYE)

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