Ch. 5: The Gang's All Here

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Emily woke up several house later, feeling... well, not well. She looked down and noticed... she was naked, not something you want to wake up and find in hell, but also there was a large X shaped scar on her chest. Emily sat up in bed and let out a small moan, a mixture of pain and exhaustion. She looked next to the bed and saw folded up clothes and a note. She took the note and read it.

'Tried to clean it as well as possible, hope you enjoy it.- Charlie'

"Aw, she dots her I with a smiley face." Emily said as got out of bed and got dressed in her dress,

She then noticed there was also a suit jacket. It was light blue and had a little star logo on the front.

Emily smiled softly at the symbol, rubbing her thumb over it before she placed it on.

She looked at herself in the mirror, she looked almost professional. She ran a hand through her hair. She had to do something with it.

'Maybe.....I should cut it down a bit? Or style it differently?' Emily thought.

She looked around, finding a hair tie, and put it into a messy ponytail. It would work for now. She walked out of the room and into the hall. She slowly walked down to the lobby, where she saw Charlie at the bar. It would seem that the adrenaline of last night finally wore off... she was hungover. She held her coffee with a death grip, as if someone would take it.

"Charlie?" Emily asked.

Charlie turned and gave a tired smile.

"Hi, Emily." Charlie said, taking a sip, "How are you feeling?"

"A bit tired." Emily said.

"Well there's coffee in the kitchen." Charlie said, lifting her mug.

"... What's coffee?" Emily asked.

Charlie nearly dropped her cup from this, genuinely surprised from this.

"...Emily, what exactly do you eat and drink in heaven?" Charlie asked.

"Nothing." Emily said.

"Nothing? Like, AT ALL?" Charlie asked.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" Emily asked, confused.

"Well, somewhat since I saw Adam eating ribs when I first met him." Charlie said, drinking more coffee. "I get you're a fallen seraphim but still, you should get hungry like anyone else."

"Well, that's different, he was human at one point." Emily said, gesturing to herself. "I was never a human, I've always been a Seraphim. We don't necessarily need to eat or drink anything, or even sleep. Last night was the first time I've slept in many, many years."

"Well... follow me." Charlie said, bringing her to the kitchen, "Here, I'll fix you a coffee, it should wake you up."

Charlie poured Emily a cup of coffee and added two creams and sugar, a pretty standard morning coffee.

Emily tilted her head and smelt the hot liquid.

"It's not alcohol is it?" She asked.

"No, don't worry, this is just something to keep people away." Charlie said.

Emily took a sip, and took a minute to get used to the flavor in her mouth.

"Not bad." She said with a smile.

"I'm glad you like it. Most people don't like it because it's too bitter but if you make it right, coffee can be very sweet." Charlie said with a smile.

Emily nodded as she took another sip of her coffee.

"So... what's going on with you and Vaggie?" Emily asked, getting right to the point, "Does it have to do with what happened in Heaven? The trial?"

"...Yes, it does." Charlie said, sadly looking into her coffee. "I just...I can't understand how she couldn't tell me after all these years."

"Sometimes that's just how it is." Emily said, "People you care about don't tell you things, hoping it will keep you safe... even if you can handle it."

Charlie noticed by Emily's body movement, such as her hands clenching the mug , that she was speaking more about Sera than anyone.

"You didn't deserve to be kicked out of Heaven." Charlie said, placing a hand in her shoulder. "I honestly think that you're a better angel than any of the others up there."

She relaxed from that as she smiled, drinking more coffee.

"Thank you, Charlie. And for what it's worth, maybe Vaggie didn't want to hurt you. Maybe she was just...afraid of how you would react. And maybe helping you could be a way to hell forgive herself for what she did." Emily said.

'I guess but still...' Charlie thought, glancing away.

"Now, what do you need me to do?" Emily asked.

"What?" Charlie asked, brought out of her thoughts.

"I want to help with the hotel." Emily said.

"But you JUST recovered and that's just physically." Charlie said, pointing to Emily's chest.

"I understand and I thank you for your concern but it doesn't feel right to just stay here for free. I want to earn my stay and help you prove Heaven wrong." Emily said, firm and determined. "I want to help. I NEED to help. I want this place to succeed, just as badly as you. Please?"

"Hmmm, I guess..." Charlie said as she began to think of something Emily could help with today. "How about we properly introduce to everyone and you can help with a trust exercise?"

"Okay, that sounds great!" Emily said, excited to get started.

The shook hands in this as Charlie looked at the clock.

'The others should be waking up by now.' Charlie thought as Niffty came into the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone.

She was usually the first one up after Charlie and...Vaggie.

"Ah, perfect." Charlie said, "Emily, this is Nifty, our housekeeper. We're... 70% certain she's harmless."

Niffty turns to them and focuses on Emily, who waved with a smile on her face.

"Can I stab the angel?" Niffty asked, pulling out a knife from "somewhere."

"NO! No! No. Emily is NOT to be stabbed." Charlie said, wagging her finger. "She's a friend. And what do we do to friends?"

"Not stab them?" Niffty answered.

"Exactly." Charlie said, "Now go back to work, I'm going to show Emily around a bit."

"Okay!" Niffty said before blitzing off, cleaning and cooking at high speed around the kitchen.

"She seems nicer than what we saw in heaven." Emily said as she and Charlie left the kitchen.

"Niffty is really nice but can be a bit....unstable at random times." Charlie said.

Charlie saw Angel walking down the stairs.

"Oh, perfect!" Charlie said, pulling Emily over, "Angel, this is Emily, I think it would be nice if you two got to properly know each other."

"Hey, the girl I knocked out last night." Angel said, "How ya feelin'?"

"Okay... I guess." Emily said, "I'm Emily, nice to finally get to know you. We saw you when Charlie and Vaggie were in Heaven."

"Really?" Angel asked, "Charlie, you didn't tell me you were spying on people. If you wanted to see me, all you had to do was ask."

"Angel, it's not like that." Charlie said, blushing a bit.

"Eh, I'm just messing." Angel said, before shaking Emily's hand, "Nice to meet ya."

"Likewise." Emily said.

"If you ever want to have another fun night you know where to find me." Angel offered with a wink.

"I don't think I'll be taking you up on that offer." Emily said, "I don't feel romantic or sexual attraction, but other than that, I look forward to seeing you working on bettering yourself."

"You're aro?" Angel Dust said in surprise.

"Arrow? Like a bow and arrow?" Emily asked, confused.

"No, he means Aromantic. It's basically what you just said about yourself." Charlie explain. "It's a term for sexuality."

Emily just tilts her head in confusion.

'Really? Heaven doesn't have modern sexuality terms and labels?' Charlie thought.

"You're Aro/Ace, it means you experience little to no romantic attraction or sexual desires." Charlie explained, "I guess they don't have terms like that in heaven. I'll tell you more about this later."

"And I could teach you what each of them means. Not physically!" Angel quickly said, cutting Charlie off before she could call him lewd.

"Uh... thanks?" Emily said.

Angel walked off to breakfast as Charlie brought Emily back over to the bar/front desk.

"And this is Husk." Charlie said.

The winged cat demon was having a morning drink and put his bottle of booze down, looking over Emily before giving her a friendly smile.

"You the angel that Lucifer brought in, right? The one who hated the extermination." Husk said before holding his hand out. "Glad there's at least someone else that hates that."

Emily shook his hand.

"If I had it my way, a lot of sinners would've already be in Heaven." Emily said.

"Well, shame you aren't but it's a nice thought." Husk said, pulling his hand away. "If you ever need a drink, or just someone to talk to, you know where to find me."

"Well, I think the most I'd have is water." Emily said.

"Really? I thought angels would love alcohol or at least wine. You know, like in the Bible I read when I was a kid, Jesus turned water into wine and only getting drunk was a sin. Not alcohol itself." Husk said, as picked up a glass and looked it over before cleaning it.

"Things have... been lost in translation." Emily said.

"Yeah, even I have second thoughts on that, and I've never read the Bible." Charlie said.

"Yeah, that explains a lot." Husk said.

Charlie decided to bring Emily to the next person. Sir Pentious.

The snake demon himself was tinkering with a small, "non lethal" project in the lobby as his egg bois were watching/giving him tools.

"And this is Sir Pentious, the hotel's second resident." Charlie said before getting his attention. "Pentious, say hello to Emily! She's going to be with the hotel for a while."

Sir Pentious looked up and held a hand out, giving a friendly smile.

"Pleassssure to meet you." He said, "I have heard about you."

"The pleasure is all mine." Emily said with a smile, shaking his hand.

Charlie smiled at how well they got along, a few months ago, Sir Pentious would've just tried to shoot her with a laser gun, so seeing him happily interact with a fallen angel is amazing.

"Oh my, is that who I think it is?" A voice said.

Emily turned to the source of the voice, seeing Alastor walking to the lobby.

"Good to see you walking around so soon." Alastor said, "Why, I feared you'd be bedridden for the rest of the month!"

"Bedridden? Oh, you were the one who helped me with my....injury." Emily said, slowly moving a hand towards her chest.

"Yes! And you're welcome, my dear! Just a little stitch work and some magic to numb the pain until you're fully recovered." Alastor said before holding his hand out. "Alastor the radio demon, at your service!"

Emily shook his hand.

"I suppose I should thank you for helping." Emily said.

"No need, I can't have someone dying twice, or once in your case, in this place. Why, imagine what reputation we would have!" Alastor said, before laughing, "While I am sad to say I cannot stay and chat, as a powerful demon, I have some things to deal with in hell. But please, if you ever need any help, just come and find me."

And with that, Alastor walked out of the hotel.

"He's... interesting." Emily said.

"He is. You can never really tell what he's thinking but his smile does show he's a good person when he wants to be." Charlie said, turning back to the dining hall. "Now, I believe that's everyone."

"Charlie, you're forgetting Vaggie-"

"You heard what I said." Charlie said, cutting her off. "Now let's go get some fun things set up for today!"

Charlie walked off quickly, leaving Emily behind as she sighed sadly.

"They REALLY need couples therapy." Emily said before walking after Charlie.

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