Ch. 34: Wait, WHAT?!

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The first thing Lucifer saw when he was there, was everything was bright, covered in white and gold. The second thing he noticed, was they were in God's home. The inner sanctum, a place only God and his arch angels were allowed in.

"The others are in Father's room." Jophiel said, turning to him. "Do you remember the way?"

"Like the back of my hand." Lucifer said, wiping a tear away, "I had dreams of being here again... I just wish it was under better circumstances."

"Yes, so do I." Jophiel said, clenching Lucifer's hand before letting go. "Come on, let's go see everyone."

The walked, the only sound filling the entire hall was the sound of Lucifer's cane touching the floor when he walked. It wasn't long before the second oldest, and Lucifer's twin, found them.

"Michael." Lucifer said.

"Samael." Michael said, looking exactly like Lucifer but with blue eyes and white robes. "Or do you prefer Lucifer?"

"...Either is fine." Lucifer said, crossing his arms behind his back along with his have you been, Michael?"

"Busy." He said.

"I can tell." Lucifer said, seeing how his once divine twin looked more like a shell of his former self.

It seems that out of all their siblings, Michael took it upon himself to do the most for heaven after father's unspoken death and the burden was showing.

"You should rest. You look like shit." Lucifer said bluntly.

"There is no rest for the wary, so I shall not rest either. Besides, should you not look worse being the ruler of humanity's filth?" Michael asked him.

"They all know that if they get on my bad side than nothing all seven rings can save them." Lucifer said, before resting his cane's tip against his older twin's chest, "They don't even bother trying anything, and those that do are swiftly dealt with."

"Boys, can you put your siblings rivalry away for one day?' Jophiel asked.

"This is a conversation." Michael and Lucifer said, surprising each other.

All of their siblings shook their heads but some of them laughed, finding this "conversation" refreshing.

"This brings back memories, doesn't it?" Urial asked, standing next to Gabriel.

"Yes. Yes it does." Gabriel said, nodding.

"... Where's his body?" Lucifer asked.

"Right through there... we haven't moved him, we figured you'd want a moment or two." Michael said, pointing to the doors to god's room.

Lucifer stared at the doors, flashing back to fond memories of seeing his father, before slowly walking towards the door past his brother.

"...Thank you, Michael." Lucifer said softly.

"Brother's to the end." Michael said.

Lucifer smiled a bit from that as he continued to walk to the doors of god's room, slowly raising his hands to the wood before gently and slowly pushing them open.

Inside, the usually clean room had books and papers scattered around. There was a lone bed by the far wall next to a stain glass window. It was for when God went into his hibernations, something he does when he needs time to think of how to decide whether or not to bless humanity or cull them. He was there, and the dried gold blood showed up very clearly on his white suit. Lucifer grabbed his hat and took it off, before getting on his knees next to the bed.

"Hello Father... I... I know it's been a long time since we last saw each other... and I know we've had our differences... but... I truly hope you know that you were my father, and I did care about you, even after everything." Lucifer said, nervous and with various pauses. "It's... a shame that Charlie never got to meet you... I think you'd like her... she is nearly exactly like you. She always dreamed of meeting you. When I told her about how your voice was capable of bringing life to the world just by speaking, she wanted to see what you were truly capable of... and of course, you probably already know of Emily... who am I kidding, you made her of course you do. She's... doing quite fine in hell, really settled into nicely. She acts differently than she used to... but... you can tell that the old her is still there. The perfect blend of demon and angel... it's almost like you made her specifically so Charlie could have a sister. Knowing you, you probably did..."

Lucifer shook his head with a small smile.

"Cryptic old bastard... still keeping things to yourself." Lucifer said, standing up, "Rest in peace Father... just like the seventh day... you deserve to rest."

A tear formed in his eye before he wiped it away, taking a deep breath and releasing it before walking away.

'Thank you, my son.' A voice whispered, making Lucifer pause in his steps. 'Goodbye and take care.'

Lucifer shook his head, knowing his father, he could've had that said thousands of years ago and waited until now to have it be said.

"Damnit, dad.....why did you wait this long to say that?" Lucifer asked, whimpering and crying some more.

After more tears, he left the room and rejoined his siblings.

"So... are we ready to move him to the temple?" Lucifer asked.

"Yes, we will. And then, we will read his last will, testament, and commandment." Urial said.

"Then I guess we should get started." Lucifer said, before shaking his head. "Still doesn't seem real."

"I know, brother. We all wish this was just a bad dream but, it's not." Jophiel said, shaking her head.

"The time for tears has passed, even though we all wish to shed more. It is time for father to be laid to rest in his final destination." Michael said.

"Then let's get to work. I assume Azrael is already at the temple?" Lucifer asked.

"Waiting and preparing the final details." Raphael said.

"Then let us be off." Michael said to his brothers and sister.

They gathered to their father's body and began to move it to the temple. Thankfully, no angels apart from them were allowed there, but that left the issue of how to tell all of Heaven. The fact that all seven Archangels are together wouldn't be secret for long, the entirety of heaven could feel their presence. Soon it would be plastered all over the news.

But hopefully the reason wouldn't be revealed, at least not until they knew who their father chose as his successor.

-Some time later-

The walk was long, even though it was a short distance, it felt like it went on forever. This was a day God prepared for, but one the angels never thought possible. After what seemed like an eternity, they were at the doors of the temple.

"Brother." Azrael said, gazing as Lucifer.

"Hey, Az. Long time." Lucifer said with a said smile. "Let's get on with this."

Azrael nodded and opened the doors. Lucifer looked at his other siblings.

"Still only says one word at a time, doesn't he?" Lucifer asked.

The others nodded.

'Something's never change.' Lucifer thought as they all walked through the doors.

It was the first time they have ever been inside, the place was pristine white, with small bits of gold accents. As the group walked, it was like they were walking on water with the floor rippling under their feet.

"This is the strangest thing I've ever seen." Uriel said.

"Come to hell." Lucifer said, "Trust me, not much will phase you after that."

"We can talk more later, we have work to do." Raphael said.

The angels walked over to specific openings on the walls with their names on them. They put their hands on the openings and they started glowing. IN the center of the temple, the floor opened up and a large marble slab rose. The siblings put God's body on the slab and it descended into the floor and closed, like it never happened to begin with.

All of them waited in silence for anything else to happen, none of them taking their eyes off of the slab that sealed their father and sent him off to whatever afterlife existed for a God.

After five minutes.

"... Well that was anticlimactic." Lucifer said.

Right as he said that, a box near the altar opened and shined gold.

"I... guess this is Father's Will." Gabriel said as they moved towards it, "... This will tell us who his successor is... are we ready?"

The others nodded and Gabriel looked over the paper. As he read it... he got more confused.

"When was this written?" He asked, "This doesn't make any sense."

Lucifer shook his head.

"This is why I have Stolas finalize all my paperwork." Lucifer said, taking the paper, "Okay, I'll read it. Alright now... what the fuck?"

This resulted in a chain of each archangel taking the paper and reading it.

"I agree with Gabe, when was this thing written?" Lucifer asked.

"The official date of finalization is..." Uriel looked at the stamp with the date, "One week before we found father's body."

Everyone went quiet, before looking at each other. The will stated-

'The fate of the Kingdom shall fall upon my seven children, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Azrael, Jophiel... and Lucifer.'

"He... he wants us to share the responsibility?" Lucifer asked in shock, "He... he wanted me to be involved."

"Then... I guess we... have a lot of work to do." Michael said, "This will take weeks, maybe even months, of meetings and discussions."

"And here I thought I was going to retire soon." Lucifer joked, before his phone rang, "Speaking of-"

He answered it, knowing it was Belphagor just off the ring tone.

"Hello?" Lucifer asked, before he felt his smile fell, "Charlie is what?"

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