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Hey, everyone! I was planning on updating soon, but it's going to have to be postponed. Last night I was at the hospital from 6pm to about 12:30am because my stepmom wasn't feeling well. My dad, sister, and myself had to stay out in the parking lot and the nurses were supposed to contact us when she got back from testing. They didn't tell us anything until my dad went in and they told him she has covid.

We did as at two different times since we got there to make sure everything was okay and they said "we're busy at the moment, but I'll have her nurse call you after the tests are done."

Hours later they didn't say anything even after we checked in.

But yeah she has covid and we have to self quarantine for 14 days. The hospital told my dad that he can contact the health department and we can get at home tests so yeah my sis and I might have covid too. My dad was tested on Thursday and it was negative. He is going to test again when we get the tests in the mail.

I'll try to write, but my mind has been all over the place since i found out. I was sick on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, but Wednesday through today I've felt 100% find. Sure I've been tired, but that's it. I always feel tired.

I'll try to write more and update soon, but no promises.

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