Ch. 28: FURY

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Lucifer was NOT happy right now. He had not been this UNHAPPY in a long, long time! He was furious, almost ready to start a war in his own ring just to save his daughter!

"I'll be back." He said as he walked towards the hotel doors

"Dad, wait... I'm going with you." Charlie said, wiping away her remaining tears.

"No, Charlie. You're-"

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! MY SISTER WAS TAKEN AND I COULDN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP IT!" Charlie screamed as she began her full demon form and glared at her father, tears welling in her eyes again. "No matter how I am or what you say, I AM going with you to save her. Heaven and Hell be DAMNED!"

Lucifer grabbed Charlie by the shoulders and looked at her.

"Then go get in the limo." Lucifer said, "I have to make a call, and we have to pick something up."

Charlie smiled at this, her sharp teeth showing as she walked out of the hotel.

"Lucifer." Vaggie said, walking up to him. "Please, keep her safe."

"Without question. I'll bring them BOTH home safe and sound." Lucifer said before fixing his suit. "While we're gone, I need this place to be secured by the time we get back. Can I trust you to do that?"

Vaggie saluted to him without hesitation.

"Yes, Sir." She said.

Lucifer smiled at this, loyalty unlike any other.

"I can't wait to see you and Charlie take over hell." He said, making Vaggie blush, "Oh don't deny it, you two are going to be married one day, I can see the look in your eye. Just know, I completely support it, and if you need any help with getting a ring, just come and speak to me."

"U-u-Um, YES SIR!" Vaggie said with a high pitch and a salute.

Lucifer chuckled once more before turning to the limo, pulling out his phone and calling his "backup."

At the Porn Studios, Emily woke up again.

"Ugh, goddamn that gas. Gives me a fucking headache." Emily muttered to herself, leaning up. "W... Where am I?"

"Oh, don't worry, sweet cheeks. You're in good hands." A voice said.

'Wait, I recognize that voice.' Emily thought before a light filled the room.

Emily closed her eyes as she was temporarily blinded by the light, when her eyes adjusted, she saw Velvette.

"You." Emily said as she growled.

"Hey, bitch, nice to see you remember me." Velvette said, now sporting a gold fang.

"Hard to forget someone who looks so good but has a TERRIBLE personality." Emily said, glaring at Velvette.

"You wanna know what's terrible? Your fashion sense! What are you?! A fucking valet?!" Velvette shouted, gesturing to Emily's clothes.

"Like you have room to talk." Emily said, looking at Velvette's clothes. "You know there's more than three fucking colors in the world, right?"

"You look in a fucking mirror lately?!" Velvette screamed at Emily. "All I see on you is white, black, and gray like in those old films the radio demon watches!"

"Because unlike you, I used to wear other colors, but after being betrayed, I gave them up!" Emily said, "Why am I even entertaining this? I'm the princess of hell, and I demand you release me!"

"Cute... you know in another lifetime we could've been friends." Velvette said, "But, we kind of need you here, so that won't happen."

"We? Let me guess. That walking flatscreen and overcompensating pimp?" Emily asked, arching a brow.

"Feisty... I like that." Velvette said, smirking a bit.

'If she wasn't so loyal to the princess and king, I'd take her for myself right her and now.' Velvette thought, moving closer to Emily and cupping her chin.

"It's times like this where I always wish someone took my offer to join me, so much potential but you wasted it." She said before Emily pulled away. "But business before pleasure, I'm afraid."

"Agreed, Vel." Vox said as he and Valentino entered the room.

"Pleasure to meet you... princess." Valentino said, his cigarette in his fingers.

"I can't say the same." Emily said as she got a good look at Valentino. "So, you're the final member of the Vees. Valentino, correct?"

"Very correct. So glad that the new princess knows of me." Valentino said with a grin.

"Well, it's hard not to hear about a man whore like you." Emily said, smirking. "If you think you'll get anything from me, then you're dead wrong."

Leaning down, Valentino gently rubbed the back of his hand on her cheek... before raising it and backhanding her!

"What a bitch, just like your sister." Val said, losing his grin. "But... unlike her, I can break you... even more."

Emily glared at him, some blood flowing from her lips.

"Try it bitch, it'll just be more painful for you." Emily said, before Valentino grabbed her by the neck.

"Oh, I don't think it will." Val said.

Opening his mouth, bit down on Emily's shoulder, making her scream in pain.

"AHHHH!" Emily said, as her shoulder started bleeding.

Valentino smirked as he pulled back, licking the golden blood from his lips and reached for Emily's vest.

"I'm going to enjoy this." He said.

"Val, this isn't what we talked about." Velvette said, frowning at the moth demon.

"Quiet. I'm going to make this bitch suffer." Valentino said, before there was a call over the speaker.

"We have some unwelcome guests!" An intern said, "We-AHHH!"

It went quiet, before another voice spoke up.

"You have 30 seconds to bring my daughter to me before I tear this building down." Lucifer said, before breaking the speaker system.

Valentino growled, pulling his hands.

"Go send the workers after him!" He said, moving away from Emily.

"Are you insane!? That's Lucifer, you told us that he wouldn't be a problem, that no one would figure out you took her!" Velvette said, her eyes wide. "We can't beat him!"

"Don't back talk me!" Valentino said, standing up and walking over to the doll demon, "If I hear ONE more word out of you, you will be sharing the fate of the angel."

Vox got between them.

"Enough! Fighting each other won't solve a damn thing!" He shouted, holding them both back.

"Hehehehehe. Yeah, maybe begging dad for mercy will help." Emily said, spitting some gold blood to the floor.

"Don't make me slap you again, girl!" Valentino shouted at Emily.

"I'll send the workers to deal with them, Velvette, you go get the... special equipment." Vox said, ordering his allies. "Val, watch and DON'T damage the goods."

"I'll TRY!" Valentino said, glaring and growling at Emily.

The fallen Angel just kept glaring in defiance, her spirit still not broken.

On the ground floor, Charlie pulled her custom pitchfork from a dead body... if the most kind hearted demon in all of Hell kills you... you did something to deserve it.

"Excellent form, honey." Lucifer said to her.

"Thanks. I've been practicing with Vaggie." Charlie said, flicking the blood off her pitchfork. "Didn't think I would need it but you never know."

The doors of V Tower opened, and more workers came out. Lucifer didn't look pleased.

"I am going to say this once and only once. Tell me where my daughter is and leave with your lives or stay and DIE." Lucifer said, her eyes glowing red.

The workers didn't seem to care. Either from their deals with the Vees or because they were too afraid to consider it, they stood ready to fight.

"Fine then." Lucifer said.

Charlie sighed sadly as she glared at them, her eyes turning red and horns popping out.

"You've chosen to die again." Charlie said before she took a step back.

This confused the worker until Lucifer snapped his fingers, multiple fireballs forming and firing at them!

"AAAAAAH!" Many scream from being set ablaze or sent flying back.

Charlie then charged and thrust her weapon into the sinners. There may be a rainbow inside of every demon, but never forget that they are still demons, and demons are capable of horrific things.

And as Lucifer always said, don't take SHIT (like kidnapping your other daughter/sister) from demons.

The two SLAUGHTERED the pathetic sinners.

Face were caved in!

Bones were shattered!

Guts were spilled!


The Morningstar father and oldest daughter were killing every enemy in sight! Only a cowardly few were spared as they managed to muster some "courage" and ran for their lives!

The royal family of Hell was truly not to be messed with.

Watching through the security cameras, Vox was nearly shitting himself from how they were moving down their workers! Especially the princess, she was supposed to be a pacifist!

'Oh shit, they're even worse than we thought.' He thought.

Charlie looked at one of the cameras and stabbed it, making the scream turn to static as Vox got more nervous.

'Goddamn it!' He thought before taking deep breathes to stop a breakdown. 'It's okay, it's okay. We've got plenty of workers left and some Fizzarolli robots, good thing I equipped them with weapons.'

The door to his viewing room opened as Velvette came in with the "special tools".

"These should help keep them back." Velvette said, opening the case.

"Good, we'll need them." Vox said, before pressing an intercom button, "Send in the bots."

"Yes, sir!" A worker said before pulling out a special remote.

Vox's personal remote to switch all Fizzarolli robots from "servant" mode to "attack" mode. One push and all of the robots in the building gained blue eyes with new orders.


In the hall, Charlie and Lucifer were marching towards the door, when the robots came out.

"Hey, those look like Uncle Fizz." Charlie said, looking at them. "I thought those were taken off the market when Glitz and Glam took his place!"

"If there's one thing I know about your Uncle Mammon, he'll do anything when offerened enough cash." Lucifer said, grunting in annoyance.

All of the robots glared at the duo before their hands transformed. Becoming various blades, claws, or guns; all aimed to kill the two of them.

"Well, that's new." Lucifer said, quirking a brow.

"DESTROY!" All of them said in female robotic voices, rushing at the duo.

'I'm going to the Greed Ring when this is over.' Lucifer thought, planning on ripping Mammon a new one.

Charlie took the lead, raising her pitchfork and slamming it down onto one of the robots. She was hellbent on getting Emily.

"I don't care if I have to fight through God himself, I'm getting Emily!" Charlie shouted.

Lucifer felt a bit sad, as Charlie obviously didn't know that her grandfather was dead. He would have to tell her and Emily later but he had to focus on saving the latter right now.

Lucifer dodged a sword before grabbing the robot, swinging it around and knocking several more away.

"OUT OF OUR WAY!" He shouted before using the robot as a shield to block bullets.

Lucifer opened his wings and flew at the shooting one. He grabbed it and slammed it into the wall, making it nothing but a pile of broken parts.

"RAAAAAAH!" Another robot screamed, jumping at Lucifer.

But the king just grabbed a broken piece and threw it, cutting through the robot's throat to behead it.

"Huh, you almost did that to Uncle Fizz when Asmodeus first introduced him." Charlie said, kicking a robot.

"I know but can you blame me? I thought it was one of these robots, they're very creepy to me." Lucifer said before punching another one without looking.

"Yeah." Charlie said before she stabbed two coming towards her, "I hope Uncle Fizz doesn't find out about this, he might freak out."

The two proceeded to demolish all the robots before making their way to the door.

"Is that all of them?" Lucifer asked, kicking a robot head away and making sure no oil got in his suit.

"I pray to you it is." Charlie said, looking at her oil stained trident. "This oil is ruining the blades."

"We can always buy another one." Lucifer said.

"I know but like this one. It was from my 79th birthday." Charlie said with a smile as they opened the door.

"I know princess." Lucifer said, smiling from the memory.

"Princess. King Lucifer. Welcome." A voice said, making the two of them turn to the source.

Charlie and Lucifer glared as both let their horns grow out.

"Valentino." Charlie said, "Where is Emily!?"

"Don't worry, she's in good hands." Valentino said, enjoying a cigarette. "But you aren't."

Before Charlie could move towards him, a sharp blade went through her back and came out of her stomach. Charlie felt her breath stop momentarily. She looked down... it was an angelic steel spear.

"Hehehe, so this is the all powerful princess." Vox said, holding the shaft behind Charlie.

"CHARLIE!" Lucifer yelled, ready to destroy this entire building.

"Oh, before you even think of trying anything." Val said, "Velvette, bring in the brat."

Velvette came in, holding Emily, who was still tied up and gagged. Valentino grabbed a knife and held it to Emily's neck.

"Try anything, and you'll lose your other daughter." Val said, smirking.

Lucifer was at a loss, Charlie was injured and on the brink of death while Emily was being held at knife point! He's strong enough to obliterate the V's down to their atoms but he couldn't do that fast enough to prevent them from killing one of his girls.

"Vox, get over here." Valentino said.

Vox ripped the spear out of Charlie, sending her to the ground with a thud. Emily watched in horror as Charlie laid there... lifeless in a pool of her blood. Her dad unable to do anything as long as she's in danger. Emily closed her eyes and felt tears form.

"Oh, someone's being quiet." Val said, chuckling as he finally BROKE her. "Ungag her, I want her to scream when I kill both the king and princess."

Vox took the gag off and Val pressed the knife against her neck.

"You know... I find the strong silent type... alluring." Val said, caressing the knife against her cheek. "Maybe when I'm done DESTROYING your family... we can have some fun."

That word... family... that rang through Emily's head. Her friends... her family... they welcomed her with open arms... now they were in trouble. Emily felt something inside of her just...
















"Come on... say something." Val said, his grin growing.

"Fine..." Emily said, her voice sounding more...DEMONIC... then before. "You hurt my family, hurt my friends... I..."

Emily opened her eyes... all three of them as they changed to black and white. Valentino stared into Emily's new eyes as great fear was up his spine.


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