Ch. 42: Welcome to Hell Part 2

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Now, Lucifer was busy working with Michael when he got a call. Charlie has gone into labor TWO months early!

"OH SWEET MOTHER OF HELL!" Lucifer shouted in a panic.

"What?! What's going on?!" Michael asked in surprise.

"THE BABY IS EARLY! CHARLIE IS GOING INTO LABOR RIGHT NOW!" Lucifer shouted, pointing down to hell.

"What?!" Michael asked in shock.

"YES! I'll be back, Mike, but I have to get going NOW!" Lucifer said, rushing towards the edge of Heaven.

"Wait! I can just make you a portal!" Michael said.

"No time!" Lucifer shouted before jumping off the edge and diving down.

Lucifer opened his wings and flew towards down to Hell, aiming to punch/portal through every ring to get to the Sloth Ring!

'Hang on, baby of my baby girl! Granddaddy is coming!' Lucifer thought, flying as fast as he could!

-Several seconds and several sound barriers broken later-

Lucifer pretty much broke the doors down to the hospital, and even though he was no longer the King, he was still someone that people feared.

"Where is Charlie Morningstar?!" He shouted at the front desk woman, making her jolt in fear!

"D-D-D-Delivery room 5! Just down the hall and 3rd door on your right!" The woman said, pointing down the hall.

He rushed there as everyone wisely and quickly got out of his way.

Even with his seven year hiatus and sudden return, Lucifer was still a bad motherfucker.

"There it is!" He shouted as he slid to a halt before delivery room 5 and burst into the room.

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" Charlie screamed as the hospital shook like it was in an earthquake!

Apparently, delivery room 5 was also soundproof.

"Charlie, it's okay!" Lucifer said, moving over to her.

"DON'T TELL ME IT'S GOING TO BE FUCKING ALRIGHT!" Charlie screamed in anger and pain as she was in full demon mode, even having her arms strapped to the hospital bed to prevent her from killing someone.

"She's been like this for hours, sir! We're trying to administer the morphine but she's refusing!" The nurse in the room shouted in fear.

Lucifer was going to ask where Vaggie was but upon seeing the hole in the wall, he has a very good idea that Charlie had "sent" her out of the room.

"Charlie, sweetie, I get you're in pain but you have to calm down so the doctors can do their job." Lucifer said as he held his hands up, covering them in magic. "Now, I'm gonna just give you a little something to help."


Lucifer froze from that threat... yep, this isn't normal for Charlie.

Charlie would never threatened him with violence, even after he didn't support her at first.

'Was Lilith like this when she was giving birth to Charlie?' He thought, it HAD been 200 years after all.

"Charlie, every-ah-thing's gonna be-uh, okay." Vaggie said, grunting in pain as she pulled herself back into the room.


"I know I did but I didn't know at the time we could have a kid." Vaggie said with her hands up, being calm.

"THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY! AND YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO GETTING ANYM-" Charlie's shoulder was grabbed by Lucifer as golden covered her body.

Suddenly, she began feeling a lot calmer as she slowly smile while retracting her demon horns.

"Better than any drug they have here." Lucifer said, "She should be calmed down the rest of the delivery."

Vaggie waved a hand in front of Charlie's unblinking eyes.

"Uh... is that normal?" She asked.

"Oh that? She's fine. Thinking of it like being in slow motion from certain drugs, except this has no bad side effects." Lucifer said.

That calmed Vaggie down a bit.

"And this won't affect her too much during childbirth?" Vaggie asked.

"Not at all. The pain will be like a pinch on the wrist." Lucifer said.

"Good... Holy shit, she's been so stressed lately, nothing I did could help her." Vaggie said.

"Yeah, Lilith was the same way, only I didn't use this spell on her." Lucifer said as he winced from phantom pain. "Instead, I used a spell that gave me 50% of the pain she was experiencing. And I will NEVER use that spell again."

'A spell that divides pain? Damn, hell is still full of surprises.' Vaggie thought as she moved to Charlie's other side, holding her hand.

"Heeeeeeeey, baby." Charlie said with a loopy smile.

"Hi, Charlie, how're you feeling?" Vaggie asked.

"Sooooo good. Like really good." Charlie said.

"I'm glad." Vaggie said with a small smile.

"Okay, since she's calm now, I think we should continue the delivery." The doctor said, moving back to Charlie. "Alright, Mrs. Morningstar, I'm going to check to see if you're contracting."

"Okay." Charlie said, completely oblivious to everything.

'Wow, this magic is even stronger than our strongest kind of morphine. I have to ask the king if he can teach us.' The doctor thought as he got ready to deliver the baby.

Vaggie was still nervous. Just because Charlie was fine, doesn't mean that their baby would be fine, they're still arriving two months early, there's no telling what problems will come from this!

'God, please. Let our baby be alright.' Vaggie thought.

Lucifer flinched a bit as a shiver rolled up his spine, making him glance at Vaggie for a moment.

'Did she just silently pray to me?' Lucifer thought, remembering that he was to be his father's successor and be the new God. 'That's going to be awkward.'

This was going to be a headache in the future but Lucifer could focus on that later. He had to focus on keeping Charlie relaxed through child birth.

"Alright, Mrs. Morningstar, everything seems to be going fine. And I can almost see the head." The doctor said.

Vaggie was growing increasably worried. She knew there should be crying, and screaming, and maybe a little domestic violence... but it's just... quiet.

Too quiet. Charlie wasn't even crushing her hand, just holding it like they were walking in the park.

"Um, Lucifer?" Vaggie asked.

"You're disturbed by how quiet and calm Charlie is?" Lucifer stated.

"Yes." Vaggie said.

"Well, if you want, I can dull the spell just a bit to show that she's fine." Lucifer suggested.

"Not that I want that but by how much?" Vaggie asked.

"20 percent, tops." Lucifer said.

"... Do it." Vaggie stated.

'Hopefully, Charlie won't react badly.' Vaggie thought.

Lucifer did as he was told... and now Vaggie had to wonder if she would ever be able to use her hand again.

"AAAAAAAAAH!" Charlie and Vaggie screamed in pain, but it was "human" level at least.

Even if Vaggie felt all of her finger and hand bones being shattered at once!

"You're doing great, Mrs. Morningstar! Just PUSH!" The doctor shouted.

Charlie did her best to push, even while actually feeling the pain now.

"Come on, honey! You can do it!" Vaggie said, trying to ignore her own pain

"Ahhh!" Charlie let out, crushing Vaggie's hand even more.

'HOW LONG IS THIS HELL?!' Charlie thought.

-3 EXCRUCIATING hours later-

"Congratulations, Mrs. Morningstar! It's a baby girl!" The doctor said, holding the baby in his hands.

The small demon baby was beyond tiny, being two months early, she was barely 4 pounds.

And yet her cries were enough to prove she was alive, showing that despite coming early, she was going to live.

"C-Can I hold her?" Charlie asked, exhausted.

The doctor handed her off to the tired mother.

Charlie cradled her baby gently as she took in her appearance, she had Vaggie's skin tone with a small amount of hair in her head that was of mix of both blond and silver.

"She's... perfect." Charlie said, before passing out from exhaustion.

"Absolutely perfect." Vaggie said before looking to the doctor, holding up her severely broken hand. "Now please fix my fucking hand."

The pain was so great, that Vaggie had nearly grown numb to it. And that, was VERY BAD.

"Yes... please come with me." The doctor said.

Vaggie got up but quickly gave a kiss to Charlie's check and their daughter's forehead, before following the doctor. Leaving Lucifer in the room with them.

"I guess girls are just a thing in this family." He said, glancing at the newborn.

It wasn't easily something Lucifer hated but he had secretly happened for a grandson one day. Perhaps Charlie and Vaggie would have another child someday.

'But nonetheless, welcome to the world little one.' Lucifer thought, reaching over and gently tickling his granddaughter.

"Ehehehehe." She giggled for the first time, making Lucifer's heart melt.

'I wonder what they'll name her.' He thought with a smile.

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