The hotel in hell

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We open to a black screen, then an eye opens which looks left to right then straight ahead. The eye then spirals and turns into a humanoid figure. That floats down in between two houses

Narrator: there was once a man who lived in a small village. The man was always looked down by his peers.

The houses then changed into two people that looked down at the figure with black eyes.

Narrator: there were many theories of why. But the most common one was that he was thought to have done satanic ritual...which was true

A michevous grin appears on the smaller figure. He then appears in a forest infront of a pentagram.

Narrator: the rumours happen to have been true. So to make all the mobbing and the insults stop, he found a ritual to summon an all powerful demon that can give him the power to silence them.

A horned figure comes out of the pentagram and takes the hand of the normal figure. Then a contract appears between the two with a signature.

Narrator: so a deal was formed....but he didn't read the fine print on when he'll get them...or to who.


We now open to a gleaming skylight of rich building with shining lights. But then we pan down to a down in the slump streets. Homeless people, hookers, people who are coming home late from long shifts. We then see a hood up teen walking down one of said streets. They lift the hood revealing yourself with headphones.

Your voice: yep that's me. Your probably wondering why were focused on a teen who's living in a dump looking like he gave up life, well not the case.

You walk up to a rundown apartment. You walk up to the door and look to the doorbells and swiped your arm on all of them making the door open up. You then go up the stairs.

You: okay bad example.

We then see a photo of you sixteen at age below you was a small girl with blond hair and pigtails



All of you were standing infront of a house with smiles on their faces.

Your voice: we use to be the most positive people. That was until the worst day of my life came.

We then see a car driving in a road until going round a bend, few moments pass then a crash is heard. We then see you continuing to go up the stairs looking more miserable.

Your voice: they were coming to visit me at college. After the accident I shutted myself away and mostly covered my pain with hobbies and lessons, learned Spanish, cooked and when I turned eighteen I went through a...phase

You pass a door to an apartment that was playing pop music, when you passed you groaned continuing to go up.

Your voice: anyway, I bumped college, wanted to be an illustrator but nope, though I did take a brief class on money management and therapy, dont know how that'll be useful for working at superstore. oh and cherry on top I have a problem

A door you passed opens to reveal a beautiful blond in nothing but towel with water glistening on her skin, she bends down revealing her cleavage and picked up a stack of letters. You look in shock turning red and turned rigid.

She noticed and waves, but you didn't do nothing, she looks around confused before closing the door getting you to move again. You hold your head annoyed before continuing up.

Your voice: yeah, I freeze when I get flustered, deer in headlights practically.

You open the door to your apartment which looked...let's see what you think.

You sighed and flipped the switch but was not turning on. You sigh before walking over to the bed you then get your glasses of and put them on the head of the bed and plopped onto it not caring to change and immediately fell asleep.

You: so yeah, my life sucked a#s in more times then I can count...until that night

On the digital alarm next to your bed it was midnight. Then a clock chimes and four sets of eyes appear that move around you. They move to your face and notice a single tear rolling down your cheek.

G: finally, your time has come

They flash three times before a bright light spreads across the room blinding everything.


You open your eyes groaning noticing, a thousand and one things happening right now.

You were outside on the ground.

You were in an alley

You felt something wet in your hand

The sky was freaking red and a pentagram on it!

You got up and saw you were in different clothes and your glasses were on your face.

You then see on your hand was slightly covered in blood. You look to see a body of a bug like creature who use to wear a gangsta outfit. You got out of the alley and see monsters everywhere. It was like monsters Inc if darker. You noticed two were exchanging drugs, two women were on the street looking sexy, for patrons to get hooked up.

You were slightly panicking accidentally bumping into someone who was fish like, red bulging eyes and stuck out teeth.

Fish: hey watch where your goin' f#ck face

You were taken back of the phrasing, but pushed back with an akward smile.

You: sorry about that.

You rub your head thinking this is some fever dream. You pass a poster which caught your attention and see the headlines.



Your mind: Hell!? But I didn't die...did I. Don't tell me the bulb exploded and I died in a fire... I may have been rude to a few customers and skipped a few bills but not worth eternal damnation.

You continued to walk a few blocks and so much you saw. A Porn studio standing high and mighty, a news billboard of a woman that looks like a stereotypical Karen news reporter, blond hair, small waist and red suit. A giant clock tower with an hourglass inside it.

As you continued, you noticed a poster to a hotel. The Happy hotel. Come now to get redeemed and go to Heaven check in now.

You: hotel that redeems sinners

C: I know right!

You yelp when you heard the voice from behind making you fall.

C: oh sorry! are you alright?

 You looked up and saw a young girl with red suit, black shoes blond hair tied into a pony tail, red eyes and Rosie cheeks

You: sorry you caught me by surprise.

C: don't it's fine. are you new cause I Don't think I've seen you around here before.

You: yes I'm am, the names (Y/N) is this really hell

C: yep your in hell. I'm Charlie.

You look to the poster to see her on it at the front with both hands in thumbs up.

Charlie: yep that's me.

You: are you the manager of the Hotel

Charlie: right again, You can come to my hotel.

You: thank you.

The two of you walked for a couple minutes until seeing a huge building with an amalgamation of a boat, a castle, blimp and Tower mashed together, with a huge sign saying hazbin.

The two of you walked up to the entrance then turns to you with a big smile.

Charlie: wait here

She walked inside, you wait out there for a couple minutes. she open the door again with an even bigger smile with a sparkle in her eyes

Charlie: you can come in.

You walked in and saw five other people each with different features the first was a cat with wings that are the symbols of cards, a top hat and a suit

She was at a bar at the front desk with a bottle in hand. 

A woman with antlers and ears of a doe. with a pink suit, monocle on her right eye with a yellow toothed grin on her face, by her side was a fifty's style microphone with an eye on it.

She was sitting at a couch she stares at you with a raised brow interested of you.

There was also a demon with muted gray colored skin, her left eye was covered in an eye patch and an X ove it, Her hair white and has a jagged, moth-like shape to the cut, She wore a white mini dress with two gray crosses on her chest and a shoulder strap, long gray fingerless gloves, gray eyeshadow, and gray and pink stockings.

She was front and center giving you a skeptical glare

A small  cyclops with a cute child like mini skirt with a poodle print and red messy hair

She was sitting on the bar but the moment she saw you, she tries to rush you but was held back by the cat, a hand on her head.

A tall demon with long hair, reveling outfit in a stripped pattern, big cleavage, four pairs of arms, high heeled like legs.

When you walked in there were various looks. The cat doesn't give a f#ck, the doe demon looks to you with an interest, the small cyclops was running in the air trying to get to you, the muted gray was still giving you a glare and the spider bites her lips while looking you up and down. 

Charlie: girls this is y/n a new patron.

You: it's nice to meet you all.

Charlie goes over to the gray woman, drags her to you still glaring.

Charlie: this is Vaggie my girlfriend.

You: lovely to meet you.

She looks to your hand then back at you still suspicious. You felt uncomfortable until Charlie pushes her away with an awkward laugh. She then pushes spider demon who wasn't complaining.

Charlie: and this is Angel Dust

You: as in the drug

Angel: that's me, hot stuff~

You were caught of guard by what she said.

Your mind: hot stuff?

The slender doe demon then appears behind you.

A: and I am Alastra!

You get startled when she appears behind you.

 Alastra: a pleasure to meet you.

She extends her hand and you look at it still startled, before accepting it.

Alastra: I am the sponsor for this hotel, that is the cleaner Nifty and the bartender Husk.

Pointing her staff at the two. Nifty vibrating on the bar table and Husk who was reading a magazine.

Alastra: so young man are you single~

She said getting her head on your shoulder practically next to your ear. You blushed a little. You shivered before going stiff on the spot blushing. Charlie waved a hand in front of your face and nothing happened.

Charlie: Al!

Alastra: what, I only wanted to know one thing and now I have it.

She said while ticking your chin getting no response. Angel shuffles over and smells you.

Angel: whooo, he is more vergin then the olive oil

You taps the side of your head getting no response. They then dragged you to a room (mostly Charlie and Vaggie) Angel and Alastra were following behind not doing anything at all. When they successfully got you to a room (appropriately 666) they put you on the bed and left.

Charlie: geez, he ways like twig.

Vaggie: it was like carrying a cardboard cut out.

Thy all proceeds to leave and Alastra stays and thinks for a moment 

Alastra mind: why does he look and smell like a human unless, no he couldn't be... can he

(Charlie point of view)

We were about to go when I look back and see Angel trying to unbuckle him

Charlie: ANGEL! what are you doing!

Angel: what does it look like princess

Charlie: no, no you can't you have been clean for two days now.

Angel: phh, watch me

Vaggie and I grab her legs then dragged her out while she was clawing the floor

Angel: nooooooooo-


(2 hours later)

You got out of your daze and saw you were on a bed in a very elegant room

 You walked to the door and opened it. You looked down both hallways then looked at room number 666 how ironical,  you then went downstairs to see Charlie who was doing paperwork and looks confused and tired she then saws you and smiled

Charlie: what do you need (Y/N)

You: nothing I just want to see If you need anything

Charlie: no no I don't, I'm fine

You look at the papers she's doing and widen your eyes now feeling familiar with this. You lean in looking over the papers, the action you did made Charlie blush at how close you were to her.

Charlie: umm

You notice and blushed as well before moving back

You: sorry about that, I once took a class on how to handle business bills and contracts.

After saying Charlie purks up.

Charlie: y-you can understand this.

You: yeah, can you

Charlie: not a clue, usually Vaggie handles this, actually you can have a job here.

You: job?

Charlie: yeah, you can be our accountant, handle money and billing.

You blinked but thought it over.

You: I guess, if it's okay I might look for other work

Charlie: sure, as long as you can handle this.

You: I can, now I'll be heading to bed.

Charlie: alright, if you need me don't hastate to ask.

But before you can leave and go back to your room Charlie stopped you

Charlie: by the way how did you die and why do you look so... human

You look to her a little taken back and nervous, you go back over to her and sat on a chair coming in and breath in then out.

You: I don't know how this happened but I don't think I died

Charlie had her mouth gaping and drops a page.

Charlie: y-you mean your-

You: still alive? Yeah.

Charlie: but there has never been a mortal in hell since, since ever!

She started breath in and out almost getting a panic attack. She then noticed you looking worried for her. She stops and starts rubbing her temples calming herself.

Charlie: oh I can't let her find out about this.

You: who?

Charlie: no one, can you go back to your room

You get up from the chair and was about to leave.

Charlie: wait, can I do something.

You look back and see her pale face turning a bright shade of pink.

Charlie: can I.. Touch your hand

You were surprised by her request but reluctantly agreed. You extended your hand to her making her look to it. She puts her own hand on yours making her chuckle.

Charlie: warmer then most sinners.

You: how so 

Charlie: well most people I meet down here are either slimy, cold or sweaty. But you your warm and soft.

You blush and comment and retracted your hand.

You: I should get back to my room

You then walk out of her office unbeknownst to you Charlie started to squeal 

Charlie mind:'oh my god a real human a real life human in hell and I and felt his I falling for him, actually falling for him'

 When you open to door you notice everyone in the lobby looking away from Charlie's office door sweating, disinterested or whistling innocently. But when you step into the room everyone stares at you. You go to the stairs trying to ignore the eyes until you sigh when you reached for the banister.

You: yes I'm going to be working here, yes I'm still human and no I'm not dead.

You then go up the stairs in a quick pace leaving everyone to think.

Alastera mind: I knew my suspicions were correct he is human

Angel dust mind:' wonder if valentina would like the idea of sinner x human porno, that would sell like hot cakes.

Husk mind:' not only a hunk but a human hunk.

Nifty mind: 'omg omg omg my first man is a human'

Vaggie mind : how did he even get down here here in the first place and why so... Attractive.

Everyone's mind: ' he's is mine'

You eventually got back to your room and thought about today and thought of what to do tomorrow 

You: maybe I should visit the city see the sights tomorrow more properly... god I'm still in a panic state 

You look to see a closet and go over. When opening the doors you see it was a walk in closet one side was woman's wear the other side was men's wear. Casual, business and sleep wear. You take a pair of sleeping wear and start to undress.


After getting dressed you crawl into bed and now noticed it was silked blankets and one thought came to you.

Your mind:'this new... Afterlife might not be so bad'

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