Ch. 2: New Resident

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"Charlie?" Emily asked, looking at the quick and cherished friend she met in Heaven.

Charlie held up a finger for her to hold on as she finished the entire bottle of Bacardi Superior Rum, breathing heavily as the burning liquid was in her throat.

"Damn...." Husk said as Charlie put the empty bottle in front of him.

"Tab." Charlie said before walking up to Emily and Lucifer. "What happened?"

"She's... a fallen angel." Lucifer said, closing his eyes, "She saw the truth, and because of that, they have deemed her as no longer worthy of heaven."

Emily couldn't look up, she was too busy trying, and failing, to hold back her tears.

Hearing this, Charlie rushed to Emily and embraced her in a hug, letting the her cry into her shoulder.

"It'll be okay, Emily. You can stay here as long as you want." Charlie said.

Emily just kept crying, she couldn't form words anymore, everything was horrible and it finally broke her. Lucifer just closed his eyes and turned away as he wiped a tear from his eye.

'Holier than thou, my ass.' He thought, 'They gave you a solution and you respond by rejecting my daughter and kicking an angel out of heaven.'

"C-Charlie." Emily stuttered out. "D-Do you think I-I could-"

"You don't need to be redeemed. You're already a good person." Charlie said, cutting her off. "Heaven couldn't see that, and they lost it. You are the most perfect, adorable, and sweetest person I've met."

Emily was now crying because Charlie was so nice to her. It was unlike Heaven where everyone sees her as a kid and dismisses her ideas. Charlie helped her up.

"Come on, I'll show you to a room." Charlie said, taking a step, and then stumbling, "Ooookay... alcohol is... kicking in!"

"I gotcha." Husk said, walking around the bar and holding Charlie's arm over his shoulders. "I gotta admit kid, you can handle your liquor pretty well."

"Thanks..." Charlie said, her voice becoming slurred and her cheeks becoming brighter.

"Okay, maybe Vaggie should show her to a room." Husk said, gesturing to Emily.

As if she was being called, Vaggie returned.

"Okay, there's a massive issue with the wall on the-" The former exorcist's stopped talking as her eye went wide, seeing Emily in the hotel and Charlie drunk. "What the hell happened in the 5 minutes I was gone!?"

"A lot." Husk said.

"Hey, baby! We've got a new guest!" Charlie said, gesturing to Emily.

"H-Hello again, Vagetha." Emily said with a stutter.

Vaggie just let out a long sigh.

"Husk, go put Charlie in her room." Vaggie said, "I want to speak with Emily."

Husk helped Charlie upstairs, it wasn't hard the bottle she drank weighed more than her, while Vaggie went over to Lucifer and Emily.

"Hey, look at us...fallen angel party." Emily said, before looking down and letting out a sad chuckle.

Normally, Vaggie would've smacked someone (Usually angel) for saying something like that, but right now, it was clear that Emily has had a... bad day.

"Heh, yeah. I guess we are." Vaggie said with a "chuckle."

"If you ask me, we're the true angel because we have morals. At least better morals than those who are "wiser" than us." Lucifer said, looking at Emily. "I don't know if you know or remember, but i was banished just for wanting my own ideas made and accidentally introducing sin to humanity."

"Honestly, I don't blame you if Adam is anything to go off of." Emily said, rubbing her neck. "He was...never the most holy of angels."

"Ain't that the fucking truth." Vaggie mumbled, remembering how Lute and Adam were when she 'fell', which made her realize something, "Hold on, why am I the only one that had their wings ripped off?"

"They were ripped off?" Emily asked in surprise.

"Yeah, at the same time Lute cut my eye out." Vaggie said.

"That's not how it's supposed to happen. Fallen means you're just unable to go back to Heaven." Lucifer said, "What they did was go too far... but we can talk more about that later."

"Right, come on, Emily, I'll show you to a room, you look like you could use a bit of rest." Vaggie said, helping Emily up.

"Wait." Emily said, taking the coat off and holding it out for Lucifer, "Here's your coat."

Lucifer just gently pushed it back towards her.

"You need this more than I do." He said, smiling softly at Emily. "Besides, I have hundreds of them."

Emily smiled from his kindness, keeping her coat and putting it on to keep warm.

"Thank you, Mr. Lucifer." Emily said.

As they walked away, Lucifer felt rage build in him. He was trying to hide it for Emily's sake, but he was NOT happy.

"That girl was too good for Heaven... they'll regret that." He said quietly, "She's a Fallen Angel now... one of my kind."

That's when he had an idea. He left the hotel, he would be back in a few days, there was a LOT to do, and it would take some time... but he was going to make her feel welcome... if it's the last thing he does.

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