Dare#2: Hando,Ace and Meta vs the Guardians of Nazarick

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Me: Hello everyone welcome to our second dare. Well this dare is almost related to our first one but let's start this shall we. *snaps and Hando, Ace and Meta appear*

Hando: Hey author!

Me: Hello Hando, who are those two?

Hando: this is Ace and Meta.

Me: ok. I brought you guys here because your creator wants you to fight the Guardians of Nazarick.

Hando: ok.

Ace: No problem!

At a battlefield.......

Me: ok here are the rules for this battle. You guys are doing one on one fights for this battle. It's somehow gonna be like a tournament but for now you can only fight one person.

Hando: Alright.

Demiurge: ok understood.

Me: ok now time for the first battle.
Hando vs Demiurge.

Demiurge: ok human, you're my opponent. Please don't lose that quickly, it's not fun if you fight without having to try.

Hando: let's get this over with. Better hope I don't kick your demon butt.

Demiurge:* sword appears in hand*

The battle started with Demiurge dashing at full speed and rapidly slashing Hando who deflected every sword strike with his sword and nearly slashed Demiurge who dodged with the blade inches away from his face. Demiurge jumped back then throws the sword away.

Hando: Why did you throw your weapon away?

Demiurge: That wasn't my weapon, I was just using it to test you.

Hando: What do you mean?

Demiurge: this is my main weapon. " Aspect of the devil:Razor sharp claws"

After saying that Demiurge's nails become elongated.

Hando: woah!

Demiurge sprinted and tried raking Hando with his sharp claws, but Hando blocked the attack with his sword. Hando was having a hard time until he sent Demiurge flying.

Hando: Alright no more games, dream sword beam!

Demiurge stood there as the sword beam approached him and it hit what seem to be some invisible forcefield.

Hando: What!

Demiurge: My turn." Aspect of the devil: Tentacle wings"

Demiurge then suddenly grew abnormally long wings with tentacles on them which sprout out and shot a barrage of the tentacles like arrows.

Hando: dream shield!

Hando creates a large glowing yellow shield and blocks all the attacks but even his shield started cracking a little bit.

Hando: woah, his attacks are strong, even my shield is cracking.

Demiurge: hehehe........


Ace: I'll take you on.

Shalltear: Alright but you better prove to be a worthy opponent.

Ace sprints and tries to attack Shalltear who dodges his attacks. After a long time of this Ace becomes a bit tired.

Shalltear: Are you done yet? Pity I'll have to end this right away.

Ace: Grr......*slashes her rapidly*


Ace: what!,.....she blocked that with her fingernail!

Shalltear:*fake yawn* You're starting to bore me.

Ace: oh really * brings out a machine gun and fires it*

Shalltear dodges the barrage of bullets. After dodging them with ease and with a swift swipe of her hand the machine gun is sliced in half due to the force of the swipe of her hand.

Ace: What the?

Shalltear: Ooh so what else can you do?

Ace:( how dare she underestimate me)
* large sword appears in hand*

Ace swing the sword and with great force and speed but the vampire caught the attack with her finger, snapped the sword into two and grabbed Ace by the neck and threw him to the ground with force.


Meta was using his sword to fight with Cocytus who was easily blocking the attacks with his halberd. He spinned it and tried to slice Meta but he dodged and tries to cut his leg but the attack was blocked by the handle of his weapon. Cocytus pushed him back sending him rolling. Meta got up.

Meta: hm....You're a strong one.

Cocytus: Are you going to stand and keep say the obvious or are you going to come and face me in which the chances of losing is extremely high.

Meta: True......chances of losing is high....mabye in this form.

Cocytus: So you have another form?

Meta: Yup.

Meta transforms to ZX combat suit

Cocytus: Hm...let's see how useful this form is.

Cocytus dashes and tries to strike Meta but his attacked is blocked by Meta' s weapon which belonged to a certain red reploid and slashed Cocytus chest with extreme speed sending Cocytus flying.


Demiurge was rolling as he got blasted by Hando's dream hyper Nova beam from his cannon.

Hando: time to end this!* brings out dream sword*

Hando runs jumps up high and tries to finish Demiurge with a powerful strike.

Demiurge: "Aspect of the devil: Hell fire mantle!"

Demiurge was soon engulfed by large flames shooting up from the ground and caught the sword with his sharp claws as the sword started turning black and Hando had to drop it since it was extremely hot.

Hando: What is that?

Demiurge: The flames of hell. Even if you have complete resistance to fire based attacks there's no way you would go unharmed from this.

Hando: hmm.. I see. Well in that case.* brings out a cannon* Blizzard beam!

A large amount of ice hit Demiurge and he was engulfed in a mist. After some time the mist vanished as Demiurge was still standing there.

Hando: woah..

Demiurge: You are strong...you win.

Hando: huh....

Demiurge: You've made me used majority of my power. I'll Give you credit for that. * teleports to Ainz*

Me: uh...so it looks like Hando is the winner.

Meanwhile....Ace started fighting with Shalltear who was now taking things seriously after using some powerful attacks on her. After some time Shalltear finally gave up.

Ace: dream energy slash!

Shalltear:* blocks but slides  back*Ouch!.*pants*You've surprised me
You're stronger than I expected. In this state I can't fight any more. You win.

Meta on the other hand was beating Cocytus seriously and after some time he finally forfeited due to taking severe damage.

Hando and Ace then fought with Aura and Mare. There where a bit tricky and difficult to beat at some point but Hando and Ace finished them with their signature moves.

Lord Ainz: hmm...You guys are really strong. You were able to go toe to toe with the Guardians. As a reward take this.* portal opens and Ainz takes a
Ring from it and gives it to Hando*

Hando:* takes it* What is this?

Ainz: It's a ring that boost your attack, speed, endurance and powers.
And on top of that it can summon any army your creator wishes to use.

Hando: thank you Lord Ainz.

Lord Ainz: Your welcome.

Me: ok seems we're done here. See you guys in the next dare.

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