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Chapter 13

- Ace King -

I haven't talked to or seen Mia since we came back home. I tried calling her, but it would either go right to voicemail or Sarah would pick up. Texting her didn't work either since she'd just read them without replying. I went to her house every day in hopes that she'd open the door, but I'd always end up sitting at her doorstep for more than an hour.

For every visit, I'd leave a vase full of flowers as part of my apology. I knew that it wasn't going to be enough, but hopefully, she'd think about speaking to me at least once. When her mom was home when I asked to visit Mia, she'd would always say that Mia was busy or that she's at Sarah's house. She probably knew that Mia and I were on bad terms right now, but didn't know why.

While I've been trying to get Mia to forgive me, I've also been doing what Mr White instructed me to do; comfort my mom and eventually, visit and talk to my father.

After placing the base of flowers on Mia's doorstep, I went home and helped my mom as best as I could. She was still depressed about the whole thing. How dad cheated on her.

Dad was always there for her through thick and thin. He kept her safe from any harm and would help her with anything she needed. She loved him as much as anyone could love anyone. She trusted him. He was the love of her life, and he betrayed her.

After a long talk, I was finally able to get her to go outside. Little by little, she was starting to smile again. Now, Mom would leave the house more often and hang out with her friends or spend some time alone. I'm glad that she's feeling better, and hopefully, she'll be able to move on.

Every day after I went home, I'd try and contact Mia as best as I could, even when I knew she wasn't going to answer. There would be times I'd stay up all night, texting and calling her, but all that effort ended with the same results. I hated not talking or seeing Mia for more than a day or two, but I knew she needed time to herself. I had to remind myself to think about her feelings as well.

I'd hate it if Mia kept secrets from me. Especially if she was hanging out with another guy.

But that's exactly what I did.

"This is why you're an asshole," Ben claimed as he continued to eat his bucket of chicken.

Unfortunately, Ben was the only person I could talk to right now. Sarah was obviously pissed off with me for hurting Mia, Levi was busy with fixing the wall Ben broke when he was drunk, and since I didn't have any other friends that I like, Ben was the only one left.

Well, at least until he and Levi went to the mall this afternoon.

It wasn't like I hated him, he just says whatever was running through his mind. I mean, it was good that he's not shy to speak his mind, but sometimes it was fucking annoying.

"Hey, have you been, crying?"


"Have you been crying?" He repeated.


Ben raised a brow. "You have got to learn how to stop lying. It's gonna ruin a part of your life."

It already has.

"Fine! Yes, I have," I sighed heavily. I can't believe I admitted that front of Ben.

Ben, of all people.

Ben was surprised by my confession knowing that I wasn't one to cry. Nor ever admit it. I knew Ben would notice eventually. My eyes looked dead, almost empty if I looked close enough in the mirror. There were bags under my eyes from all the sleepless nights and the tears I shed as I kept recalling memories I didn't want to remember.

The look on Mia's face when we had that fucking argument. Every time I was reminded of it, pain cut through me, as if I had been shot with multiple bullets to the heart. Knowing that I was the cause of her pain, made the feeling worse. I was the one who was there to stop the tears, and now I was the one responsible for them.

Ben sighed and placed his bucket of chicken on the table before licking the tips of his fingers clean. It was clear he was too lazy to get off of the couch to wash his hands. "Just tell her the truth."

"You know I can't."

"Bullshit. You can, and you know it. You're just scared she'll get hurt. She has the right to know, especially at this point. I know you want to protect her, but while you were busy trying to keep her from harm, you didn't realize you were starting to ruin your relationship with her until it was too late."

"Geez, when did you start being wise?"

"Just tell her before things start getting worse," he said, completely ignoring my comment. "Because I really don't want you guys to break up. Who am I gonna make fun of and ruin sweet moments for?"

His phone suddenly rang, and he picked it up, checking who texted him before saying Levi was outside the house waiting for him. As he walked outside the door, he said "good luck" before closing it.


I need the luck.

I tried calling Mia this morning, and I was happy when she had finally picked up. But instead of hearing Mia's voice, I heard Sarah's. She told me that she'd prevent me from talking to Mia until I was going to tell her everything, which, at the time, I wasn't so sure of.

But Ben was right, and I can't believe I'm taking his advice.


It's been a few hours since Ben left, and all I've been thinking about was a way to apologize to Mia if she is - hopefully - willing to listen to me.

I wanted to tell her everything, why I was with Zoey especially. The only thing I did when I was with Zoey was ask her questions about Louis—her ex-boyfriend. Zoey didn't mind and answered most of my questions, which benefited on my side. I knew Zoey liked me, and during the time we were together, she would flirt with me and try to show off.

I had told her that I wasn't interested since I already have Mia. And she's all I need. However, I'm not sure Zoey got the message. It was starting to get annoying, and I really wanted to leave her, but there was one question she refused to answer.

Who he had the affair with.

It was a hard question to answer, even ask. I remember her going silent before saying she didn't know who the person was—being too shocked from the scene in front of her to even see the face. I knew it was bad of me to pressure her into telling me, but I needed as much information on Louis as I can. And perhaps the person he slept with had connections that we needed.

I sighed, and stood up from the couch and made my way upstairs to my room. Grabbing my keys from the desk, I headed out the front door before locking it behind me. Hopefully, Mia was home and she'd give me a chance to explain. As I walked closer to her house, I got a call from Mr White.

"Have you talked to your father yet?"

I scoffed. "No. I've been busy."

"With what? Breaking my daughter's heart?"

I frowned, and having nothing to say, he continued speaking. "Make sure to make amends with her. I wouldn't want to hurt my future son-in-law."

"How can I make amends if she keeps avoiding me?"

"That's your job to figure out."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks," I said before the call ended.

Well, he's no help.

Honestly, it surprises me that Mr White hasn't done anything to me for hurting his beloved daughter. I'm sure deep down he's pretty pissed about this whole situation, but since he had an understanding of why I was in this mess in the first place, I won't have to witness my girlfriend's father try to kill me.

Seeing Mia's house, I went to the front door before pressing the doorbell. I waited for a few seconds before trying again when no one answered. Either Mia's ignoring it, or she's not home. And if she's not home... then fuck. She's probably at Sarah's place. Running back home, I unlocked my car and quickly drove over to Sarah's house.

As I got out of the car, I saw Ben walk out the door.

"I thought you were with Levi?"

"I was. But her dad's car broke down and I decided to help," he shrugged. "I thought you were going to see Mia."

"She's not home."

Before Ben could reply, Sarah came rushing out the door with a very annoyed expression on her face. "What are you doing here?" she asked, looking at me as if I was the most disgusting human being on earth.

"I came to see Mia."

"Do you want me to slap you again?"

"No," I said just as Ben started laughing. "Just let me talk Mia. I came here to explain."

Sarah's eyes narrowed at mine as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Everything?"

I sighed. "Everything."

"Ya know, even if you do tell her, I'm still not letting you off the hook."

"Noted. So can I see her?"

"She's not here," Ben said. "Levi and I met up with them so she's probably with Levi."

My eyes widened, and looking at Sarah's expression, I knew she just realized why I was so shocked. We knew Levi had liked Mia for a long time, and strong feelings like that can never just be shaken off. Knowing that they were alone...

Sarah chuckled. "Better not mess things up, Ace. Your princess might be taken away."

••• - ••• - •••

I'm sorry it's so short! And I apologize for any spelling mistakes. Feel free to correct me, I won't mind :)

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Thank you Omyc Perez for these! ❤️

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