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Me: Hi guys! Yeah as the title says I have something to tell you guys.
I'll be starting school soon which means I won't be on Wattpad for a while.

Neptune: What do you mean author?

Me: I won't be on Wattpad for awhile due to school.Why is that if you may ask? It's because I'm in a boarding school,which is kinda like college in high school. And phones aren't allowed in that place which is a bummer.

Noire: Wait so it means you won't be able to update your stories, read and continue this dare book?

Me: Sadly yes. Oh and I can tell some of you may be wondering like...

"You're now starting school??!!"
"What have you been doing all this time?"

Me:Well I'll explain....I'm schooling in Ghana...a country in West Africa. And the government has done some changes to the education system so instead of having 3 semesters for a year we now have only two. Due to that,vacations are now longer.

Goku: And by longer you mean?

Me: I'll be staying home for at least two months.

Neptune: Two months?!

Me:Yeah, I came back home from school since the Christmas holidays last year.

Lord Ainz: So you've been home since December till now?!

Me: Yup.

Neptune: Wow

Me:So yeah I'll be starting school 1st day on March. I'm sorry but you all have to wait until June for updates.

Goten & Trunks: Awww!!

Me: I'm sorry guys. But hey don't worry I'll be back soon.

Neptune: You sure ?

Me: Yes Neptune, don't worry I'll be back before you know it.

Neptune: Hmm...alright.

Blanc: Hope everything goes well with you back in school.


Lord Ainz: Yeah hope everything goes smoothly for you once you go back.

Goku: Take good care of yourself and try not to get into any trouble.

Me: Don't worry I will take good care of myself and stay away from trouble.

Sebas: We will be waiting until your return author.

Me: Good to know Sebas. But I know things will get boring here once I leave.

Aura: Yeah.....we'll still miss you though..

Me: Don't worry it's only temporal.
Ok with that said it's time to say goodbye everyone. See you guys  either in June or first week of July.

Neptune: Wait!

Me: What is it?

Neptune: Since you won't be here I though why not let the readers post dares in this section, so that when you come back you'll get things to do.

Me: Hmm....ok.....I can allow that but then that means they'll have to wait for a really long time before the dare is out.

Neptune: Oh and one more thing, it's really important!

Me: Yes?

Neptune:Bring me some extra supply of pudding when you get back.

Everybody drops to the floor anime style,except for some of the overlord cast who gave mixed reactions.

Noire: Seriously? That's the most 'important' thing you can come up with?

Neptune: At least I'm asking what I want when he gets back. Unlike you even though you'll miss him....

Noire: M-me?....I-I won't miss him...he'll be back soon, why should I miss him?..*mumbles* even though he's gonna be gone for quite a while.

Neptune: Ah there's our typical Noire.

Noire: What do you mean?


Goku: bye! See you soon.

Me: Bye!Oh and Ainz you're in charge while I'm gone even though you won't be able to interact with the readers.

Lord Ainz: Alright.

Me: Ok that's all....Bye guys..for real.
See you guys later!*waves and leaves*

Lord Ainz: ok guys Author didn't tell you this but there's going to be a new story that'll come out when author comes back home. Wanna know what it is? You'll have to find out when he gets back. Ok folks...I bid you farewell and we'll see you guys next time when author comes back.

Neptune: And we hope you readers will bring in more super crazy dares when he comes back.

Lord Ainz: Alright that ends this......

Everyone:*waves as scene goes dark*

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