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I'm back from the dead.

Chapter 08

- Mia White -

Yesterday didn't go as planned the moment Zoey arrived. When she decided to stay with Ace and I for the rest of the day, my mood soured. The way she tried to flirt with Ace while I was with them annoyed me to the point I just wanted to punch her in the face. But I didn't want to be a violent person.

When we got home, all I wanted to do was go to bed, but I also had to tell Sarah about what happened, as well as Jacob. It seems that Ace has been a bit more comfortable with Jacob hanging out with me, as long as I was with another person of course.

"I knew something was strange about her since the beginning," Sarah said.

Hopefully, Zoey doesn't do anything that bad, I don't want to start any more drama. I've had enough of that with what happened at school. Speaking of which, I heard that Mindy's brother, Austin, is doing much better. I'm glad that he's feeling better, and that he doesn't have to go through what he did again.

I woke up alone this morning, but when I looked at the nightstand when reaching for my phone, there was a letter from Ace saying that he and Ben were going out for a bit. I wanted to know where they were going, but I'm sure he'll tell me once he's back.

After taking a quick shower and changing into a fresh new pair of clothes, I went to the kitchen to see if I could find anything to eat.

"Finally, you're awake," Levi said once I entered the kitchen.

"How long have you been up?"

"A couple of hours," he replied. "Do you have any plans for today?"

I shrugged. "Unless you, me, Sarah and Jacob want to go somewhere, then no."

Opening the fridge, I grabbed the sliced watermelons in the container that Ben and Sarah cut yesterday and placed it on the counter. Unfortunately for me, the bowls were placed higher up in the cupboard so I had to grab a stool.

Short people problems. But hey, small things come in big packages.

However, before I could grab a stool, Levi already beat me to it. He chuckled when handing me the bowl. "You're so short."

I glared at him.

"You know, if you don't have any plans, why don't we go somewhere?" He suggested.

"Just the two of us?"

"Yeah... I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to."

The only reason I'm don't really want to go is because things may get awkward. I know he likes me - or at least I think he still does - and it would be weird since I'm dating his best friend. But I don't want us to be distant, Levi is my friend, and I just want things to go back to the way they used to.

"I guess it's alright."

He grinned.

Before I could say anything, Sarah walked in and sat down at the table. She looked tired, which somehow made me remember.

"Weren't you Levi's slave for the day yesterday?" I asked. "How was that?"

"Horrible!" Sarah exclaimed. "He embarrassed me more than I already have in public."

Levi laughed. "Oh, I remember that. That one guy thought you were a creep!"

"Shut up!"


"Was there anywhere in particular you wanted to go to?" I asked once we left the house. We decided to stay at the house until it was the afternoon since most activities were open then.

Levi shrugged. "Not really. I just wanted to get out of the house."

"Why didn't you go with Ace and Ben?"

"Ben and I aren't on good terms at the moment," he replied sadly. "I might have said something that's hurt his feelings and he's been ignoring me since."

"I'm sure he'll forgive you."


We walked in silence to the nearby town, and I was glad there was no awkward tension in the air. I knew that his confession would be something I wouldn't forget. I'm still surprised even if it's been months since it's happened. He's never shown an interest in me. But even after the confession, we were still able to get along.

Although, he has been distancing himself from me a bit since that day.

As we neared the town, my phone started to ring. I took it out of my back pocket and saw that it was a call from my dad. I haven't been able to talk to him since lately because of work. It's the same with my mom too, but unlike dad, she calls or texts once in a while.

"Hey, dad."

"Good afternoon sweetheart," he greeted. "Are you having a good time in Greece?"

"I am. But it's really hot."

He chuckled. "Make sure you put on sunscreen. Wouldn't want you to burn up like last time."

I cringed at the memory. Last summer we went to the beach and it was terribly hot and humid out. I don't even know how my parents convinced me to go with them. That day, I forgot to wear sunscreen and got burnt. Badly. Ever since that accident I've always made sure to put on sunscreen.

"By the way, tell Ace that I need to talk to him," dad suddenly said. "He's not picking up his phone."

"Sure, but can I ask why?"

"It's nothing. I just need to have a small chat with him."

I frowned but said that I'd tell Ace. After dad told me to stay safe and have a good time, he ended the call.

"Why don't we go on a boat ride?" Levi suggested, and having nothing else to do, I agreed.

Just as promised, I was going to tell Ace and tell him that my dad needed to talk to him. I wanted to know what it was about, but knowing that it wasn't any of my business, I took control over my curiosity. My dad said that Ace wouldn't answer his phone, but it wouldn't hurt to try and call him. When I dialled his number, it took no less than one ring for him to pick up.

"Afternoon, M'Lady," Ace chuckled.

I smiled.

"Sorry I wasn't able to be with you in the morning. Ben wanted to go somewhere with me."

"It's okay. Was it because of what happened yesterday?"

"Yeah..." he answered after a pregnant pause. "Did Levi tell you?"

"He did. Is Ben okay?"

Ace chuckled. "He's more than okay now. We're at Amoudi Bay, you know the cliff jumping he wanted to do the first day we were here?"

"I remember. Oh, my dad wanted to talk to you by the way."

"He did? Well, knowing him, I'm most likely in trouble."

"Probably," I giggled.

"I'll call you later. I love you."

"I love you too."

Eventually, Levi and I arrived and boarded the boat where it would take us to a small volcano bay where we'd we docking for about an hour and fifteen minutes. We would then go to the island of Palea Kameni for the hot springs an stay there for about thirty minutes before returning back to where we started.

Since I didn't know where Levi and I would be going today, I decided to wear my swimsuit underneath my clothes just in case.

"You think Ace will be mad that it's just the two of us?" Levi questioned, a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Maybe. If he is, I'll make sure he doesn't have your head."

"Thanks," Levi chuckled. "I hope that you don't feel uncomfortable, even after what happened."

I looked at him to see him looking straight ahead, avoiding any eye contact with me.


For the whole afternoon, Levi and I had a great time at the small volcano bay as well as the hot springs. We learned many new things, and the good news was that there was no trouble along the way or any awkwardness.

Just as we returned, I got a text from Sarah that she and Jacob were at the beach, so we decided to go join them. There was still no word from Ace of Ben. I texted him, but he hasn't replied. I tried calling Ben, but it was the same results.

After a while, the boys decided to go home while Sarah and I took a walk around town. Back then, whenever we talked, she would always end up teasing me about Ace, but now the roles have been switched.

"Shut up!" Sarah exclaimed. I laughed, making she blush a much darker shade of red. "Someone might hear you!"

"You like Ben!"

"Be quiet! Besides it's not like I can tell him."

I frowned. "Is it because..."

She sighed. "Yeah. It is. Even if he does like me back, I don't think he's ready."

Before I could reply, Sarah gasped. "Shit, hide!"

She dragged me towards a nearby wall to hide behind and told me to be quiet. I blinked a few times, trying to comprehend what was going on until she pointed towards a fabric store. My eyes widened when I saw that it was Ace with the person I didn't want him to be close with.

"Is this why he won't answer you?" Sarah questioned, annoyed. "I swear I'm going to rip his fucking—"

"Maybe they bumped into each other," I interrupted, trying to think positive. "What if it's not Zoey? She does have a twin sister."

"What was her name again? Natasha?"

"I think so."

Sarah and I kept our eyes on Ace, thing our best not to be seen. Unfortunately, we couldn't hear what they were saying, so we had to guess by what they were doing. We both agreed that it was Zoey and not Natasha since we haven't seen her in a while. She was playing with a strand of her hair as she talked to Ace, moving closer to him as she kept eye contact. A wide smile was spread across her face.

Ace had that emotionless face he always has when talking to other people besides the ones closest to him. But from time to time, I did notice he would smile a little. I tried to convince myself that it was just a friendly talk. I trust Ace, he would never hurt me. Or at least never try to hurt me. He always does things for a reason. I'm sure he'll tell me if I ask.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Sarah tapped my shoulder.

"Ace is leaving," Sarah said. "Zoey is coming our way. We should confront her."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! You want to know what going on right?"

She's right. I want to know what going on, but I'm afraid the answer I get will cause more trouble in my relationship with Ace.

"Fine. Let's go," I replied."

Sarah and I got out of our hiding place and walked back a bit so it seemed like we weren't spying on them and that we just so happened to bump into Zoey.

We walked closer to her, and as expected, she noticed.

"Hey guys," she smiled. "How have you been?

"Good," Sarah simply replied. "What are you up to?"

"Buying my sister a gift. Although it's hard because I can never guess what Natasha wants."

Sarah looked at me as if trying to tell me that she was right assuming it was Zoey.

"Where are you guys headed?" Zoey asked.

"We have a question to ask you," I said.

Zoey's eyebrows knitted together and asked why it was. She looked at me, waiting for me to ask her the question, but somehow I couldn't. Like I suddenly forgot how to speak, and Sarah noticing that, she spoke up for me.

"Do you like Ace?" Zoey looked at Sarah. "As in, do you want to be in a relationship with him."

I could feel my heart beginning to beat a little faster as we waited for her answer. Zoey's eyes moved to meet mine, making me suddenly feel a twist in my stomach.

"I'm sorry," Zoey said with a smile. "But I do like Ace. I know you're his girlfriend, but I still won't give up my feelings for him."

And with that, she said goodbye and walked passed us. Sarah looked at me with worry in her eyes. I knew she was going to ask if I was okay, or how I felt about what Zoey said, but she didn't. We walked home in silence, Sarah understanding that I didn't want to talk. However, when we did return home, I finally managed to speak up.

"Don't worry about her," Sarah spoke. "She's a million years too early to be making moves on Ace. You're childhood friends and best friends. There's no need to worry."

"Thanks, Sarah."

She smiled. "Hey, if Ace does anything stupid, just tell me and I'll kick his ass for ya."

After saying goodnight, I went into the room to find it like it was this morning. I grabbed a pair of clothes and a towel before making my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Levi and Jacob were asleep, and when I finished my shower, Ben was already knocking on the door telling me to hurry up because he needed to pee.

Once I dried my hair and put on my set of clothes, I hopped into bed and covered my body with the covered as I let all the tiredness I had take over.

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed that it was much warmer then it was when I went to bed. And that was because Ace wasn't here before. My back was touching his chest as his arms were wrapped around my waist. I turned around, ignoring the fact that he was wearing no shirt and looked at him as he slept peacefully.

I placed my hand on his cheek, caressing it with my thumb. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips before pulling my hand away.

"I love you," I whispered, and when I closed my eyes, about to go to sleep, I heard him whisper back a reply.

"I love you too."

••• - ••• - •••

How was that? Bad? I know right!

Thank you for this!

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