Ch. 15: Working Too Hard

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Somewhere in heaven, Sera was looking over some paperwork while in her private office. On the desk, an old picture of herself and Emily together before her fall.


"UH!" Sera grunts, jolting from the sound as she looked for the source. "What was that?"

Looking at her desk, Sera silently gasped as she saw the glass of the picture frame of her and Emily had giant crack right down the middle. Separating them.

She quickly put the picture down so she didn't see it.

But that didn't mean it didn't hurt her inside to see the physical divide between her and her sister.

'Emily....' Sera thought, clenching her hand against her desk.

She then put the picture in her desk drawer and closed it when someone entered the office... it was Adam... fucking tremendous.

"Hello, Adam." Sera said in a professional manner.

"Hey, boss! Sorry to pop in like this, just wanted to chat in the last extermination." Adam said, too casual with a drink in hand.

"Okay, and what of it?" Sera said, pushing her paperwork aside to focus on him.

"I just wanted to say that I think it was one of our best ones yet! The numbers really stack up to an impressive extent compared to previous ones!" Adam said, pausing to take a sip of his drink. "So, I was thinking since it was such a success, we make the six months between exterminations permanent!"

"What?!" Sera asked in shock, her jaw dropping.

"I know, right? 2 exterminations a year?! That will control hell's population even better!" Adam said, smiling widely.

"Remind me how many exorcist died when you attacked the hotel?" Sera asked, glaring at him. "This whole thing has brought us closer to war. Lucifer is involved now."

"Oh, come on, it wasn't that bad." Adam said, shrugging. "Think about it like this... we can get rid of that annoyance we sent down there. Permanently."

Sera glared at him harder for that comment.

"Leave my office. NOW." Sera said.

"What? Wh- OH! You thought I meant- Nonono! I was talking about Lucifer." Adam said but he was clearly lying.

He still had a BURNING passion to kill Emily for speaking against him when Charlie came to present her case.

"LEAVE. NOW." Sera repeated; slowly, calm and threatening.

Adam put his hands up.

"Okay, don't get your panties in a twist." He said before leaving.

Once the door was closed, Sera put her head in her hands. If she could, she would love to shove an angelic spear up Adam's ass. Not only did he want to kill Emily, but when she was sentenced to falling, he wanted it to happen the day of the extermination. Sera had to fight him tooth and nail on that.

She was lucky enough to get Emily's falling pushed to AFTER the extermination was done, and close to the Hazbin Hotel too, so she'll at least be with someone she knows.

'Emily, wherever you are, I hope you're safe.' Sera thought.

At the Hazbin Hotel, Emily was doing paperwork. Once again, she was in Charlie's office but she didn't mind. She was technically a new employee after all, so she couldn't expect to get her own office for paperwork and least not yet.

Still it was a good place to get work done, quiet, peaceful... dark... nice... yep she fell asleep while working.

"Well... that doesn't look like a good place to rest."

Alastor picked up Emily and brought her to her room. He placed her in bed and put the covers over her.

'Such a hardworking girl. Almost reminds me of Charlie.' Alastor thought with a small grin on his face. 'So innocent but slowly becoming to abrasive.'

He patted her head gently and left the room so she could sleep. Though he gazed at the hand he used to pat Emily's head.

'I fear that I have become attached to those here... but yet I don't hate the idea.' Alastor thought, walking down the hall.

The Radio Demon was still going to make his plans for the hotel a reality but, could he really want to hold them off or change them because he was growing attached to the "friends" he was making here?

One things for sure though... anyone harms someone in the hotel... they will feel his wrath... and the Radio Demon isn't one to lie.

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