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Chapter 17

- Mia White -

"I think you should forgive him later," Jacob said. "It's fun seeing the all-mighty Ace King so vulnerable."

"You find that entertaining?" I asked in disbelief.

"Absolutely," Jacob and Ben said in union. I shook my head as they both laughed.

Since I promised Ben and I'd tell him about yesterday, I invited him over to my place so we could talk. Charles and Jacob also joined, along with Levi. Unfortunately, Sarah was grounded for talking back to her parents. She wouldn't be free until next week.

I was always with Ace, Ben, and Levi when I was younger, so my mom was comfortable with me hanging out with them when she wasn't here, but she did have some ground rules that I knew none of them would dare to break. You didn't want to get to my mom's bad side.

"Give Ace a chance," Charles said. "You can forgive him, but take things slow. Let him prove himself to you, and once he's done that, then maybe you guys can get back together."

"Or you could make him jealous," Ben smirked.

Charles rolled his eyes. "He's going to kill any guy that even looks at her in a more friendly way."

"You don't know that."

"This is Ace we're talking about," Charles started. "You know he's going to."

Giving us a smile, Ben shrugged his shoulders before skipping his way to the kitchen. Aside from his ridiculous suggestion, Charles did have a valid point. I've already forgiven Ace, and it's going to take a while for him to convince me that he'll keep his word. But I hate myself because even though he went behind my back, I still want to be with him, whether he proves himself or not.

That's love I guess. Complicated.

Having nothing else to do, Levi, Charles, Ben, and I played monopoly, which quickly turned into a very competitive game. That's right, monopoly doesn't bring us closer, it makes us turn against each other.

Although Jacob wasn't playing, he was helping Charles as they both slowly started to win the game. There was a lot of yelling, screaming, crying, and laughing. The best part was when Ben had didn't have enough money and had to give all his properties to Team Charles.

He pretended not to land on one of their properties, but Jacob caught him.

"You were right here!" Jacob yelled, pointing at B. & O. Railroad. "No, you fucking bullshitter!"

We couldn't stop laughing as Ben and Jacob started to argue. Jacob grabbed Ben's icon and placed it on Pacific Avenue, one of the many properties Team Charles owned with a hotel.

"You're fucked," Levi laughed as Jacob started to take all of Ben's properties since he couldn't pay up.

Even after the game ended, we all played a few more rounds. I didn't play for one of them since I remembered I still had chores to do, and because Sarah had called me to let me know she got her phone back.

After hours of being in the house, we decided to go to the mall. It was packed as always, but it wasn't too crowded. Jacob dragged us from store to store, looking at different clothing brands and trying to find a new outfit. We all went our separate ways, but we were still all together. If that makes sense.

Levi, Ben and I left the couple alone while we walked around. Surprisingly, the twins were getting along. Usually Ben would annoy his brother to the best of his ability, but it seems like he's taking a day off from that.

The three of us entered a gaming store, Ben convincing us that he needed to buy another video game even though we all knew Ben didn't even bring money with him. As I was looking through the various types of video games, someone tapped my shoulder.

"I went over to Ace's house yesterday," Levi said. "He seemed really happy."

I smiled. "Really?"

"Really. Did you two get back together and not tell us?"

"No, we're not together," I answered.

"Yet?" Levi smirked.

Rolling my eyes, I searched for something Ben would like to play. He liked any games with guns and fighting involved so it wouldn't be that hard to find one he liked.

"Even though Ace is a dick, he does love you. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, I do."

"And I know how much you love him."

I chuckled. "Way too much."

Levi grabbed the game I was holding and placed it back on the self. When my eyes met his, there was nothing held but seriousness.

"The thing is, the person you love, no matter how good they may be to you, will hurt you. No one's perfect, and people make mistakes all the time. But willing to understand mistakes and forgive each other is what makes a relationship stronger. You may not realize it now, but you're also at fault."

I raised a brow. "How?"

"Why did Ace lie to you in the first place?"

"He wanted to protect me?" I answered, but it was more of a question.

"Right. Although his method wasn't the best, he did it for you," Levi stated, giving me a small smile. "Lately, you've been so caught up on what he did that hurt you, that you're also not realizing that you're hurting him as well."

"His way of trying to protect you wasn't the best, but his intentions were good. Look at his point of view, and try to understand that the things he did were to keep you out of harm's way."

Before I could reply, Ben cut in and begged Levi to buy the video game he held in his hands. His brother sighed and told Ben he'd pay for another one of his stupid games if he gets in line.

"It's not stupid," Ben muttered before walking away.

Rolling his eyes, Levi looked at me. "Why don't the two of you hang out again? He does need to prove himself to you."

I chuckled. "Thanks for the mini lecture."

"Anytime." He winked.

Once Levi paid for the game, we headed to the food court, deciding that we'd go home after getting something to eat. After a while, Jacob and Charles joined us. By the many bags they held, they shopped till they dropped.

As usual, Ben made a big mess after throwing fries up in the air and trying to catch it with his mouth. He failed multiple times, making his brother laugh at his lack of success. They yet again had another small argument that made heads turn towards us, but by now, I was used to the unwanted stares we revived.

"Hey, look! It's Mindy," Ben said, pointing at a few tables across from us.

"Don't point," Levi scoffed.

"Shut up."

"You're the one who talks every damn minute."

"No, I—" Ben started before Levi shoved a bunch of fried in his mouth.

"Welp, now she sees us," Jacob sighed.

Mindy smiled, awkwardly waving at us. Not knowing how to react, I did the same. She looked down at her phone before looking back at me. She nervously bit her lip, and by her expression, it seemed to be in deep thoughts. Her eyes went back on me, my brows furrowing together in confusion as she suddenly stood up and walked her way over here.

"Everyone act cool," Ben whispered as Mindy walked closer.

"Hey," Mindy said, offering a gentle smile. "I um, hate to interrupt, but can I talk to you for a minute, Mia?"

I could feel all eyes on me as everyone waited for my answer. "Of course." I smiled.

I got off from my chair and followed Mindy as she led me back to her table. We both sat down across from each other. There was a moment of silence before Mindy sighed as decided to speak her mind.

"I just wanted to thank you again for everything you've done. For freeing my brother and I from our father," she breathed. "I also wanted to apologize again for the things I've done to you and your friends. Especially Ace. None of you should've been through any of that—"

"And you shouldn't have either," I interrupted. "You did want you thought as best to protect your brother. You did everything for him, to keep him safe."

Just like how Ace did everything for me.

Mindy smiled. "I know we're not close and all, but just know that if you need help with anything, don't be afraid to ask me. For everything you've done for me and my family, it's the least I can do."

"Thanks, Mindy."

"I'll see you around?" She asked.

"Definitely," I replied.


It was getting late, and after we were all done at the food court, we went home. Jacob went with Charles while I went with the twins. Levi and I were waiting for Ben at the car since he said he needed to go the bathroom. But it's already been fifteen minutes. Was he taking a shit or did he have too many drinks?

"Where the fuck were you?" Levi asked as Ben got in the car. When he didn't answer, Levi was about to say something else before he stopped himself.

Ben looked worried, almost scared.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked at me then at Levi, before telling us to follow with him. We got out of the car, and once Levi locked it, Ben led us further into the parking lot. I asked Ben where he was taking us, be he said that I'd know soon. Eventually, Ben's stopped and hit behind one of the many cars so Levi and I did the same.

"There," Ben said, pointing that the dark blue truck.

I narrowed my eyes, trying to figure out the people though the dark, and when I realized who it was, something inside me started to build up. It was Zoey and Louis.

"What's she doing here?" I asked a bit harshly.

"No fucking clue," Ben answered as Levi took out his phone. He was rapidly texting someone.

"Ace," Levi said, looking at me as if he knew I was about to ask who he was texting. He put his phone back in his pocket before grabbing both me and Ben.

"Come on, we need to go to Ace's house."

Levi quickly drove to Ace's house, driving as fast as he can but without breaking the speed limits. We were there in a short amount of time, and before I could even take out my seatbelt, my door was swung open.

"Are you okay?" Ace asked concern laced in his voice as he looked for any signs of injury.

"I'm fine," I reassured him, giving him a small smile. He sighed in relief before helping me get out of the car.

"Levi said it was an emergency," Ace said. "I thought you were hurt or something worse happened to you."

Of course he thought that.

I followed Ace as he walked to the living room. I sat at one of the couches beside Ben while Ace sat across from us. Levi didn't seem like he wanted to sit and talk, so he remained standing.

"What's this all about?" Ace asked, looking at Levi. "And get straight to the point."

"We saw Louis and Zoey."

Ace's eye twitched. "You saw them? Here?"

"Yes, and yes," Ben answered.

Ace glared at Ben before his eyes landed on me. His eyes softened before he closed them and let out a frustrated sigh. "This is becoming the worst fucking summer ever."

"No shit," Ben replied.

Ace groaned. "Okay, this is the plan. I'm going to deal with Louis, and you two" he said, pointing at the twins "will deal with Zoey and all the shit that comes with her."

Ben's mouth dropped while Levi shrugged and agreed. "I have to deal with that monster!"

"You've got a problem with that?" Ace challenged, arching a brow.

Ben opened his mouth to say something, but he quickly retreated, grumbling a "fine."

"Good. Now if you see any of them, together or not, you are to inform me right away."

"Wow, speaking like a true leader now?" Ben chuckled.

Glaring at Ben, Ace stood up and told me to follow him. As we walked towards the kitchen, I turned around to see Ben giving me a thumbs up and Levi smiling in amusement.

When we were alone and Ben and Levi were out of sight, Ace turned around. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded. "I'm fine. Nothing happened."

He took a step closer to me but making sure that there was enough distance between us. "Well, since Louis and Zoey are now in sight, I can't you to be extra careful, okay?"

"And if I'm not?"

"Mia..." Ace said in a warning tone.

I sighed. "You know I'll be careful. Don't want you hunting down whoever hurt me and end murdering them."

Ace smiled knowing that I was right. Idiot.

Soon, his smile suggested turned into a smirk. His eyes travelled from my lips to my eyes, and we both knew what he badly wanted to do.

I chuckled. "Not today."

Ace frowned. "Tomorrow?"


"What do I have to do in order to kiss you again? Sing you a song? Because I can do that," he stated. "I'll do anything."

"You sure about that?"

"Anything," he repeated.

"Don't lie to me again."


"Prove it."

••• - ••• - •••

So. Zoey and Louis eh? How did you feel about that? 😏😂

Do you think Mindy should have a second chance?

Thank you to @astrophelle.mica02 & @WHATTASSIGHT for these covers! ❤️

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