Episode 8: He Had It Comin'

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Everyone returned to the theater.

Charlie: Hey, Kara.

Kara turned to look at Charlie.

Charlie: I'm sorry you got heartbroken by your ex. If you ever want to talk, I'm here.

Kara: Thanks, Char.

RavenDragon: Oh, Molly. This episode is going to be a trigger. If you want to step out for any reason let me know.

Molly: I will.

Angel: Molls...

Molly: Just... Just watch, Anthony.

(The scene opened at Kara's club during closing time. She was cleaning the place and the bar when the front door had burst open.)

KARA: Sorry, we're closed.

(She turned around to face the stranger who had walked in and to her surprise, the stranger was none other than Arackniss. She hadn't seen him since their first little meeting after she had sprung Angel out of the studio. The only thing was that Arackniss was injured. His right eye looked like it had been punched, his upper arms were laced with cuts, and there was a bullet wound where his right lower arm was.)

Angel: Yikes. You look like shit, Niss.

Arackniss: Very funny, Anthony.

KARA: Geez, Arackniss! What happened?! You look like you lost a brawl!

(She then helped Arackniss to the bar table and grabbed out the first aid kit which she used to start treating Arackniss.)

KARA: (mutters) What is it with you and your brother coming into my club with injuries?

ARACKNISS: Should have seen the other guys. (winced in pain.)

KARA: Hold still, will ya?

(Kara had just finished wrapping up Arackniss's bullet wound in bandages.)

KARA: Better, ya big baby?

ARACKNISS: Very funny. You got any whiskey?

KARA: Wild Pegusas?

(Arackniss just nodded. Kara went behind the bar and served Arackniss a Wild Pegusas and a Bloody Mary for herself.)

Aasha: I thought you avoided drinks like that.

Kara: I can enjoy a drink every now and then. Long as they aren't spiked.

Angel: You said it, sister.

ARACKNISS: I thought you didn't drink.

KARA: Yeah well, I can. I just don't do it often. So, care to tell me why you looked like the Walking Dead coming in?

ARACKNISS: I had a job I needed to do. It just didn't go as planned.

KARA: Let me guess, ambush?

ARACKNISS: Pretty much.

KARA: Well, your stitches might come undone if you walk home. I can give you a lift.

ARACKNISS: Oh. No. It's fine.

KARA: I insist.

(The scene changed to Kara driving Arackniss in her car to a giant mansion on a hill that was on the south side of the city.)

Husk: What the...?

Angel: Wow. Pops went all out.

Arackniss: Yeah. That's not Pops' house.

Angel: What? Then whose is it?

KARA: (stepping out of the car.) Woah. I guess being in the mafia pays off.

ARACKNISS: Um, this is my husband's place.

KARA: You're married? Congrats.

ARACKNISS: Yeah, I haven't lived with my Pops since he found out I was like Anthony.

KARA: You're gay?

ARACKNISS: Bi. Actually.

Angel does a spit-take.

Angel: Married?! Nissy!?

Molly: (looked at Arackniss and Pentious.) Just tell him.

Arackniss: (sighs) OK. In our universe, Penn and I are married.

Angel: You and Edgelord!?

Pentious: Hey!

Kara: Angel...

Angel: No, no. I've had to deal with him and Pops calling me out for being gay in our time in the living world. And now, he's married to Edgelord!

Arackniss: Will you cut it out? And stop calling my husband that!

KARA: Must be one lucky fella.

ARACKNISS: You could say that.

(Arackniss stepped out of the car. The two of them walked to the front door. Arackniss opened the door.)

ARACKNISS: You want to come in?

KARA: Oh, I don't want to impose. Besides, I gotta get back to the hotel.

(Pentious came into view until he and Kara saw each other.)

Angel: Oh. Drama.

Arackniss groans.

BOTH: You!

ARACKNISS: You two know each other?

(Pentious kept a protective arm around Arackniss.)

KARA: Pentious almost destroyed the hotel. And he was still sour that Cherri and Angel kicked his ass in the turf war.

PENTIOUS: I wouldn't be surprised if you had hurt my Nissy!

Arackniss blushed.

Angel: (snickered) Nissy?

Arackniss: Don't you say anything!

Angel: OK I won't. (really fast.) You are so a bottom.

Arackniss: (angrily) Anthony!

KARA: Oh really? Blame the Overlord of Music! News flash! He showed up in my club with those wounds. I was just helping him.

PENTIOUS: Just keep your girlfriend on a leash! That includes Angel! I had enough sex jokes from them!

KARA: Hey watch it, buster! I can still use my sonic shriek on you!

ARACKNISS: OK, that's enough, yous two. (turns to Pentious.) Penn, honey. Can we talk?

(Arackniss pulled Pentious to the side.)

Aasha: Ok you two are so sappy.

Arackniss/Pentious: Hey!

PENTIOUS: Nissy...

ARACKNISS: OK, I get that you don't like her. But she did patch me up.

PENTIOUS: She blew up my airship!

ARACKNISS: Penn. She helped me. The least you could do is be nicer to her. She's not like the other Overlords.

PENTIOUS: (groans) Fine. But only for you.

Kara: Thank you.

Angel: You are so whipped.

Pentious: Excuse me?

Angel: Nothing!

(Pentious and Arackniss faced Kara.)

KARA: So he's your husband?

PENTIOUS: Watch it.

KARA: OK, ok. I'll be nicer. And I'll try to get Cherri to back off. And Angel.

Angel: Hey!

PENTIOUS: (turned to Arackniss) Why did you get attacked?

ARACKNISS: Ambushed. Stupid sharks ganged up on me.

KARA: Sharks?

ARACKNISS: (sighs) My sister, Molly. She's missing. Last she was seen, she was heading out of the jazz club where she worked.

KARA: Gin and Jazz? Yeah. I know that place. I can find her.

Angel: You work there Molls?

Aasha: With me. We're a double act. And honey,


KARA: Let's just say, I have a special skill of finding people. I'll find Molly for you. But I'm not in it for the money.

ARACKNISS: Then what do you want?

(Kara heads out the door as slow jazz music plays)

KARA: When I bring Molly back, I'll let you know.

(The scene switched to the entrance at the Jazz Club, Gin and Jazz.)

BANDLEADER (off-screen): 5,6,7,8

(Jazz music is picked up in the background. Kara stepped out of her car and walked inside. Demons and sinners drinking gin and beer while smoking cigars and cigarettes. A few sinners looked at her with their mouths open. Then large hellhound with brown and white fur that wore a simple plain black t-shirt and black jeans stopped a shark sinner from touching Kara. He punched the shark sinner and led Kara to a table away from the creeps.)

Angel: Whoa. Hello. Who's the snack?

Kara: That's Odin. He's my bouncer and bodyguard.

Angel: You scored a hellhound?!

Aasha: Oh yeah. I remember him. He was a fun fling.

Angel: Well, aren't you Lady Luck?

Arackniss: How did you get a hellhound to work with you?

Kara: Oh that. I saved him from his scumbag of an ex-girlfriend a couple of years ago Odin decided to repay his debt by offering his services as a bodyguard/bouncer for the club.

KARA: Thanks for the save, Odin.

ODIN: Never expected you to come here to the vulture den.

KARA: I'm here on a job.

ODIN: A job? I thought you quit that...

KARA: Not that kind of job. I'm just doing someone a favor.

ODIN: Maybe I can help.

KARA: Good. We just need one more.

ODIN: (groans) Not her.

KARA: Odin...

ODIN: Fine.

(The lights dimmed then the piano player started to play a slow jazz song.)

Aasha: Oh, I remember this performance.

Molly: Isn't that the one you did for your ex?

Aasha: Yep.

PIANO PLAYER: For her first number, Miss Aasha Kelly would like to sing a song of love and devotion dedicated to her dear husband.

Charlie: Aww.

Aasha: You really don't get sarcasm.

(The curtains rose and there was Aasha herself, standing there in her signature flapper dress but she also had a red feather boa. She was a sinner who took the form of a Succubus. She has pink skin with blond short hair, black-tipped horns, pink wings, and a barbed tail.)


Sometimes I'm right

Sometimes I'm wrong

But he doesn't care

He'll string along

He loves me so

That funny honey of mine

Sometimes I'm down

Sometimes I'm up

But he follows 'round

Like some droopy-eyed pup

He loves me so

That funny honey of mine

(She walked over to the piano and then laid on the side of the piano dramatically.)

He ain't no sheik

That's no great physique

And Lord knows he ain't got the smarts

But look at that soul

I tell you, that whole

Is a whole lot greater

Than the sum of his parts

And if you knew him like me

I know you'd agree

(She sat up on the piano, kicking up her legs sexually.)

Angel: (whistled) You got some legs girl.

Molly: Anthony!

Aasha: I take it as a complement.

Andy: Of course you do.

What if the world

Slandered my name?

Why, he'd be right there

Taking the blame

(She then tosses her boa into the crowd for some demons to catch.)

He loves me so

And it all suits me fine

That funny, sunny

Honey, hubby of mine

(She then lay down on top of the piano.)

He loves me so

That funny honey of mine

(She then shot up, remembering the betrayal of her dirty husband.)

Lord knows he ain't got the smarts!

(She poured all of her rage out.)

Now he shot off his trap

I can't stand that sap!

Husk: What did this guy do to you?

Aasha: He had the gall to use me for my body. He lied to me saying that he had connections to get me on stage. But he played me, hook, line, and sinker. I was an idiot for marrying that weasel!

Look at him go

Rattin' on me

With just one more brain

What a half-wit he'd be

Angel: You cheated on him too, didn't you?

Aasha: Maybe. With one or two guys.

Arackniss: Uh-huh. Sure.

Aasha: Ok, five guys! Can you blame me?!

Victoria: Five men?

Aasha: What? They were so much better,

(She banged her fist on the piano, getting emotional.)

If they string me up

Well, I'll know who brought the twine!

That scummy, crummy

Dummy hubby of mine!

(The crowd clapped for her as the curtain closed which gave Kara the chance to talk to Aasha alone. She and Odin walked towards the backstage area where most of the jazz band members and dancers were.)

Charlie: I'm sorry that happened to you.

Aasha: Eh. That's just how things were in Chicago.

KARA: Watch my back, Odin.

ODIN: Got it.

(Odin stood outside Aasha's dressing room as Kara walked inside. She spotted Aasha smoking a cigarette while she was preparing for her next dance.)

AASHA: Ms. Melody. What a surprise. You rarely come down here.

KARA: Nice to see you too, Aasha. Listen, I need a favor.

AASHA: Sure. For five bucks.

KARA: (sputters) Five bucks? Really?

AASHA: Right. Make that twenty.

(Kara sighed then she handed the cash to Aasha.)

Husk: Didn't know you hustle.

Aasha: Hey. I get paid one way or another.

AASHA: What do you need? (pockets the cash in her bra.)

KARA: You know a Molly?

AASHA: Molly DelRagno? Yeah, I know her. We do dances together. Girls got some moves.

KARA: Has she shown up recently?

AASHA: Now that I think about it, Molly has been coming to the club late. Sometimes in tears. I tried asking her what was happening, but she never liked talking about it.

KARA: Do you know where I can find her?

AASHA: I know where her apartment is. I'll take you.

Molly remembered what happened next. She looked a little uncomfortable.

Molly: I'm gonna step out for a bit.

RavenDragon: Go ahead.

Molly stepped out of the theater.

(The scene changed to a run-down apartment building. Aasha and Kara walked up two flights of stairs to where the right apartment was.)

KARA: This is where Molly lives?


(Just then, they heard screams coming from the apartment they stopped at. Kara pulled out her angelic gun and kicked the door open. Inside was a male sinner in the form of a weasel, and Molly who was tied to the bed. The bastard was about to rape the poor girl. Aasha knew just who that sinner was.)

Arackniss and Angel growled and clutched the armrests tight.

Aasha snarled at the screen.

AASHA: You son of a bitch!

FRED: Ash? I thought...

(The guy was cut off when Aasha snatched the gun out of Kara's hand and aimed it at him.)

AASHA: Don't you play me, Fred Casely! You've been harassing my best friend! You did the same thing to me when we were alive! You acted all sweet and caring then you turned psycho when I wanted to divorce your sorry ass!

(Kara went to help Molly out of bed and then wrapped her in the blanket to cover her up.)

KARA: You ok?

MOLLY: I'm fine. Thank you.

AASHA: That's life, sweetheart.

AASHA: (snarled ragely) You son of a bitch! You son of a...! (Aasha fired three shots into her shitty ex-husband, and his body fell to the floor with a thud.)

Everyone minus Aasha was speechless.

Molly came back in.

Vaggie: You actually....

Angel: Turned your ex into Swiss cheese.

Aasha: He had it comin'. I did the same thing when we were alive. Which landed me in jail. And hanged. But it was worth it. I don't regret it.

KARA: Well that's one way to get rid of an ex.

AASHA: Whoo! That felt so good!

MOLLY: Now I'm glad that you two helped me. But I might need to crash somewhere else.

AASHA: I got room in my place.

KARA: I'll leave you two to it. Oh and Molly, your brother, Arackniss asked about you.

MOLLY: Not a word of this to him or Anthony!

Angel: Molls!

Molly: Can you blame me? You two are overprotective. Even worse than Pops.

Arackniss/Angel: No we aren't!

Molly: Oh really? Arackniss, you sent my last ex-boyfriend to the bottom of the Hudson River under Pops orders!

Arackniss: Hey! I can't look after my little sister.

Angel laughs.

Molly: Anthony! You were worse.

Angel: Molly!

(The scene changed to the Hazbin Hotel. Kara had just walked into the lobby when she was welcomed by Charlie who was hugging her tight.)

KARA: Woah! What's going on?

(Charlie her go and Vaggie came over. Alastor stood there, listening.)

KARA: Charlie...

CHARLIE: It's Angel. He had a date and we encouraged him to go for it. But he came back, crying. The demon only wanted him for sex.

(Alastor laughed)

KARA: Stop laughing! This isn't something to laugh about!

CHARLIE: Should we talk to him?

KARA: Charlie, maybe leave him alone for the rest of the night. I'll talk to him.

(Charlie, Vaggie, and Kara walked away, leaving Alastor alone.)

ALASTOR: Pft, the irony makes it as funny as it is. Even so, an expression that sour should only be given to him by me...

Angel: Aw. Smiles.

Alastor: Don't you start.

(The scene changed to Angel's bedroom. Angel was on his bed, holding Fat Nuggets in his arms and crying. He heard a knock at his door.)

ANGEL: Kara, if that's you, go away! I'm not in the mood.

(Alastor opened the door.)

ALASTOR: Oh, and what will you do? Cry some more? (laughs)

ANGEL: Go away asshole! I'm not in the mood for you laughing at me, just leave!

(Alastor ignored Angel's request and then handed him a brown paper bag. When Angel opened it, he saw that it was just a book.)

Aasha: A book as a gift? You couldn't have gone for flowers or chocolates?

Alastor: Different me.

ANGEL: What the hell am I supposed to do with this...?

ALASTOR: (rolled his r) Read it of course. Try to get through it at about 3 AM, you'll understand. Besides the story is one most entertaining. (leaves)

ANGEL: (mutters) Fucking prick.

(Angel opened the book, thinking that there might be more of Alastor laughing at him. But when he opened to the first page, there was a sticky note on it from Alastor.)

ANGEL: "Don't allow some worthless demon to steal away your beautiful smile." (scoffs) Never thought I'd get another note from him.

(He turned to the next page which had another note from Alastor.)

ANGEL: Huh? "If you continue reading, you'll find more of these notes. Solve their puzzle." Puzzle? Alright, I'll play.

(As he kept reading the book, he found more notes from Alastor. With every note he found, the blush on his face kept getting redder and deeper. A few hours passed when Angel read the book, and he came across the last note.)

ANGEL: Ok, the last one. "I hope you enjoyed these notes, my dear. Now remember not to share these around for my reputation will be tarnished. PS, that also means Kara since she likes to meddle with people."

Kara: (faked being hurt) Oh. My heart.

Alastor: Now who is the drama queen?

Kara: Still you.

Husk cracked a smile.

ANGEL: Don't worry Al. These notes are only for me. But what puzzle was there? You left eight notes in nine and a half pages and the final note left out the words, Radio Demon. Hmm. The story was about an FM radio show and lots of dying. (realization) Oh shit! Where's my radio?!

(Angel quickly grabbed his radio from his dresser. He tuned it to 89.5MHz. When he tuned it to the right station, he heard someone screaming and begging.)

ANGEL: I don't believe it. It's my shitty date!

ALASTOR: (Laughs) No I don't think I will. My dear, listening in, this one goes out to wipe the tears this worthless demon has caused you!

ANGEL: (sighs) I don't know if you can hear those who listen in, Al. But you brought back my real smile.

Everyone awwed.

(The scene changed to the next morning. Angel was reading his book in the lobby while Husk tended the bar. Alastor and Kara were in the lobby too.)

KARA: You want to explain what happened last night?!

ALASTOR: What? That demon was a much-awaited guest, and I wasn't about to cancel.

KARA: You are unbelievable!

ANGEL: (looked up from his book) Hey Alastor.

(Angel gets up and walks to Alastor.)

ALASTOR: What are you doing?

ANGEL: (pulled Alastor closer by the collar.) Oh, I just wanted to pay you back.

(Angel gave Alastor a peck on the cheek and then walked away. Alastor blushed bright red.)

ANGEL: That's what you get motherfucker! Next time, don't laugh at me! (laughs then leaves the room.)

Alastor: Angel...!

Angel: I'm dead.

RavenDragon: And that's the end. No killing, Alastor!

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