Ep. 3: Monkey Wrench

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-Hazbin Hotel

The scene transit into the hotel, where we see Charlie walking in to meet the gang. 

Charlie: morning everyone, ready to for another amazing day. GM

Charlie looks sees husker angel, and pentious on the couch. She looks around and realizes saw Duncan and the others weren't there.

Charlie: hey where's Duncan 

Husk: Duncan said something about going for a run

Angel dust: surprised anyone would want to go out and go for a jog, it's not like There's any safe place there 

Pentious: has anyone seen my snack, I left it on the table. 

Charlie: oh I'll help look for it. Now where could it be

As she looks around husk and Angel talks.

Husk: hey have you noticed sparky been looking different 

Angel dust: oh yeah, he got like some fancy glow up. Duncan said something about his powers growing and it resembling his old human self but I all I've seen him doing just cause pranks. 

Husk: hm that would explain the kids missing sandwich.

Vaggie: ahhhh


Vaggie is seen on the floor after falling off the stairs. Charlie runs and helps her up.

Charlie: vaggie! Are you ok what happened 

Vaggie: ugh I was checking the food and noticed we low.

Charlie: what but there was plenty of food left. 

Vaggie: yeah and I noticed a food trail but then got knocked away and ended up falling here.

Charlie: by what could eat all of our food

Husk: I think I found it

They all look to the stairway and see a large beast.

Pentious: aha, I found my sandwich, but it has a bite out of it... huh

He looks and sees the beast lunge at him. Outside the hotel we hear screams and and monster growling.

Pentious: Ahhhhh get him offf get him off 

Charlie: No no no, put him down

Angel dust: ahahahahahhah

Husk: get out of the alcohol!

Vaggie: DUNCAN!!!!!

Speaking of Duncan we transition to his location.

-pentagram city

Transition to the rooftops of some of the buildings. We see Hotrod and Duncan land on run and jump across another, doing their run.

Song Alert


Duncan: 🎶 Darkness falls and the city calls

We see two figure run on the street before scaling the other building.

Duncan: 🎶 Time to play wouldn't have it any other way

We see the two figures racing each other as one takes the lead, revealing to have a reptile tail and horns.

Duncan: 🎶 Free at last we slip outside

A swift turn allowed the figure behind to drift into first place with his wheels. He accelerates and jumps over a huge gap two the other side of the street. 

Duncan: 🎶 No one around no need to hide

The person looks behind him to the figure, gestures "come on" as the he runs off.

Duncan: 🎶 On the rooftops when the day is done.  Gonna be bustin' out for a midnight run.  Runnin' free in NYC.  Time for fun in a midnight run. 

The figure lands on a rooftop with a billboard that said "Vox tech, trust us with your safety". The runner rolls his eyes and revs his wheel. With such speed they catch fire as his whole body ignites revealing hotrod.

Duncan: 🎶 Runnin' free in NYC. Night in the city, well, it's all so pretty~~

Hotrod floors it racing to the billboard, he jumps and blast a fire ball and scorches Vox's hypnotic eye. He lands and looks at his handy work.

Hotrod: not bad 

Duncan: not bad dude, but!!

Hotrod looks and sees Duncan fly through the air. He does a flying kick and crashes through vox's face. He slides and lands on the ground.

(Duncan boots got an upgrade, and those are his armor battle shoes). 

Duncan: but you lacked a bit of flair

Hotrod: well Duncan I wasn't trying to destroy the entire billboard.

Hotrod gestures over as Duncan sees the massive hole he left. 

Duncan: [chuckles] oh right, my bad. Guess I got carried away. But hey least I nailed it on that song

Hotrod: I'll admit the song was pretty catchy 

Duncan: yep, hey where's chops, he was right behind us

Hotrod: known him he probably got distracted by shiny things.


Chops voice catches Hotrod and Duncan attention. They see five spheres fly through the hole of the billboard, they uncurl and reveal to be the chops.

Chop prime: hold your applause the best has arrive. 

Hotrod: you in last place to arrive

Chop 3: but we're first place with the most style

Chop 2: first with most flair 

Chop 4: and above all first in the best looking 

Hotrod: that last one I doubt

Chop prime: oh but I do believe it's true. Check muscle head

A light flash on the chops revealing a new look.

Hotrod: ugh ever since your divided form evolved you got more annoying. 

Duncan: and more human like, kinda resembling angel dust

Chops prime: yeah but we got the more rugged good looks. And above all-

The light flicked before chop shop 5 falls on the prime chop shop.

Chops prime: damn it fives

Chop 5: sorry

Hotrod: hahahaha, looks like something never change. 

Chop prime: shut up Hotrod, don't make me hurt you. 

Hotrod: I'd like to see you try

Hotrod and chop ready to battle but Duncan got between them.

Duncan: alright guys calm down.

Chop: he started it

Hotrod: little shits you started it

Duncan: anyway we should probably get back to the hotel. We've done enough running anyone

Hotrod: hmm sure why not

Chop shop: good, now let's play a game

Hotrod: not Charlie redemption games

Chops: no it's called follow the leader

Duncan: and since when did you become leader.

The chops jump from the building and begin running. Duncan and Hotrod smirk and chase after him.

Chops: 🎶 Kick it into overdrive.  Feels so good to be alive. Time is right for having fun on a midnight run.

Chops jumps past a water tower as Hotrod catches up. Duncan jumps on the water tower and spots a nearby rope.

 Chops: Runnin' free in NYC. Time for fun on a midnight run.  Runnin' free in NYC. At night's when we're feeling all right. Runnin' free!

Chops and Hotrod were neck and neck. They jump and as they soar Duncan comes swinging by.

 Duncan: hahahah try and keep up

Chops: should've seen that coming

Hotrod: yeah.

They chase after him. 

-Hazbin Hotel

The seen transit to the hotel doors where we see the guys arrive. The chops all merge together revealing a new look of chop

Chopshop: alright guys get ready to loss the fun once we enter

Duncan: guy I know Charlie can be.... A bit much but she's not that bad

Hotrod: she's a great a gal but I cannot deal with another one of those immature redemption plans. Her games aren't even related to earth's version of redemption. How is patty cake a redemption game, tell me I'm wrong

Duncan: sadly you're not but luckily she has us and Alastor group to help. And hey if demons don't want to redeem and join us... well it a win win. Plus it's not like we're a problem

Duncan and the others walk inside and saw something surprising. They saw the room was in even more ruins than when they left. Husk was on his bar counter groaning. Pentious tail is only seen from a corner. 

Chop: geez did Angel dust throw a party and forget to clean up

Angel dust walks by covered in filth.

Angel dust: I wish 

Charlie: Duncan thank goodness your here

Duncan: sure what can I do

Charlie: we got a teensy weensy problem 

Hotrod: what's that clean up

The vaggie walks in furious. 

Vaggie: Duncan! Your little shit of a pet is out of control

Chop: what Snaggle, oh can that little Komodo dragon do


What's left of husk booze began to shake.  The trio look up and see something arrive from the stairs.

Charlie: oh no not again

Duncan: hm

A roar is heard grabbing their attention. We see it's Snaggle but he was different.

The once small Komodo demon is now a large and robust dragon, before at Duncan leg and now at his shoulder.

Hotrod: woah he got bigger

Duncan: yeah got job hitting your growth spurt big guy

Snaggle saw Duncan and jump to him. He lands causing the ground to shake a bit. Duncan laughs and pets his head.

Duncan: but I don't see the problem 

Vaggie: the problem is that Snaggle at everything in the fridge. 

Hotrod: what really 

Vaggie: yes we are completely out of food, so man up Duncan and fix this 

Duncan: fix what exactly vag

Vaggie: you know what I mean

Charlie: ok ok settle down. This is actually a good thing. 

Chop shop: so Snaggle eating kee kee is good thing

Charlie: yeah- no no!

They look to see Snaggle about to eat kee kee. Charlie quickly saves her.

Charlie: as I was saying Snaggle is showing that we need a full time chef, otherwise

Chop: no sinner will stay here in a hotel with no food.

Charlie: yeah 

Vaggie: so guess who's in charge in finding s chef

Duncan:..... angel dust

Vaggie: no you. Now get to it or else

Duncan: oh... or else what!!!

Duncan looks at her with a beastly glare. 

Duncan: anyway a chef is a good idea, but snaggle is just being Snaggle, he'll come down soon

Chops:[in the kitchen] ahhhhhhh, he at my cupcakes

 Hotrod: heh

Chops: and he at hotrod burger

Hotrod: what! Ugh

Chop: and he ate Duncan drumstick.

Duncan:... okay we're getting a chef

Hotrod: lucky we know chef

Duncan: we do.

Hotrod: yeah

Duncan: oh yeah we do.  Legs give her a call

Duncan calls someone on the phone as Charlie and the others watched. 

Duncan: hey Beth.... Yeah I know it's been awhile since we came over, hey how's my project going..... ok I'm not saying I'm not ignoring your well being. But hey I got something good to tell you.... You get to cook to your hearts desire..... a kitchen you control, hm, yeah you can full control over it.

Vaggie: what you can't just

Duncan: so when can you come over..... sweet cya soon. Alright problem solved. 

Vaggie: what

Duncan: I forgot we have a chef. Liz is a master when it comes to cooking 

Charlie: that is great, and she can stay at the hotel and get redeemed too

Hotrod: hah I doubt it 

Vaggie: and how good is this Liz

Alastor: she is it talented 

Vaggie: ahh

Vaggie turns and see Alastor behind her.

Alastor: I've been to the old diner where lizzy worked, and she was regarded as the best chef in all of hell.  

Charlie: wonderful, alright everyone let's get ready to meet Liz.

Charlie gets to work as vaggie follows. Chop and hotrod look at each other.

Chop: so it looks like Liz is joining this place

Hotrod: yep

Chop: they're in for a surprise aren't they

Hotrod: oh yeah

Chop shop and hotrod laugh as they walk off. Later we see hotrod in his room striking his punching bag. With a final punch he burst the bag open. He smirks proudly until he grabs his chest in pain.

Hotrod: ugh what's with me all of a sudden 

Hotrod groans as he gets a vision. A wild flame, it lashes around until it forms a figure. One that resembles a monkey. Hotrod then wakes up and looks around.

Hotrod: Jake? No way

A knock on the door grabs his attention. 

Duncan: hey Hotrod, Liz is almost here so let's go greet her

Hotrod: alright here I come

Hotrod leaves his room and heads to meet Liz. At the entrance we see a banner that said welcome Liz. Everyone expects the trio stood at close to the door.

Charlie: alright guys get ready, we'll have a new member for the hotel 

Pentious: why are they standing in the back 

Husk: something we should know 

Duncan: hm nope nothing come to mind, Hotrod 

Hotrod: nope

Then chop shop walks to vaggie.

Chops: actually there is something you should know. Yeah Liz is a little boss she won't hesitate to take over 

Vaggie: really

Duncan: chop no

Chops: yeah and lucky for you here's a few of her weaknesses. She's a small lady around nifty height 

Hotrod: pfft

Chops: and she's used being called Beth calling her Liz will make her submit. So you can definitely take her

Vaggie: oh well thanks for the heads up.

Chops smiles as he walks off, he then begins laughing evilly before heading to the others.

Duncan: why you do that

Chop: cause it's gonna be funny 

Suddenly they hear a knock on the door. 

Vaggie: I'll get it, we'll see who's in charge 

Vaggie walks to the door as the others chuckle. Vaggie opens the door, pentious Angel dust and husk were jaw dropped by the person. 

Vaggie: welcome to the hazbin hotel Liz, the names vaggie and I'm

She opens her eye and sees red. She looks up, backing up to see Liz. She was as tall as the door. With a fit figure that'll put men to same. (Her clothes got an update).

Liz: so this is the Hazbin hotel. Duncan talked about this place.

Liz walks in causing vaggie to back up.

Liz: so, what were you saying, vaggy 

Vaggie: uuuhhhhh 

Charlie: high I'm Charlie[extends a hand] 

Liz raises a brow before accepting the handshake. Her grip was a bit much for the princess.


Liz: so these are the others I heard about 

Liz walks over to them as Charlie holds her hand.

Charlie: ow

Liz looks over the three.

Liz: pentious

Pentious: greetings ma'am 

Liz: uh huh. Your husker 

Husk: I go by husk 

Liz: gotcha.... Good to meet ya

Husk: like wise

Liz: Angel dust ain't it

Angel dust: yep, the one and only. And you're the famous chef we've heard [scans her] Maybe we could cook up something really good Liz. 

Angel smiles only for Liz to grab him by the neck and lift him up. 

Liz: listen your new so I'll only say this once. My friends call me Liz, so I only wanna hear Elizabeth or Beth from you. Call me Liz and I'll rip you apart and serve you as a dish for some cannibals, and it will be good [flashes her teeth] got it

Angel dust: got it.... Big mama

Duncan: oh he did not

Hotrod: he did he did

Liz growls as her grip tightens. She grows horns and everyone watched as she grew taller.


Angel dust is sent flying into a wall before falling. Liz calms down and glances at Angel.

Liz:  don't call me mama either. 

Pentious: excuse me your fierceness, but why didn't you do that to vaggatha when she call you Liz 

Liz: cause she probably didn't know that but if detail. Otherwise I would've rip her other eye out. Plus her girlfriend is letting me use the kitchen show I'm trying to be nice. So can someone show me around

Charlie: oh yes, follow me li- Beth. 

Charlie shows Liz to the kitchen. Chop shop walks over to Angel dust.

Chop: why did you call her big mama 

Angel dust: I don't know- I forgot 

Vaggie: chop shop!

Chop: yeah 

Vaggie: she was small and submissive, what the fuck 

Chops: oh that... yeah bye 

He splits apart and scurries off.

Vaggie: ugh 

Then suddenly they hear rumbling and look to see the egg boiz running from Snaggle. 

Pentious: my eggs

Husk: he's still hungry 

Duncan: Snaggle knock it off 

Chop 4: I got this. Snaggle, sit

Duncan: I never taught him how to sit

Chop 4: wait what 

The eggs run past chop, snaggle tackles and throws chops into the air. Chop falls towards Hotrod. Chop crashes into Hotrod as they fell. The eggs run past them as Snaggle lands on chops and Hotrod, stepping on chops he releases and energy surge electrocuting the both of them

Duncan: oooh

Vaggie: heh severs them right

Snaggle falls off them as chops groans, suddenly Hotrod armored chest opens.

Husk: what the 

Duncan: oh man this is so alien 

Chop: hm

Chop looks inside and sees a pair of eyes in the darkness.

Chop: what the 

Hotrod: huh, oh my god

A creature lunges chop as they fall off hotrod. They wrestle getting the other chops attention.

Chop prime: man down, get him

The other chops dog pile the creature. They wrestle when the creature throws the chops off him. They see it resembles a monkey. 

Duncan: wow it's like trunk monkey 

Chop: that add with that monkey beating people up

Hotrod: why the hell is there a monkey in my armor.

Duncan: well it's gotta be magic's cause how else 

Chop: I by it 

Vaggie: can someone just get it

Hotrod: ugh get over here monkey 

The monkey screeches and runs around. Chops and hotrod chases after him but fail to catch it. The monkey screeches and runs out of the hotel.

Chop: get back here monkey

Hotrod: get him

Hotrod and chop chase after the monkey into the streets of hell. 

Vaggie: are you gonna go after them

Duncan: nah they'll be fine. Plus we got bigger problems

Snaggle is seen chasing fat nuggets from the stairways

Angel: fat nuggets nooo

Duncan: Snaggle

They all chase after him.

- pentagram city 

Sinner were enjoying themselves when a monkey runs by them.

Sinner: was that a monkey 

Then a fast blur soars past them leaving a trail of fire. It was Hotrod as the chops rode on his back.

Chop: hurry up we gotta get your pet

Hotrod: my pet

Chop: hey unless you want me to it your son, mama

Hotrod: look I may have had a pet monkey on earth but he died years before I got here. 

Chop: oh so you admit it

Hotrod: yeah but we don't know if pets can sin much less go to hell. No way that's my old pet

Chop: hey I thought i never be free from that bastard scorpion overlord, but look at me, free as a bird and back to my old charming look

Hotrod rolls his eyes and drives faster. They head down into an alleyway. They lost track of the monkey.

Hotrod: the monkey gotta be here 

Chop prime: alright we'll split up and find the money, fives go with Hotrod.

Chop 5: got it

Hotrod: I think I'm better on my own. Plus I don't see how a would be thief can catch a monkey

Chop: hey I'm much more then a thief ok

Hotrod: sure, let me just remember your other skills... oh wait that is your skill. Hahahahahah

Chop prime: oh fuck you muscle head 

They walk off as chop was pissed. Later Hotrod arrived at a warehouse.

Hotrod:  he might be there 

Chop 5: alright let's go

Hotrod and the chop walk inside. 

Chop 5: you know Hotrod you kinda hurt our feelings back there

Hotrod: what about the where thing, well it's not my fault he doesn't show his other talents. All he does is pranks and thieving. 

Chop 5: well we're in hell, not everyone wants to reveal their true selves.

Hotrod: Huh, you know chop you not wrong. 

Chop 5: yeah

Hotrod: alright let's find this monkey. 


a paint can hits Hotrod head. He looks and sees the monkey on the catwalk.

Hotrod: that's it

Chop 5: hey maybe you should try and reason with it

Hotrod: ok and may I say you have a completely different personality 

Chop 5: oh I'm just one of the parts of chop that make the person you knew. 

Hotrod: you don't say

Hotrod walks to the monkey. 

Hotrod: hey buddy, little guy

The monkey saw him and jumps down. Cautious, he still walks to chop shop. 

Hotrod: we just want to see how you doing, and get you somewhere safe. So why don't you come with us, ya little wretch 

The monkey slowly reaches for his hand, but quickly smacks hotrod in the face with a monkey wrench. The monkey laughs as chop 5 chuckles.

Hotrod: oh that's it

Hotrod activates his armor and strikes the monkey. The monkey jumps back and growls. He chuckles and ignites into flames

Hotrod: we'll bring it on monkey.

The monkey and hotrod attack each other. The scene transition to the other chop shop location. They were pissed as they walked around.

Chop prime: can you be live what Hotrod said

Chop 2: unbelievable, he saying we're just a thief.

Chop 3: that dude doesn't even know us

Chop 4: infuriating 

Chop prime: that stupid Hotrod doesn't know what I've been through, what I..... ugh I need to break something 

The chops then spot a busted car. 

Chop prime: bingo 

Chop 3: is that a good idea

Chop prime: why not, let's go

The chops lunge at the car and begins tearing it apart. Back at the warehouse Hotrod was battling the monkey.

Song alert 


Chop 5: hey this reminds me of a moment back on earth.  

Chop shop starts pounding the steel getting a beat.

Chop 5:  🎶 Whoa Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam). Yeah Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam)

A flaming tornado is seen spinning wild around the floor.

Chop 5: 🎶 Black Betty had a child (Bam-ba-lam). Damn thing gone wild (Bam-ba-lam)

The tornado disperses revealing hotrod and the monkey. The monkey begin punching hotrod in the face. Hotrod grabs and throws the monkey into a pile of scrap.

Chop 5: 🎶 She's always ready (Bam-ba-lam). She's so rock steady (Bam-ba-lam)

The monkey burst from the scarp and uses them as projectiles. 

Chop 5: 🎶 Whoa Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam). Yeah Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam)

Hotrod blocks them and fires his flames. The monkey jumps over the flames doing a spiral spin. He rolls and dives and tackles Hotrod grabbing his face. Hotrod struggles to get him off as the monkey bashed his head with a monkey wrench. Hotrod gets it off him and throws him down. 

Chop 5: 🎶 Whoa Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam). Yeah Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam). Whoa Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam). Yeah Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam)

Hotrod tries stomping the monkey several times before the monkey grabs his leg. 

Chop 5:🎶  Whoa Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam). Yeah Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam)

Hotrod tries shaking the monkey off him. The monkey begins climbing hotrod 

Chop shop: 🎶 Whoa Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam). Yeah Black Betty (Bam-ba-lam)

Hotrod: chop shop will you quite it. 

The monkey climbs and kicks Hotrod in the chin knock him down.

Chop: 🎶 [cowers] Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Bam-ba-lam

Song over.

Hotrod gets up and groans. He rubs his chin and realize something.

Hotrod: wait, I know that move.... It is him. Jake buddy 

The monkey hissed before recognizing the name.  

Chop shop: I knew it 

Hotrod: should've guess it. Hey bud 

Jake then looks at Hotrod and remembers him. The scene transits to chop shop location. The chops dismantle the car to pieces. They breath heavy before laughing.

Chop prime: now that was fun

Chop 2: indeed, maybe we should repair it

Chop 4: gasp, you want to use to rebuild this shit 

Chop 3: he's right, if we don't Charlie gonna try and put us on a game about not smashing

Chops: [shudder] 

Chop prime: well it's not like we don't know how to build a car from scrap. Let's do it.

The chops begin building the car. They get the base done as the apply more parts then what was originally planed.  The car started to look better, much better than it once was in its prime. Once they were finished The car was bigger, six wheels. And more toque and style.

Chops: [whistles]

Chop prime: we still got it

Chop 2: lets power it up

The chops open the hood and get it prepped. Surging with energy he powers up the engine. The car gets supercharged. 

Chop 3: woah, hear that purr

Chop prime: that's a roar 

The car roars and revs off. The chops watch as it plows into a truck as it blows up.

Chops: oooh

Chop prime: we should go I think those are loan sharks.

The chops begin running off. With Hotrod he walks out the warehouse with chop and Jake. The other chops met up and merged together.

Chop: so the monkey is 

Hotrod: yep, he's my monkey from earth, meet Hal

Chop: sup Jake, gonna take a guess he must've found  you when you drop into hell, and being a magic creature probably slipped inside u to ou. Like a minicon from transformers

Hotrod: really

Chop: yeah

Hotrod: alright let's go with that

Chop: yeah... oh wait. If your pet monkey is here and not upstairs, that means even animals can sin

Hotrod: or place in hell based on their owners. Damn 

Chop: maybe we shouldn't tell Charlie this

Hotrod: yeah, but I guess this means Jake's apart of the team.

Chop: well Duncan will love to have him. 

Hotrod: yeah, welcome to team, Jake the wildfire

Jake smiles when surely he begins glowing. The light fades reveals Jake in a new look.

Chop: woah

Hotrod: yeah

Loan shark: hey

They look an see three loan sharks 

Loan shark: you busted up my car

Chop: how the fuck you know it was me

Loan shark: well now we want 

Jake grows and ignites, bringing forth fire guns.

loan shark: revenge?

Jake screeches and blast fire bullets at the loan sharks. Turning them into pieces.

Hotrod: woah, nice aim

Chop: yeah 

Hotrod: your definitely gonna fit in

Hotrod and Chopshop walk off.

Hotrod: so Chop, what are some of your talents 

Chop: oh, what's with the sudden interest

Hotrod: well I realized I don't really know you

Chop: well I have a knack for building vehicles, and supercharging them with my venom bites.

Hotrod: oh, Duncan will love to hear him. 

They walk back to the hotel. 

Boom that's it for the chapter. We see Hotrod pet Jake and the newest member of the SOD, Sons of Darkness, and Liz joins the hotel as their cook. And we see chops shop new more human look, proud how his redesign turned out. Also he has a knack for building. Next chapter, the SOD's presence is getting known by many, including a certain trio of overlords who decide to meet them in, VVV-mania.

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