a new career

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You were stirring in bed until you woke up to the sound of guns and explosives, you look out the window and saw a blimp with guns mounted on it firing at buildings rockets and all and how is it flying is beyond you.

You got out of bed, started to dress up, ran as fast as possible, going downstairs to the front door, stepped outside, Then hearing a voice that was yelling from the blimp.

???: *laughing* soon my machine will be unmatched and all of hell will be mine

You then see Angel Dust with a coffee mug, wearing a pink robe and was unhappy about this


angel dust: *groaned* she did this two days ago and this early in the morning.

you: who!

Then out of nowhere the blimp exploded and crashed. You rushed to it and saw two woman fighting. One was with black scales a fedora with an eye and a tail with many eyes.

The other one was a sinner with one eye with an x for a pupil and one boot ripped jeans and messy hair

M.P: damn you Cherri

C: what can I say gramma I love blowing up your toys

They then noticed both you and Angel, Cherri puts a hand up ignoring the Snake woman.

C: hey ang, who's cutie the here

You had a red tint forming on your cheek of what she said

L.P: don't ignore me for I lady pentious will be your new ruler and handsome over there as my king

Pointing at you making you a little confused. Cherri

C: names cherri bomb

You: Y/N please to meet you

Pentious: I will have revenge and don't forget me handsome

She then threw something and slithers away, you picked it up and was a phone number with "use rotary"

You: was not expecting that

Angel: yeah me to, well do you need n/n, you finally gonna cash in that blowie

You: no, no, no, I was going to ask you for some help.

Angel: help with what...your verginity.

You give her a dead pan face while red tint was forming on you

You: no, I was wondering if you could help me with finding a job

Angel: I thought you wanted to be a boring ass accountant for this low Hotel.

You: back on earth I usually had two jobs, typical and fun. One for calming my nerves and another to jump start them.

Angel: so basically you want two jobs involving a balance. Well we got your borin' one now for a buzz one

She makes a thinking gesture then slurps her coffee. Cherri however thought of something then smirks.

Cherri: I might know the place


Cherri: this is the place

You were in a place called imp City and the two of you were looking at a building which had horn.

You: well that's a bit obvious

Cherri: they mean well. I'm head out with Ang blow some sh#t up. Just go in and get an applications and they'll accept who ever of the street.

She ruffles your hair then leaving you in front of the 

I then went inside and got to the top floor, it was almost like an apartment a little

???: can I help you

 You look to see a large dog like demon at a desk. Her eyes have red sclera with white irises, and she wears grey eye shadow and black winged eyeliner for makeup. She also has a piercing on her right eyebrow with a black hoop for jewelry.

Her outfit features a large, spiked black choker around her neck. Her tattered grey, off-the-shoulder crop-top is held up at the neckline by a series of crisscross spaghetti-straps that form an inverted pentagram.

She wears black shorts that are tattered at the hems, with a white crescent moon detail on the right side, accessories with black fingerless gloves and thigh-high black toeless stockings, with her black claws protruding due to her digitigrade stance.

She looks up to you keeping mutral face not caring in the slightest. You look

You: I wondering to get a hoping to get a job here

L: hmmm

She looks back down at her phone not giving you an answer. She text something and sends it

You heard running from the other side of a door and someone barges it open. You now see a woman, sporting a harlequin-like aesthetic. She has red skin with white marks of various sizes that cover most of the right side of her face. Her irises are red and she has a heart-shaped skull symbol on the center of his forehead.

She has fairly broad forearms and hands, and a long narrow head, out of which extends large, curved, black and white striped horns

 Has black spines on her head and upper back, as well as on her tail. The tail ends with a triangular point that has a black spot at the tip.

She wears a tattered slate-gray collared coat with red buttons down the breast, black knee-high boots matching the shape of his feet, and elbow-length black fingerless gloves featuring large, rounded yellow decorations on the upper side of them. She also wears a red skull charm around her neck.

B: you want to a get a job here

You: yes

She rushes you and shakes your hand vigorously making you shake

B: oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.

You: can- you- please- stop

She stopped you clutch you

B: oh sorry, I'm blitz the A is silent

You: what A

Blitz: why thank you,  come to my office.

She takes your hand and drags you to her office. She then threw you in a chair and sat in her chair.

Blitz: so, what can you do.

You: well I'm good with accounting but I want to do something interesting to say the least.

Blitz: hmmm, well this job might be for you.

You: what do you do here.

Blitz: oh we kill people.

You: . . .huh

Blitz: well we do spells and shit, go to the living world and send revenge for our clients.

You: so assassination in vengeance.

Blitz: that's the tea. Right now I don't have what can get us to the living but I do know where we could get one. Do this thing and you could be hired.

You: okay...what's the thing.

Blitz: I'll explain once we get off. Why don't you meet your future co workers.

She pressed a button on the side of her desk.

Blitz: M&M can you come by the office

The door opened to two imps when they see you. One smiles giddly the other blushes and looks away.

The first Imp's attire is all-black with a little yellow, wearing a black choker around her neck, a cold-shoulder black crop-top with the straps being held by two golden-yellow buttons, black fingerless gloves, black torn denim-pants and black toeless footwear, which exposes her hoof-like toes.

The next had a suit with a red bowtie white hair curved horns in a pattern and pigs hooves for feet.

M: so your the new guy, very handsome.

M: millie please, names moxxie and her's is millie my roommate

You: y/n please to meet you, so revenge business huh. Blitz says that you don't have the thing needed to go upside

Moxxie: I kept telling her to get Asmodian Crystal but no she wants a book.

You: book?

Millie: she's gonna rob some rich gal she knew years back and take some book.

You: wait that what I have to do!?

Moxxie: we didn't want to do this, but you'll be the gateway driver.

Millie: you nervous

You: yeah a bit about me robbing someone and killing 

Millie: don't worry we'll be teaching you how to shoot plus were only going after the assholes that screwed our clients.

You: I guess that makes it a bit better.

Millie: so do ya have any gun hands.

You: well I had an uncle who taught me how to handle guns until...he shot himself in the eye.


Millie: perfect

Millie takes your hand and directs to a range room which also was the bathroom. You look to see a picture on the other end of a woman with a durpy eye and smile with a speech bubble "Im Butiful"

You look to the sink and see ranges of guns you then see the gun that your Uncle would teach you with.

You put on some headphones and checked the clipping before loading back up.

Millie: now it has a bit of a kick when fired so-

You fired a couple rounds and two were hot the side of the picture and one was right in the nose of the picture all in a straight line.

Moxxie: wow you're good.

She then passes you another gun which more of an older model

You: actually I remember I went to one of those cowboy reenactment shows got a chance to handle something similar to this.

You fired it at the target getting some holes forehead and neck perfect alignments.

Millie: great now try this one

She then gave you something bigger.

You: okay, I only saw something like this in movies but I think I know how this one works.

You aim and fired it. Had quite the knock back but you still stood ground. When you let go you see the picture has been obliterated.

Millie: your good, not as good as Moxxie but just as good.

You: thank you.

Moxxie: hey um I have a question

You: hmm

Moxxie: how were you killed and ended up to look so.

You: human?

Moxxie: yes.

You: well-

The door bursts open and Blitz comes in. Takes you by the arm and drags you out.

Blitz: right were ready to get the book you wait in the truck while I get said book.

She throws you into the driver seat and sits herself on the passenger seat.

Blitz: you could drive right

You put your hands on the steering wheel and looked to the stick shift. You grab it and go in third gear then drove out of the lot.

You: where to boss.

She then gives you a devil air smile before typing something on her phone.


You then park in front of a gorgeous palace.

You: is this really the place?

Blitz: yep, right sit tight I'm going in.

She opens the door and runs over, tries to jump up the fence before finding her footing and scales the fence, runs across the plants, crawls up the wall to a window where she peers through. She sits there for a breath before falling down. She snakes around and your just watching this with an amused charm.

You then hear barking and see Blitz getting chased by Hellhounds in bodyguard suits on all fours.

They rounded corner and then a shrilled scream. They come back out with Blitz in between the two hellhounds, that take her to the front. You recline back wondering on what to do

(Few hours later)

You were on your phone now getting bored. Fifteen separate cars and limos drove out of the large palace so a party was happening but now was over.

You: what is taking her

You get out of the van and go over to the fence, you then see the foot gate and go over then push it revealing that it was open the whole time. 

You then hide behind a bushel of black roses looking around before moving to the next bushel.

You then noticed a group of three owl like demons

The head Avian who  did most of the talking is a tall, slim, white avian demon, has long, hair-like feathers that have gray tips and a large gray stripe on her head, has a short pink beak, and very long curved eyelashes.

She has gray markings underneath her eyes, which themselves have red sclera with light pupils.

For attire, she is wearing a white dress with puffed sleeves and feather trimming, along with black accents. Is seen wearing a crown, and has painted nails underneath her black gloves.

The other two was an elegant light blue colour with white feathering, fedora had hell red eyes and a sort of mask on her right side face.

The other was more plump and was also owl like had a stripped hair and looked like she was wearing a mask.

Stella: can you imagine no money.

They then laugh and you look to see a hellhound in a suit walking past you from the ladies, you look at him close and see the two of you were the same hight so same sized clothing. You grab the hound from behind and knocked him out.

You come out out in your disguise adjusting your tie. You then see an Imp with a tea set over there head going to the ladies.

You take it from him and walk over to the group as they laugh you put the tray Infront of the head talker.

You: tea, ladies.

They look to you and look to the set.

Stella: thank you servant

She takes a cup and looks to you. You take the pot and pour her a cup.

You: so what's happening.

The girls look to you confused on you speaking. Stella scoffs and flips her

Stella: oh just an after party for my marriage to a stiff bitch.

You: well sounds... Somewhat fun.

Stella: sure...why are you talking

You: I was recently hired and I prefer to make conversation, the last family who hired me quite enjoyed my conversations.

She raises a brow before waving you to sit.

You walk over and sat with the ladies.

V: well our conversation have been getting dry. Maybe this one's could be fun~

Says while leaning the forward to you making you chuckle nervously.

You: right how about introduction's


We now see you laughing with the owl girls Stella, Ventio and Cleo.

You: and the ballade dancer said annihilation I thought her name was susan.

Everyone then started to laugh harder.

Stella: you know Y/n you should come over more often your a blast.

Then a particular imp falls onto a cake. Splattering the frosting on everyone, half naked wearing nothing but a coat, bra and panties, oh and the book.

Blitz: sorry I f#cked your Wife.


You and Blitz were driving in the van as you were glaring ahead. While she had a blanket around to cover herself.

Blitz: so...your hired and are you single

You look to the imp and sigh in exhaustion.

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