~Poker face~

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Husk x Male!CasinoOwner!Reader

"I believe I won, Huskie." You said with a grin, tossing out your cards on the table before the catbird demon. The look on his face was absolutely priceless, not to mention goddamn adorable. You loved it when he was pissed. "Now, about that bet we made~"

Husk shot you a look and huffed, turning away in annoyance. "What the hell do ya want, Y/N? I didn't come all the way to this shitty casino just to lose to you." He muttered under his breath.

"D'aw, I invite you over for a fun little game of poker and you trash-talk my casino? That's rude." You chuckled, standing up from your seat and leaning on the table. "You know what the bet was. Now give me what I want."

Husk's annoyed mood didn't fade one bit. "Fine. Whaddya want?"

"I want to have a good time, Huskie~ Y'know, for old times' sake?"

Husk just gave you this deadpan look and you swore you could hear his blood pressure rising. "Are you shittin' me?! There ain't no way in hell I'm gonna—" He would've gone on a longer rant if you hadn't silenced him by putting your finger to his mouth.

"Husk, Husk, Husk... I didn't mean it like that. I have a reputation to keep. But..." You paused, lifting your finger from his mouth. "...that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun. You did agree to the bet, you know." You smiled, crossing your arms across your chest. "So, do we have a deal?"

Husk stared at you for another minute or so, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He obviously wasn't happy about this, but a bet was a bet and he wasn't the one to go breaking them. "You and your damn— fine. But I'm going to kick your ass next time." He growled, jabbing a claw at you before he got up.

"Whatever you say. Follow me." You said with a smile, gesturing for the catbird demon to follow you down the hall to a back room.


"You know, I always had a thing for cats~"

"Would you shut up?"

You were straddling Husk's hips while he was on his stomach, which gave you full access to his wings and the back of his neck. That was all you wanted for now. You could see his wings twitching and an evil thought came to mind. "I wonder..." You murmured, reaching for one of them.

"Don't you dare." Husk hissed, his tail lashing at you while he tried to swipe his claws around to cut you. Though, he immediately stopped when you gripped him by the back of his neck, holding him like a person would hold a kitten. "W-What are you doing? Let go!"

You stifled a laugh and kept a good grip on him. "You act as if I haven't learned anything from our past encounters." Once you were sure he was secure, you slowly reached down with your other hand and started stroking along one of his wings. You smiled in satisfaction when you felt Husk shiver at the touch. "Aww, what's wrong baby?~"

Husk squirmed underneath you and it was pretty obvious that his wings were extremely sensitive like you thought. "You... asshole.." He muttered through clenched teeth, trying not to make any noise when you stroked his wing again.

"I love you too." You purred, continuing to have your way with him. You should invite him over more often.

589 words

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