8 | kudos to kwamis

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Marinette knew without a shadow of a doubt that Adrien was Chat Noir but finding Tikki and Plagg nestled together on one of her pillows as she came out of the shower wrapped in a towel only further confirmed what she already knew.

"Plagg," She addressed him with little-to-no emotion in her voice, startling both of the kwamis which seemed to be having a quiet, reunion with a piece of cheese to share in between them—even though Marinette knew her kwami well enough to know that Tikki would never eat something as repulsive as camembert. "Why is there cheese on my bed?"

The kwami in question sprung into the air, his eyes blown wide as he hovered timidly with the piece of cheese clutched tightly between his paws. "Marinette! Uh. I can explain all of this—"

He looked as if he'd been caught in the act of doing something wrong, because there was a pretty good chance Adrien had already given his kwami a lecture about staying hidden, so it was only to Plagg's horror that he believed he'd gotten caught. The sight had Marinette grinning against her own will.

"It's okay." Tikki assured him as she came up to float beside him. "Marinette already knows."

"What?" Plagg spared a very quick, uncertain glance between Tikki and her holder, before his gaze landed entirely on Marinette. "You already know Adrien is Chat Noir?"

Marinette didn't even hesitate on her answer. "Yes."

Plagg didn't seem too surprised by that revelation—as if he knew his holder was stupid enough to blow his cover that easily. "How did you find out?"

"I overheard him talking to Nino." Marinette shrugged, not feeling at all ashamed that she had eavesdropped on them that night. "Their conversation consisted of the fact that Adrien is Chat Noir... and Nino already knew that, apparently."

It wasn't hard to miss Plagg's wince. "Yeah... about that—"

She didn't let him finish his train of thought. "How long has Nino known?"

Plagg swallowed uncomfortably. "For years." He admitted hesitantly.

Marinette huffed out a bitter laugh. "Of course. So that means Alya must know as well?"

Her theory was confirmed when Plagg didn't answer, instead his gaze averting to Tikki's, as if seeking for her help. But Tikki remained silent as well, her small frown an indication that none of this was meant to be discovered like it was currently being unraveled.

"Why am I not surprised?" Marinette chuckled resentfully. "They both know who he is—they've known for years, yet when we were together, no matter how many times I begged, he wouldn't tell me who he was. I guess Adrien trusts them more than he trusts Marinette."

"No! It's not like that!" Plagg tried to assure her with urgency in his voice, but Marinette wasn't sure how much of his words she would actually believe. "He never told them—they found out on their own! Well... Alya found out, and then she told Nino, and then they both confronted Adrien about it. But he never told them."

Even if that were true, there were too many unanswered questions to give Adrien the benefit of the doubt. "If they found out, why didn't they tell me?"

"They figured it wasn't their place to tell." Plagg answered her sadly. "They wanted Adrien to tell you for himself. You deserved to hear it from him. They did everything they could to try to make him stay, though. So, did I. But all of our advice seemed to fall on deaf ears."

Marinette wanted to argue against that, because she didn't think Adrien hadn't listened simply because he hadn't understood. She believed he hadn't listened because he didn't care. And if he really didn't care, did he ever care about their relationship? The fun times they shared, or even the intimate ones? Did all of that mean nothing to him?

"You can't make someone stay who doesn't want to stay."

The look Plagg offered her was a sorrowful one. For some reason, it portrayed absolute guilt, even though the kwami of destruction had nothing to feel guilty for. None of this was his fault. Adrien's decisions were not Plagg's fault.

She felt bad for making him feel that way. So instead, Marinette forced herself to smile. She sat at the edge of her bed, the mattress slightly dipping with her movements as she used one hand to keep her towel in place while the other extended out towards Plagg. Already laced with emotions of guilt and nervousness, the kwami in question seemed to relax at the welcoming gesture and floated towards her, softly landing in the palm of her hand. Using her thumb, Marinette gently stroked his head, earning her a few satisfied purrs from Plagg.

"It's good to see you, Plagg." She said softly. And she meant it. "I've missed you."

He offered her a fond smile, his eyes softening. "I've missed you too, Marinette."

Her smile widened genuinely. "How was America? Did it treat you well?"

"Oh, it was wonderful!" Plagg seemed to perk up at this, eager to tell her all about it. His thoughts about feeling guilty she assumed had already vanished with his mind clearly focused somewhere else. "The food was great, the sights were unbelievable, and the living conditions were top-of-the-notch! But I have to admit, it doesn't beat Paris."

"Can anywhere really beat Paris?" Tikki interjected teasingly from her spot on the pillow.

The two kawmis laughed at that, and Marinette found herself chuckling along. There was no way any place could beat the city of love itself. And speaking of love...

Marinette's smile slowly fell into a sad one. "I... I actually wanted to introduce you to Emilie. I want you two to meet."

"Your daughter?" Plagg's eyes widened slightly in surprise, seemingly excited even at the notion, though she could tell the uncertainty he carried about the idea too also clouded his better judgement. "Are you sure you want her to meet me? Being Adrien's kwami and all—"

"I want Emilie to properly meet Adrien too."

That seemed to take the kwami of destruction by surprise. "You do?"

She nodded. "Eventually. But right now, I'm still somewhat upset with him—"

"Which you can't be blamed for." Tikki tried to placate, but Marinette hardly paid her any mind. In fact, since she had every right to be upset with him, she also had every right to give him a little taste of the same medicine Chat Noir had given to her for years.

"So... since I'm still upset with him, do you know what I did?"

"Oh no." Plagg's ears fell flat against his head the moment her smirk widened. "What have you done to our poor, oblivious boy?"

"Oblivious? Yeah, he is. But sympathy?" Marinette wanted to laugh at that. "He doesn't exactly deserve that. So, I decided to play around with him for the time being. I asked him how his trip to the states was as Marinette."

"You—you—wait but Marinette doesn't—oh..." And suddenly, it must've clicked in Plagg's head. His eyes seemed to widen as realization dawned on him.

Marinette nodded as her smirk only further widened. "Yeah. Genius, isn't it?"

"That's a bit cruel, don't you think?" Tikki asked, her small frown indicating that she didn't exactly approve of this plan... or the lies that would be behind it.

The ravenette rolled her eyes, shrugging, "I wouldn't say cruel. Maybe unfair. But life is unfair. And you know what? Chat Noir and Adrien were both unfair to me for many years. Consider this as payback for all the stuff he's put me through."

"But getting revenge isn't the answer, Marinette." Tikki argued.

"I like this plan." Plagg interjected before Marinette could respond—which she was glad he had, considering the next words that were on the tip of her tongue would probably not have been the nicest words to say to her kwami. Tikki instantly turned to glare at Plagg, who simply waved off her disapproval with a mirthless chuckle. "What? It's funny and I'm so ready to get a good laugh out of this. Plus, after everything that's gone down, don't you think Adrien should work for it?"

"Yes. Of course I think he should work for it." Tikki said. "But there are better ways to work for his redemption than to be dragged through a dupe."

"Uh hello? He duped me." Marinette frowned at her kwami, unsure as to why Tikki was even taking Adrien's side. Tikki knew just as well as anyone who knew Marinette well that Chat Noir's leave had taken a heavy toll on Marinette—that him continually putting off revealing himself to her had hurt her in more ways than she could possibly describe.

"I'm not saying what he did was right." Tikki answered softly.

"You're missing the point, Tikki." Marinette rubbed at her temples. "The point is that Adrien had his chance to be truthful multiple times and yet he chose to lie to me. I'm not going to just admit who I am and just let him slowly walk back into my life. Because of what he did, he deserves the consequences."

"And I agree." Plagg added wholeheartedly. "Adrien knew what he was doing. He had a lot of people advising him to do differently. I think what Marinette is doing is valid."

"Well... I don't think it's valid." Tikki folded her little arms across her chest. "Because the main focus here should be what's best for Emma—not revenge."

"Don't try and tell me what's best for my daughter." Marinette said lowly. "All her life, that's all I've ever given her. The best I can provide. I know what's best for her."

That seemed to offend Tikki. The little kwami's eyes narrowed further, her frown deepening. "Marinette, Emma needs a father in her life. That's what's best for her, and if you disagree, I'm going to question where your priorities might lie."

"Nino has been an amazing father figure—"

"Of course he has, but he isn't her father, and Emma knows that!"

Marinette could do nothing except glare at her stubborn kwami. "I couldn't care less if Adrien is Emma's biological father. Sharing blood means nothing to me. He's going to have to prove to me that he can be a good father for her if he wants to be a part of her life, and I get to decide when he's allowed that opportunity. That's my decision to make, and you need to respect that."

Tikki's prominent frown was enough to indicate that her mind would not be changed, but so was Marinette's. And Marinette could easily match her kwami's disapproval.

No other words were exchanged between kwami and holder. After their unpleasant stare-down, Tikki huffed out a clearly audible unpleased breath, and then she was off, phasing through the closed bedroom door. Marinette relaxed slightly the moment her kwami was gone... relieved even that Tikki had dropped it for the time being.

Plagg, on the other hand, seemed surprised. "Sugarcube seems to be a lot feistier than I remember." He commented idly.

Marinette found herself smiling slightly at that. She loved Tikki—she really did, and sometimes, she really appreciated the kwami's advice. But other times, she sometimes wished Tikki would be on her side even when she disagreed.

"She just... doesn't seem to think my judgement is a good one this time around."

"I think you're doing the right thing." Plagg said, and she knew it was his way of trying to comfort her—to reassure her that he agreed with her way of thinking. "I think you have every right to use the method you're using, and I don't think you should feel bad for it either."

That cracked a grin on her lips. "Thanks, Plagg."

He smiled, coming beside her to nuzzle her cheek. His cheese had long ago been abandoned on her pillow. "This might seem insensitive for me to say, but could you hurry up and get dressed so I can meet the little blonde already!"

That had Marinette bursting into laughter, and quickly hurrying back into the bathroom so that she could change. When she returned minutes later in cozy pajamas, she told Plagg to stay in her room as she headed over to Emma's to fetch her daughter.

She found her daughter already tucked in bed—as if the little girl had done it herself. There was a opened book in her lap, and when she heard her bedroom door creak open, she quickly looked up with a beaming smile. "Hi mama."

"Hi mon chéri." Marinette smiled as she sat on the edge of her daughter's bed. The book that sat opened in her lap she recognized was the novel The Little Prince—though, she knew her daughter was still learning to read, yet she had a pretty good feeling she was still enjoying the pictures nonetheless. "Are you busy? There's someone I would like you to meet."

"Nope! I'm free." Emma excitedly shut the book in her lap, the story all but abandoned. "A new friend? Is this another one of your friends?"

"Yes, he is." Marinette said as she helped her daughter remove her sheets.

Emma stood on her bed, impatiently extending her arms towards her mother. Marinette stood and picked her daughter up, cradling the little girl into her chest.

"Why are all of your friends boys?" Was the first question that was curiously mumbled against her shoulder.

Marinette snorted loudly at that, slowly making her way out of her daughter's bedroom. Emma's head had lolled onto her shoulder already, which she figured was a clear sign that her daughter was starting to feel sleepy. Marinette hoisted her up the moment she felt her starting to slide down, hoping the jostle would keep her awake long enough to be introduced to Plagg.

"Not all of my friends are boys." Marinette tried to defend herself with a phrase that could be true... or it could be false. She did have a lot of guy friends...

"You have Uncle Nino, Adrien, this new friend, and Luka. Auntie Alya is your only girl friend."

A fond smile pulled at Marinette's lips at the mention of Luka. She hadn't heard that name in quite a while, and she was honestly surprised that her daughter still remembered him.

"Okay, true. But Alya isn't my only girl friend." Marinette tsked playfully. "I've got a few others from high-school. Like Rose, Alix, Juleka, Mylene... Kagami—"

Her daughter interrupted her with a massive sigh. "Well... I've never met them."

"Yes, you have, silly." Marinette pressed a chaste kiss to her daughter's temple. "You were just really little, so you don't remember. We haven't seen them in a long time."

She softly wedged open the bedroom door with her foot, closing it behind her just as quietly as she entered.

Emma yawned against her mother's shoulder. "Was I a tiny baby when I met them?"

Marinette chuckled softly, "Yes you were."

In fact, the last time Marinette had been together with all of her friends had been when she'd given birth to Emilie. They all came down to visit her in the hospital, each of them getting a chance to hold her fairly newborn baby.

Marinette set Emma down gently on the bed. Her little girl already seemed to be falling to sleep, especially since her head kept bobbing off to the right. Marinette chuckled softly with a shake of her head as she sat down beside her, and when Plagg came to float in front of them, all thoughts of sleep seemed to vanish as Emma's eyes widened in awe.

"Emma, this is my friend, Plagg. Plagg, this is my daughter, Emilie."

"Your friend is a kwami?" In absolute awe at the being she had only heard of in stories, little Emma simply extended her arms, her hands cupped together. Plagg seemed to understand her silent request without any words exchanged as he landed softly in her palms. Within seconds, she brought him closer to her. "You didn't tell me your friend was a kwami."

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Marinette said as she watched her daughter's reaction fondly.

"She knows about kwamis?" Plagg's question was directed at Marinette, his gaze shifting over to her.

But Marinette could only part her lips slightly before her daughter decided to answer for her. "Of course I do. You are the kwami of destruction. Mama has the kwami of creation. I know all about how your powers go together. Mama has told me lots of stories of her adventures with Chat Noir. You're still his kwami, right? You should have been in the miracle box with all the others, but the other kwamis say that you like to break the rules."

Marinette couldn't help but laugh. Her daughter's rambling was too adorable to ignore—mostly because it reminded her so much of herself.

A grin pulled at Plagg's lips in a matter of seconds. "I like this girl already."

And that was how Emma and Plagg began their everlasting friendship. It didn't take long for Emma to warm up to Plagg as easily as she had with the other kwamis, nor did she stutter as she told Plagg that she knew her mother was Ladybug... and was the only one who knew. Of course, it was only natural for Plagg to sputter out at how ridiculous that sounded... entrusting her secret with her four-year-old daughter.

But what could she say? The best she had to offer in response to that was a sheepish grin.

After all, it was impossible to live a double life and hide it from your too observant four-year-old.


I'm sorry for taking a little longer with this one. I recently adopted a baby miniature-potbelly pig who has been taking up a lot of my attention. Plus, you know... work. Ugh

But anyways... tune in for chapter 9 (I pray it comes sooner than later) where Luka enters the scene to reunite with old friends. Adrien quickly catches on that Marinette and Luka used to date at one point, jealously ensues, and Marinette watches it all unfold with a bag of popcorn.


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