Chapter 4 - Overwatch

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<???'s POV • Location Unknown>

I have been asked to meet up with Reaper, the leader of Talon. I walked over to him, and crossed my arms. "You needed me for something?" I yawned. "Lex, I need you to track someone down." He replied. "Okay, batman. Who is it?" I asked. "Not funny. Anyways, I need you to track down a girl named Carmen. Here." He handed me a file about the girl. She was actually quite cute, and looked like a kid. "She's 12?" I asked. "No, those are the original files. She's much older now. But I need you to bring her back to me, got it?" Reaper snapped. "S-sure." I said with a sigh. "You're one of our most skilled, don't mess this up." He said, teleporting away. I read the files.

Name: Carmen
Age: 12
Blonde hair, Blue eyes. Pale skinned, American.
Given vampire-like abilities by Talon Scientists, able to drain health.

"Alright, I guess I could find her... Wait..." I said, looking closer.

Side Notes: Raised by reaper to be a weapon to take down Overwatch. She's merely a tool for destruction.

"...a Tool?" I said, crushing the papers as I held them. "Humans are more than just tools..."

<Carmen's POV • Numbani • 11:00 A.M. • Present day>

"So... You're looking to join Overwatch?" He asked. We had decided to sit down in a nearby cafe and talk. "Yes, I'd love to! Do you know anyone?" I asked excitedly, standing up in the booth we were sitting at. "Yeah. I know someone, or rather, I am that someone." He smiled, pointing to himself. "Wait--" I said, blinking a few times. "You're an Overwatch agent?" I asked. "That's right." He said casually. "OH MY GOD!" I shouted, covering my mouth. It was no use, everyone was staring at me. "I uh... Spilled a little hot coffee.." I said, as everyone just continued their conversations and such. "Ahem... My bad." I laughed nervously. He laughed. "A-anyways, can I join your team?" I asked. "Well, we aren't necessarily all in a team. We usually just go about our lives like normal civilians would." He said, leaning back in his seat. "What if something happens?" I asked, getting a bit confused. "Then we take care of it." He said. "Overwatch was an organization to save people during the omnic crisis. After that, it shut down. The original team got blamed for things that they couldn't prevent, leading to it being disbanded. The original commander, Jack Morrison was, and still is, presumed dead." Lucio said, explaining things. "Until a few months ago, Winston, another agent, recalled all of the Overwatch agents, and brought agents, both new and old, together." He continued. "Anyways, back to your request. I can contact Winston, but we'll have to go to Gibraltar so he can meet you in person. If it's a yes, then you'll need training--", "I know how to fight." I said, with a confident expression. "Even so, you'll still need basic training." He said, as I sighed and nodded. "I know someone who is skilled with many weapons. She should be able to help you with that." He said, as I groaned. "I'm well aware that you know how to fight, but your powers are what's concerning me. If you accidentally kill someone by draining too much, then you'll have a big problem. You need to find another use for your powers." He said. "...." I thought about what he said for a moment, before speaking up. "I can drain health in little amounts. My powers don't kill people instantly." I said, crossing my arms. "I'm not against this training regimen, but, I'm not THAT powerful... Unless I get mad. Like, very very mad." I laughed. "Alright. I'll contact Winston as soon as I can. Like I said, he may not agree until he can meet you in person. Is that okay?" He asked, as I nodded with a big smile. "Sounds like a plan!" He said, as I cheered.

Heya peeps! It's me WaffleCake!

I'm sorry for the hiatus! XD

I'm actually drawing a new cover of this story, so yeah.

Just a quick little comment lol

Anyways I'll see you all in the next chapter! See ya!~

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