EXTRAS 1: Hot tube Special...

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Me: Hey guys

Goku: Hey author

Me: I was thinking you guys have been doing all these dares and stuff for some time now and I wanted you guys to relax as a rewards for all of your hard work.

Noire: Thanks so what are you going to do for us?

Me: I've  made arrangements for a hot tube for you guys to relax at a special resort.

Blanc: Why thank you.

Vert: Thanks.

Goku: cool

Lord Ainz: Yes thank you now I can
maintain this body well.

Me: ok guys let's go

At the hot tube area......

Me: ok guys let's go to the changing room the door on the far left is for men and the other one at the far side is for ladies. Once you're done we'll all meet here at the lobby.

Everyone changes as we now go to the lobby.

Master Roshi blushes madly as he sees the girls come in their bikini and starts going crazy. Goku drag him and locks him in a nearby storage room
whistling like he didn't do anything.

Master Roshi: Hey! Open up!......
Hello?.......Hello?  Is anyone there?

Goku: ok let's get this relaxation started

Me: uhh I have to go to the receptionist to make all the payments and all that stuff. Gohan mind escorting me?

Gohan: Alright*goes with me*

Neptune: So it looks like we have to wait.

Caulifa: Better not take long.

Nepgear: Krillin you okay?...


Uni: Why's he staring at us like that?

Noire: Yo earth to Krillin!

Krillin: huh? Sorry I must've zoned out.

Neptune: Probably because you're busy admiring what you're seeing.

Krillin: 😶 huh? No I wasn't....😅 hehe

Piccolo: Just admit it Krillin....we're in a recreation centre which is a spa you're defiantly going to be seeing this often anyway.

Me: ok guys I've made all the arrangements let's go.

At lobby......

Receptionist: Hello, hope you guys have a great time.

The gang went to the the room consisting of various hot tube as they went in one of them to relax.

Guard: Uh excuse me miss

White heart(Blanc): huh?

Guard: Um we have an age limit in this spa area sorry but it looks like you're under age you're gonna have to go to the children's spa.

White heart (Blanc): Are you kidding me?! I'm not under age you should get your eyes checked asshole!

Guard: Sorry miss I'm doing my job

White heart(Blanc): Which involves not letting me through?!

Guard: Sorry miss but you don't look
mature enough to go here...

White heart (Blanc): I'll show you mature!!* takes Axe* And I'm gonna
knock it into you!!* attempts to strike him*

Guard:😲Aaaah!* dives to the right to dodge as Axe breaks wall* o-o-ok you
may enter please don't hurt me!

White heart (Blanc): hmph!

Neptune: 😂😂

White heart (Blanc): What are you laughing at you piece of shit?!

Neptune: Nothing....

White heart(Blanc): *walks through*

At the boys hot tube....

Me: aah this is the life..right guys?

Goku: Yup.....

Gohan: This does feel good.

Piccolo: Indeed...

Goku: Hey Vegeta hop in!

Vegeta: You guys relax there I'll just sit here.

Goku: aw come on! It's great in here just hop in!

Vegeta: Hmph!

Me: Just leave him he doesn't know when to have a good time.

Goku: Mabye he's too proud to have a good time

Vegeta: I heard that!!

Goku: hehehehe..😅

Gohan: Hey where's Master Roshi?


Master Roshi: aah* holding a metallic bar to try and break door but fails*
This suck....😀Aha! *cusp hands*

Door breaks down and incinerate.

Master Roshi: Ladies here I come!

Master Roshi runs down the lobby
but is then stopped by a guard

Guard: Um excuse me sir but aren't you a bit too old to go here...don't worry we have a spa specifically designed for the aged.

Master Roshi:Aren't you a bit too young to be doing this job?

Guard: I'm 36

Master roshi: oh....I may seem old sonny but I still got it.

Guard: Sorry sir but I can't..

Master Roshi: huh what that over there?

Guard: huh?

Master Roshi:* punches him and guard faints and drags him to a washroom locking the door* hehe...


Goku: I think he's on his way... wait where's Beerus and Whis? 

Me: He's in a separate hot tube. He said he wanted one suitable for a god
and it appears that's the one I could get for him.

Gohan: So he's in a large hot tube all for himself?

Me: yup. Same thing for Ainz.

Goku: oh.

Me: So while we're here what fun thing do you want us to do ?

Goku: hmm...Thinking we play volleyball later on. But y'know I'm starting to feel thirsty.

Me: Like a drink...alright Piccolo mind getting a drink for me and Goku ?

Android 17: Make that three.

Piccolo: What?! Why me?!

Android 17: Because you're close to the entrance...

Piccolo: Hmph! Fine!.*goes to get the drinks*

At the brick hot tube area...

Lord Ainz: aah this feels good...

Demiurge: I hope this tube is to your satisfaction my lord.

Lord Ainz: It is...I've tried various methods to clean the crevices of this troublesome body. What about you Demiurge, Mare and Cocytus?

Demiurge: My lord there is no need to show concern for us.

Lord Ainz: A true ruler concerns for the wellbeing of his subordinates
right? Now I ask you again how is the tube?

Demiurge: uh..it's relaxing and pleasant my lord.

Lord Ainz: I see. What about you Mare?

Mare: I-I-it's great.

Lord Ainz: Cocytus?

Cocytus: It's refreshing and soothing
to both the mind and body.

Lord Ainz: ok. Aah....this really is soothing.......


The four look to the direction of the noise.

Lord Ainz: uh what was that?

Demiurge: It came from that wall,
and on the other side is the girls hot tube.

Albedo:Lord Ainz is behind this wall is he not? I wonder if there is a peep
hole anywhere?

Shalltear: Isn't it usually the other way round?

Albedo: The other way round would never happen Lord Ainz would merely need to command us to show him.

Demiurge:My apologies lord Ainz! The Overseer of the floor guardians speaking in such a manner I'll put a stop to this.*gets up and about to go*

Lord Ainz: No!well, yeah. I'm sure Albedo has a lot on her plate, allow her to relax.

Demiurge: Understood. But that doesn't give her the privilege to act immoral.

Lord Ainz: I doubt anything like that will happen. This wall does seem very strong and impenetrable.


Lord Ainz: dah!

Albedo: This is a very strong golem wall...


Lord Ainz:😲

Demiurge: Albedo do you mind!

Lord Ainz: Ssh!!!

Demiurge:*stops talking*...
*whispers* sorry my lord...

Lord Ainz: I know she's being annoying but just give her some freedom..I don't think she can even break this wall. Anyway Demiurge
can you go to the product stand and ask if they have a tan cream...oh and
make sure it's 100% calcium.

Demiurge: As you wish my lord*bows and leaves*

Lord Ainz: Ah finally she stopped.

*CRASH!......*..wall breaks*

Lord Ainz: Uh oh....

Albedo came in with her usual crazy side and Lord Ainz saw her. If he wasn't an undead he would have a serious nosebleed.

Lord Ainz:😲...Aaaah* wraps towel around waist*

Albedo: Oh lord Ainz!!

Lord Ainz gets out of the water and runs as Albedo chases him around the area.

Lord Ainz: Albedo! Aaah!!

Albedo: Allow me to massage you my lord!

Lord Ainz: I'll pass....*runs* why can't you relax!

Albedo*chases him* I can only relax
if I'm with you my lord!

Lord Ainz runs as fast as he can and
goes past the other hot tube where Goku and co where.

Goku:*sees Lord Ainz runs and Albedo chasing him* woah for a skeleton Ainz can run. Ah! Is that Albedo.

Me: Wait did she manage to go into the other boys hot tube.

Android 17: How the hell?!

Piccolo: 😲

Goku: Girls really are strange...if a girl goes to a boy's room nobody panics but if it's the other way round everybody loses their mind.

Vegeta: That's the way it should be you moron!

Goku: oh...

Gohan: Albedo sure does love him.

Me: Yeah...

Krillin: What's really odd is he's a skeleton so this is an ackward relationship.

Me: I agree...but hey Love is love.


Lord Ainz: Aaah! Get away from me

Neptune*sees what's going on*😂😂😂

Noire: Woah! Albedo! Stop!

Blanc: 😕

Shalltear: aah! Is that Lord Ainz!!

Noire: Yup who else is a skeleton around here.

Shalltear was looking at Ainz like how a girl looks at a really handsome guy.

Vert: You okay Shalltear?

Shalltear: I'm fine....excuse me for a moment.*mumbles* greater teleportation*......*teleports*

Shalltear appeared by a nearby stand where a man was selling food and tried to grab Ainz who dodges her and runs even faster as he turns and plans on going to the other boy hot tube.

At boys hot tube.....

Lord Ainz: Make way!!!!* jumps into the water* close the door!!

Piccolo:*closes door *


Albedo and Shalltear try opening the door but soon stop and leave.

Lord Ainz: That woman is crazy...

Goku: hahaha

Lord Ainz: I think I'll join you guys for now.

Me: Alright. Where's Demiurge and the others...

Lord Ainz: I think they'll come.

*knock! *

Mare: guys can you open us, and please hurry there are girls passing by here..

Piccolo* opens as Mare, Demiurge and Cocytus come in*

Demiurge: My lord what brings you here?

Lord Ainz: oh nothing just thought I
chill here...

Demiurge: I brought the calcium tan as you requested.

Lord Ainz: oh..thanks.

Goku and the others has a good time while relaxing but there was one old man up to no good.....

Master Roshi had secretly entered the
girls bath tube area and was spying on them....as he was looking the door opened from behind as Uni came in and saw Master Roshi....

Uni:* screams*

Noire: What's wrong uni

Uni:There's an old guy in here!!!!!

18: old guy?....Roshi!!

Master Roshi: Shoot...

As the guys were relaxing next thing they can here as a strong rumbling and severe beatings and someone screaming in pain as they hear girls
screams overlap.

Demiurge: uhh..what's going on?

Gohan: oh no...Master Roshi must've

Goku: I though Roshi overcame his desires.

Piccolo:He hasn't changed a bit.

Master Roshi is then seen flying towards the tube the boys were in as he makes a huge splash into the water

Me: Aah! Roshi!

Android 17: You freakin' pervert!

Krillin: You just had to go perv- mode
and go to the women's hot tube.

Master Roshi: hehe...

Lord Ainz: I've never met an old man
that was this immoral you should be
wondering when your time will come
before you hit the grave.

Master Roshi: Hey!Shouldn't you be in the grave?! I'm enjoying while it last!

Lord Ain: why can't you be like regular old people!

Master Roshi: Why can't you tell Albedo you like her..

Lord Ainz: huh?......

Master Roshi: She likes you as if you casted a spell on her...If I knew how to do that I might as well use it on her..
but since she loves Mr.Bones here I....

Lord Ainz: Why you bald dirty old man!!

Demiurge:* grabs him by the neck*
How dare you speak trash to Lord Ainz human....Should I kill him my lord? He'd make a fine tool for one of my projects.

Master Roshi: TOOL?!!


Lord Ainz: uh no Demiurge we can't do that...I'm sure the viewers would not want to see that let alone imagine it.

Lord Ainz: Understood.*throws him to hit a wall*

After a while the gang got on the volleyball court and played volleyball.
With Goku,Vegeta,Gohan, Krillin , Piccolo and 17 on one side playing against 18, Neptune,Noire,Vert,Blanc
and Aura.

They had fun as they played and soon
it was time to leave. Everybody went back and change to their regular clothes and arrived at the lobby as they went back to the mansion.

Me: How was the experience guys?

Goku: it was great hope we do this again sometime.

Neptune: Yeah! Hey you guys saw Albedo chasing Ainz it was hilarious😂

Lord Ainz:😡

Gohan: Yeah we had a great time.

Noire:Well...it was great. But an certain old man just had to ruin it.

Master Roshi:hehe....

Blanc: Yeah about that,what should we do to him to teach him a lesson.

Neptune: I don't know let the readers give us a nasty dare for him.

Master Roshi: uh oh.

Noire: Serves you right you old pervert.

Neptune: Ok....is it me or I'm the only one who senses the end of this sub event.

Me: What do you mean?

Neptune: This part is coming to an end.

Me: oh.

Neptune:Since it it's let me make the conclusions. Ok everyone reading this hope you had a great time during this segment and hope to see you in the next dare. Oh and give Master Roshi aka Papa Perv here a dare as payback for what he did earlier.

Master Roshi:Hey!

Neptune: See ya next time.* waves and everybody waves*

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